None: Chapter 28

Conversation b-Janaka and Ashma as to how should a man act upon the accession and destruction of both kinsmen and wealth.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ज्ञातिशोकाभितप्तस्य प्राणानभ्युत्सिसृक्षतः । ज्येष्ठस्य पाण्डुपुत्रस्य व्यासः शोकमपानुदत्॥
Vaishampayana said Vyasa then removed the grief of the cldest of Pandu, who, filled with sorrow consequent on the destruction of his kinsmen, had resolved to throw off his life-brcaths.

व्यास उवाच अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। अश्मगीतं नरव्याघ्र तन्निबोध युधिष्ठिर॥
Vyasa said 'Regarding this subject is cited the old story, O foremost of men, that is known by the name of Ashma's discourse, Listen to it, O Yudhishthira.

अश्मानं ब्राह्मणं प्राज्ञं वैदेहो जनको नृपः। संशयं परिपप्रच्छ दुःखशोकसमन्वितः॥
Janaka the king of the Videhas, O king, filled with sorrow and grief, asked a wise Brahmana of the name of Ashma for removing his doubts.

जनक उवाच आगमे यदि वापाये ज्ञातीनां द्रविणस्य च। नरेण प्रतिपत्तव्यं कल्याणं कथमिच्छता॥
Janaka said How should a man seeking his own wellbeing act upon occasions of the accession and the destruction of both kinsmen and wealth?-

अश्मोवाच उत्पन्नमिममात्मानं नरस्यानन्तरं ततः। तानि तान्यनुवर्तन्ते दुःखानि च सुखानि च॥
Ashma said Immediately after the formation of a man's body, joys and sorrows are themselves attached to it.

तेषामन्यतरापत्तौ यद् यदेवोपपद्यते। तदस्य चेतनामाशु हरत्यभ्रमिवानिलः॥
Although either of the two may overtake the person, yet whichever actually overtakes him quickly deprives him of his understanding like the wind dissipating gathering clouds.

अभिजातोऽस्मि सिद्धोऽस्मि नास्मि केवलमानुषः। इत्येभिर्हेतुभिस्तस्य त्रिभिश्चित्तं प्रसिच्यते॥
In prosperity one thinks,-I am of highbirth.-I can do whatever I like.-I am not an ordinary person.-His mind because soaked with these three vain thoughts.

सम्प्रसक्तमना भोगान् विसृज्य पितृसंचितान्। परिक्षीणः परस्वानामादानं साधु मन्यते॥
Addicted to all earthly pleasures, he begins to dissipate the wealth hoarded by his ancestors. Impoverished in course of time, he considers the misappropriation of others' property as even laudable.

तमतिक्रान्तमर्यादमाददानमसाम्प्रतम्। प्रतिषेधन्ति राजानो लुब्धा मृगमिवेषुभिः॥
Like a hunter striking a deer with his arrows, the king then punishes the wicked man, that robber of other people's wealth, that transgressor, of law and regulations.

ये च विंशतिवषर्ज वा त्रिंशद्वर्षाश्च मानवाः। परेण ते वर्षशतान्न भविष्यन्ति पार्थिव॥
Without attaining to a hundred years, such man scarcely live beyond twenty or thirty years.

तेषां परमदुः :खानां बुद्ध्या भैषज्यमाचरेत्। सर्वप्राणभृतां वृत्तं प्रेक्षमाणस्ततस्ततः॥
Carefully observing the conduct of all creatures, a king should, by the exercise of his intelligence, concert measures for alleviating the great sorrows of his subjects.

मानसानां पुनर्योनिर्दुःखानां चित्तविभ्रमः। अनिष्टोपनिपातो वा तृतीयं नोपपद्यते॥
The causes of all mental sorrow are twofold viz., delusion of the mind and distress. No third cause is there.

एवमेतानि दुःखानि तानि तानीह मानवम्। विविधान्युपवर्तन्ते तथा संस्पर्शजान्यपि॥
All these various kinds of misery as also those arising from attachment to earthly pleasures that overtake man, are even such.

जरामृत्यू हि भूतानां खादितारौ वृकाविव। बलिनां दुर्बलानां च ह्रस्वानां महतामपि॥
Like a pair of wolves Decrepitude and Death, devour all creatures, strong or weak, short or tall.

न कश्चिज्जात्वतिक्रामेज्जरामृत्यू हि मानवः। अपि सागरपर्यन्तां विजित्येमां वसुन्धराम्॥
No man can escape decrepitude and death, not even the conqueror of the whole Earth encompassed by the sea.

