None: Chapter 92

The slaughter of Shrutayusha and Sudakshina

संजय उवाच संनिरुद्धस्तु तैः पार्थो महाबलपराक्रमः। द्रुतं समनुयातश्च द्रोणेन रथिनां वरः॥
Sanjaya said Then that mighty car-warrior viz., Pritha's son, endued with great mighty and prowess, was opposed in the front by those warriors and quickly pursued from behind by Drona himself.

किरनिषुगणांस्तीक्ष्णान् स रश्मीनिव भास्कर.। तापयामास तत् सैन्यं देहं व्याधिगणो यथा॥
Then scattering his sharp shafts like the lustrous orb of the day scattering his rays, he afflicted that host of the Kurus like maladies afflicting the body.

अश्वो विद्धो रथश्छिन्नः सारोहः पातितो गजः। छत्राणि चापविद्धानि रथाश्चकैर्विना कृताः॥
On that occasion, horses were pierced, cars broken, elephants felled with their riders, umbrellas torn and chariots deprived of their wheels.

विदूतानि च सैन्यानि शरार्तानि समन्ततः। इत्यासीत् तुमुलं युद्धं न प्रज्ञायत किञ्चन॥
Afflicted with arrows, troops began to fly in all directions. Thus raged that terrible encounter between Arjuna on the one hand and the Kurus on the other. Nothing could then be distinguished.

तेषां संयच्छता संख्ये परस्परमजिह्मगैः। अर्जुनो ध्वजिनीं राजन्नभीक्ष्णं समकम्पयत्॥
Thus when they fought on, piercing one another in battle with straight coursing arrows, Arjuna, O king, made the hostile army tremble before him.

सत्यां चिकीर्षमाणस्तु प्रतिज्ञां सत्यसंगरः। अभ्यद्रवचद् रथश्रेष्ठं शोणाश्वं श्वेतवाहनः॥
Ever firmly devoted to truth, Arjuna of white steeds, desirous of accomplishing his arrows vow rushed furiously against that best of carwarriors viz. Drona owning crimson steeds.

तं द्रोणः पञ्चविंशत्या मर्मभिद्भिरजिह्मगैः। अन्तेवासिनमाचार्यो महेष्वासं समार्पयत्॥
The preceptor Drona then pierced his disciple, that great bowman Arjuna, with twenty-five straight-flying that penetrated to the very vitals of the latter.

तु तूणमिव बीभत्सुः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः। अभ्यधावदिघूनस्यनिषुवेगविघातकान्॥
Thereat that foremost of all wielders of weapons viz., Vibhatsu quickly rushed against Drona shooting at the sametime arrows capable of checking the career of those shot by the latter.

तस्याशुक्षिप्तान् भल्लान् हि भल्लैः संनतपर्वभिः। प्रत्यविध्यदमेयात्मा ब्रह्मास्त्रं समुदीरयन्॥
Then Arjuna of generous soul discharging the Brahma weapons and with his Bhallas of close knots, repulsed the Valas so quickly shot at him by Drona.

तदद्भुतमपश्याम द्रोणस्याचार्यकं युधि। यतमानो युवा नैनं प्रत्यविध्यद् यदर्जुनः॥
Then we behold the wonderful skill of the preceptor Drona in the art of fighting, in as much as Arjuna, though youthful in years and exerting his best, could not pierce him in return..

क्षरन्निव महामेघो वारिधाराः सहस्रशः। द्रोणमेघः पार्थशैलं ववर्ष शरवृष्टिभिः॥
Then like a mighty mass of clouds pouring down incessant showers of rain, the Dronacloud covered the Arjuna-mountain with his shower of arrows.

अर्जुनः शरवर्षे तद् ब्रह्मास्त्रेणैव मारिष। प्रतिजग्राह तेजस्वी बाणैर्वाणान् निशातयन्।॥
Invoking into existence of the Brahma weapon, the puissant Arjuna, O sire, received that shower of arrows, cutting of the arrows shot by his adversary with those of his own.

द्रोणस्तु पञ्चविंशत्या श्वेतवाहनमार्दयत्। वासुदेवं च सप्तत्या बाह्वोरुरसि चाशुगैः॥
Then Drona afflicted him of the white steeds with five and twenty shafts; and with seventy swift-coursing. shafts he pierced Vasudeva's son on the arms and on the chest.

