The same subject

भीष्म उवाच ततः स विदितो राज्ञः प्रविश्य गृहमुत्तमम्। पूजितो राक्षसेन्द्रेण निषसादासनोत्तमे॥
Bhishma said Conducted into a spacious apartment, Gautama was introduced to the king of the Rakshasas. Adored by the latter, he sat on an excellent seat.

पृष्टश्च गोत्रचरणं स्वाध्यायं ब्रह्मचारिकम्। न तत्र व्याजहारान्यद् गोत्रमात्रादृते द्विजः॥
The king asked him about his caste and his practices, his study of the Vedas and his observance of the Brahmacharya vow. The Brahmana, however, without answering the other questions, only stated his name and caste.

ब्रह्मवर्चसहीनस्य स्वाध्यायोपरतस्य च। गोत्रमात्रविदो राजा निवासं समपृच्छत॥
Having ascertained only the name and the caste of his guest, and finding that he was shorn of Brahmanic splendour and Vedic studies, the king next enquired about the country of his residence.

राक्षस उवाच क्वते निवासः कल्याण किंगोत्रा ब्राह्मणी च ते। तत्त्वं ब्रूहि न भी: कार्या विश्वसस्व यथासुखम्॥
The Rakshasa said.mom Where is your residence, O blessed one, and to what race does your wife belong? Tell us truly. Do not fear Trust us without anxiety.

गौतम उवाच मध्यदेशप्रसूतोऽहं वासो मे शबरालये। शूद्रा पुनर्भूर्भार्या मे सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Gautama said I belong by birth to the Middle country. I live in a village of hunters. I have married a Shudra woman who had been a widow. What I tell you is the truth.

भीष्म उवाच ततो राजा विममृशे कथं कार्यमिदं भवेत्। कथं वा सुकृतं मे स्यादिति बुद्ध्यान्वचिन्तयत्॥
Bhishma said The king then began to think as to what he should do. Indeed, the king began to think how he might acquire merit.

अयं वै जन्मना विप्रः सुहृत् तस्य महात्मनः। सम्प्रेषितश्च तेनायं काश्यपेन ममान्तिकम्॥
He said to himself,-This man is by birth a Brahmana. He is, again, a friend of the great Rajadharman. He has been sent to me by that son of Kashyapa.

तस्य प्रियं करिष्यामि स हि मामाश्रितः सदा। भ्राता मे बान्धवश्चासौ सखा च हृदयङ्गमः॥
I must do as my friend desires me. He is very intimate with me. He is my brother, and a dear relative. He is, indeed a friend, of my heart.

कातिक्यामद्य भोक्तारः सहस्रं मे द्विजोत्तमाः। तत्रायमपि भोक्ता च देयमस्मे च मे धनम्॥
On this day of the month of Kartika, a thousand Brahmanas of the highest order are to be entertained in my house. This Gautama also shall be entertained with them and I shall give wealth to him too.

स चाद्य दिवस: पुण्यो ह्यतिथिश्चायमागतः। संकल्पितं चैव धनं किं विचार्यमतः परम्॥
This is a sacred day. Gautama has come here as a guest. The wealth that is to be given away is ready. What is there then to think of.

ततः सहस्रं विप्राणां विदुषां समलंकृतम्। स्नातानामनुसम्प्राप्तं सुमहत् क्षौमवाससाम्॥
Just about this time a thousand Brahmanas, endued with great learning, with bodies purified by baths and adorned with sandalpaste and flowers, and clad in long robes of linen, came there.

तानागतान् द्विजश्रेष्ठान् विरूपाक्षो विशाम्पते। यथार्ह प्रतिजग्राह विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा॥
The Rakshasa king Virupaksha, O monarch, received the guests, as they came, duly and according to the rites sanctioned in the scriptures.

बृस्यस्तेषां तु संन्यस्ता राक्षसेन्द्रस्य शासनात्। भूमौ वरकुशा: स्तीर्णाः प्रेष्यैर्भरतसत्तम्॥
By the order of the king, skins were spread out of them. The royal servants then, O best of the Bharatas, spread mats of Kusha grass on the ground.

तासु ते पूजिता राज्ञा निषण्णा द्विजसत्तमाः। तिलदर्भोदकेनाथ अर्चिता विधिवद् द्विजाः॥
Having been duly adored by the king, those foremost of Brahmanas, sat down on those seats. The Rakshasa chief once more adored his guests, according to the ordinance, with sesame seeds, green blades of grass, and water.

विश्वेदेवाः सपितरः साग्नयचोपकल्पिता:। विलिप्ताः पुष्पवन्तश्च सुप्रचाराः सुपूजिताः। व्यराजन्त महाराज नक्षत्रपतयो यथा।॥
Some of them were selected for representing the Vishvedevas, the Pitris, and the gods of fire. These were smeared with sandal-paste, and flowers were offered to them. They were also worshipped with the other sorts of costly offerings.