सुखं वा यदि वा दुःखं भूतानां पर्युपस्थितम्। प्राप्तव्यमवशैः सर्वं परिहारो न विद्यते॥
Happiness or sorrow whatever comes upon creatures, it should be enjoyed or borne without elation or depression. There is no means of escaping from them.

पूर्वे वयसि मध्ये वाप्युत्तरे वा नराधिप। अवर्जनीयास्तेऽर्था वै कांक्षिता ये ततोऽन्यथा॥
The evils of life, O king, overtake one in infancy or youth or old age. They can never be avoided, while those which one seeks most never come.

अप्रियैः सह संयोगो विप्रयोगश्च सुप्रियैः। अर्थानों सुखं दुःखं विधानमनुवर्तते॥
The absence of what is pleasant, the presence of what is disagreeable, good and evil, happiness and misery, follow Destiny.

प्रादुर्भावश्च भूतानां देहत्यागस्तथैव च। प्राप्तिायामयोगश्च सर्वमेतत् प्रतिष्ठितम्॥
Likewise, the birth of creatures and their death, and profit and loss, are all preordained.

गन्धवर्णरसस्पर्शा निवर्तन्ते स्वभावतः। तथैव सुखदुःखानि विधानमनुवर्तते॥
As smell, colour, taste, and touch originate of themselves, so happiness and misery originate from what has been preordained.

आसनं शयनं यानमुत्थानं पानभोजनम्। नियतं सर्वभूतानां कालेनैव भवत्युत॥
Seats, beds, cars, riches, drink and food, always come to living creatures in the due course of Time.

वैद्याश्चाप्यातुराः सन्ति बलवन्तश्च दुर्बलाः। श्रीमन्तचापरे षण्ढा विचित्रः कालपर्ययः॥
Physicians even fall ill. The strong become weak. The rich man lose all and become poor. The course of Time is highly wonderful.

कुले जन्म तथा वीर्यमारोग्यं रूपमेव च। सौभाग्यमुपभोगश्च भवितव्येन लभ्यते॥
Noble-birth, health, beauty, prosperity, and objects of pleasures, are all begotten by Destiny.

सन्ति पुत्राः सुबहवो दरिद्राणामनिच्छताम्। नास्तिः पुत्रः समृद्धानां विचित्रं विधिचेश्तिम्॥
The poor, although they may not desire it, have many children. The rich again are seen to have none. Wonderful is the course of Destiny.

व्याधिरग्निर्जलं शस्त्रं बुभुक्षाश्चापदो विषम्। ज्वरच मरणं जन्तोरुच्चाच्च पतनं तथा॥ निर्माणे यस्य यद् दिष्टं तेन गच्छति सेतुना। दृश्यते नाप्यतिक्रामन्न निष्क्रान्तोऽथवा पुनः॥ दृश्यते चाप्यतिक्रामन्ननिग्राह्योऽथवा पुनः।
The dangers of ailment, fire, water, weapons, hunger, poison, fever, and death, and falls from elevated places, visit a man according to the Destiny under which he is born. It is generally seen in this world, that somebody, without committing any sin, suffers many miseries while another, having committed sins, is not pressed down by the weight of calamity.

दृश्यते हि युवैवेह विनश्यन्वसुमानरः। दरिद्रश्च परिक्लिष्टः शतवर्षो जरान्वितः॥
It is seen that a rich man dies in youth; while a poor man lives on suffering from decrepitude, for a hundred years.

अकिञ्चनाश्च दृश्यन्ते पुरुषाश्चिरजीविनः। समृद्धे च कुले जाता विनश्यन्ति पतङ्गवत्॥
One born in a mean family may live very long while one descended from a noble family dies soon like an insect.

प्रायेण श्रीमतां लोके भोक्तुं शक्तिर्न विद्यते। काष्ठान्यपि हि जीर्यन्ते दरिद्राणां च सर्वशः॥
It is very common in this world, that rich men have no appetite, while the poor can digest pieces of wood.

अहमेतत् करोमीति मन्यते कालनोदितः। यद् यदिष्टमसंतोषाद् दुरात्मा पापमाचरेत्॥
Discontented with his position, whatever sins a wicked man commits, under the influence of destiny, saying,-I am the doer,-he considers to be all for his good.

