Ayodhya Kanda: Chapter 24

तं समीक्ष्य व्यवसितं पितुर्निर्देशपालने। कौसल्या बाष्पसंरुद्धा वचो धर्मिष्ठमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing Räma determined upon carrying out his father's behest's, Kausalya with her voice choked with vapour begot of tears, spoke to him the following pious words.

अदृष्टदुःखो धर्मात्मा सर्वभूतप्रियंवदः। मयि जातो दशरथात् कथमुञ्छेन वर्तयेत्॥
How shall this virtuous-souled one, beloved of people and who has never experienced misfortune before, live on grains gleaned, being born of me to Dasaratha?

यस्य भृत्याश्च दासाश्च मृष्टान्यन्नानि भुञ्जते। कथं स भोक्ष्यते रामो वने मूलफलान्ययम्॥
How shall that Rāma live upon fruits and roots, whose servants and attendants fare on well cooked rice?

क एतच्छ्रद्दधेच्छ्रुत्वा कस्य वा न भवेद् भयम्। गुणवान् दयितो राज्ञः काकुत्स्थो यद् विवास्यते॥
Who shall believe, or believing who shall not be afraid, that his highly accomplished descendant of Kākutstha, favourite of the king, is going to be exiled?

नूनं तु बलवाँल्लोके कृतान्तः सर्वमादिशन्। लोके रामाभिरामस्त्वं वनं यत्र गमिष्यसि ॥
Certainly Destiny, who crowns or afflicts people with happiness or misery, is the most powerful agency in the world, or why shall you, Oh pleasing Rāma, fly as an exile to the forest?

अयं तु मामात्मभवस्तवादर्शनमारुतः। विलापदुःखसमिधो रुदिताश्रुहुताहुतिः॥ चिन्तावाष्पमहाधूमस्तवागमनचिन्तजः। कर्शयित्वाधिकं पुत्र निःश्वासायाससम्भवः॥ त्वया विहीनामिह मां शोकाग्निरतुलो महान्। प्रधक्ष्यति यथा कक्ष्यं चित्रभानुर्हिमात्यये॥
This great and incomparable fire of sorrow issuing from my mind, inflamed by the wind of your absence, increased by the fuels of lamentation and pain, and kindled by hard sobs, obtaining the oblations of tears, vomiting the smoke of vapour begotten of anxious thoughts, the result of counting upon the days of your return, shall consume me, making greatly lean, when deprived of your presence, as does the fire burn the dry grass in summer.

कथं हि धेनुः स्वं वत्सं गच्छन्तमनुगच्छति। अहं त्वानुगमिष्यामि यत्र वत्स गमिष्यसि॥
Like to a cow following its young one shall I follow you, Oh my darling, wherever shall go.

यथा निगदितं मात्रा तद् वाक्यं पुरुषर्षभः। श्रुत्वा रामोऽब्रवीद् वाक्यं मातरं भृशदुःखिताम्॥
Hearing those words of his mother, Rāma that best of men, spoke the following words to her, who was greatly troubled with sorrow.

कैकेय्या वञ्चितो राजा मयि चारण्यमाश्रिते। भवत्या च परित्यक्तो न नूनं वर्तयिष्यति॥
"The monarch has been duped by Kaikeyi” myself resorting to the forest, surely shall he resign his life, if cast off again by you.

भर्तुः किल परित्यागो नृशंसः केवलं स्त्रियाः। स भवत्या न कर्तव्यो मनसापि विगर्हितः॥
There is nothing more cruel for women than the forsaking of their husband; it does not behove you therefore, to think even of this opprobrious action.

यावज्जीवति काकुत्थः पिता मे जगतीपतिः। शुश्रूषा क्रियतां तावत् स हि धर्मः सनातनः॥
Do you serve this descendant of Kākutstha, my father, and the lord of the earth as long as he lives, know you this to be the eternal virtue

एवमुक्ता तु रामेण कौसल्या शुभदर्शना। तथेत्युवाच सुप्रीता राममक्लिष्टकारिणम्॥
Thus addressed by Rāma, Kausalyā of auspicious looks, being gratified greatly, spoke to him, the remover of her sorrows. “Truely it is."

एवमुक्तस्तु वचनं रामो धर्मभृतां वरः। भूयस्तामब्रवीद् वाक्यं मातरं भृशदुःखिताम्॥
Rāma, the foremost amongst religious men, being spoken thus, said to his mother, who was greatly disturbed with sorrow, again in the following strain.

मया चैव भवत्या च कर्तव्यं वचनं पितुः। राजा भर्ता गुरुः श्रेष्ठः सर्वेषामीश्वरः प्रभुः॥
“Proper it is both for you and me to carry out father's words” he is your husband, and my best preceptor and the lord and master of all people.

इमानि तु महारण्ये विहृत्य नव पञ्च च। वर्षाणि परमप्रीत्या स्थास्यामि वचने तव॥
With great pleasure shall I abide in your words after passing these nine and five years in the great forest.

एवमुक्ता प्रियं पुत्रं बाष्पपूर्णानना तदा। उवाच परमार्ता तु कौसल्या सुतवत्सला ॥
Thus addressed, Kausalyā, bearing great affection for her son, sorely pained and having her eyes full of tears, spoke to her beloved son the following words.

आसां राम सपत्नीनां वस्तुं मध्ये न मे क्षमम्। नय मामपि काकुत्स्थ वनं वन्यां मृगीमिव॥ यदि ते गमने बुद्धिः कृता पितुरपेक्षया।
Oh Rāma, I shall not be able to live amongst these co-wives, if are you resolved to go to the forest for the discharge of your father's behest; do you take me with you, Oh Kākutstha, like to a wild hind.

