The fruit of satisfying the Brahmanas

भीष्म उवाच एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच तं मुनि जनमेजयः। गीं भवान् गर्हयते निन्द्यं निन्दति मां पुनः॥
Thus accusted, Janamejaya replied to the sage, saying,-You chastise one who deserves to be chastised. You censure one who is worthy of being censured.

धिक्कार्यं मां धिक्कुरुते तस्मात् त्वाहं प्रसादये। सर्वं हीदं दुष्कृतं मे ज्वलाम्यग्नाविवाहितः॥
You blame me and my acts. I beg you to be kind to me! All my acts have been sinful. I burn, however, with repentance as if I am in the midst of burning fire.

स्वकर्माण्यभिसंधाय नाभिनन्दति मे मनः। प्राप्यं घोरं भयं नूनं मया वैवस्वतादपि॥
Remembering my deeds, I am cheerless. Indeed, I am much afraid of Yama.

तत्तु शल्यमनिर्हत्य कथं शक्ष्यामि जीवितुम्। सर्वं मन्यु विनीय त्वमभि मां वद शौनक॥
How can I live without taking out that dart from my heart! O Shaunaka, suppressing all your anger, instruct me now!

महानासं ब्राह्मणानां भूयो वक्ष्यामि साम्प्रतम्। अस्तु शेषं कुलस्यास्य मा पराभूदिदं कुलम्॥
Formerly I used to show a great reverence to Brahmanas. I solemnly say that I shall once more show.the same respect to them. Let not my family be extinct. Let not the family in which I am born be reduced to the dust.

न हि नो ब्रह्मशप्तानां शेषं भवितुमर्हति। स्तुतीरलभमानानां संविदं वेदनिश्चितान्॥
It is not proper that they who have injured Brahmanas and have for that, on account of Védic injunctions, forfeited all claim to the I arn respect of the world and to social intercourse with their fellowmen, should have any one who will continue the name of their family.

निर्विद्यमानः सुभृशं भूयो वक्ष्यामि शाश्वतम्। भूयश्चैवाभिरक्षन्तु निर्धनान् निर्जना इव॥
I am overwhelmed with despair. I, therefore, repeat my promises. I pray you to protect me like sages who always protect the poor.

न ह्ययज्ञा अमुं लोकं प्राप्नुवन्ति कथञ्चन। आपातान् प्रतितिष्ठन्ति पुलिन्दशबरा इव॥
Abstaining from sacrifices, sinful persons never attain to heaven. Leaving (this world), they have to pass their time in hell like the degraded tribes of Pulindas and Khasas.

अविज्ञायैव मे प्रज्ञा बालस्येव स पण्डितः। पुत्रस्य प्रीतिमान् भव शौनक॥
Ignorant as I am, give me wisdom like a learned preceptor to his pupil or like a father to his son. Be pleased with ine, O Shaunaka!

शौनक उवाच किमाश्चर्यं यदप्राज्ञो बहु कुर्यादसाम्प्रतम्। इति वै पण्डितो भूत्वा भूतानां नानुकुप्यते॥ ब्रह्मन् पितेव
Shaunaka said What wonder is there that an ignorant wight should do many improper acts? Knowing this, a really wise person is never angry with foolish creatures.

प्रज्ञाप्रासादमारुह्य अशोच्यः शोचते जनान्। जगतीस्थानिवांद्रिस्थः प्रज्ञया प्रतिपत्स्यति॥
By getting upon the top of wisdom's palace, one grieves for others, his own self being then too pure to be grieved by others. For his wisdom one surveys all creatures in the world like a person on a mountain-top seeing people below.

न चोपलभ्यते तेन न चाश्चर्याणि कुर्वते। निविण्णात्मा परोक्षो वा धिक्कृतः पूर्वसाधुषु॥
The person who is censured by good men, who hates good men and who hides himself from their view, never acquires any blessing and never understands the fitness of acts.

विदितं भवतो वीर्यं माहात्म्यं वेद आगमे। कुरुष्वेह यथाशान्ति ब्रह्मा शरणमस्तु ते॥ तद् वै पारत्रिकं तात ब्राह्मणानामकुप्यताम्। अथवा तप्यसे पापे धर्ममेवानुपश्य वै॥
You know the energy and the nobility of the Brahmana as laid down in the Veda and other scriptures. Act now in such a way that you may have tranquillity of heart and let Brahmanas be your refuge. If the Brahmanas do not be angry with you, you will, forsooth, enjoy happiness in heaven. If, again, you repent for sins, your sight will be clear and you will succeed in seeing righteousness.

जनमेजय उवाच अनुतप्ये च पापेन न च धर्मं विलोपये। बुभूधू भजमानं च प्रीतिमान् भव शौनक॥
Janamejaya said, I am repenting for my sins. I will never again try to suppress virtue. I wish to obtain blessedness. Be you pleased with me.

शौनक उवाच छित्त्वा दम्भं च मानं च प्रीतिमिच्छामि ते नृप। सर्वभूतहितं तिष्ठ धर्मं चैव प्रतिस्मरन्॥
Shaunaka said Removing arrogance and pride, O king, I wish you to respect me. Do good to all creatures, always remembering the dictates of virtue.

न भयान्न च कार्पण्यान्न लोभात् त्वामुपाहये। तां मे दैवीं गिरं सत्यां शृणु त्वं ब्राह्मणैः सह॥
I am not blaming you from fear or narrowness of mind or covetousness. Listen now, with these Brahmanas here, to the words of truth.

सोऽहं न केनचिच्चार्थी त्वां च धर्मादुपाह्वये। क्रोशतां सर्वभूतानां हाहा धिगिति जल्पताम्॥
I do not ask for anything. I shall, however, instruct you in the ways of virtue. All persons will croak and bray and cry fie on me.

वक्ष्यन्ति मामधर्मज्ञं त्यक्ष्यन्ति सुहृदो जनाः। ता वाचः सुहृदः श्रुत्वा संज्वरिष्यन्ति मे भृशम्॥
They will even call me sinful. My kinsmen and friends will renounce me. However, hearing the words I speak, my kinsmen and friends will surely succeed in vigorously crossing the difficulties of life.

केचिदेव महाप्राज्ञाः प्रतिज्ञास्यन्ति तत्त्वतः। जानीहि मत्कृतं तात ब्राह्मणान् प्रति भारत।॥ यथा ते मत्कृते क्षेमं लभन्ते ते तथा कुरु। प्रतिजानीहि चाद्रोहं ब्राह्मणानां नराधिप॥
The wise will understand me aright. Know, O child, what are my views, O Bharata, regarding the Brahmanas. Do you act in such a way that they may, through my efforts, obtain every blessing! Do you also, O king, promise that you will not again injure the Brahmanas.

जनमेजय उवाच नैव वाचा न मनसा पुनर्जातु न कर्मणा। द्रोग्धास्मि ब्राह्मणान् विप्र चरणावपि ते स्पृशे॥
Janamejaya said I swear, touching even your feet, that I shall never again, in thought, word, or deed, harm the Brahmanas.