The story of a robber

भीष्म उवाच अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। यथा दस्युः समर्यादः प्रेत्यभावे न नश्यति॥
Bhishma said Regarding it is cited the old story of a robber who having in this world observed restraints was not ruined in the next.

प्रहर्ता मतिमाशूरः श्रुतवाननृशंसवान्। रक्षन्नाश्रमिणां धर्मं ब्रह्मण्यो गुरुपूजकः॥ निषाद्यां क्षत्रियाज्जातः क्षत्रधर्मानुपालकः। कायव्यो नाम नैषादिर्दस्यत्वात् सिद्धिमाप्तवान्।॥
There was a robber by name Kayavya, born of a Kshatriya father and a Nishada mother. Kayavya followed Kshatriya duties. Capable of grinding, endued with intelligence and bravery, well-read in the scriptures, shorn of cruelty, devoted to the Brahmanas, and adoring his elders and preceptors with respect, he protected the ascetics who practised religious penances. Though a robber, he still acquired happiness in the celestial region.

अरण्ये सायं पूर्वाह्ने मृगयूथप्रकोपिता। विधिज्ञो मृगजातीनां नैषादानां च कोविदः॥
Morning and evening he used to excite the anger of the deer by chasing them. He knew very well the practises of the hunters as also of all animals living in the wilderness.

सर्वकालप्रदेशज्ञः पारियात्रचरः सदा। धर्मज्ञः सर्वभूतानाममोघेषुटुंढायुधः॥
Well acquainted with the requirements of time and place, he roamed over the mountains. Knowing full well the habits of all animals, his never missed their aim, and his weapons were strong.

अप्यनेकशता सेनामेक एव जिगाय सः। स वृद्धावन्धवधिरौ महारण्येऽभ्यपूजयत्॥
Alone, he could defeat many hundreds of soldiers. He adored daily his old, blind, and deaf parents in the forest.

मधुमांसैर्मूलफलैरन्नरुच्चावचैरपि। सत्कृत्य भोजयामास मान्यान् परिचचार च॥
With honey, meat, fruits, roots and other kinds of excellent food, he hospitably treated all persons worthy of honour and did them many good offices.

आरण्यकान् प्रव्रजितान् ब्राह्मणान् परिपूजयन्। अपि तेभ्यो गृहान् गत्वा निनाय सततं वने।॥
arrows He showed great reverence for those Brahmanas who had retired from the world for living in the forest. Killing the deer, he often took meat to them.

येऽस्मान्न प्रतिगृह्णन्ति दस्युभोजनशङ्कया। तेषामासज्य गेहेषु कल्य एव स गच्छति॥
As regards those who were reluctant, from fear of others, to accept gifts from him for the profession he followed, he used to repair to their houses before dawn and leave meat at their doors.

बहूनि च सहस्राणि ग्रामणित्वेऽभिवतिरे। निर्मर्यादानि दस्यूनां निरनुक्रोशवर्तिनाम्॥
One day many thousands of irregular and merciless robbers desired to let him as their leader.

दस्यव ऊचुः मुहूर्तदेशकालज्ञः प्राज्ञः शूरो दृढव्रतः। ग्रामणीर्भव नो सर्वेषामेव सम्मतः॥ मुख्यः
The robbers said You are acquainted with the requirements of place and time. You have wisdom and courage. Great is your firmness in everything you take up! Be you our chief of leaders, adored by all of us!

यथा यथा वक्ष्यसि नः करिष्यामस्तथा तथा पालयास्मान् यथान्यायं यथा माता यथा पिता।॥
We will follow your behest! Protect us duly, even as a father or a another.

कायव्य उवाच मा वधीस्त्वं स्त्रियं भीरूं मा शिष्टुं मा तपस्विनम्। नायुद्ध्यमानो हन्तव्यो न च ग्राह्या बलात् स्त्रियः॥
Kayavya said Never kill you, a woman, or a person who retreats in fear from fight, or a child, or an ascetic! You should not kill one who abstains from fight, nor should you seize or carry women by force.

