The duties of a king; why is he called a god.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच किमाहुर्दैवतं विप्रा राजानं भरतर्षभ। मनुष्याणामधिपतिं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह॥
Yudhishthira said 'Why, O foremost of Bharata's race, have the Brahmanas declared that the king, that ruler of men, is a god.

भीष्म उवाच अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। बृहस्पतिं वसुमना यथा पप्रच्छ भारत।॥
Bhishma said Regarding it is cited the old story, O Bharata, of the discourse of Brihaspati and Vasumanas..

राजा वसुमना नाम कौसल्यो धीमतां वरः। महर्षि किल पप्रच्छ कृतप्रज्ञं बृहस्पतिम्॥
There was a highly intelligent king of Koshala, named Vasumanas. On a certain occasion he questioned the great wise sage Brihaspati.

सर्वं वैनयिकं कृत्वा विनयज्ञो बृहस्पतिम्। दक्षिणानन्तरो भूत्वा प्रणम्य विधिपूर्वकम्॥ विधिं पप्रच्छ राज्यस्य सर्वलोकहिते रतः। प्रजानां सुखमन्विच्छन् धर्मशीलं बृहस्पतिम्॥
Always humble, king Vasumanas ever devoted to well-being of all, having observed the proper humilities, and having gone round the great sage and bowed to him duly enquired of the virtuous Brihaspati about the institutes of a kingdom, actuated by the desire of securing the happiness of men.

वसुमना उवाच केन भूतानि वर्धन्ते क्षयं गच्छन्ति केन वा। कमर्चन्तो महाप्राज्ञ सुखमव्ययमाप्नुयुः॥ एवं पृष्टो महाप्राज्ञः कौसल्येनामितौजसा। राजसत्कारमव्यग्रं शशंसास्मै बृहस्पतिः॥
Vasumanas said By what means do creatures grow and by what are they destroyed? (you of great wisdom, by worshipping whom do they succeed in acquiring eternal happiness. Thus questioned by the highly powerful Koshala king Brihaspati of great wisdom described to him coolly about the regard which should be paid to kings.

बृहस्पतिरुवाच राजमूलो महाप्राज्ञ धर्मो लोकस्य लक्ष्यते। प्रजा राजभयादेव न खादन्ति परस्परम्॥
Brihaspati said The duties of all men, you of great wisdom, originate from the king. It is through fear of the king only that men do not devour one another.

राजा ह्येवाखिलं लोकं समुदीर्णं समुत्सुकम्। प्रसादयति धर्मेण प्रसाद्य च विराजते॥
It is the king who establishes peace on Earth through due observances of duties by checking all disregard for healthy restraints and all kinds of lust. Acquiring this he shines in glory.

यथा ह्यनुदये राजन् भूतानि शशिसूर्ययोः। अन्धे तमसि मज्जेयुरपश्यन्तः परस्परम्॥ यथा ह्यनुदके मत्स्या निराक्रन्दे विहङ्गमाः। विहरेयुर्यथाकामं विहिंसन्तः पुनः पुनः॥ विमथ्यातिक्रमेरंश्च विषह्यापि परस्परम्। अभावमचिरेणैव गच्छेयुर्नात्र संशयः॥ एवमेव विना राज्ञा विनश्येयुरिमाः प्रजाः। अन्धे तमसि मज्जेयुरगोपाः पशवो यथा॥
As, o king, all creatures cannot see one another and sink in utter darkness if the sun and the moon do not rise, as fishes in shallow water and birds in a safe place dart and move about as they please (for a time) and repeatedly attack and grind one another with force and then are destroyed so men sink in utter darkness and meet with destruction if they have no king to protect them like a herd of cattle without the herdsman to take care of them.

हरेयुर्बलवन्तोऽपि दुर्बलानां परिग्रहान् हन्युक्यच्छमानांश्च यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
If the king did not observe the duty of protection, the strong would by would by force misappropriate the properties of the weak, and if the latter refuse to surrender to them easily their very lives would be taken,

ममेदमिति लोकेऽस्मिन् न भवेत् सम्परिग्रहः। न दारा न च पुत्रः स्यान्न धेनं न परिग्रहः।
Nobody then, about any of his belongings would be able to say — This is mine.-Wives, sons, food, and other kinds of property, would cease to exist.

विष्वग्लोपः प्रवर्तेत यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ ममेदमिति लोकेऽस्मिन् न भवेत् सम्परिग्रहः। यानं वस्त्रमलङ्कारान् रत्नानि विविधानि च।
Ruin would befall everything if the king did not observe the duty of protection. Wicked men would by force appropriate the cars, dresses, ornaments, precious stones and other kinds of property belonging to others, if the king did not protect.

