Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 25

सा विनीय तमायासमुपस्पृश्य जलं शुचि। चकार माता रामस्य मङ्गलानि मनस्विनी॥ न शक्यसे वारयितं गच्छेदानी रघूत्तम। शीघ्रं च विनिवर्तस्व वर्तस्व च सतां क्रमे॥
Kausalyā subduing her sorrow, and touching holy water, began to perform auspicious ceremonies for Rāma, and spoke to him saying Do you, Oh best amongst the descendants of Raghu, repair now, as I cannot dissuade you, but do you return speedily and, follow the footsteps of great ones.

यं पालयसि धर्म त्वं प्रीत्या च नियमेन च। स वै राघवशार्दूल धर्मस्त्वामभिरक्षतु॥
Let that virt'e, Oh best of Rāghavas, protect you, which you have followed with gladness and self-discipline.

येभ्यः प्रणमसे पुत्र देवेष्वायतनेषु च। ते च त्वामभिरक्षन्तु वने सह महर्षिभिः॥
Let the deities, whom you worship every day in the temple, together with the Maharsis protect you in the forest.

यानि दत्तानि तेऽस्त्राणि विश्वामित्रेण धीमता। तानि त्वामभिरक्षन्तु गुणैः समुदितं सदा ॥
Let those weapons conferred upon you by the great Viśvāmitra protect you always, gifted with good qualities.

पितृशुश्रूषया पुत्र मातृशुश्रूषया तथा। सत्येन च महाबाहो चिरं जीवाभिरक्षितः॥
Do you of mighty hands live forever, being protected by the truth and merit of your continual services to your father and mother.

समित्कुशपवित्राणि वेद्यश्चायतनानि च। स्थण्डिलानि च विप्राणां शैला वृक्षाः क्षुपा ह्रदाः। पतङ्गाः पन्नगाः सिंहास्त्वां रक्षन्तु नरोत्तम।७।।
May the holy fuel, sacrificial grass, sanctified altars and court-yards, the sacred ground of mendicant Brahmins, mountains, trees great and small, lakes, birds, serpents and lions protect you.

स्वस्ति साध्याश्च विश्वे च मरुतश्च महर्षिभिः। स्वस्ति धाता विधाता च स्वस्ति पूषा भगोऽर्यमा॥ लोकपालाश्च ते सर्वे वासवप्रमुखास्तथा । ऋतवः षट् च ते सर्वे मासाः संवत्सराः क्षपाः॥ दिनानि च मुहूर्ताश्च स्वस्ति कुर्वन्तु ते सदा। श्रुतिः स्मृतिश्च धर्मश्च पातु त्वां पुत्र सर्वतः॥
Oh best of men, may Sādhya, Viśvedeva, Marut, the great ascetics, the sustainer, and the preserver of the creation, Pūşan, Bhaga, Aryamā, Lokapālas, headed by Indra and others, the six seasons, the months, day, night, moments Srutis, Smrtis, and virtue protect you, Oh my son, on all sides.

स्कन्दश्च भगवान् देवः सोमश्च सबृहस्पतिः। सप्तर्षयो नारदश्च ते त्वां रक्षन्तु सर्वतः॥
May the great deity Skanda, Soma, Brhaspati, Saptarsi, Narada, Moon and other ascetics protect you.

ते चापि सर्वतः सिद्धा दिशश्च सदिगीश्वराः। स्तुता मया वने तस्मिन् पान्तु त्वां पुत्र नित्यशः॥. शैलाः सर्वे समुद्राश्च राजा वरुण एव च। द्यौरन्तरिक्षं पृथिवी वायुश्च सचराचरः॥ नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि ग्रहाश्च सह दैवतैः। अहोरात्रे तथा संध्ये पान्तु त्वां वनमाश्रितम्॥
May the encircled regions with their lords, being pleased with my eulogy, protect you, Oh my son, always in the forest, When shall you repair to the wood, may the mountains, oceans, Varuna, the heaven, sky, earth, air, things movable and immovable, planets and stars with their presiding deities, day, night, and evening protect you.

ऋतवश्चापि षट् चान्ये मासाः संवत्सरास्तथा। कलाश्च काष्ठाश्च तथा तव शर्म दिशन्तु ते॥ महावनेऽपि चरतो मुनिवेषस्य धीमतः। तथा देवाश्च दैत्याश्च भवन्तु सुखदाः सदा॥ राक्षसानां पिशाचानां रौद्राणां क्रूरकर्मणाम्। क्रव्यादानां च सर्वेषां मा भूत् पुत्रक भयम्॥
May the six seasons, months years and all the divisions of time confer upon you pleasure always, when you of great intelligence shall wander away into the forest in the attire of an ascetic. May the deities and demons ever minister to your happiness and may not fear proceed to you, Oh my son, from the terrible Rākṣāṣās and Piśācas intent on committing cruel deeds, and other animals living on flesh.