मृगयाऽक्षाः स्त्रियः पानं प्रसङ्गा निन्दिता बुधैः। दृश्यन्ते पुरुषाश्चात्र सम्प्रयुक्ता बहुश्रुताः॥
Hunting, dice, women, wine, quarrels, these are censured by the wise. many persons, well, and greatly, read in the scriptures, are seen to be addicted to them.

इति कालेन सर्वार्थानीप्सितानीप्सितानिह। स्पृशन्ति सर्वभूतानि निमित्तं नोपलभ्यते॥
Objects, whether sought for or otherwise, come upon creature in course of Time. No other cause is seen.

वायुमाकाशमग्निं च चन्द्रादित्यावहःक्षपे। ज्योतींषि सरितः शैलान् कः करोति बिभर्ति च॥
Who creates and maintains air, ether, fire, moon, sun, day, night, the planets, rivers, and mountains?

शीतमुष्णं तथा वर्ष कालेन परिवर्तते। एवमेव मनुष्याणां सुखदुः :खे नरर्षभ॥
Cold, and heat, and rain, come in turn in course of Time. Such is the case, O foremost of men, with the happiness and the misery of mankind.

नौषधानि न मन्त्राश्च न होमा न पुनर्जपाः। त्रायन्ते मृत्युनोपेतं जरया चापि मानवम्॥
Neither medicines, nor incantations, can save the man attacked by decrepitude or overtaken by death.

यथा काष्ठं च काष्ठं च समेयातां महोदधौ। समेत्य च व्यपेयातां तद्वद् भूतसमागमः॥
As two pieces wood, floating on the great ocean, come together and are again separated, so creatures are united and are again separated in time.

ये चैव पुरुषाः स्त्रीभिर्गीतवाद्यैरुपस्थिताः। य चानाथाः परान्नादा: कालस्तेषु समक्रियः॥
Time acts impartially towards rich men who enjoy the pleasure of song and dance in the company of women and those unfortunate men who live upon another's food.

मातापितृसहस्राणि पुत्रदारशतानि च। संसारेष्वनुभूतानि कस्य ते कस्य वा वयम्॥
In this world a thousand sorts of relationship are made such as mother and father and son and wife. In truth, however, whose are they are whose are we?

नैवास्य कश्चिद् भविता नायं भवति कस्यचित्। पथि सङ्गतमेवेदं दारबन्धुसुहृज्जनैः॥
No one can become any one's own, nor can any one become anybody else's own. Our union here with wives and kinsmen and wellwishers is like that of travellers at an inn in the road.

क्वासे क्व च गमिष्यामि को न्वहं किमिहास्थितः। कस्मात् किमनुशोचेयमित्येवं स्थापयेन्मनः॥
Where am I? Where shall I go?-Who am I?—How came I here?-Why and for whom should I grieve?-Thinking of all these questions one gets tranquillity.

अनित्ये प्रियसंवासे संसारे चक्रवद्गतौ। पथि सङ्गतमेवैतद् भ्राता माता पिता सखा॥
Life and its surroundings are always revolving like a wheel, and the companionship of those who are dear in only for the time being. The union with brother, mother, father, and friend is like that of travellers in an inn.

न दृष्टपूर्वं प्रत्यक्षं परलोकं विदुर्बुधाः। आगमांस्त्वनतिक्रम्य श्रद्धातव्यं बुभूषता॥
The wise men behold, as if with corporeal eyes, the next world which is unseen. Without setting at naught the scriptures, one desirous of knowledge should cherish faith.

कुर्वीत पितृदैवत्यं धर्माणि च समाचरेत्। यजेच्च विद्वान् विधिवत् त्रिवर्गं चाप्युपाचरेत्॥
One possessed of knowledge should perform the rites laid down for the Pitris and the gods, perforin all religious duties, celebrate sacrifices, judiciously pursue religion, profit and pleasure.

संनिमज्जेज्जगदिदं गम्भीरे कालसागरे। जरामृत्युमहाग्राहे न कश्चिदवबुध्यते॥
Alas, no one perceives that the world is sinking in the deep ocean of Time which is infested with those huge crocodiles called decrepitude and death.

आयुर्वेदमधीयानाः केवलं सपरिग्रहाः। दृश्यन्ते बहवो वैद्या व्याधिभिः समभिप्लुताः॥
Many physicians are seen suffering from a disease along with all the members of their families, although they have carefully read the science of Life.

ते पिबन्तः कषायांश्च सीषि विविधानि च। न मृत्युमतिवर्तन्ते वेलामिव महोदधिः॥
Taking bitters and various sorts of oily drugs, they cannot go beyond death as the ocean cannot transcend its continents.