हरेयुः सहसा पापा यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ पतेद् बहुविधं शस्त्रं बहुधा धर्मचारिषु।
In the absence of protection by the king, various kinds of weapons would fall upon righteous persons and unrighteousness would prevail everywhere.

अधर्मः प्रगृहीतः स्याद् यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ मातरं पितरं वृद्धमाचार्यमतिथिं गुरुम्।
In the absence of king's protection men would disobey or even injure their very parents if aged, their very preceptors, guests and elders.

क्लि श्नीयुरपि हिंस्युर्वा यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ वधबन्धपिरक्लेशो नित्यमर्थवतां भवेत्।
If the king did not protect, all persons possessing wealth would have to meet with death, imprisonment and persecution and the very idea of property would be lost.

ममत्वं च न विन्देयुर्यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ अन्ताश्चाकाल एव स्युर्लोकोऽयं दस्युसाद् भवेत्।
If the king did not protect, everything would be destroyed untimely and every part of the country would be laid waste by robbers, and everybody would fall into dreadful hell.

पतेयुर्नरकं घोरं यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥ न योनिदोषो वर्तेत न कृषिर्न वणिक्पथः। मज्जेद् धर्मस्त्रयी न स्याद् यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
If the king did not protect, all restrictions about marriage and intercourse would disappear; all matters of agriculture and trade would fall into confusion; morality and the three Vedas would disappear.

न यज्ञाः सम्प्रवर्तेयुर्विधिवत् स्वाप्तदक्षिणाः। न विवाहाः समाजो वा यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
Sacrifices, duly finished with presents according to the ordinance, would no longer be celebrated and no marriage would take place; society itself would cease to exist, if the king did not observe the duty of protection.

न वृषा: सम्प्रवर्तेरन् न मध्येरंश्च गर्गराः। घोषाः प्रणाशं गच्छेयुर्यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
The bulls would not know cows and milk jars would not be churned, and men living by rearing kine would be ruined, if the king did not exercise the duty of protection.

त्रस्तमुद्विग्नहृदयं हाहाभूतमचेतनम्। क्षणेन विनशेत् सर्वं यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
In the absence of king's protection, all things, filled with fear and anxiety and becoming senseless and uttering cries of misery would be ruined in no time.

न संवत्सरसत्राणि तिष्ठेयुरकुतोभयाः। विधिवद् दक्षिणावन्ति यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
No sacrifices extending for a year and finished with presents according to the ordinance would take place if the king did not observe the duty of protection.

ब्राह्मणाश्चतुरो वेदान् नाधीयोरंस्तपस्विनः। विद्यास्नाता व्रतस्नाता यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
In the absence of king's protection Brahmanas would never study the four Vedas or practise austerities or be purified by knowledge and rigid vows.

न लभेद् धर्मसंश्लेषं हतविप्रहतो जनः। हर्ता स्वस्थेन्द्रियो गच्छेद् यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
In the absence of king's protection the destroyer of a person guilty of Brahmanicide would not get any reward; rather the person. Guilty of Brahmanicide, would would not be punished. an

हस्ताद्धस्तं परिमुषेद् भिद्येरन् सर्वसेतवः। भयार्त विद्रवेत् सर्वं यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
In the absence of king's protection, men would take away other people's wealth from their very hands, and all healthy restrictions would be abolished, and everybody, stricken with, fear would seek safety in flight.

अनयाः सम्प्रवर्तेरन् भवेद् वै वर्णसंकरः। दुर्भिक्षमाविशेद् राष्ट्रं यदि राजा न पालयेत्॥
In the absence of king's protection, all kinds of injustice would commence; intermixture of castes would occur; and famine would devastate the kingdom.

विवृत्य हि यथाकामं गृहद्वाराणि शेरते। मनुष्या रक्षिता राज्ञा समन्तादकुतोभयाः।॥
Again by virtue of royal protection, men can everywhere sleep fearlessly at their ease without shutting their houses and doors with bolts and bars.

नाक्रुष्टं सहते कश्चित् कुतो वा हस्तलाघवम्। यदि राजा न सम्यग् गां रक्षयत्यपि धार्मिकः॥
Nobody would stand the evil words of others far less assaults, if the king did not righteously protect the Earth.

