Karna's trial. Jamadagni sleeps on his lap-His thigh is bored. Jamadagni's curse

नारद उवाच कर्णस्य बाहुवीर्येण प्रणयेन दमेन च। तुतोष भृगुशार्दूलो गुरुशुश्रूषया तथा॥
Narada said That foremost of Bhrigu's race Rama was well pleased with the power of Karna's arms, his love (for him), his self-restraint, and the services he rendered to his preceptor.

तस्मै स विधिवत् कृत्स्नं ब्रह्मास्त्रं सनिवर्तनम्। प्रोवाचाखिलमव्यग्रं तपस्वी तत् तपस्विने॥
Ever practising ascetic penances, Rama cheerfully communicated, with due forms, to his disciple who practised penances everything about the Brahma weapon with the Mantras for withdrawing it.

विदितास्त्रस्ततः कर्णो रममाणोऽऽश्रमे भृगोः। चकार वै धनुर्वेदे यत्नमद्भुतविक्रमः॥
Having acquired a knowledge of that weapon, Karna began to live happily in Bhrigu's retreat, and highly powerful as he was, he devoted himself with great energy to the science of arms.

ततः कदाचिद् रामस्तु चरन्नाश्रममन्तिकात्। कर्णेन सहितो धीमानुपवासेन कर्शितः॥
One day the highly intelligent Rama, while walking with Karna in the vicinity of his retreat, felt himsclf very weak for the fasts he had undergone.

सुष्वाय जामदग्न्यस्तु विश्रम्भोत्पन्नसौहृदः। कर्णस्योत्सङ्ग आधाय शिरः क्लान्तमना गुरुः॥
From affection created by confidence, the tired son of Jamadagni, placing his head on Karna's lap, slept soundly.

अथ कृमिः श्लेष्ममेदोमांसशोणितभोजनः। दारुणो दारुणस्पर्शः कर्णस्याभ्याशमागतः॥
While his preceptor was thus sleeping (with head] on his lap, a dreadful worm, whose bite was very painful and which lived on phlegm and fat and flesh and blood, appeared before Karna.

स तस्योरुमथासाद्य बिभेद रुधिराशनः। न चैनमशकत् क्षेप्तुं हन्तुं वापि गुरोर्भयात्॥
Getting at Karna's thigh, that blooddrinking worm began to pierce it. Lest his preceptor might get up, Karna could neither throw away nor kill that animal.

संदश्यमानस्तु तथा कृमिणा तेन भारत। गुरोः प्रबोधनाशङ्की तमुपैक्षत सूर्यजः॥
Though his limb was cut through by that worm, O Bharata, the son of Surya, lest his preceptor should awake, allowed it to do its pleasure.

कणस्तु वेदनां धैर्यादसह्यां विनिगृह्य ताम्। अकम्पयन्नव्यथयन् धारयामास भार्गवम्॥
Though the pain was unbearable, Karna endured it with heroic patience, and continued to hold Bhrigu's son on his lap, without trembling in the least and without displaying any sign of pain.

यदास्य रुधिरेणाङ्ग परिस्पृष्टं भृगूद्वहः। तदाबुद्ध्यत तेजस्वी संत्रस्तश्चेदमब्रवीत्॥ अहोऽस्म्यशुचितां प्राप्तः किमिदं क्रियते त्वया। कथयस्व भयं त्यक्त्वा याथातथ्यमिदं मम॥
When at last Karna's blood touched the body of the highly energetic Rama, the latter awoke and said these words in fear,-Alas, I have been polluted. What are you doing. Tell me, without any fear, what is the truth of this matter.

तस्य कर्णस्तदाऽऽचष्ट कृमिणा परिभक्षणम्। ददर्श रामस्तं चापि कृमि सूकरसंनिभम्॥
Then Karna informed him of that worm's bite. Rama saw that worm which was like a hog in shape.

अष्टपादं तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र सूचीभिरिव संवृतम्। रोमभिः संनिरुद्धाङ्गमलर्कं नाम नामतः॥
It had eight feet and very sharp teeth, and was covered with bristles pointed like needles. Its name was 'Alarka, its limbs were then shrunk [with fear].

स दृष्टमात्रो रामेण कृमि: प्राणानवासृजत्। तस्मिन्नेवासृजि क्लिन्नस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
As soon as Rama looked at it, the worm died melting in that blood which it had drawn. All this appeared wonderful.

ततोऽन्तरिक्षे ददृशे विश्वरूपः करालवान्। राक्षसो लोहितग्रीवः कृष्णाङ्गो मेघवाहनः॥
A Rakshasa of terrible form, dark in hue, of a red neck, capable of assuming forms at will, and staying on the clouds was seen in the sky.

स रामं प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा बभाषे पूर्णमानसः। स्वस्ति ते भृगुशार्दूल गमिष्येऽहं यथागतम्॥ मोक्षितो नरकादस्माद् भवता मुनिसत्तम। भद्रं तवास्तु वन्दे त्वां प्रियं मे भवता कृतम्॥
His object fulfilled, the Rakshasa, with joined palms addressed Rama, saying, O best of ascetics, you have saved me from this hell! Blessed by you, I worship you have donc me good.