तां तथा रुदतीं रामोऽरुदन् वचनमब्रवीत्॥ जीवन्त्या हि स्त्रिया भर्ता दैवतं प्रभुरेव च। भवत्या मम चैवाद्य राजा प्रभवति प्रभुः॥
Rāma, suppressing his feeling, spoke to his mother who was lamenting, thus, saying:, Husband is the deity and master of the wife as long as she lives; so the monarch being the lord can deal with you and me in any way he likes.

न ह्यनाथा वयं राज्ञा लोकनाथेन धीमता। भरतश्चापि धर्मात्मा सर्वभूतप्रियंवदः॥ भवतीमनुवर्तेत स हि धर्मरतः सदा।
That highly intelligent lord of men living, we should not consider ourselves as without a master. Bharata is also pious and beloved of all people in speech, he, intent on the performance of religious service, shall attend upon you always.

यथा मयि तु निष्क्रान्ते पुत्रशोकेन पार्थिवः॥ श्रमं नावाप्नुयात् किंचिदप्रमत्ता तथा कुरु। दारुणश्चाप्ययं शोको यथैनं न विनाशयेत्॥ राज्ञो वृद्धस्य सततं हितं चर समाहिता।
Do you now take care that on my retiring the monarch does not wear away by the pangs of my separation, that this terrible sorrow may not kill him. Do you look after the welfare of the old king always.

व्रतोपवासनिरता या नारी परमोत्तमा॥ भर्तारं नानुवर्तेत सा च पापगतिर्भवेत्।
The woman, who serves not her husband, being engaged in excellent religious rites and fasts, shall fare wretchedly in the life to come; and a woman gets at the excellent abode of the celestials by serving her husband.

भर्तुः शुश्रूषया नारी लभते स्वर्गमुत्तमम्॥ अपि या निर्नमस्कारा निवृत्ता देवपूजनात्। शुश्रूषामेव कुर्वीत भर्तुः प्रियहिते रता॥ एष धर्मः स्त्रिया नित्यो वेदे लोके श्रुतः स्मृतः।
Even those who do not worship and bow to the celestials should serve their husbands alone being intent upon their welfare. Such is the virtue that should be always pursued by women according to the Vedas and Smſtis.

अग्निकार्येषु च सदा सुमनोभिश्च देवताः॥ पूज्यास्ते मत्कृते देवि ब्राह्मणाश्चैव सत्कृताः।
Do you beguile your time, Oh worshipful one, expecting my return, by worshipping the celestials with flowers and oblations to the fire and serving well the Brahmins.

एवं कालं प्रतीक्षस्व ममागमनकाङ्क्षिणी॥ नियता नियताहारा भर्तृशुश्रूषणे रता। प्राप्स्यसे परमं कामं मयि पर्यागते सति ॥ यदि धर्मभृतां श्रेष्ठो धारयिष्यति जीवितम्।
Engaged in discipline and fasting and devoted to the services of your husband you shall attain your best desire, on my return, if this foremost of pious men lives then.

एवमुक्ता तु रामेण बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणा॥ कौसल्या पुत्रशोकार्ता रामं वचनमब्रवीत्।
Being thus accosted by Rāma, Kausalyā being distressed with the thought of separation from her son, spoke to him with tears in her eyes the following words.

गमने सुकृतां बुद्धिं न ते शक्नोमि पुत्रक॥ विनिवर्तयुतुं वीर नूनं कालो दुरत्ययः।
Oh my darling! it is beyond my power to dissuade you from your firm resolution for going to the forest; it is impossible to avoid this hour of separation.

गच्छ पुत्र त्वमेकाग्रो भद्रं तेऽस्तु सदा विभो॥ पुनस्त्वयि निवृत्ते तु भविष्यामि गतक्लमा।
Go you my son, with an earnest heart; may you fare well; my anxiety shall be removed on your return.

प्रत्यागते महाभागे कृतार्थे चरितव्रते। पितुरानृण्यतां प्राप्ते स्वपिष्ये परमं सुखम्॥
Attain shall I then great happiness, when you, Oh great one, shall return after satisfying your vows and making yourself freed of debts to your father.

कृतान्तस्य गतिः पुत्र दुर्विभाव्या सदा भुवि। यस्त्वां संचोदयति मे वच आविध्य राघव॥
Incomprehensible is the action of Destiny in this world, Oh my son, as it drives you away to the forest, Oh Raghava, neglecting my request.

गच्छेदानीं महाबाहो क्षेमेण पुनरागतः। नन्दयिष्यसि मां पुत्र साम्ना श्लक्ष्णेन चारुणा॥
Do you now repair Oh mighty hero, and come back in peace, and console me with soulsoothing, tender words.

अपीदानीं स कालः स्याद् वनात् प्रत्यागतं पुनः। यत् त्वां पुत्रक पश्येयं जटाबल्कलधारिणम्॥
Oh my darling, shall that day ever come, when I shall see you return from the forest, wearing bark and matted hair.

तथा हि राम वनवासनिश्चितं ददर्श देवी परमेण चेतसा। उवाच रामं शुभलक्षणं वचो बभूव च स्वस्त्ययनाभिकाशिणी॥
With great earnestness, the worshipful one began to eye Rāma, determined to go as an exile to the forest and spoke to his auspicious words and became desirous of performing benedictory ceremonies.