Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 31

एवं श्रुत्वा स संवादं लक्ष्मणः पूर्वमागतः। वाष्पपर्याकुलमुखः शोकं सोढुमशक्नुवन् ॥ स भ्रातुश्चरणौ गाढं निपीड्य रघुनन्दनः। सीतामुवाचातियशां राघवं च महाव्रतम्॥
Hearing this conversation, Laksmana, who had gone there before, with tears in his eyes and being unable to bear this terrible sorrow, took hold of his brother's feet and spoke thus to that greatly renowned Sītā and Rāghava.

यदि गन्तुं कृता बुद्धिर्वनं मृगगजायुतम्। अहं त्वानुगमिष्यामि वनमग्रे धनुर्धरः॥
If you are resolved to repair to the forest filled with deer and elephants, I shall accompany you, always going before with bows in my hands.

मया समेतोऽरण्यानि रम्याणि विचरिष्यसि। पक्षिभिर्भूङ्गयूथैश्च संघुष्टानि समन्ततः॥
You shall range with me in that charming pare of the forest which resounds with the music of the birds and the humming of the bees.

न देवलोकाक्रमणं नामरत्वमहं वृणे। ऐश्वर्यं चापि लोकानां कामये न त्वया विना ॥
Alienated from you I do not long for the abode of the celestials, nor for eternal life, nor for the wealth of the three regions.

एवं ब्रुवाणः सौमित्रिर्वनवासाय निश्चितः। रामेण बहुभिः सान्त्वैर्निषिद्धः पुनरब्रवीत्॥
The son of Sumitrā, who spoke thus and was determined upon going to the forest, being repeatedly requested by Rāma with consoling words to desist from his purpose, spoke to him the following words.

अनुज्ञास्तु भवता पूर्वमेव यदस्म्यहम्। किमिदानी पुनरपि क्रियते मे निवारणम्॥
Formerly you did order me to follow you; and why do you prevent me now from accompanying you to the forest.

यदर्थं प्रतिषेधो मे क्रियते गन्तुमिच्छतः। एतदिच्छामि विज्ञातुं संशयो हि ममानघ ॥
I want to learn, Oh sinless one, why you do prevent me now from following you. I entertain a grave doubt in this.

ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजा रामो लक्ष्मणमग्रतः। स्थितं प्राग्गामिनं धीरं याचमानं कृताञ्जलिम्॥
Then the highly effulgent Rāma spoke thus to that sedate Lakşmaņa, who stood praying before him with clasped hands.

स्निग्धो धर्मरतो धीरः सततं सत्पथे स्थितः। प्रियः प्राणसमोवश्यो विजेयश्च सखा च मे॥
You are sedate, fond of virtue, of peaceful temper, and you walk always in the paths of righteousness. I hold you dear as my life and you are obedient to me and are my friend.

मयाद्य सह सौमित्रे त्वयि गच्छति तद्वनम्। को भजिष्यति कौसल्यां सुमित्रां वा यशस्विनीम्॥
If you do accompany me to you forest, O son of Sumitrā, who shall serve Kausalyā and the highly renowned Sumitrā.

अभिवर्षति कामैर्यः पर्जन्यः पृथिवीमिव। स कामपाशपर्यस्तो महातेजा महीपतिः॥
That highly effulgent lord of earth who will satisfy the world with the fulfilment of its desires like to rain spreading in showers over the earth, is himself now shackled with desires to Kaikeyi.

सा हि राज्यमिदं प्राप्य नृपस्याश्वपतेः सुता। दुःखितानां सपत्नीनां न करिष्यति शोभनम् ॥
That daughter of Aśvapati obtaining this kingdom from the monarch, there will be no end of the miseries of these co-wives.

न भरिष्यति कौसल्यां सुमित्रां च सुदुःखिताम्। भरतो, राज्यमासाद्य कैकेय्यां पर्यवस्थितः॥
Bharata attaining the throne and siding his mother, Kaikeyī will never think of Kausalyā or Sumitrā sore distressed with grief.

तामार्यां स्वयमेवेह राजानुग्रहणेन वा। सौमित्रे भर कौसल्यामुक्तमर्थममुं चर॥
Do you therefore, Oh son of Sumitrā, live here of your won accord or by the favour of the monarch, and maintain these worshipful ones.

एवं मयि च ते भक्तिर्भविष्यति सुदर्शिता। धर्मज्ञगुरुपूजायां धर्मश्चाप्यतुलो महान्॥
If you do act thus, it will be showing your best regard in me. O you, versed in the knowledge of religion, real virtue consists in the adoration of superiors.

सौमित्रे मत्कृते रघुनन्दन। अस्माभिर्विप्रहीणाया मातुर्नो न भवेत् सुखम्॥
Do this oh son of Sumitrā, for my sake; if we all go away leaving her aside, she will not be happy in any way.

एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः श्लक्ष्णया गिरा। प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्॥
Accosted thus by Rama, Laksmana, well versed in speech, spoke to him the following humble words.

तवैव तेजसा वीर भरतः पूजयिष्यति। कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च प्रयतो नास्ति संशयः॥
Being afraid of your power, O hero, Bharata shall adore. Kausalyā and Sumitrā, there is no doubt about this.

