The story of the Naga king Padma

भीष्म उवाच अथ तेन नरश्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मणेन तपस्विना। निराहारेण वसता दुःखितास्ते भुजङ्गमाः॥
Bhishma said These Nagas of that city became greatly distressed when they saw that that Brahmana, devoted to the practice of penances, continued to live in the forest, entirely abstaining from food, in expectation of the arrival of the Naga king.

सर्वे सम्भूय सहिता ह्यस्य नागस्य बान्धवाः। भ्रातरस्तनया भार्या ययुस्तं ब्राह्मणं प्रति॥
All the kinsmen and relatives of the great Naga, including his brothers and children and wife, assembling together, went to the spot where the Brahmana was living.

तेऽपश्यन् पुलिने तं वै विविक्ते नियतव्रतम्। समासीनं निराहारं द्विजं जप्यपरायणम्॥
Arrived on the banks of the Gomati, they saw that twice-born one seated in a solitary place, abstaining from food of every sort, observant all the while of excellent vows, and engaged in silently reciting certain Mantras.

ते सर्वे समतिक्रम्य विप्रमभ्यर्च्य चासकृत्। ऊचुर्वाक्यमसंदिग्धमातिथेयस्य बान्धवाः॥
Approaching the Brahmana and offering him due adorations, the kinsmen and relatives of the great Naga said to him these candid words.

षष्ठो हि दिवसस्तेऽद्य प्राप्तस्येह तपोधन। न चाभिभाषसे किंचिदाहारं धर्मवत्सल॥
O Brahmana having asceticism, for your riches, that is the sixth day of your arrival here, but you speak no word about your food, O twice-born one you are devoted to virtue.

अस्मानभिगतश्चासि वयं च त्वामुपस्थिताः। कार्यं चातिथ्यमस्माभिर्वयं सर्वे कुटुम्बिनः॥
You have come to us. We too are here in attendance upon you. It is absolutely necessary that we should do the duties of hospitality by you. We are all relations of the Naga king with whom you have business.

मूलं फलं वा पर्ण वा पयो वा द्विजसत्तम्। आहारहेतोरन्नं वा भोक्तुमर्हसि ब्राह्मण॥
Roots or fruit, leaves, or water, or rice or meat, O best of Brahmanas, you should take for food.

त्यक्ताहारेण भवता वने निवसता त्वया। बालवृद्धमिदं सर्वं पीड्यते धर्मसंकटात्॥
For your living in this forest under such circumstances of total abstention from food, the whole community of Nagas young and old is being aggrieved, since this your fast implies negligence on our part to discharge the duties of hospitality.

न हि नो भ्रूणहा कश्चिज्जातापद्यनृतोऽपि वा। पूर्वाशी वा कुले ह्यस्मिन् देवतातिथिबन्धुषु॥
We have none amongst us who has been guilty of Brahmanicide. None of us has been guilty of Brahmanicide. None of us has ever lost a son immediately after birth. No one has been born in our race who has eaten before serving the gods or guests or relatives arrived at his house.

ब्राह्मण उवाच उपदेशेन युष्माकमाहारोऽयं कृतो मया। द्विरूनं दशरात्रं वै नागस्यागमनं प्रति॥
The Brahmana said On account of these solicitations of you all, I may be considered to have broken my fast. Eight days remain when the king of the Nagas will return.

यद्यष्टरात्रेऽतिक्रान्ते नागमिष्यति पन्नगः। तदाहारं करिष्यामि तन्निमित्तमिदं व्रतम्॥
If, on the expire of the eighth night hence, the king of the Nagas do not come back, I shall then break this fast by eating. Indeed, this vow of abstaining from all food that I am observing is on account of my respect for the Naga king.

कर्तव्यो न च संतापो गम्यतां च यथागतम्। तन्निमित्तमिदं सर्वं नैतद् भेत्तसुमिहार्हथ॥
You should not grieve for what I am doing. Do you all return to whence you came. This my vow is on his account. You should not do anything on account of which this my vow may be broken.

ते तेन समनुज्ञाता ब्राह्मणेन भुजङ्गमाः। स्वमेव भवनं जग्मुरकृतार्था नरर्षभ॥
The assembled Nagas, thus addressed by Brahmana, were sent away by him, whereupon, O forcmost of men, they returned to their respective quarters.