पार्थस्तु प्रहसन् धीमानाचार्यं सशरौघिणम्। विसृजन्तं शितान् बाणानवारयत तं युधि॥
The highly intelligent son of Pritha then smiling the while, checked the preceptor in battle who incessantly shooting sharp arrows, was looking like a sea having shafts or its waves.

अथ तौ वध्यमानौ तु द्रोणेन रथसत्तमौ। आवर्जयेतां दुर्धर्षे युगान्ताग्निमिवोत्थितम्॥
Thus afflicted by Drona, those two foremost of car-warriors (Krishna and Arjuna) shunned him who then resembled the irresistibly raging conflagration that appears at the end of every Yuga.

वर्जयन् निशितान् बाणान् द्रोणचापिविनिः सृतान्। किरीटमाली कौन्तेयो भोजानीकं व्यशातयत्॥
Then avoiding the aim of the whetted shafts shot from Drona's bow, the diadem-decked son of Kunti fell to slaughter the division of the Bhojas.

सोऽन्तरा कृतवर्माणं काम्बोजं च सुदक्षिणम्। अभ्ययाद् वर्जयन् द्रोणं मैनाकमिव पर्वतम्॥
Shunning Drona who stood immovable like the Mainaka mountain, Arjuna then took his stand between Kritavarman and Sudakshina, the ruler of the Kambojas.

ततो भोजो नरव्याघ्रो दुर्धर्षं कुरुसत्तमम्। अविध्यत् तूर्णमव्यग्रो दशभिः कङ्कपत्रिभिः॥
Then that foremost of men, the undaunted ruler of the Bhojas quickly pierced the invincible hero, the foremost of the descendants of Kuru (Arjuna), with ten arrows winged with Kanka feathers.

तमर्जुनः शतेनाजौ राजन् विव्याध पत्रिणाम्। पुनश्चान्यैस्त्रिभिर्बाणैर्मोहयन्निव सात्वतम्॥
O king, Arjuna pierced him in battle with sharp shafts again with another three arrows he confounded the descendant of the Satvata race (Kritavarman).

भोजस्तु प्रहसन् पार्थे वासुदेवं च माधवम्। एकैकं पञ्चविंशत्या सायकान समार्पयत्॥
Thereupon the king of the Bhojas smilingly pierced Pritha's son and Vasudeva of Madhus race, each with a group of twenty-five arrows.

तस्यार्जुनो धनुश्छित्त्वा विव्याधैनं त्रिसप्तभिः। शरैरग्निशिखाकारैः क्रुद्धाशीविषसंनिभैः॥
Bursting open his bow, Arjuna pierced him with twenty-one arrows resembling tongues of blazing fire or infuriate snakes of virulent poison.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय कृतवर्मा महारथः। पञ्चभिः सायकैस्तूर्णं विव्याधोरसि भारत॥
Thereat, O Bharata, the mighty car-warrior Kritavarman taking up another bow quickly pierced Arjuna on the chest with five arrows.

पुनश्च निशितैर्बाणैः पार्थे विव्याध पञ्चभिः। तं पार्थो नवभिर्बाणैराजघान स्तनान्तरे॥
Then again with another five whetted arrows he pierced Pritha's son deeply. Then Partha also with nine arrows struck him between the breasts.

दृष्ट्वा विषक्तं कौन्तेयं कृतवर्मरथं प्रति। चिन्तयामास वार्ष्णेयो न नः कालात्ययो भवेत्॥
Beholding the son of Kunti engaged with the mighty-warrior Kritavarman, the descendant of the Vrishni race (Krishna) thought that there was no time to waste.

ततः कृष्णोऽब्रवीत् पार्थे कृतवर्मणि मा दयाम्। कुरु सम्बन्धकं हित्वा प्रमध्यैनं विशातय॥
Thereafter Krishna addressing Pritha's son said-"Do not show any mercy to your kinsmen; setting at naught your relationship with him, do you slay and crush him down."

ततः स कृतवर्माणं मोहयित्वाऽर्जुनः शरैः। अभ्यगाज्जवनैरश्वैः काम्बोजानामानीकिनीम्॥
Thereat Arjuna stupefying Kritavarman with his arrows, plunged into the ranks of the Kamboja division, being borne by fleet steeds.

