None: Chapter 357

The story of the Naga king Padma

भीष्म उवाच स वनानि विचित्राणि तीर्थानि च सरांसि च। अभिगच्छन् क्रमेण सम कंचिन्मुनिमुपस्थितः॥
Proceeding by many charming forests and lakes and sacred waters, the Brahmana at last arrived at the asylum of a certain ascetic.

तं स तेन यथोद्दिष्टं नागं विप्रेण ब्राह्मणः। पर्यपृच्छद् यथान्यायं श्रुत्वैव च जगाम सः॥
Going there, he enquired of him, in proper words, about the Naga of whom he had heard from his guest, and instructed by him he pursued his journey.

सोऽभिगम्य यथान्यायं नागायतनमर्थवित्। प्रोक्तवाहमस्मीति भोःशब्दालंकृतं वचः॥
With a clear idea of the object of his journey the Brahman then reached the house of the Naga. Entering it duly, he announced his arrival in proper words, saying,-Ho! who is there! I am a Brahmana come here as a guest!

तत् तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रूपिणी धर्मवत्सला। दर्शयामास तं विप्रं नागपत्नी पतिव्रता॥
Hearing these words, the chaste wife of the Naga, endued with great beauty and devoted to the observance of all duties, showed herself.

सा तस्मै विधिवत् पूजां चक्रे धर्मपरायणा। स्वागतेनागतं कृत्वा किं करोमीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Always attentive to the duties of hospitality, she adored the guest with due rites, and welcoming him, said,-What can I do for you?

ब्राह्मण उवाच विश्रान्तोऽभ्यर्चितश्चास्मि भवत्या श्लक्ष्णया गिरा। द्रष्टुमिच्छामि भवति देवं नागमनुत्तमम्॥
The Brahmana said O lady, I am sufficiently honoured by you with the sweet words you have said unto me. The fatigue of the journey has also been removed. I wish, O blessed lady, to see your excellent husband.

एतद्धि परं कार्यमेतान्मे परमेप्सितम्। अनेन चार्थेनाम्यद्य सम्प्राप्त: पन्नागाश्रमम्॥
This is my great object. This is the one object of my desire. It is for this reason that I have come to-day to the house of the Naga your husband.

नागभार्योवाच आर्यः सूर्यरथं वोढुं गतोऽसौ मासचारिकः। सप्ताष्टभिर्दिनैविप्र दर्शयिष्यत्यसंशयम्॥
The Wife of the Naga said Reverend Sir, my husband has gone to drag the car of the Sun for a month. O learned Brahmana, he return in fifteen days, and will, forsooth, appear before you.

एतद्विदितमार्यस्य विवासकरणं तव। भर्तुर्भवतु किं चान्यत् क्रियतां तद् वदस्व मे॥
I have thus told you the reason of my husband's absence from home. Be that as it may, what else is there that I can do for you? Tell me this.

ब्राह्मण उवाच अनेन निश्चयेनाहं साध्वि सम्प्राप्तवानिह। प्रतीक्षन्नागमं देवि वत्स्याप्यस्मिन् महावने॥
The Brahmana said O chaste lady, I have come here with the object of seeing your husband. O reverend dame, I shall live in the adjacent forest, waiting for his return.

सम्प्राप्तस्यैव चाव्यग्रमावेद्योऽहमिहागतः। ममाभिगमनं प्राप्तो वाच्यश्च वचनं त्वया॥
When your husband returns, do kindly tell him that I have arrived at this place actuated by the desire of seeing him. You should also inform me of his return when that event takes place.

अहमप्यत्र वत्स्यामि गोमत्याः पुलिने शुभे। कालं परिमिताहारो यथोक्तं परिपालयन्॥
O blessed lady, I shall, till then, live on the banks of the Gomati, waiting for his return and living restricted diet.

ततः स विप्रस्तां नागी समाधाय पुनः पुनः। तदेव पुलिनं नद्याः प्रययौ ब्राह्मणर्षभः॥
Having said this repeatedly to the wife of the Naga, the foremost of Brahmanas went to the banks of the Gomati for living there till the time of Naga's return. O blessed lady, I shall, till then, live on the banks of the Gomati, waiting for his return and living restricted diet.

ततः स विप्रस्तां नागी समाधाय पुनः पुनः। तदेव पुलिनं नद्याः प्रययौ ब्राह्मणर्षभः॥
Having said this repeatedly to the wife of the Naga, the foremost of Brahmanas went to the banks of the Gomati for living there till the time of Naga's return.