None: Chapter 1O6

The advice of Janaka to king of Kosala

राजोवाच न निकृत्या न दम्भेन ब्रह्मन्निच्छामि जीवितुम्। नाधर्मयुक्तानिच्छेयमर्थान् सुमहतोऽप्यहम्॥
I do not wish, O Brahmana, to support life by deceit or fraud. I do not seek wealth, however profuse, which is to be acquired by unfair means.

पुरस्तादेव भगवन् मयैतदपवर्जितम्। येन मां नाभिशङ्केत येन कृत्स्नं हितं भवेत्॥ आनृशंस्येन धर्मेण लोके ह्यस्मिन् जिजीविषुः। नाहमेतदलं कर्तुं नैतत् त्वय्युपपद्यते॥
In the very beginning of our present discourse I excepted these means. By adopting only such means as would not incur censure, such means as would benefit me in every respect, by doing only such acts as are not harmful, I wish to live in this world! I cannot follow these ways which you point out to me! Indeed, these instructions do not become you!

मुनिरुवाच उपपन्नस्त्वमेतेन यथा क्षत्रिय भाषसे। प्रकृत्या ह्युपपन्नोऽसि बुद्ध्या वा बहुदर्शनः॥
The sage said-These words, O Kshatriya. which you give vent to, point you out as a pious men. Indeed, you are pious by nature and understanding, O you of great experience.

उभयोरेव वामर्थे यतिष्ये तव तस्य च। संश्लेषं वा करिष्यामि शाश्वतं पनपायिनम्॥
I shall try for the good of you both. I shall create a union, between you and that king, which should be eternal and cannot be broken.

त्वादृशं कि कुले जातमनृशंसं बहुश्रुतम्। अमात्यं को न कुर्वीत राज्यप्रणयकोविदम्॥
Who is there that would not like to have a minister like you who are born of a noble family, who abstain from all unfair acts and cruelties, who are highly learned, and who are well versed in the art of government and of conciliation.

यस्त्वं प्रच्यावितो राज्याद् व्यसनं चोत्तमं गतः। आनृशंस्येन वृत्तेन क्षत्रियेच्छसि जीवितुम्॥
I say this, O Kshatriya, because, though bereft of kingdom and plunged into great distress, still you wish to follow a pious course.

आगन्ता मद्गहं तात वैदेहः सत्यसंगरः। अथाहं तं नियोक्ष्यामि तत् करिष्यत्यसंशयम्॥
The king of the Videhas, ever devoted to truth, will come to my residence soon. For sooth, he will do what I will request him to do.

तत आहूय वैदेहं मुनिर्वचनमब्रवीत्। अयं राजकुले जातो विदिताभ्यन्तरो मम॥
Bhishma said Thereafter, inviting the king of the Videhas, the sage said these words to him,-This person is of royal birth. I know his very heart.

आदर्श इव शुद्धात्मा शारदश्चन्द्रमा यथा। नास्मिन् पश्यामि वृजिनं सर्वतो मे परीक्षितः॥
His soul is as pure as the surface of a mirror or the disc of the autumnal moon. He has been perfectly examined by me. I do not see any shortcoming in him.

तेन ते संधिरेवास्तु विश्वसास्मिन् यथा मयि। न राज्यमनमात्येन शक्यं शास्तुमपि त्र्यहम्॥
Let there be friendship between him and you. Do you place confidence in him as in myself. A king who has no capable minister cannot govern his kingdom even for three days.

अमात्यः शूर एव स्याद् बुद्धिसम्पन्न एव वा। ताभ्यां चैवोभयं राजन् पश्य राज्यप्रयोजनम्॥
The minister should be brave and highly intelligent. By these two qualities one may conquer both the worlds. Mark, O king, these two qualities well, since they are necessary for governing a kingdom.

धर्मात्मनां क्व चिल्लोके नान्यास्ति गतिरीदृशी। महात्मा राजपुत्रोऽयं सतां मार्गमनुष्ठितः॥
Pious kings have no such refuge as a minister endued with such attributes. This great person is of royal birth. He always treads the path of the righteous.

सुसंगृहीतस्त्वेवैष त्वया धर्मपुरोगमः। संसेव्यमानः शत्रूस्ते गृह्णीयान्महतो गणान्॥
This one, who always follows righteousness, has been a valuable acquisition. If treated by you with respect, he will subdue your enemies.

