None: Chapter 95

The fierce fight

संजय उवाच प्रविष्टयोर्महाराज पार्थवार्ष्णेययो रणे। दुर्योधने प्रयाते च पृष्ठतः पुरुषर्षभे॥
Sanjaya said When that foremost of men viz., king Duryodhana had started from behind, following Pritha's son and him of the Vrishni race, both of whom, O monarch, had penetrated into the Kaurava ranks.

जवेनाभ्यद्रवद् द्रोणं महता नि:स्वनेन च। पाण्डवाः सोमकैः सार्धं ततो युद्धमवर्तत॥
The Pandavas supported by the Somakas furiously assaulted Drona, creating a loud din. Thereupon a fearful battle commenced between them and Drona's troops.

तद् युद्धमभवत् तीव्र तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च व्यूहस्य पुरतोऽद्भुतम्॥
The battle then that commenced between the Kurus and the Pandavas at the van of their array was terrible, awful and capable of making the hair to stand erect; and it was wonderful to the extreme.

राजन् कदाचिन्नास्माभिईष्टं तादृङ् न च श्रुतम्। यादृङ् मध्यगते सूर्ये युद्धमासीद् विशाम्पते॥
O king, that battle that raged when the sun shone on the meridian, was such that we had neither seen nor heard of its like, ever before.

धृष्टाद्युम्नमुखाः पार्था व्यूढानीकाः प्रहारिणः। द्रोणस्य सैन्यं ते सर्वे शरवर्षैरवाकिरन्॥
The troops of the sons of Pritha commanded by Dhristadyumna, all accomplished in smiting and arranged in proper order, covered the division of Drona with arrowy showers.

वयं द्रोणं पुरस्कृत्य सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरम्। पार्षतप्रमुखान् पार्थानभ्यवर्षाम सायकैः॥
We also placing that foremost of all wielders of bow namely Drona, at our head, began to pour our showers of arrows on the Parthas headed by the son of Prishata.

महामेघाविवोदीर्णौ मिश्रवातौ हिमात्यये। सेनाग्रे प्रचकाशेते रुचिरे रथभूषिते॥
The vanguards of the two hosts, teeming with cars and appearing charming, then looked like two masses of clouds in the summer sky, rushing towards each other, being driven by opposite winds.

समेत्य तु महासेने चक्रतुर्वेगमुत्तमम्। जाह्नवीयमुने नद्यौ प्रावृषीवोल्बणोदके॥
Clashing against each other, the two armies put forth their exertions, like the rivers Ganga and Yamuna swelling with water during the rain season.

नानाशस्त्रपुरोवातो द्विपाश्वरथसंवृतः। गदाविद्युन्महारौद्रः संग्रामजलदो महान्॥ भारद्वाजानिलोद्भूतः। शरधारासहस्रवान्। अभ्यवर्षन्महासैन्यः पाण्डुसेनाग्निमुद्धतम्॥
Having various kinds of weapons for the wind that preceeded them, abounding in elephants, horses and chariots, surcharged with the lightning formed by the flashing of maces wielded by warriors, the fierce and thick mass of cloud constituted by the army of the Kurus. Driven forward by the tempest constituted by Drona and incessantly pouring its arrowy showers, tried to extinguish the raging fie constituted by the Pandavas.

समुद्रमिव धर्मान्ते विशन् घोरो महानिलः। व्याक्षोभयदनीकानि पाण्डवानां द्विजोत्तमः॥
Then that foremost of regenerate heroes, namely Drona, agitated the Pandava hosts like a raging tempest of the summer, agitating the mighty main.

तेऽपि सर्वप्रयत्नेन द्रोणमेव समाद्रवन्। बिभित्सन्तो महासेतुं वार्योधाः प्रबला इव॥
They also, putting forth all their endeavours, awaited Drona himself, like a strong current of water striking against an embankment with a view of carry it away.