यदि दुःस्थो न रक्षेत भरतो राज्यमुत्तमम्। प्राप्य दुर्मनसा वीर गर्वेण च विशेषतः॥ तमहं दुर्मतिं क्रूरं वधिष्यामि न संशयः। तत्पक्षानपि तान् सर्वास्त्रैलोक्यमपि किं तु सा॥ कौसल्या बिभृयादार्या सहस्रं मद्विधानपि। एवं कुरुष्व यस्याः सहस्रं ग्रामाणां सम्प्राप्तमुपजीविनाम्॥ तदात्मभरणे चैव मम मातुस्तथैव च। पर्याप्ता मद्विधानां च भरणाय मनस्विनी॥
If that wicked Bharata obtaining this excellent kingdom, does not maintain and take care of them, being impelled by haughtiness and wicked impulses, surely shall I kill him, that wickedminded one, though he be assisted by the entire population of the three regions. Besides that worshipful Kausalya, who has made grants of many thousand villages to her servants, can maintain thousands of people like us, and has enough to maintain herself as well as my mother.

कुरुष्व मामनुचरं वैधवें नेह विद्यते। कृतार्थोहं भविष्यामि तव चार्थः प्रकल्प्यते॥
Do you therefore-permit me to follow you; there will be no breach of virtue in this, and I shall have my desires attained and your interests shall be secured.

धनुरादाय सगुणं खनित्रपिटकाधरः। अग्रतस्ते गमिष्यामि पन्थानं तव दर्शयन्॥
I shall go before you pointing out your course, with stringed bows, a hoe, and a basket in my hands.

आहरिष्यामि ते नित्यं मूलानि च फलानि च। वन्यानि च तथान्यानि स्वाहा णि तपस्विनाम्॥
I shall bring for you every day various roots and fruits and other that grow in the forest and which the ascetics use in their sacrifice.

भवांस्तु सह वैदेह्या गिरिसानुषु रंस्यसे। अहं सर्वं करिष्यामि जाग्रतः स्वपतश्च ते॥
You shall amuse yourself with Vaidehī on the sides of the hill, and I shall perform everything for you whether you are asleep or awake.

रामस्त्वनेन वाक्येन सुप्रीतः प्रत्युवाच तम्। व्रजापृच्छस्व सौमित्रे सर्वमेव सुहृज्जनम्॥
Being extremely gratified with these words, Rāma spoke to him, saying, Do you follow me, O son of Sumitrā, obtaining permission from all your relatives.

ये च राज्ञो ददौ दिव्ये महात्मा वरुणः स्वयम्। जनकस्य महायज्ञे धनुषी रौद्रदर्शने॥ अभेद्ये कवचे दिव्ये तूणी चाक्षय्यसायको। आदित्यविमलाभौ द्वौ खङ्गौ हेमपरिष्कृतौ॥ सत्कृत्य निहितं सर्वमेतदाचार्यसद्मनि। सर्वमायुधमादाय क्षिप्रमाव्रज लक्ष्मण ॥ स सुहृज्जनमामन्त्र्य वनवासाय निश्चितः। इक्ष्वाकुगुरुमागम्य जग्राहायुधमुत्तमम्॥
The high-souled Varuņa himself offered two terrible-looking bows of ethereal temper, two sets of weapons at the great sacrifice of the royal Janaka, namely, impenetrable mail, two quivers, two inexhaustible arrows, two swords burnished with gold and bright as the sun. These things were offered to me as bridal presents, and I have kept them at the house of my preceptor. Do you, O Lakşmaņa, paying homage to my preceptor, taking all those weapons, swiftly bring them hither. Determined upon going to the forest, Lakşmaņa, taking leave of his friends, went to the abode of the spiritual preceptor of the Ikşvākus and took from him those excellent weapons.

तद् दिव्यं राजशार्दूलः सत्कृतं माल्यभूषितम्। रामाय दर्शयामास सौमित्रिः सर्वमायुधम्॥
And that best of princes, the son of Sumitrā, showed Rāma those heavenly arms worshipped and well adorned with garlands...........

तमुवाचात्मवान् रामः प्रीत्या लक्ष्मणमागतम्। काले त्वमागतः सौम्य कासिते मम लक्ष्मण॥
Seeing Laksmana arrive there, Rama, having control over his ownself, greatly pleased, spoke to him the following words. "You have arrived, O Laksmana, just when I wanted you."

अहं प्रदातुमिच्छामि यदिदं मामकं धनम्। ब्राह्मणेभ्यस्तपस्विभ्यस्त्वया सह परंतप ॥
I want to distribute with you these my riches amongst the Brāhmaṇas and the ascetics.

वसन्तीह दृढं भक्त्या गुरुषु द्विजसत्तमाः। तेषामपि च मे भूयः सर्वेषां चोपजीविनाम्॥
There are many excellent Brāhmaṇas having firm reverence in their preceptor. I want to distribute my wealth amongst them and many other personages who depend upon me for their maintenance.

वसिष्ठपुत्रं तु सुयज्ञमार्य त्वमानयाशु प्रवरं द्विजानाम्। नभ्यर्च्य शिष्टानपरान् द्विजातीन्॥
Bring here speedily the worshipful Suyajña, the son of Vasiştha; want to repair to the forest after duly adoring him and other excellent Brahmanas.