The four modes of life described. The duties of the Brahmanas.

भीष्म उवाच आश्रमाणां महाबाहो शृणु सत्यपराक्रम। चतुर्णामपि नामानि कर्माणि च युधिष्ठिर॥
Bhishma said O mighty-armed one, hear me, O you of prowess incapable of being baffled, as I name the four modes of life and describe their respective duties.

वानप्रस्थं भक्ष्यचर्यं गार्हस्थ्यं च महाश्रमम्। ब्रह्मचर्याश्रमं प्राहुश्चतुर्थं ब्राह्मणैर्वृतम्॥
The four modes and Vanaprastha (hermit), Bhaikshya (mendicant), Garhasthya of great merit (house-holder), Brahmacharya (religious student) which is adopted by Brahmanas.

जटाधारणसंस्कारं द्विजातित्वमवाप्य च। आधानादिनि कर्माणि प्राप्य वेदमधीत्य च॥ सदारो वाप्यदारो वा आत्मवान् संयतेन्द्रियः। वानप्रस्थाश्रमं गच्छेत् कृतकृत्यो गृहाश्रमात्॥
Performing the purificatory rite consequent upon bearing matted locks, and of regeneration and having performed for sometime the rites of the sacred fire and studied the Vedas, one should, with purified soul and controlled senses having first carefully performed all the duties of the house-hold order, proceed, with or without his wife, to the forest for adoption of the mode called Vanaprastha.

तत्रारण्यकशास्त्राणि समधीत्य स धर्मवित्। अवरताः प्रव्रजित्वा गच्छत्यक्षरसात्मताम्॥
Having studied the Scriptures called Aranyakas, having restrained his vital fluid and having retired from all worldly affairs the pious hermit may then find himself immersed in the eternal Soul knowing no deterioration.

एतान्येव निमित्तानि मुनीनामूर्ध्वरेतसाम्। कर्तव्यानीह विप्रेण राजन्नादौ विपश्चिता॥
These are the signs of ascetics that have drawn up their vital fluid. A learned Brahmana, O king, should first practise and perform them.

चरितब्रह्मचर्यस्य ब्राह्मणस्य विशाम्पते। भैक्षचर्यास्वधीकारः प्रशस्त इह मोक्षिणः॥
The Brahmana, O king, who is desirous of liberation, is is competent to adopt the mendicant's life after having gone through the mode called Brahmacharya.

यत्रास्तमितशायी स्यान्निराशीरनिकेतनः। यथोपलब्धजीवी स्यान्मुनिर्दान्तो जितेन्द्रियः॥ निराशी:स्यात् सर्वसमो निर्भोगो निर्विकारवान्। विप्रः क्षेमाश्रमं प्राप्तो गच्छत्यक्षरसात्मताम्॥
Sleeping at the place where evening sets without caring to improve his situation, without a home, living on whatever fare is got (in charity), given to meditation, practising selfrestraint, with the senses under control, without desire, regarding all creatures impartially, without enjoyments, without dislike anything the Brahmana, possessed of learning, by adopting this mode of life, attains to unification with the eternal undecaying Soul.

अधीत्य वेदान्कृतसर्वकृत्यः संतानमुत्पाद्य सुखानि भुक्त्वा। समाहितः प्रचरेदुश्चरं यो गार्हस्थ्यधर्मं मुनिधर्मजुष्टम्॥
The person, leading the life of a householder, should, after studying the Vedas, accomplish all the religious acts prescribed for to him. He should procreate children and enjoy pleasures and luxuries. With careful attention he should satisfy all the duties of this mode of life which is highly spoken of by ascetics and which is extremely difficult to follow (without sins.)

स्वदारतष्टस्त्वृतुकालगामी नियोगसेवी न शठो न जिह्मः। मिताशनो देवरतः कृतज्ञः सत्यो मृदुश्चानृशंसः क्षमावान्॥
He shouid be satisfied with his own married wife and should never approach her except in her season. He should follow prescription of the scriptures, should not be cunning and deceitful. He should be sparing in diet, devoted to the gods, grateful, mild, shorn of cruelty, and forgiving.