वारयामास तान् द्रोणो जलौघमचलो यथा। पाण्डवान् समरे क्रुद्धान् पाञ्चालांश्च सकेकयान्॥
Then like unto a mountain checking the progress of torrents of water, in that battle, Drona held in check the enraged Pandavas, Parichalas and Kekayas.

अथापरे च राजानः परिवृत्य समन्ततः। महाबला रणे शूराः पञ्चालानन्ववारयन्॥
Other kings also endued with great mighty and heroism began to oppose the Panchalas, having surrounded them on all sides.

ततो रणे नरव्याघ्रः पार्षतः पाण्डवैः सह। संजघानासकृद् द्रोणं विभित्सुररिवाहिनीम्॥
Thereafter in that battle, that foremost of men, viz., Prishata's son, supported by the Pandavas, repeatedly assailed Drona desirous of breaking through his division.

यथैव शरवर्षाणि द्रोणो वर्षति पार्षते। तथैव शरवर्षाणि धृष्टद्युम्नोऽप्यवर्षत॥
Indeed, as as Drona poured his arrowy showers on the son of Prishata, so also, did this latter pour his own on the son of Bharadvaja.

सनिस्त्रिंशपुरोवातः शक्तिप्रासर्टिसंवृतः। ज्याविधुच्चापसंहादो धृष्टद्युम्नबलाहकः॥
Then the Dhristadyumna-cloud having rapiers and swords for the winds that preceeded it, well-furnished with darts, lances and scimitar, having the bowstring for its flashes of lightning and the twang of the bow for its rumbling.

शरधाराश्मवर्षाणि व्यसृजत् सर्वतो दिशम्। निनन् रथवराश्वौघान् प्लावयामास वाहिनीम्॥
Poured, on all directions, torrents of weapons, for its showers of stones, slaying large bodies of car-warriors, best steed; he seemed to deluge the earth with currents of blood, created by means of his weapon.

यं यमाच्छच्छरैोणः पाण्डवानां रथव्रजम्। ततस्ततः शरैर्दोणमपाकर्षत पार्षतः॥
Then with his arrows Prishata's son turned Drona away from all those breaches in the ranks of the car-warriors of the Pandavas, through which the latter tried to pass, striking the men there with his arrows.

तथा तु यतमानस्य द्रोणस्य युधि भारत। धृष्टद्युम्नं समासाद्य त्रिधा सैन्यमभिद्यत॥
Then O Bharata, the division of Drona, although he exerted to the best of his mighty, became divided in divided in three parts, having encountered Dhrishtadyumna in battle.

भोजमेकेऽभ्यवर्तन्त जलसन्धं तथापरे। पाण्डवैर्हन्यमानाश्च द्रोणमेवापरे ययुः॥
One of these divisions retraced their steps towards Kritavarman the ruler of the Bhojas, the other towards Jalasandha and the other slaughtered by the Pandavas fell back upon Drona himself.

संघट्टयति सैन्यानि द्रोणस्तु रथिनां वरः। व्यधमच्चापि तान्यस्य धृष्टद्युम्नो महारथः॥
Then, as many times did that foremost of car-warriors, Drona rally his troops, so many times did that mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna break and route them.

धार्तराष्ट्रास्तथाभूता वध्यन्ते पाण्डुसृञ्जयैः। अगोपाः पशवोऽरण्ये बहुभिः श्वापदैरिव॥
Then like herds of cattle destitute of herdsmen slain by the beasts of prey, the troops of the Kurus divided in three divisions, began to be slaughtered by the Pandavas and the Srinjayas.

कालः स्म ग्रसते योधान् धृष्टद्युम्नेन मोहितान्। संग्रामे तुमुले तस्मिन्निति सम्मेनिरे जनाः॥
SO People then thought that in that terrible battle Death himself devoured up warriors stupefied by the mighty Dhrishtadyumna.

कुनृपस्य यथा राष्टं दुर्भिक्षव्याधितस्करैः। द्राव्यते तद्वदापन्ना पाण्डवैस्तव वाहिनी॥
Just as the dominions of a wicked monarch are devasted by famine, pestilence and marauders, were your Own troops slaughtered and destroyed by the Pandavas.