स्त्रियश्चपुरुषा मार्ग सर्वालङ्कारभूषिताः। निर्भयाः प्रतिपद्यन्ते यदि रक्षति भूमिपः॥
If the king observes the duty of protection, women adorned with ornaments may fearlessly walk about everywhere without male relatives to guard them.

धर्ममेव प्रपद्यन्ते न हिंसन्ति परस्परम्। अनुगृह्णन्ति चान्योन्यं यदा रक्षति भूमिपः॥
Men become righteous and without injuring serve one another because the king observes the duty of protection.

यजन्ते च महायज्ञैस्त्रयो वर्णाः पृथग्विधैः। युक्ताश्चाधीयते विद्यां यदा रक्षति भूमिपः॥
By virtue of royal protection the members of the three castes can celebrate high sacrifices and engage themselves in the acquisition of learning with attention.

वार्तामूलो ह्ययं लोकस्त्रय्या वै धार्य ते सदा। तत् सर्वं वर्तते सम्यग् यदा रक्षति भूमिपः॥
The world depends upon agriculture and trade and is protected by the Vedas. All these again are duly protected by the king exercising his principal duty.

यदा राजा धुरं श्रेष्ठामादाय वहति प्रजाः। महता बलयोगेन तदा लोकः प्रसीदति॥
Since the king, taking a heavy burden upon himself, protects his subjects with the help of a mighty force, it is therefore that the people are able to live in happiness.

यस्याभावेन भूतानामभावः स्यात् समन्ततः। भावे च भावो नित्यं स्यात् कस्तं न प्रतिपूजयेत्॥
Who is there who will not worship him on whose existence depends the existence of the people and by whose destruction the people are destroyed?

तस्य यो वहते भारं सर्वलोकभयावहम्। तिष्ठन् प्रियहिते राज्ञ उभौ लोकाविमौ जयेत्॥
That person who does what is agreeable and beneficial to the king and who participates in the burden of kingly duties which fill every caste with fear, conquers both this and the other world.

यस्तस्य पुरुषः पापं मनसाप्यनुचिन्तयेत्। असंशयमिह क्लिष्टः प्रेत्यापि नरकं व्रजेत्॥
That man who even thinks of injuring the king, forsooth meets with grief here and goes to hell hereafter.

न हि जात्ववमन्तव्यो मनुष्य इति भूमिपः। महती देवता ह्येषा नररूपेण तिष्ठति॥
No one should obey the king by taking him for a man, for he is in sooth a great god in human form.

कुरुते पञ्चरूपाणि कालयुक्तानि यः सदा। भवत्यग्निस्तथाऽऽदित्यो मृत्युर्वैश्रवणो यमः॥
The king puts on five different forms according to five different occasions. He energy the becomes Agni, Aditya, Mrityu, Vaishravana, and Yama.

यदा ह्यासीदत: पापान् दहत्युग्रेण तेजसा। मिथ्योपचरितो राजा तदा भवति पावकः॥
When the king, imposed on by falsehood, consumes with his dreadful offenders before him, he is said to put on the form of Agni.

यदा पश्यति चारेण सर्वभूतानि भूमिपः। क्षेमं च कृत्वा व्रजति तदा भवति भास्करः॥
When he marks through his spies the acts of all persons and does what is for the general behoof, he is said to put on the form of Aditya.

अशुचीश्च यदा क्रुद्धः क्षिणोति शतशो नरान्। सपुत्रपौत्रान् सामात्यांस्तदा भवति सोऽन्तकः॥
When he kills in anger hundreds of wicked men with their sons, grandsons, and relatives, he is then said to put on the form of the Destroyer.

यदा त्वधार्मिकान् सर्वांस्तीक्ष्णैर्दण्डैनियच्छति। धार्मिकांश्चानुगृह्णाति भवत्यथ यमस्तदा॥
When he suppresses the the wicked by punishing them severely and favours the righteous by giving them rewards, he is then said to put on the form of Yama.

यदा तु धनधाराभिस्तर्पयत्युपकारिणः। आच्छिनत्ति न रत्नानि विविधान्यपकारिणाम्॥ श्रियं ददाति कस्मैचित् कस्माच्चिदपकर्षति। तदा वैश्रवणो राजा लोके भवति भूमिपः॥
When he pleases with profuse gifts of riches those who have done him valuable services, and takes away the riches and precious stones of those who have offended him, indeed, when he confers wealth upon some and takes it away from others, he is then, O king, said to put on the form of Kubera on Earth.