दान्तो विधेयो हव्यकव्येऽप्रमत्तौ ह्यन्नस्य दाता सततं द्विजेभ्यः। अमत्सरी सर्वलिङ्गप्रदाता वैताननित्यश्च गृहाश्रमी स्यात्॥
He should be of a tranquil heart, peaceful and careful in making offerings to the gods and the Pitris. He should always be hospitable to the Brahmanas. He should be shorn of pride and should not make charity to one sect. He should always carefully perforinthe Vedic rites.

अथात्र नारायणगीतमार्छ महर्षयस्तात महानुभावाः। महार्थमत्यन्ततपःप्रयुक्तं तदुच्यमानं हि मया निबोध॥
Regarding it, the illustrious and great Rishis cite a verse sung by Narayana himself, highly important and endued with high ascetic merit. Hear me as I repeat it.

सत्यार्जवं चातिथिपूजनं च धर्मस्तथार्थश्च रतिः स्वदारैः। निषेवितव्यानि सुखानि लोके ह्यस्मिन् परे चैव मतं ममैतत्॥
By truth, simplicity, worship of guests, acquisition of religion and profit, and enjoyment of one's own married wife one should enjoy various kinds of happiness both here and hereafter.

भरणं पुत्रदाराणां वेदानां धारणं तथा। वसतामाश्रमं श्रेष्ठं वदन्ति परमर्षयः॥
The great Rishis have said that the maintenance of sons and wives, and the study of the Vedas, are the duties of those who follow this high mode of life.

एवं हि यो ब्राह्मणो यज्ञशीलो गार्हस्थ्यमध्यावसते यथावत्। गृहस्थवृत्तिं प्रविशोध्य सम्यक् स्वर्गे विशुद्धं फलमाप्नुते सः॥
That Brahmana who, always engaged in the celebration of sacrifices, duly passes this mode of life and properly discharges all its duties, obtains blessed rewards in heaven.

तस्य देहपरित्यागादिशः कामाक्षया मताः। आनन्त्यायोपतिष्ठन्ति सर्वतोऽक्षिशिरोमुखाः॥
Upon his death, the rewards sought by him become eternal. Indeed these wait upon him for eternity like servants ever careful to execute the orders of their master.

स्मरन्नेको जपन्नेकः सर्वानेको युधिष्ठिर। एकस्मिन्नेव चाचार्ये शुश्रूषुर्मलपङ्कवान्॥ ब्रह्मचारी व्रती नित्यं नित्यं दीक्षापरो वशी। परिचार्य तथा वेदं कृत्यं कुर्वन् वसेत् सदा॥ शुश्रूषां सततं कुर्वन् गुरोः सम्प्रणमेत च। षट्कर्मसु निवृत्तश्च न प्रवृत्तश्च सर्वशः॥ न चरत्यधिकारेण सेवेत द्विषतो न च। एषोऽऽश्रमपदस्तात ब्रह्मचारिण इष्यते॥
Always studying the Vedas, silently reciting the mantras obtained from his preceptor, worshipping all the gods, O Yudhishthira, dutifully attending upon and serving his preceptor with his own body smeared with clay and filth, the person, leading the Brahmacharya mode of life, should always observe rigid vows and, with senses under restraint, should always pay attention to the instructions he has received. Meditating on the Vedas and satisfying all the duties he should live, dutifully serving his preceptor and always bowing to him. Unengaged in the six kinds of work and never doing with attachment any kind of acts, never showing favour or disfavour to any one, and doing good even to his enemies,-these, O son, are the duties of a Brahmacharin. and, with senses under restraint, should always pay attention to the instructions he has received. Meditating on the Vedas and satisfying all the duties he should live, dutifully serving his preceptor and always bowing to him. Unengaged in the six kinds of work and never doing with attachment any kind of acts, never showing favour or disfavour to any one, and doing good even to his enemies,-these, O son, are the duties of a Brahmacharin.