तमुवाच महाबाहुर्जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान्। कस्त्वं कस्माच्च नरकं प्रतिपन्नो ब्रवीहि तत्॥
The highly energetic and the mighty armed son of Jamadagni said to him,-Who are you? And why did you fall into hell? Tell me all this.

सोऽब्रवीदहमासं प्राग्दंशो नाम महासुरः। पुरा देवयुगे तात भृगोस्तुल्यवया इव॥
He answered,-Formerly I was a great Asura by the name of Dansha. In the Krita cycle, O sire, I was of the same age with Bhrigu.

सोऽहं भृगोः सुदयितां भार्यामपहरं बलात्। महर्षेरभिशापेन कृमिभूतोऽपतं भुवि।॥
I ravished the dearly-loved wife that sage. Cursed by him I fell down on the Earth in the form of a worm.

अब्रवीद्धि स मां क्रुद्धस्तव पूर्वपितामहः। मूत्रश्लेष्माशनः पाप निरयं प्रतिपत्स्यसे॥
In anger your ancestor said to me, living on urine and phlegm, O wretch, you will live in hell.

शापस्यान्तो भवेद् ब्रह्मन्नित्येवं तमथाब्रवम्। भविता भार्गवाद् रामादिति मामब्रवीद् भृगुः॥
I then begged him, saying-When, O Brahmana, will this curse end?-Bhrigu replied, saying-This curse shall end through Rama of my family.

सोऽहमेनां गतिं प्राप्तो यथा न कुशलं तथा त्वया साधो समागम्य विमुक्तः पापयोनितः॥
It was for this I had led a life like one of uncleaned soul! O righteous one, by you, however, I have been rescued from that sinful life.

एवमुक्त्वा नमस्कृत्य ययौ रामं महासुरः। रामः कर्णं च सक्रोधमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Having said so, the great Asura, bowing to Rama, went away. Then Rama wrathfully addressed Karna, saying.

अतिदुःखमिदं मूढ न जातु ब्राह्मणः सहेत्। क्षत्रियस्येव ते धैर्यं कामया सत्यमुच्यताम्॥
O fool, no Brahmana could bear such a pain! Your patience is like that of a Kshatriya! Tell me the truth, without fear.

कर्णः शापाद् ब्रह्मक्षत्रान्तरे जातं सूतं मां विद्धि भार्गव॥ तमुवाच ततः भीतः प्रसादयन्।
Thus asked, Karna, fearing to be cursed, and trying to please him, said, O you of Bhrigu's race know me for a Suta, a race originating from the intermixture of Brahmanas with Kshatriyas.

राधेयः कर्ण इति मां प्रवदन्ति जना भुवि। प्रसादं कुरु मे ब्रह्मन्नस्त्रलुब्धस्य भार्गव॥
People call me Karna the son of Radha! O you of Bhrigu's race, be propitiated with my poor self who have thus behaved for mastering the weapons.

पिता गुरुर्न संदेहो वेदविद्याप्रदः प्रभुः। अतो भार्गव इत्युक्तं मया गोत्रं तवान्तिक॥
Forsooth, a reverend preceptor in the Vedas and other branches of learning is one's father! It was for this that I introduced myself to you as a person of your family.

तमुवाच भृगुश्रेष्ठः सरोषः प्रदहन्निवा भूमौ निपतितं दीनं वेपमानं कृताञ्जलिम्॥ यस्मान्मिथ्योपचरितो ह्यस्त्रलोभादिह त्वया। तस्मादेतन ते मूढ ब्रह्मास्त्रं प्रतिभास्यति॥
Unto the cheerless and trembling Karna, that foremost one of Bhrigu's race, smiling though angry, said to the cheerless and trembling Karna who was lying on Earth with joined hands, since you have from avarice of weapons, behaved here falsely, therefore, O wretch, this Brahma weapon shall not remain in your remembrance.

अन्यत्र वधकालात् ते सदृशेन समीयुषः। अब्राह्मणे न हि ब्रह्म ध्रुवं तिष्ठेत् कदाचन॥
Since you are not a Brahmana, this Brahma weapon shall not, up to the time of your death, live in you when you will be engaged with a warrior equal to yourself.

गच्छेदानीं न ते स्थानमनृतस्येह विद्यते। न त्वया सदृशो युद्धे भविता क्षत्रियो भुवि॥
Go hence, this is not the place for a person who behaves falsely. On Earth, no Kshatriya will be your equal in battle.

एवमुक्तः स रामेण न्यायेनोपजगाम हा दुर्योधनमुपागम्य कृतोस्त्रोऽस्मीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by Rama, Karna came away, having duly taken his permission. Arriving then before Duryodhana, he informed him, saying-I have learnt all weapons.

एवमुक्तः स रामेण न्यायेनोपजगाम हा दुर्योधनमुपागम्य कृतोस्त्रोऽस्मीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Thus addressed by Rama, Karna came away, having duly taken his permission. Arriving then before Duryodhana, he informed him, saying-I have learnt all weapons.