अमर्षितस्तु हार्दिक्यः प्रविष्टे श्वेतवाहने। विधुन्वन् सशरं चापं पाञ्चाल्याभ्यां समागतः॥
was Beholding Arjuna owning white steeds enter into the Kamboja division, the son of Hridika inflamed with rage. Then stretching his bow with arrows fixed on the string, he came up on the two Panchala princes.

चक्ररक्षो तु पाञ्चाल्यावर्जुनस्य पदानुगौ। पर्यवारयदायान्तौ कृतवर्मा रथेषुभिः॥
Then with his arrows, Kritavarman opposed the two Panchala princes who were following in the wake of Arjuna, for protecting the wheels of his car.

तावविध्यत् ततो भोजः कृतवर्मा शितैः शरैः। त्रिभिरेव युधामन्युं चतुभिश्चोत्तमौजसम्॥
The ruler of the Bhojas Kritavarman then pierced them both with sharp arrows, striking Yudhamanyu with three and Uttamaujas with four.

तावप्येनं विविधतुर्दशभिर्दशभिः शरैः। त्रिभरेव युधामन्युरुत्तमौजास्त्रिभिस्तथा॥
They both in return pierced him each with ten shafts. Then again Yudhamanyu with three and Uttamaujas with another three arrows.

संचिच्छिदतुरप्यस्य ध्वज कार्मुकमेव च। अथान्यद् धनुरुदाय हार्दिक्य: क्रोधमूर्छितः॥ कृत्वा विधनुषौ वीरौ शरवर्शेरवाकिरत्। तावन्ये धनुषी सज्ये कृत्वा भोज विजघ्नतुः॥
Cut off Kritavarman's bow and standard. Thereat furious with rage and taking up another bow, the son of Hridika. Deprived both those warriors of the use of their bow and shrouded them in a net-work of arrows. They both in a moment having strung another pair of bows, began to strike the king of the Bhojas.

तेनान्तरेण बीभत्सुविंवेशामित्रबाहिनीम्। न लेभाते तु तौ द्वारं वारितौ कृतवर्मणा॥
Meanwhile Arjuna had gone into the array of the hostile troops. But his two wheelprotectors held in check by Kritavarman, obtained no admission.

धार्तराष्ट्रेष्वनीकेषु यतमानौ नरर्षभौ। अनीकान्यर्दयन् युद्धे त्वरितः श्वेतवाहनः॥
Into the divisions of the Dhritarashtra army though those two foremost of men exerted to the best of their abilities. Meanwhile that one of white steeds began to afflict in that battle the army opposed to him, with great agility.

नावधीत् कृतवर्माणं प्राप्तमष्यरिषूदनः। तं दृष्ट्वा तु तथा यान्तं शूरो राजा श्रुतायुधः॥
That slayer of foes then did not slay Kritavarman though he had an opportunity for doing so. Then beholding him thus advance, the valorous king Shrutayusha.

अभ्यद्रवत् सुसंक्रुद्धो विधुन्वानो महद् धनुः। स पार्थं त्रिभिरानर्छत् सप्तत्या च जनार्दनम्॥
Burning with rage and twanging his great bow, rushed furiously on him. He then pierced Partha with three and Janardana with seventy shafts.

क्षुप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन पार्थकेतुमताडयत्। ततोऽर्जुनो नवत्या तु शराणां तनपर्वणाम्॥
And again with a sharp razor-headed arrow, he struck the standard of Pritha's son. Then with a group of ninety shafts of depressed knots Arjuna.

आजघान भृशं क्रुद्धस्तोत्रैरिव महाद्विपम्। स तन्न ममृषे राजन् पाण्डवेयस्य विक्रमम्॥
Inflamed with rage, pierced him like a Mahavata piercing a huge elephant with the hook. But, o king, he (Shrutayudha), did not tolerate that display of prowess by the son of Pandu.

अधैनं सप्तसप्तत्या नाराचानां समार्पयत्। तस्यार्जुनो धनुश्छित्त्वा शरावापं निकृत्य च॥ आजधानोरसि क्रुद्धः सप्तभिर्नतपर्वभिः। अथान्यद् धनुरादाय स राजा क्रोधमूर्छितः॥ वासविं नवभिर्बाणैर्बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्। ततोऽर्जुनः स्मयन्नेव श्रुतायुधमरिंदमः॥ शरैरनेकसाहौः पीडयामास भारत। अश्वांश्वास्यावधीत् तूर्णे सारथं च महारथः॥
And with a group of seven and seventy Narachas he struck his adversary. Thereat cutting of Shutrayusha's bow and shafts Arjuna inflamed with rage, struck him on the breast with seven arrows of depressed knots. Thereupon that king overwhelmed with rage and taking up another bow pierced the son of Vasava on the arms and the breast with nine long arrows. Then O Bharata, that subdue of foes viz., Arjuna afflicted Shrutayusha with many thousand, of arrows, smiling all the while; and that mighty car-warrior soon killed the latter's horses and charioteer.