प्लवगा वृश्चिका दंशा मशकाश्चैव कानने। सरीसृपाश्च कीटाश्च मा भूवन् गहने तव॥ महाद्विपाश्च सिंहाश्च व्याघ्रा ऋक्षाश्च दंष्ट्रिणः। महिषाः शृङ्गिणो रौद्रा न ते दुह्यन्तु पुत्रक॥
May the apes, scorpions, wild gnats, reptiles and insects make you no harm; may not the elephants, tigers, terrible looking bears, hogs, buffaloes and other horned animals hurt you.

नृमांसभोजना रौद्रा ये चान्ये सर्वजातयः। मा च त्वां हिंसुषुः पुत्र मया सम्पूजितास्त्विह॥ ते
Being worshipped by me from here may the ferocious cannibal races of all kind bring you no injury.

आगमास्ते शिवाः सन्तु सिध्यन्तु च पराक्रमाः। सर्वसम्पत्तयो राम स्वस्तिमान् गच्छ पुत्रक॥
May your course be crowned with auspiciousness and your powers with success.

स्वस्ति तेऽस्त्वान्तरिक्षेभ्यः पार्थिवेभ्यः पुनः पुनः। सर्वेभ्यश्चैव देवेभ्यो ये च ते परिपन्थिनः॥
Do you, oh my son, repair to the forest, being profusely provided with fruits, roots and other things. May all the creatures of the sky, all those who breathe on this Earth, and all those deities who are hostile to you, contribute to your welfare.

शुक्रः सोमश्च सूर्यश्च धनदोऽथ यमस्तथा। पान्तु त्वामर्चिता राम दण्डकारण्यवासिनम् ॥
May Sukra, Soma, Sun, the lord of wealth and Death, protect you, Oh Rāma, resorting to the forest of Dandaka.

अग्निर्वायुस्तथा धूमो मन्त्राश्चर्षिमुखच्युताः। उपस्पर्शनकाले तु पान्तु त्वां रघुनन्दन ॥
May fire, air, smoke and the Mantras uttered by the Rșis protect you, Oh descendant of Raghu, at the time of your bathing.

सर्वलोकप्रभुर्ब्रह्मा भूतकर्तृ तथर्षयः। ये च शेषाः सुरास्ते तु रक्षन्तु वनवासिनम्॥
May the lord of creation, Rșis and all the remaining deities defend you when dwelling in the forest.

इति माल्यैः सुरगणान् गन्धैश्चापि यशस्विनी। स्तुतिभिश्चानुरूपाभिरान यतलोचना॥ ज्वलनं समुपादाय ब्राह्मणेन महात्मना। हावयामास विधिना राममङ्गलकारणात्॥ घृतं श्वेतानि माल्यानि समिधश्वैव सर्षपान्। उपसम्पादयामास कौसल्या परमाङ्गना॥
That best of women Kausalyā, of great renown and having expansive eyes, after propitiating the celestials with garlands, fragrant odours and praises, began to offer oblations to the fire by the help of eminent Brahmins for the welfare of Rāma, collecting clarified butter, white garlands, religious fig trees and white mustard seeds for this purpose.

उपाध्यायः स विधिना हुत्वा शान्तिमनामयम्। हुतहव्यावशेषेण बाह्यं बलिमकल्पयत्॥ मधुदध्यक्षतघृतैः स्वस्तिवाच्यं द्विजांस्ततः। वाचयामास रामस्य वनेस्वस्त्ययनक्रियाम्॥
The spiritual preceptor, after offering oblations to the fire with due rites for his peace and health, presenting what was then left as offerings to the lords of the four cardinal points and others,* and giving the Brahmins a dish of curd, ghi and honey, made them benedictory prayers for Rāma who was going to the forest. *The Gürhyasthabuli or the daily offering of the householder, meant here, may be thus explained. After the performance of oblation to the fire, the householder should present offerings to the lords of the four cardinal points. Indra, Yama Varuņa, Soma and to their retinue. The offering for the Marutas should be placed on the threshold; for the presiding deities of the water in water; for the lords of the forest to the wooden pestle and mortar; for Śrī and Bhadrakäli on the grounds adjacent to the beddings on the side of the head and that of the feet respectively; for Brahmanaspati and Vāstupati on the site of the habitation; for Viśvedeva and for day and night thrown in the air of the house, for Sarvātmabhūta scattered on the terrace. After offering to all these what remains should be thrown on the south for the manes. The offerings to the dogs, the fallen, the drags of the people, the lepers, the crows and the worms and the insects should be placed on uncovered ground.

ततस्तस्मै द्विजेन्द्राय राममाता यशस्विनी। दक्षिणां प्रददौ काम्यां राघवं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Then that renowned mother of Rāma, after conferring upon the Brāhmaṇa's dakșinas, in accordance with heir desires, accosted Rāghava with the following words.

यन्मङ्गलं सहस्राक्षे सर्वदेवनमस्कृते। वृत्रनाशे समभवत् तत् ते भवतु मङ्गलम्॥
May that blessing crown you, which was attained by the thousand eyed Indra, honoured of all the deities on the occasion of killing the mighty Asura Vſtra.

