The story of a pigeon on the subject. 233

भीष्म उवाच ततो गते शाकुनिके कपोती प्राह दुःखिता। संस्मृत्य सा च भर्तारं रुदतो शोककर्शिता।।।।
Bhishma said After the fowler had left there, the shepigeon, remembering her husband and stricken with grief for him, wept profusely and bewailed thus:नाहं ते विप्रियं कान्त कदाचिदपि संस्मरे।

सर्वापि विधवा नारी बहुपुत्रापि शोचते॥ शोच्या भवति बन्धूनां पतिहीना तपस्विनी।
I cannot, O dear husband, remember a single instance of your having done me an injury! Widows, even when they are mothers of many children, are still miserable! Bereft of husband, a woman becomes helpless and an object of pity to her friends.

लालिताहं त्वया नित्यं बहुमानाच्च पूजिता॥ वचनैर्मधुरैः स्निग्धैरसंक्लिष्टमनोहरैः।
I was always supported by you and for the great respect you had for me I was always honoured by you with sweet, agreeable, charming, and delightful words.

कन्दरेषु च शैलानां नदीनां निझरेषु च॥ दुमागेषु च रम्येषु रमिताहं त्वया सह।
I have sported with you in valleys of mountans, in springs of rivers and on charming trees.

आकाशगमने चैव विहृताहं त्वया सुखम्॥ रमामि स्म पुरा कान्त तन्मे नास्त्यद्य किञ्चन।
I was also made happy by you while passing with you through the skies! I used to sport with you before, O dear husband, but where are those joys now.

मितं ददाति हि पिता मितं भ्राता मितं सुतः॥ अमितस्य हि दातारं भर्तारं का न पूजयेत्।
The gifts of the father, of the brother, and of the son to a woman are but limited. But unlimited are the gifts that her husband alone makes to her! What woman is there that would not, therefore, worship her husband.

नास्ति भर्तृसमो नाथो नास्ति भर्तृसमं सुखम्॥ विसृज्य धनसर्वस्वं भर्ता वै शरणं स्त्रियाः।
A word has no protector like her husband, and no happiness like her husband. Casting off all her riches and possessions, a woman should follow her husband as her only refuge.

न कार्यमिह मे नाथ जीवितेन त्वया विना॥ पतिहीना तु का नारी सती जीवितुमुत्सहेत्।
Useless is life to me, O lord, now that I am separated from you! What chaste woman is there who would, when bereft of her husband, venture to bear the burden of life.

एवं विलप्य बहुधा करुणं सा सुदुःखिता॥ पतिव्रता सम्प्रदीप्तं प्रविवेश हुताशनम्।
Filled with sorrow and bewailing thus, the she-pigeon, devoted to her husband cast herself on the burning fire.

ततश्चित्राङ्गदधरं भर्तारं सान्वपश्यत॥ विमानस्थं सुकृतिभिः पूज्यमानं महात्मभिः।
She then saw her husband bedecked with bracelets, seated on a (celestial) car, and worshipped of many great and meritorious beings standing around him.

चित्रमाल्याम्बरधरं सर्वाभरणभूषितम्॥ विमानशतकोटीभिरावृतं पुण्यकर्मभिः।
Indeed, there he was in the sky, decked with excellent garlands and clad in excellent robes, and adorned with every ornament. There were numberless celestial cars around him ridden by beings who had acted meritoriously while in this world.

ततः स्वर्गं गतः पक्षी विमानवरमास्थितः। कर्मणा पूजितस्तत्र रेमे स सह भार्यया॥
Seated on his own celestial car, the bird went to heaven, and getting proper honours for his deeds in this world, continued to sport in joy, accompanied by his spouse. Seated on his own celestial car, the bird went to heaven, and getting proper honours for his deeds in this world, continued to sport in joy, accompanied by his spouse.