विव्याध चैनं सप्तत्या नाराचानां महाबलः। हताश्वं रथमुत्सृज्य स तु राजा श्रुतायुधः॥ अभ्यद्रवद् रणे पार्थे गदामुद्यम्य वीर्यवान्। वरुणस्यात्मजो वीरः स तु राजा श्रुतायुधः॥ पर्णाशा जननी यस्य शीततोया महानदी। तस्य माताब्रवीद् राजन् वरुणं पुत्रकारणात्॥
And that highly puissant hero also pierced him with seventy Narachas. Thereupon leaving his chariot of which the steeds were slain, king Shrutayusha endued with great energy rushed againsi Pritha's son, heaving his huge mace over his head. The heroic king Shrutayusha and the son of Varuna having for his mother the mighty river of cool waters called Parnasa. O king, her mother, for the benefit of her son, had

अवध्योऽयं भवेल्लोके शत्रूणां तनयो मम। वरुणस्त्वब्रवीत् प्रीतो ददाम्यस्मै वरं हितम्॥
“Let this son of mine be unslayable in battle by his enemies on earth.” Then Varuna gratified with her, had said-"I accord him the boon that will be highly beneficial to him.

दिव्यमस्त्रं सुतस्तेऽयं येनावध्यो भविष्यति। नास्ति चाप्यमरत्वं वै मनुष्यस्य कथंचन॥
I give to your son a celestial weapon by virtue of which he will be unslayable. Men could never obtain immortality on earth.

सर्वेणावश्यमर्तव्यं जातेन सरितां वरे। दुर्धर्षस्त्वेष शत्रूणां रणेषु भविता सदा॥
O foremost of rivers, every one who has taken his birth on the face of the earth must inevitable fall a prey to death. This son of yours, however, will ever be invincible by his foes in battle.

अस्त्रस्यास्य प्रभावाद् वै व्येतु ते मानसो ज्वरः। इतयुक्त्वा वरुणः प्रादाद् गदां मत्रपुरुकृताम्॥
By virtue of this weapon; so let the fever corroding your heart he dismissed.” Having thus spoken, Varuna gave him a mace with all necessary aphorisms.

यामासाद्य दुराधर्षः सर्वलोके श्रुतायुधः। उवाच चैनं भगवान् पुनरेव जलेश्वरः॥
Obtaining which Shrutayusha became invincible in all the worlds. The illustrious lord of waters however again addressed him saying

अयुध्यति न मोक्तव्या सा त्वय्येव पतेदिति। हन्यादेशा प्रतीपं हि प्रयोक्तारमपि प्रभो॥
This mace, O son, should not be directed against one who is not fighting, in which case it will fall back upon yourself; on such occasion, coursing in an opposite direction it will kill him who has hurled it.'

न चाकरोत् स तद्वाक्यं प्राप्ते काले श्रुतायुधः। स तया वीरघातिन्या जनार्दनमताडयत्॥
But when the time for using it came, Shrutayusha did not pay any heed to that injunction of Varuna and with that mace capable of crushing heroes, be began to strike Janardana.

प्रतिजग्राह तां कृष्णाः पीनेनांसेन वीर्यवान्। नाकम्पयत शौरि सा विन्ध्यं गिरिमिवानिलः॥
The highly puissant Krishna received those strokes on his broad and well-developed shoulders; and that mace could not cause Shauri to tremble even as a tempest cannot shake a mountain.

प्रत्युद्यान्ती तमेवैषा कृत्येव दुरधिष्ठिता। जघान चास्थितं वीरं श्रुतायुधममर्षणम्॥
Like some ill-accomplished feat of conjuration injuring the conjurer the mace turning to Shrutayusha, smote that heroic and enraged monarch stationed in his car.

हत्वा श्रुतायुधं वीरं धरणीमन्वपद्यत। गदां निवर्तितां दृष्ट्वा निहतं च श्रुतायुधम्॥
And slaying that brave warrior it fell down on the ground. Shrutayusha being slain.