यन्मङ्गलं सुपर्णस्य विनताकल्पयत् पुरा। अमृतं प्रार्थयानस्य तत् ते भवतु मङ्गलम्॥
May that blessing attend you, which was invoked in olden times by Vinatā, for that king of birds Garuda, praying for nectar.

अमृतोत्पादने दैत्यान् घ्तो बज्रधरस्य यत्। अदितिर्मङ्गलं प्रादात् तत् ते भवतु मङ्गलम्॥
Do you attain that blessedness, for which Aditi prayed, on behalf of the wielder of thunder-bolt intent on the discomfiture of the giants at the time of ransacking the ocean for nectar.

त्रिविक्रमान् प्रकमतो विष्णोरतुलतेजसः। यदासीन्मङ्गलं राम तत् ते भवतु मङ्गलम्॥
May that prosperity wait upon you, Oh Rāma, which crowned the mighty Vişnu, while perambulating with his three steps the heaven earth and the regions as a dwarf.

ऋषयः सागरा द्वीपा वेदा लोका दिशश्च ते। मङ्गलानि महाबाहो दिशन्तु शुभमङ्गलम्॥
May the Rsis, the great oceans, islands, the three worlds, Vedas, the regions, lend their might in the advancement of your welfare.

इति पुत्रस्य शेषाश्च कृत्वा शिरसि भामिनी। गन्धैश्चापि समालभ्य राममायतलोचना॥ औषधी च सुसिद्धार्था विशल्यकरणीं शुभाम्। चकार रक्षां कौसल्या मन्त्रैरभिजजाप च॥
Saying this Kausalyā, the foremost of all women, having expansive eyes, placed the grains on Rāma's head; sprinkled his body with fragrant substances, and tied to his hands, as amulet, twigs of such auspicious plants as Viśalyakaraṇī, with due mental repetition of mantras.

उवाचापि प्रहृष्टेव सा दु:खवशवर्तिनी। वाङ्मात्रेण न भावेन वाचा संसज्जमानया॥
That excellent one of high renown, embracing Rāma and smelling his head, with her voice choked, as if all pleased, though placed under the influence of dire distress in reality, uttered mantras and spoke to him thus.

आनम्य मूर्ध्नि चाघ्राय परिष्वज्य यशस्विनी। अवदत् पुत्रमिष्टार्थो गच्छ राम यथासुखम्॥ अरोगं सर्वसिद्धार्थमयोध्यां पुनरागतम्। पश्यामि त्वां सुखं वत्स संधितं राजवर्त्मसु॥
Oh my son, Oh Rāma, have your desires attained, and do you go, wherever you like. I shall see you. Oh my darling, with great delight, when shall you, returning Ayodhyā in excellent health and having all your ends satisfied, resume the administration of your kingdom.

प्रणष्टदुःखसंकल्पा हर्षविद्योतितानना। द्रक्ष्यामि त्वां वनात् प्राप्तं पूर्णचन्द्रमिवोदितम्॥
Myself having sorrows removed and having my face glowing with joy, shall see you coming from the forest like to the rising of the full moon.

भद्रासनगतं राम वनवासादिहागतम्। द्रक्ष्यामि च पुनस्त्वां तु तीर्णवन्तं पितुर्वचः॥
Continually shall I eye your good self. Oh my son, sitting on an auspicious seat, and returning from the forest after making good your father's behests.

मङ्गलैरूपसम्पन्नो वनवासादिहागतः। वध्वाश्च मम नित्यं त्वं कामान्संवर्ध याहि भोः॥
May you returning from the forest and being dressed with royal robes and ornaments, satisfy the desires of my daughter-in-law.

मयार्चिता देवगणाः शिवादयो महर्षयो भूतगणाः सुरोगाः। अभिप्रयातस्य वनं चिराय ते हितानि काङ्कन्तु दिशश्च राघव ॥
Worshipped have I deities headed by Siva and others, the great ascetics, the Bhūtagaņas and the snakes; may they all and the four cardinal points, Oh Rāghava, contribute to your welfare, who are going to the forest for a long time.

अतीव चाश्रुप्रतिपूर्णलोचना समाप्य च स्वस्त्ययनं यथाविधि। प्रदक्षिणं चापि चकार राघवं पुनः पुनश्चापि निरीक्ष्य सस्वजे॥
Kausalya, having her eyes full of tears, and performing the benedictory ceremonies with due rites, went round Rāghava with solemnity, and seeing him again and again sighed hot and hard.

तया हि देव्या च कृतप्रदक्षिणो निपीड्य मातुश्चरणौ पुनः पुनः। जगाम सीतानिलयं महायशाः स राघवः प्रज्वलितस्तया श्रिया॥
Being gone round by his mother thus, Rāghava, of great lame, and resplendent with the splendour of beauty, proceeded towards the abode of Sītā, after bowing down to the feet of his mother repeatedly.