The acts of malevolent person

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आनृशंस्यं विजानामि दर्शनेन सतां सदा। नृशंसान्न विजानामि तेषां कर्म च भारत॥
Yudhishthira said I know what benevolence is, because I have always marked the conduct of good people. I de not, however, know them who are malevolent, nor the nature of their deeds, O Bharata.

कण्टकान् कूपमग्निं च वर्जयन्ति यथा नराः। तथा नृशंसकर्माणं वर्जयन्ति नरा नरम्॥
Indeed, people always shun malevolent persons of ruthless deeds even as they avoid thorns and pitfalls and fire.

नृशंसो दह्यते नित्यं प्रेत्य चेह च भारत। तस्मात् त्वं ब्रूहि कौरव्य तस्य धर्मविनिश्चयम्॥
It is evident, О Bharata, that he who is malevolent is sure to be consumed with misery both in this world and in the next. Therefore, O you of Kuru's race, tell me what, in sooth, the acts of such a person are.

भीष्म उवाच स्पृहा स्याद् गर्हिता चैव विधित्सा चैव कर्मणाम्। आक्रोष्टा क्रुश्यते चैव वञ्चितो बुद्ध्यते स च॥
Bhishma said Malevolent persons always commit sinful acts and feel an irresistible inclination for doing them. They speak ill of others and are themselves censured. They always consider themselves as cheated of what is their due.

दत्तानुकीर्तिर्विषमः क्षुद्रो नैकृतिकः शठः। असंविभागी मानी च तथा सङ्गी विकत्थनः॥
A malevolent person always speaks of his own charitable acts. He sees others with malicious eyes. He is very mean. He is deceitful, and wily. He never pays others their dues. He is haughty. He lives in evil company and is always boastful.

सर्वातिशङ्की पुरुषो बलीशः कृपणोऽथवा। वर्गप्रशंसी सततमाश्रमद्वेषसंकरी॥
He fears and suspects all with whom he mixes. He is foolish in understanding. He is miserly. He praises his companions. He feels excessive aversion and hatred for all hermits who have retired into the forest.

हिंसाविहारः सततमविशेषगुणागुणः। बबलीकोऽमनस्वी च लुब्धोऽत्यर्थं नृशंसकृत्॥
He finds pleasure in injuring others. He is perfectly careless in marking the merits and faults of others. He is a liar. He is discontented. He is highly covetous, and always acts cruelly.

धर्मशीलं गुणोपेतं पापमित्यवगच्छति। आत्मशीलप्रमाणेन न विश्वसिति कस्यचित्॥
Such a man considers a virtuous and qualified person as a pest, and thinking every one else to be like himself never trusts any one.

परेषां यत्र दोषः स्यात् तद् गुह्यं सम्प्रकाशयेत्। समानेष्वेव दोषेषु वृत्त्यर्थमुपघातयेत्॥
Such a person trumpets the faults of other people however unsuspected those faults might be. But about similar faults in his ownself, he does not refer to them even remotely, for the sake of the advantage he reaps from them.

तथोपकारिणं चैव मन्यते वञ्चितं परम्। दत्त्वापि च धनं काले संतपत्युपकारिणे॥
He considers the person who does him good as a simpleton whom he has imposed upon. He repents for having at any time made any gift of wealth even to a benefactor.

भक्ष्यं पेयमथालेह्यं यच्चान्यत् साधु भोजनम्। प्रेक्षमाणेषु योऽश्नीयान्नृशंसमिति तं वदेत्॥
Know him for a malevolent and a wicked person who quietly and alone takes choice foods and drinks even when persons stand by with eager eyes.

ब्राह्मणेभ्यः प्रदायाग्रं यः सुहृद्भिः सहाश्नुते। स प्रेत्य लभते स्वर्गमिह चानन्त्यमश्नुते॥
He, however, who dedicates the first portion of Brahmanas, and takes the residue, dividing it with friends and kinsmen acquires great felicity in the next world and infinite happiness here.

एष ते भरतश्रेष्ठ नृशंसः परिकीर्तितः। सदा विवर्जनीयो हि पुरुषेण विजानता।॥
I have now, O foremost of Bharatas, said to you what the marks are of the wicked and malevolent man. Such a person should always be shunned by a wise man.