सर्वथा स्त्री न हन्तव्या सर्वसत्त्वेषु केनचित्। नित्यं तु ब्राह्मणे स्वस्ति योद्धव्यं च तदर्थतः॥
None of you should ever kill a woman amongst all creatures. Let Brahmanas be always blessed and you should always fight for their well-being.

सत्यं च नापि हर्तव्यं सारविघ्नं च मा कृथाः। पूज्यन्ते यत्र देवाश्च पितरोऽतिथयस्तथा॥
You should never sacrifice truth. You should never obstruct the marriages of men. You should never injure those houses in which the deities, the Pitris, and guests and adored.

सर्वभूतेष्वपि च वै ब्राह्मणो मोक्षमर्हति। कार्या चोपचितिस्तेषां सर्वस्वेनापि या भवेत्॥
Amongst creatures, Brahmanas should always be exempted by you in your plunders. By giving away everything you have you should adore them.

यस्य ह्येते सम्प्ररुष्टा मन्त्रयन्ति पराभवम्। न तस्य त्रिषु लोकेषु त्राता भवति कश्चन॥
He, who incurs the anger of the Brahmanas, he, whose discomfiture they seek, cannot find a rescuer in the three worlds.

यो ब्राह्मणान् परिवदेद् विनाशं चापि रोचयेत्। सूर्योदय इव ध्वान्ते ध्रुवं तस्य पराभवः॥
He, who vilifies the Brahmanas and wishes for their destruction, is himself ruined like darkness at sunrise.

इहैव फलमासीनः प्रत्याकाङ्क्षेत सर्वशः। ये ये नो न प्रदास्यन्ति तांस्तांस्तेनाभियास्यसि॥
Living here, you shall acquire the fruits of your valour. Troops will be sent against those who will refuse to give us our dues.

शिष्ट्यर्थं विहितो दण्डो न वृद्ध्यर्थं विनिश्चयः। ये च शिष्टान् प्रबाधन्ते दण्डस्तेषां वधः स्मृतः॥
The rod of punishment is intended for the wicked. It is not intended for self-seeking. They who oppress the good should be killed.

ये च राष्ट्रोपरोधेन वृद्धिं कुर्वन्ति केचन। तदैव तेऽनुमार्यन्ते कुणपे कृमयो यथा॥
They who seek to multiply their fortunes by afflicting kingdoms unscrupulously, are as vermins in a dead body.

ये पुनर्धर्मशास्त्रेण वर्तेरनिह दस्यवः। अपि ते दस्यवो भूत्वा क्षिप्रं सिद्धिमवाप्नुयुः॥
Those robbers, again, who would follow the restraints of the scriptures, would soon acquire salvation although leading a plundering life.

भीष्म उवाच ते सर्वमेवानुचुः कायव्यस्यानुशासनम्। वृद्धिं च लेभिरे सर्वे पापेभ्यश्चाप्युपारमन्॥
Bhishma said Thus addressed, those robbers obeyed all the commands of Kayavya. By desisting from sin, they acquired great prosperity.

कायव्यः कर्मणा तेन महतीं सिद्धिमाप्तवान्। साधूनामाचरन् क्षेमं दस्यून् पापान्निवर्तयन्॥
By behaving thus, by thus doing good to the honest and by thus restraining the robbers from bad practices, Kayavya acquired great success (in the next world).

इदं कायव्यचरितं यो नित्यमनुचिन्तयेत्। नारण्येभ्यो हि भूतेभ्यो भयं प्राप्नोति किंचन॥
He, who always meditates on this narrative of Kayavya will have no fear from the forestrangers, in fact, from any earthly creature.

न भयं तस्य भूतेभ्यः सर्वेभ्यश्चैव भारत। नासतो विद्यते राजन् स शरण्येषु गोपतिः॥
Such a man will have no fear from any creature, O Bharata. He will have no fear from wicked men. If such a man goes to the forest, he will be able to live there as securely as a king.