यद्ययं प्रतियुद्ध्येत् त्वां स्वकर्म क्षत्रियस्य तत्। जिगीषमाणस्त्वां युद्धे पितृपैतामहे पदे॥ त्वं चापि प्रतियुद्ध्येथा विजिगीषुव्रते स्थितः। अयुध्वैव नियोगान्मे वशे कुरु हिते स्थितः॥
If he engages in battle with you, he will do what as a Kshatriya he should do. Indeed, if, following the conduct of his ancestors, he fights for conquering you, it will be your duty to fight him, for as a Kshatriya it is your duty to conquer antagonists. Without engaging in battle, however, do you, at my behest, employ him under you from desire of benefiting yourself.

स त्वं धर्ममवेक्षस्व हित्वा लोभमसाम्प्रतम्। न च कामान्न च द्रोहात् स्वधर्मं हातुमर्हसि॥
Have your eyes on righteousness, casting off covetousness. You should not abandon the duties of your order from lust or from desire of battle.

नैव नित्यं जयस्तात नैव नित्वं पराजयः। तस्माद् भोजयतिव्यश्च भोक्तव्यश्च परो जनः॥
Victory, O sire, is not certain. Defeat also is not certain. Knowing this, peace should be made with an cnemy by giving him food and other things of enjoyment.

आत्मन्यपि च संदृश्यावुभौ जयपराजयौ। निःशेषकारिणां तात निःशेषकरणाद् भयम्॥
One may witness victory and defeat his own case. They, who seek to root out an cnemy, are sometimes exterminated themselves in their endeavours!

इत्युक्तः प्रत्युवाचेदं वचनं ब्राह्मणर्षभम्। प्रतिपूज्याभिसत्कृत्य पूजार्हमनुमान्य च॥ यथा ब्रूयान्महाप्राज्ञो यथा ब्रूयान्महाश्रुतः। श्रेयस्कामो यथा ब्रूयादुभयोरेव तत् क्षमम्॥ यद् यद् वचनमुक्तोऽस्मि करिष्यामि च तत् तथा। एतद्धि परमं श्रेयो न मेऽत्रास्ति विचारणा॥
Thus accosted, king Janaka, properly saluting and honouring that foremost of Brahınanas worthy of every honour, replied to him, saying,-You are highly learned and wise. What you have said from desire of benefiting us, is certainly advantageous for both of us. Such a course of conduct is highly beneficial to us. I do not hesitate to say this!

ततः कौसल्यमाहूय मैथिलो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। धर्मतो नीतितश्चैव लोकश्च विजितो मया॥
Then, addressing the prince of Koshala, the king of Videha said these words,-Following Kshatriya duties as also with the help of policy, I have conquered the world.

अहं त्वया चात्मगुणैर्जितः पार्थिवसत्तम। आत्मानमनवज्ञाय जितवद् वर्ततां भवान्॥
I have, however, O best of kings, been conquered by you with your good qualities. Without feeling any sense of humiliation, live you with me as a victor.

नावमन्यामि ते बुद्धिं नावमन्ये च पौरुषम्। नावमन्ये जयामिति जितवद् वर्ततां भवान्।॥
I honour you intelligence, and I honour your power. I do not disregard you, saying that I have conquered you. On the other hand, live you with me as a victor.

यथावत् पूजितो राजन् गृहं गन्तासि मे भृशम्। ततः सम्पूज्य तौ विप्रं विश्वस्तौ जग्मतुर्ग्रहान्॥
Honoured duly by me, o king, you will go to my house-Both the kings then adored that Brahmana, and trusting each other, proceeded to the capital of Mithila.

वैदेहस्त्वथ कौसल्यं प्रवेश्य गृहमञ्जसा। पाद्यार्घ्यमधुपर्केस्तं पूजाहँ प्रत्यपूजयत्॥
Making the prince of Koshala enter his house, the king of the Videhas honoured hiin, who was worthy of every honour, with offerings of water to wash his feet, honey and curds and the usual articles.

ददौ दुहितरं चास्मै रत्नानि विविधानि च। एष राज्ञां परो धर्मोऽनित्यौ जयपराजयौ॥
King Janaka also conferred upon his guest his own daughter and various kinds of gems and jewels. This is the greatest duty of king; victory and defeat are both uncertain."