अर्करश्मिविमिश्रेषु शस्त्रेषु कवचेषु च। चढूंषि प्रत्यहन्यन्त सैन्येन रजसा तथा॥
Our eyes were then dazzled and blinded by the weapons and armours on which the sun's rays were reflected, as also by the dust raised by the troops.

त्रिधाभूतेषु सैन्येषु वध्यमानेषु पाण्डवैः। अमर्षितस्ततो द्रोणः पञ्चालान् व्यधमच्छरैः॥
Then when his troops had been divided in three bodies and when they were being slaughtered by the Pandavas, Drona inflamed with fury, began to consume the Panchalas with his arrows.

मृद्गतस्तान्यनीकानि निघ्नतश्चापि सायकैः। बभूव रूपं द्रोणस्य कालाग्नेरिव दीप्यतः॥
Then as Drona, crushed and slew the hostile host with his arrows, his appearance looked like that of the blazing fire that appears in the time of the universal Dissolution.

रथं नागं हयं चापि पत्तिनश्च विशाम्पते। एकैकेनेषुणा संख्ये निर्बिभेद महारथः॥
That mighty car-warrior, o king, then in that battle, began to pierce car-warriors, elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers each with a single arrow only.

पाण्डवानां तु सैन्येषु नास्ति कश्चित् स भारत। दधार योरणे बाणान् द्रोणचापच्युतान् प्रभो॥
There was none, O Bharata, in the host of the Pandavas who could bear the arrows in that battle, shot, O lord, from the bow of Drona.

तत् पच्यमानमर्केण द्रोणसायकतापितम्। बभ्राम पार्षतं सैन्यं तत्र तत्रैव भारत॥
Scorched by the rays of the sun and felled by the arrows of Drona, the army of the Pandavas, O Bharata, began to reel about on the field.

तथैव पार्षतेनापि काल्यमानं बलं तव। अभवत् सर्वतो दीप्तं शुष्कं वनमिवाग्निना॥
So also your troops afflicted by the arrows of Parshata, appeared to blaze up at every place, like a dry forest on fire.

बाध्यमानेषु सैन्येषु द्रोणपार्षतसायकैः। त्यक्त्वा प्राणान् परं शक्त्या युध्यन्ते सर्वतोमुखाः॥३३
When the troops were thus being slaughtered by the arrows of Drona and Prishata's son, all warriors, heedless of their lives, fought on putting forth all their best energies.

तावकानां परेषां च युध्यतां भरतर्षभ। नासीत् कश्चिन्महाराज योऽत्याक्षीत् संयुगं भयात्।।३४
O foremost of the Bharatas, then there was none among your or the enemy's host, who, O mighty monarch, forsook the fight out of fear.

भीमसेनं तु कौन्तेयं सोदर्याः पर्यवारयन्। विविंशतिचित्रसेनो विकर्णश्च महारथः॥
His brothers, Vivinshati, Chitrasena and the mighty car-warrior Vikarna, opposed Kunti's son Bhimasena in the battle.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ क्षेमधूर्तिश्च वीर्यवान्। त्रयाणां तव पुत्राणां त्रय एवानुयायिनः॥
The two princes from Avanti, viz., Vinda and Anuvinda and the highly puissant Kshemadhurti were the followers of your three sons,

बाह्लीकराजस्तेजस्वी कुलपुत्रो महारथः। सहसेन; सहामात्यो द्रौपदेयानवारयत्॥
That mighty car-warrior, the king of the Balhikas, endued with strength and nobility of birth, assisted by his troops and ministers, began to hold in check the sons of Draupadi.

शैब्यो गोवासनो राजा योधैर्दशशतावरैः। काश्यस्याभिभुवः पुत्रं पराक्रान्तमवारयत्॥
Shaivya, the king of the Govasanas supported by a thousand excellent warriors, faced the son of the Kashi king and began to oppose that valorous prince.