रसायनविदश्चैव सुप्रयुक्तरसायनाः। दृश्यन्ते जरया भग्ना नगा नागैरिवोत्तमैः॥
Despite the wise application of chemical compounds, men well-versed in chemistry, are seen to be broken down by decrepitude like trees broken down by elephants.

तथैव तपसोपेताः स्वाध्यायाभ्यसने रताः। दातारो यज्ञशीलाश्च न तरन्ति जरान्तकौ॥
Likewise, persons endued with ascetic merit, devoted to study of the Vedas, practising charity and frequently celebrating sacrifices. cannot escape the hands of decrepitude and death.

न शहानि निवर्तन्ते न मासा न पुनः समाः। जातानां सर्वभूतानां न पक्षा न पुनः क्षपाः॥ केनचित्।
as Neither years, nor months, nor fortnights, nor days, nor nights that have once gone away do ever return to creatures who are born.

सोऽयं विपुलमध्वानं कालेन ध्रुवमध्रुवः। नरोऽवशः समभ्येति सर्वभूतनिषेवितम्॥
Man, whose existence is so transitory is compelled, in course of Time, whether he will or no, to come upon this inevitable and broad path of all creatures.

देहो वा जीवतोऽभ्येति जीवो वाभ्येति देहतः। पथि सङ्गममभ्येति दारैरन्यैश्च बन्धुभिः॥
Whether the body originates from the creature, or the creature originates from the body, one's union, however, with wives and other friends is like that of travellers in an inn.

नायमत्यन्तसंवासो लभ्यते जातु अपि स्वेन शरीरेण किमुतान्येन केनचित्॥
One cannot obtain another his companion for ever. One cannot obtain such union even with his own body. How then can it be secured with any one else?

क्व नु तेऽद्य पिता राजन् क्व नु तेऽद्य पितामहाः। न त्वं पश्यसि तानद्य न त्वां पश्यन्ति तेऽनघ॥
Where, O king, is your father, to-day and where your grandfathers? You do not see them to-day and they do not see you. O sinless one.

न चैव पुरुषो द्रष्टा स्वर्गस्य नरकस्य च। आगमस्तु सतां चक्षुर्नृपते तमिहाचर॥
No person can see either heaven or hell. The sacred books, however, are the eyes of the virtuous. O king, regulate your conduct according to the scriptures.

चरितब्रह्मचर्यो हि प्रजायेत यजेत च। पितृदेवमनुष्याणामानृण्यादनसूयकः॥
With a pure heart, one should lead the life of Brahmacharya and then procreate children and then celebrate sacrifices for satisfying the debt one owes of the Pitris, the gods and men.

स यज्ञशीलः प्रजने निविष्टः प्रारब्रह्मचारी प्रविविक्तचक्षुः। आराधयेत् स्वर्गमिमं च लोकं परं च मुक्त्वा हृदयव्यलीकम्॥
Celebrating sacrifices and engaged in begetting (children),. after having first observed the vow of Brahmacharya, one who has eyes of wisdom shaking off all anxiety of heart, should seek heaven, this world, and his own soul.

समं हि धर्मं चरतो नृपस्य द्रव्याणि चाभ्याहरतो यथावत्। प्रवृत्तधर्मस्य यशोऽभिवर्धते सर्वेषु लोकेषु चराचरेषु॥
That virtuous king who tries judiciously for acquiring Heaven and Earth and who takes his own share of earthly goods as sanctioned in the scriptures, acquires a reputation that spreads over all the worlds and among all creatures mobile and immobile.

इत्येवमाज्ञाय विदेहराजो वाक्यं समग्रं परिपूर्णहेतुः। र्ययौ गृहं स्वं प्रति शान्तशोकः॥
Having heard these words pregnant with reason, the king of the Videhas of clear understanding became freed from grief, and taking Ashma's leave proceeded towards his house.

तथा त्वमप्यच्युत मुञ्च शोर्क मुत्तिष्ठ शक्रोपम हर्षमेहि। क्षात्रेण धर्मेण मही जिता ते तां भुक्ष्व कुन्तीसुत मावमंस्था॥
O you of unfading glory, cast off your sorrow and rise up. You are equal to Shakra himself. Cheer up your heart. The Earth has been conquered by you by means of Kshatriya duties. Enjoy here, O son of Kunti, and do not disobey my words?"