The one thing for which a man becomes famous.

भीष्म उवाच अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। बृहस्पतेश्च संवादं शक्रस्य च युधिष्ठिर॥
Bhishma said 'Regarding it, O Yudhishthira, the old account of a conversation between Brihaspati and Shakra is cited.

शक्र उवाच किं स्विदेकपदं ब्रह्मन् पुरुषः सम्यगाचरन्। प्रमाणं सर्वभूतानां यशश्चैवाप्नुयान्महत्॥
What is that one act, O twice-born one, by finishing which with care, a person may be respected by all creatures and become famous.

बृहस्पतिरुवाच । सान्त्वमेकपदं शक्र पुरुषः सम्यगाचरन्। प्रमाणं सर्वभूतानां यशश्चैवाप्नुयान्महत्॥
Brihaspati said Sweetness of speech. O Shakra, is the one thing by practising which a person is esteemed by all and becomes famous.

एतदेकपदं शक्र सर्वलोकसुखावहम्। आचरन् सर्वभूतेषु प्रियो भवति सर्वदा॥
This is the one thing, O Shakra, which yields happiness to all. By practising it, one may always secure the love of all creatures.

यो हि नाभाषते किंचित् सर्वदा भृकुटीमुखः। द्वेष्यो भवति भूतानां स सान्त्वमिह नाचरन्॥
The person who does not speak a word and whose face is always marked with frowns is hated of all. Want of sweet speeches makes him so.

यस्तु सर्वमभिप्रेक्ष्य पूर्वमेवाभिभाषते। स्मितपूर्वाभिभाषी च तस्य लोकः प्रसीदति॥
That person who, on seeing others, speaks to them first with smiles, succeeds in winning over every one.

दानमेव हि सर्वत्र सान्त्वेनानभिजल्पितम्। न प्रीणयति भूतानि निर्व्यञ्जनमिवाशनम्॥
Even gifts, if not made with sweet speeches, do not please the recipients, like rice without curry.

आदानादपि भूतानां मधुरामीरयन् गिरम्। सर्वलोकमिमं शक्र सान्त्वेन कुरुते वशे॥
If even the wealth of men, O Shakra, be snatched away with sweet speeches, such sweetness of conduct can even propitiate the robbed.

तस्मात् सान्त्वं प्रयोक्तव्यं दण्डमाधिसतोऽपि हि। फलं च जनयत्येवं न चास्योद्विजते जनः॥
A king, therefore, who is desirous of even inflicting punishment, should use sweet words. Sweetness of speech never fails, while at the same time it never pains any heart.

सुकृतस्य हि सान्त्वस्य श्लक्ष्णस्य मधुरस्य च। सम्यगासेव्यमानस्य तुल्यं जातु न विद्यते॥
A person of good deeds and good, pleasant and sweet speeches, has no peer.

भीष्म उवाच इत्युक्तः कृतवान् सर्व यथा शक्रः पुरोधसा। तथा त्वमपि कौन्तेय सम्यगेतत् समाचर॥
Bhishma continued Thus addressed by his priest, Shakra began to follow those instructions. Do you also, O son of Kunti, practise this virtue.'