अजातशत्रु कौन्तेयं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्। मदाणामीश्वरः शल्योराजाराजानमावृणोत्॥
King Shalya the ruler of the Madras began to resist king Ajatsatru Yudhishthira that son of Kunti, who resembled a blazing fire.

दुःशासनस्त्ववस्थाप्य स्वमनीकममर्षणः। सात्यकि प्रत्ययौ क्रुद्धः शूरो रथवरं युधि॥
The vindictive Dushasana inflamed with rage and inspired with courage and heading his own troops, advanced upon that foremost of car-warriors viz. Satyaki.

स्वकेनाहमनीकेन संनद्धः कवचावृतः। चतुःशतैर्महेष्वासैश्चेकितानमवारयम्॥
Myself cased in mail, furnished with arms and supported by my troops, numbering four hundred picked bowmen strong, resisted Chekitana himself.

शकुनिस्तु सहानीको माद्रीपुत्रमवारयत्। गान्धारकैः सप्तशतैश्चापशक्त्यसिपाणिभिः॥
Shakuni accompanied by seven hundred Gandhara warriors armed with lances darts and bows, began to oppose the son of Madri.

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौविराटं मस्यमार्च्छताम्। प्राणांस्त्यक्त्वा महेष्वासौ मित्रार्थेऽभ्युद्यतायुधौ॥
The two princes Vinda and Anuvinda, both fierce bowmen, for the sake of their friend Duryodhana, rushed upon Virata the ruler of the Matsyas, heedless of their lives and holding their weapons over head.

शिखण्डिनं याज्ञसेनि रुन्धानमपराजितम्। बाह्रीकः प्रतिसंयत्तः पराक्रान्तमवारयत्॥
Exerting his best, Balhika resisted the invincible and puissant Sikhandin the son of Yajnasena, capable resisting all foes.

धृष्टद्युम्नं तु पाञ्चाल्यं क्रूरैः सार्धं प्रभद्रकैः। आवन्त्यः सहसौवीरैः क्रुद्धरूपमवारयत्॥
The prince of Avanti supported by the Sauviras and the ruthless ruthless Prabhadrakas opposed Dhristadyumna the Panchala prince whose very appearance reflected wrath.

घटोत्कचं तथा शूरं राक्षसं क्रूरकर्मिणम्। अलायुधोऽद्रवत् क्रुद्धमायान्तमाहवे॥
Alayudha quickly rushed upon that various Rakshasa Ghatotkacha of fierce deeds who was proceeding to battle with fury.

अलम्बुषं राक्षसेन्द्रं कुन्तिभोजो महारथः। सैन्येन महता युक्तः क्रुद्धरूपमवारयत्॥
The mighty car-warrior Kuntibhoja, supported by large division of troops resisted that wrathful Alambusha that best of the Rakshasas.

सैन्धवः पृष्ठतस्त्वासीत् सर्वसैन्यस्य भारत। रक्षितः परमेष्वासे: कृपप्रभृतिभी रथैः॥
Thus in that battle thousands of single combats were fought, O Bharata; and then the ruler of the Sindhus was stationed behind all the troops and he was there protected by Kripa and other such car-warriors and bowmen.

तस्यास्तां चक्ररक्षौ द्वौ सैन्धवस्य बृहत्तमौ। द्रौणिर्दक्षिणतो राजन् सूतपुत्रश्च वामतः॥
O King, then the son of Drona on the right and the son of Suta on the left, there, two great warriors were engaged in protecting the carwheels of the ruler of the Sindhus.

पृष्ठगोपास्तु तस्यासन् सौमदत्तिपुरोगमाः। कृपश्च वृषसेनश्च शल: शल्यश्च दुर्जयः॥
A number of other warriors headed by Somadattas' son, viz., Kripa,, Vrishasena, Shala and the invincible Shalya were engaged in protecting his rear.

नीतिमन्तो महेष्वासाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः। सैन्धवस्य विधायैवं रक्षां युयुधिरे ततः॥
Thus many warriors accomplished in the art of fighting and conversant with the rules of policy, having arranged for the safety of the Sindhu king, went on fighting with the Pandavas.