ततो जाम्बूनदीः पात्रीर्वज्राङ्का विमलाः शुभाः। वरान्नपूर्णा विप्रेभ्यः प्रादान्मधुघृतप्लुताः॥ तस्य नित्यं सदाऽऽषाढ्यां माध्यां च बहवो द्विजाः। ईप्सितं भोजनवरं लभन्ते सत्कृतं सदा॥ विशेषतस्तु कार्तिक्यां द्विजेभ्यः सम्प्रयच्छति। शरट्यपाये रत्नानि पौर्णमास्यामिति श्रुतिः॥ सुवर्णं रजतं चैव मणीनथ च मौक्तिकान्॥ वज्रान महाधनांश्चैव वैदूर्याजिनराङ्कवान्। रत्नराशीन् विनिक्षिप्य दक्षिणार्थे स भारत॥ ततः प्राह द्विजश्रेष्ठान् विरूपाक्षो महाबलः। गृह्णीत रत्नान्येतानि यथोत्साहं यथेष्टतः॥
After such worship, every one of them looked as effulgent as the moon in the sky. Then bright and polished golden plates, adorned with engravings, and filled with rich viands prepared with clarified butter and honey, were given to those Brahmanas. Every year in the month of Ashada and Magha, a great number of Brahmanas used to receive from he Rakshasa chief, after proper honours, the most excellent food which they desired. Especially, on the day of full moon in the month of Kartika, after the termination of autumn, the king use to give to the Brahmanas much wealth of various kinds, including gold, silver, jewels, gems, pearls, costly diamonds, stones of the lapis lazuli variety, deer-skins, and skins of the Ranku deer. Indeed, O Bharata, throwing a mass of wealth of various sorts for giving it away as Dakshina, the powerful Virupaksha, addressing those foremost Brahmanas, said to them,-Take from these jewels and gems as much as you wish and can hope to carry away.

येषु येषु च भाण्डेषु भुक्तं वो द्विजसत्तमाः। तान्येवादाय गच्छध्वं स्ववेश्मानीति भारत॥
He also said to them, O Bharata, these words—Taking those golden plates, and vessels which you have used for your dinner, go away, O foremost of Brahmanas.

इत्युक्तवचने तस्मिन् राक्षसेन्द्रे महात्मनि। यथेष्टं तानि रत्नानि जगृहुर्ब्राह्मणर्षभाः॥
When these words were uttered by the great Rakshasa chief, those foremost of Brahmanas, took as much wealth as each desired.

ततो महाहैस्ते सर्वे रत्नैरभ्यर्चिताः शुभैः। ब्राह्मणा मृष्टवसनाः सुप्रीता: स्म ततोऽभवन्॥
Adored with those rich jewels and gems, those best of Brahmanas, clad in excellent robes, were filled with delight.

ततस्तान् राक्षसेन्द्रश्च द्विजानाह पुनर्वचः। नानादेशगतान् राजन् राक्षसान् प्रतिषिध्य वै॥ अद्यैकं दिवसं विप्रा न वोऽस्तीह भयं क्वचित्। राक्षसेभ्यः प्रमोदध्वमिष्टतो यात माचिरम्॥
Having restrained the Rakshasas that had come to his palace from various countries, the Rakshasa king, once more, addressed those Brahmanas and said,—This one day, ye twiceborn ones, you need have no fear from the Rakshasas here. Sport you as you wish, and then go away quickly.

ततः प्रदुद्रुवुः सर्वे विप्रसंघाः समन्ततः। गौतमोऽपि सुवर्णस्य भारमादाय सत्वरः॥
Then, leaving that place, the Brahmanas, went away in all directions quickly. Gautama also, having taken up a heavy quantity of gold immediately, went away.

कृच्छ्रात् समुद्धरन् भारं न्यग्रोधं समुपागमत्। न्यषीदच्च परिश्रान्तः क्लान्तश्च क्षुधितश्च सः॥
Carrying the load with difficulty, he reached the former banian tree. He sat down, fatigued, worn out, and hungry.

ततस्तमभ्यगाद् राजन् राजधर्मा खगोत्तमः। स्वागतेनाभिनन्दंश्च गौतमं मित्रवत्सलः॥
While Gautama was taking rest there, that best of birds, viz., Rajadharman, O king, came there. Devoted to friends, he gladdened Gautama by welcoming him.

तस्य पक्षाग्रविक्षेपैः क्लमं व्यपनयत् खगः। पूजां चाप्यकरोद् धीमान् भोजनं चाप्यकल्पयत्।॥
By flapping his wings he began to fan his guest and remove his fatigue. Highly intelligent as he was, he adored Gautama and made arrangements for his food.

स भुक्तवान् सुविश्रान्तो गौतमोऽचिन्तयत् तदा। हाटकस्याभिरूपस्य भारोऽयं सुमहान् मया॥ गृहीतो लोभमोहाभ्यां दूरं च गमनं मम। न चास्ति पथि भोक्तव्यं प्राणसंधारणं मम॥
Having eaten and refreshed himself, Gautama began to think,—Heavy is the load which I have taken of bright gold, actuated by covetousness and folly. I have a long way to travel. I have no food by which I can live on Imy way.

किं कृत्वा धारयेयं वै प्राणानित्यभ्यचिन्तयत्। ततः स पथि भोक्तव्यं प्रक्षमाणो न किंचन॥
What should I do for keeping my life?— Thus he thought. It so happened that even upon much thinking he found no food which he could eat on the way.

कृतघ्नः पुरुषव्याघ्र मनसेदमचिन्तयत्। अयं बकपतिः पार्श्वे मांसराशिः स्थितो महान्॥ इमं हत्वा गृहीत्वा च यास्येऽहं समाभिद्रुतम्॥
Ungrateful as he was, O foremost of men, he thus thought.-This prince of cranes, so large and having a heap of flesh, is by my side. Killing and bagging him, I shall leave this place and go away quickly.