नास्यापवादे स्थातव्यं दक्षेणाक्लिश्कर्मणा। धर्म्यमाकाङ्क्षता लोकमीश्वरस्यानसूयता॥ न हि राज्ञः प्रतीपानि कुर्वन् सुखमवाप्नुयात्। पुत्रो भ्राता वयस्यो वा यद्यप्यात्मसमो भवेत्॥
No person which is clever, who is capable of work, who wishes to acquire virtue, and who is shorn of malice, should ever spread evil reports about the king. No person, by acting against the king, can ever make himself happy, even if he be the king's son or brother or companion or one whom the king considers as his second self. Fire, increased by the wind, blazing forth, may leave a residue.

कुर्यात् कृष्णगतिः : शेषं ज्वलितोऽनिलसारथिः। न तु राजाभिपन्नस्य शेषं क्वचन विद्यते॥
The anger of the king, however, leaves not anything to the person who happens to incur it. Everything that belongs to the king should be avoided from a distance.

तस्य सर्वाणि रक्ष्याणि दूरतः परिवर्जयेत्। मृत्योरिव जुगुप्सेत राजस्वहरणान्नरः॥
One should turn away from the king's property as he would from death itself. A person, by taking what belongs to the king, soon meets with destruction like a deer upon touching poison.

नश्येदभिमृशन् सद्यो मृगः कूटमिव स्पृशन्। आत्मस्वमिव रक्षेत राजस्वमिह बुद्धिमान्॥
An intelligent man should protect as his own what belongs to the king.

महान्तं नरकं घोरमप्रतिष्ठमचेतनम्। पतन्ति चिररात्राय राजवित्तापहारिणः॥
Those, who take wealth belonging to the king, sink senseless into a deep hell of eternal darkness and infamy.

राजा भोजो विराट् सम्राट क्षत्रियो भूपतिर्नृपः। य एभिः स्तूयते शब्दैः कस्तं नार्चितुमर्हति॥
Who is there who will not adore the king who is described by terms,–'delighter of the people,' 'bestower of happiness, possessor of prosperity, the best of all, healer of injuries, master of Earth,' and protector of men?

तस्माद् बुभूषुर्नियतो जितात्मा नियतेन्द्रियः। मेधावी स्मृतिमान् दक्षः संश्रयेत महीपतिम्॥
That man, therefore, who seeks his own prosperity, who satisfies all healthy restraints, who has his soul under control, who has subdued his passions, who is gifted with intelligence and memory, and who is a clever (business man), should always be attached to the king.

कृतज्ञं प्राज्ञमक्षुद्रं दृढभक्तिं जितेन्द्रियम्। धर्मनित्यं स्थितं नीत्यं मन्त्रिणं पूजयेन्नृपः॥
The king should duly honour the minister who is grateful, wise, large-hearted loyal, a master of his senses, virtuous, and observant of the dictates of policy.

दृढभक्तिं कृतप्रज्ञं धर्मज्ञं संयतेन्द्रियम्। शूरमक्षुद्रकर्माणं निषिद्धजनमाश्रयेत्॥
The king should entertain the man who is loyal, grateful, virtuous, self-controlled, brave, noble, and competent to complete works without the help of others.

राजा प्रगल्भं कुरुते मनुष्यं राजा कृशं वै कुरुते मनुष्यम्। राजाभिपन्नस्य कुतः सुखानि राजाभ्युपेतं सुखिनं करोति॥
Knowledge makes men proud. The king makes men humble. The man who is assailed by the king can never enjoy happiness. On the other hand, the man who gets royal favours becomes happy.

राजा प्रजानां हृदयं गरीये गतिः प्रतिष्ठा सुखमुत्तमं च। समाश्रिता लोकमिमं परं च जयन्ति सम्यक् पुरुषा नरेन्द्र॥
The king is the heart of his people; he is their great refuge; he is their glory; and he is their greatest happiness. Those men, O king, who are attached to the king, can conquer both this and the next world.

नराधिपश्चाप्यनुशिष्य मेदिनी दमेन सत्येन च सौहृदेन। महद्भिरिष्ट्वा क्रतुभिर्महायर्शा स्त्रिविष्टपे स्थानमुपैति शाश्वतम्॥
Having governed the Earth with the help of the qualities of self-control, truth, and friendship, and having worshipped the deities by great sacrifices, the king, acquiring great glory, acquires an eternal abode in heaven.

स एवमुक्तोऽङ्गिरसा कौसल्यो राजसत्तमः। प्रयत्नात् कृतवान् वीरः प्रजानां परिपालनम्॥
That best of kings viz., the heroic Vasumanas, king of Koshala, thus instructed by Brihaspati the son of Angiras, began thenceforth to protect his subjects.'