The story of a pigeon on the subject

भीष्म उवाच एवं विलपतस्तस्य श्रुत्वा तु करुणं वचः। गृहीता शकुनिभेन कपोती वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Bhishma said Hearing these piteous cries of the pigeon on the tree, the she-pigeon caught by the fowler began to say aside thus.

अहोऽतीव सुभाग्याहं यस्या मे दयितः पतिः। असतो वा सतो वापि गुणानेवं प्रभाषते॥
Whether I have any inerit or not, indeed, there is no limit to my good fortune when my dear husband thus speaks of me.

न सा स्त्री ह्यभिमन्तव्या यस्यां भर्ता न तुष्यति। तुष्टे भर्तरि नारीणां तुष्टाः स्युः सर्वदेवताः॥ अग्निसाक्षिकमित्येव भर्ता वै दैवतं परम्।
She is no wife with whom her husband is not pleased. If their husbands are pleased with women all the gods also become pleased with them. Since the marriage union takes place in the presence of fire, the husband is the wife's greatest god.

दावाग्निनेव निर्दग्धा सपुष्पस्तवका लता॥ भस्मीभवति सा नारी यस्या भर्ता न तुष्यति।
That wife with whom her husband is not pleased is reduced to ashes, like a creeper adorned with flowers in a forest fire.

इति संचिन्त्य दुःखार्ता भर्तारं दुःखितं तदा॥ कपोती लुब्धकेनापि गृहीता वाक्यमब्रवीत्।
Having thought thus, the she-pigeon, stricken with woe, and encaged by the fowler, thus spoke to her woe-stricken husband.

हन्त वक्ष्यामि ते श्रेयः श्रुत्वा तु कुरु तत् तथा॥ शरणागतसंत्राता भव कान्त विशेषतः।
I shall say what is now good for you. Hearing me follow my advice, O dear husband, be you the rescuer of a suppliant.

एष शाकुनिकः शेते तव वासं समाश्रितः॥ शीतार्तश्च क्षुधार्तश्च पूजामस्मै समाचर।
This fowler lies here by your house stricken with cold and hunger. Treat him hospitably.

ये हि कश्चिद् द्विजं हन्याद् गां च लोकस्य मातरम्।।८ शरणागतं च यो हन्यात् तुल्यं तेषां च पातकम्।
The sin that a person commits by killing a Brahmana or that mother of the world, viz., a cow, is equal to what one commits by allowing suppliant to die.

अस्माकं विहिता वृत्तिः कापोती जातिधर्मतः॥ सान्याय्याऽत्मवता नित्यं त्वद्विधेनानुवर्तितुम्।
You are endued with the knowledge of self. You should, therefore, follow that course which has been ordained for us as pigeons on account of our birth.

यस्तु धर्मं यथाशक्ति गृहस्थो ह्यनुवर्तते॥ स प्रेत्य लभते लोकानक्षयानिति शुश्रुम।
We have heard that the house-holder who practises virtue according to his abilities, acquires hereafter endless regions of bliss.

स त्वं संतानवानद्य पुत्रवानसि च द्विज॥ तत् स्वदेहे दयां त्यक्त्वा धर्मार्थी परिगृह्य च। पूजामस्मै प्रयुक्ष्व त्वं प्रीयेतास्य मनो यथा।॥
You have sons. You have progeny. O bird, casting off all love for your own body, therefore, and for acquiring virtue and profit, adore this fowler so that he may be pleased.

मत्कृते मा च संतापं कुर्वीथास्त्वं विहङ्गम। शरीरयात्राकृत्यर्थमन्यान् दारानुपैष्यसि॥
Do not, O bird, grieve for me. You may live, marrying other wives.

इति सा शकुनी वाक्यं पञ्जरस्था तपस्विनी। अतिदुःखान्विता प्रोक्त्वा भर्तारं समुदैक्षत॥
The amiable she-pigeon, laden with sorrow, and casting her eyes upon her husband from the fowler's cage within which she had been put, said these words to him.