Householders' duties

ब्राह्मण उवाच समुत्पन्नाभिधानोऽस्मि वाङ्माधुर्येण तेऽनघ। मित्रत्वमभिपन्नस्त्वं किंचिद् वक्ष्याम तच्छृणु॥
The Brahmana said Osinless One, I have become greatly attached to you on account of the sweetness of your conversation. You have become my friend. Listen to me, for I wish to say something to you.

गृहस्थधर्मं विप्रेन्द्र कृत्वा पुत्रगतं त्वहम्। धर्म परमकं कुर्यां को हि मार्गो भवेद् द्विज॥
O foremost of Brahmanas, making over the duties of a house-holder to my son, I wish to satisfy the highest duties of man. What, O twice-born one, should be my path?

अहमात्मानमास्थाय एक एवात्मनि स्थितिम्। कर्तुं काङ्क्षामि नेच्छामि बद्धः साधारणैर्गुणैः॥
Relying upon the soul, I wish to acquire existence in the One Soul. Alas, fettered by the bonds of attachment, I have not the heart to actually perform that task.

यावदेतदतीतं मे वयः पुत्रफलाश्रितम्। तावदिच्छामि पाथेयमादातुं पारलौकिकम्॥
And since the best portion of my life has passed away as house-holder, I wish to devote the remaining part of my life in acquiring the means of defraying the expenses of my journey in respect of the time to come.

अस्मिन् हि लोकसम्भारे परं पारमभीप्सतः। उत्पन्ना मे मतिरियं कुतो धर्ममयः प्लवः॥
The desire has originated in my mind of crossing the ocean of the world. Alas, whence shall I get the vessel of religion?

संयुज्यमानानि निशम्य लोके निर्यात्यमानानि च सात्त्विकानि। दृष्ट्वा तु धर्मध्वजकेतुमाला प्रकीर्यमाणामुपरि प्रजानाम्॥ न मे मनो रज्यति भोगकाले दृष्ट्वा यतीन्प्रार्थयतः परत्र। तेनातिथे बुद्धिबलाश्रयेण धर्मेण धर्मे विनियुक्ष्व मां त्वम्॥
Hearing that the very gods are persecuted and made to suffer the fruits of their deeds, and seeing the rows of Yama's standards and flags floating over the heads of all creatures, my hearts fails to derive pleasure from the various objects of pleasure with which it comes into contact. Seeing also that the Yatis depend for their maintenance upon alms obtained in course of their rounds of mendicancy. I have no respect for the religion of the Yatis as well. O my reverend guest, do you, helped by that religion which is founded upon the basis of intelligence and reason, make me observe a particular course of duties and observances.

सोऽतिथिर्वचनं तस्य श्रुत्वा धर्माभिभाषिणः। प्रोवाच वचनं श्लक्ष्णं प्राज्ञो मधुरया गिरा॥
Bhishma said, Gifted with great wisdom, the guest hearing this speech of his host which was consistent with virtue, said these sweet words in melodious voice.

अतिथिरुवाच अहमप्यत्र मुह्यामि ममाप्येष मनोरथः। न च संनिश्चयं यामि बहुद्वारे त्रिविष्टपे॥
The Guest said I also am confounded about this subject. The same thought occupies my mind. I am unable to arrive at certainty of conclusion. Heaven has many doors.

केचिन्मोक्षं प्रशंसन्ति केचिद् यज्ञफलं द्विजाः। वानप्रस्थाश्रयाः केचिद् गार्हस्थ्यं केचिदास्थिताः॥
There are some that speak highly of Liberation. Some twice-born persons praise the fruits acquired by the by the performance of sacrifices. Some there are who take refuge in the forest mode of life. Some, again, follow the domestic mode of life.

राजधर्माश्रयं केचित् केचिदात्मफलाश्रयम्। गुरुधर्माक्षयं केचित्केचिद् वाक्संयमाश्रयम्॥
Some depend upon the merits attainable by an observance of the royal duties. Some depend upon the fruits of that culture which consists in the control of the soul, Some think that the merits originating from a dutiful obedience to preceptors and seniors efficacious. Some follow control of speech. are

मातरं पितरं केचिच्छुश्रूषन्तो दिवं गताः। अहिंसया परे स्वर्ग सत्येन च तथा परे॥
Some, by waiting dutifully upon their mothers and fathers, have gone to heaven. Some have ascended to heaven by practising the duty of mercy, and some by practising Truth.

आहवेऽभिमुखाः केचिनिहतास्त्रिदिवं गताः। केचिदुव्रतैः सिद्धाः स्वर्गमार्ग समाश्रिताः॥
Some rush to battle, and sacrificing their lives, have attained to heaven. Some again, acquiring success by practising the vow called Unccha, are following the path of heaven.

केचिदध्ययने युक्ता वेदव्रतपराः शुभाः। बुद्धिमन्तो गताः स्वर्गं तुष्टात्मानो जितेन्द्रियाः॥
Some have given themselves up to the study of the Vedas. Endued with auspiciousness and wedded to such study, these men, gifted with intelligence, and tranquil souls, and having their senses under complete control, attain to heaven.

आर्जवेनापरे युक्ता निहतानार्जवर्जनैः। ऋजवो नाकपृष्ठे वै शुद्धात्मानः प्रतिष्ठिताः॥
Others, marked by simplicity and truth, have been killed by wicked men. Gifted with pure souls, such men to truth and simplicity, have become respected inhabitants of heaven.

एवं बहुविधैर्लोकधर्मद्वारैरनावृतैः। ममापि मतिराविग्ना मेघलेखेव वायुना॥
In this world, it is seen, that men go to heaven through a thousand doors of duty, all standing wide open. My understanding has been troubled by your question, like a cloud before the wind.