हाहाकारो महांस्तत्र सैन्यानां समजायत। स्वेनास्त्रेण हतं दृष्ट्वा श्रुतायुधमरिंदमम्॥
The troops began to utter loud wails of woe, for indeed they had seen that subduer of foes Shrutayusha slain by his own weapon.

अयुध्यमानाय ततः केशवाय नराधिप। क्षिप्ता श्रुतायुधेनाथ तस्मात् तमवधीदृ गदा॥
As Shrutayusha O ruler of men had hurled the mace at Krishna who was not engaged in the battle, it slew him who had hurled it.

यथोक्तं वरुणेनाजौ तथा स निधनं गतः। व्यसुश्चाप्यपतद् भूमौ प्रेक्षतां सर्वधन्विनाम्॥
So Shrutayusha fell on the field even in the manner indicated by the words of Varuna and he fell down deprived of life before the eyes of all the bowmen present.

पतमानस्तु स बभौ पर्णाशायाः प्रियः सुतः। स भग्न इव वातेन बहुशाखो वनस्पतिः॥
When falling, that dear-loved son of Parnasa appeared beautiful like a mighty tree of many branches uprooted by the tempest.

ततः सर्वाणि सैन्यानि सेनामुख्याश्च सर्वशः। प्राद्रवन्त हतं दृष्ट्वा श्रुतायुधमरिंदमम्॥
Then beholding that subduer of foes slain all the troops and their leading warriors began to fly away in all directions.

ततः काम्बोजराजस्य पुत्रः शूरः सुदक्षिणः। अभ्ययाज्जवनैरश्वैः फाल्गुनं शत्रुसूदनम्॥
Thereafter the heroic Sudakshina the son of the Kamboja king rushed against that slayer of foes viz., Phalguna, being borne by fleet steeds.

तस्य पार्थः शरान् सप्त प्रेषयामास भारत। ते तं शूरं विनिर्भिद्य प्राविशन् धरणीतलम्॥
At him, O Bharata, Pritha's son shot seven arrows, which penetrating through that hero, entered the surface of the earth.

सोऽतिविद्धः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्गाण्डीवप्रेषितैर्मधे। अर्जुनं प्रतिविव्याध दशभिः कङ्कपत्रिभिः॥
Pierced deep by those sharp arrows shot from the Gandiva bow, he in return pierced Arjuna in battle with ten shafts furnished with the feathers of the Kanka bird.

तस्य पार्थो धनुश्छित्त्वा केतुं चिच्छेद मारिष॥
He once more pierced Vasudeva's son with three and Partha with five arrows, then O Sire, Pritha's son bursting open his bow, cut down his standard;

वासुदेवं त्रिभिर्विद्धवा पुनः पार्थं च पञ्चभिः। भल्लाभ्यां भृशतीक्ष्णाभ्यां तं च विव्याध पाण्डवः। स तु पार्थं त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा सिंहनादमथानदत्॥
And the son of Pandu pierced him with a couple of bhallas of exceeding sharpness. He also having pressed Pritha's son with three such arrows uttered a fierce yell.

सर्वपारशवीं चैव शक्तिं शूरः सुदक्षिणः। सघण्टां प्राहिणोद् घोरां क्रुद्धो गाण्डीवधन्वने॥
Thereafter the brave Sudakshina inflamed with rage hurled at the wielder of the Gandiva bow, a lance, dreadful, tied with bells and made wholly of iron.

सा जवलन्ती महोल्केव तमासाद्य महारथम्। सविस्फुलिङ्गा निर्भिद्य निपपात महीतले॥
Having reached that mighty car-warriors Arjuna, that lance blazing like a mighty meteor and emitting scintillations of fore, penetrated through him and then fell down on the ground.

शक्त्या त्वभिहतो गाढं मूर्छयाभिपरिप्लुतः। समाश्वास्य महातेजाः सृक्किणी परिलेलिहन्॥
Pierced deep with that lance, Arjuna was overwhelmed with a swoon. Then in an instant, that highly puissant hero recovering soon enough began to lick the corners of his mouth.

तं चतुर्दशभिः पार्थो नाराचैः कङ्कपत्रिभिः। साश्वध्वजधनुः सूतं विव्याधाचिन्त्यविक्रमः॥
Then Partha of inconceivable prowess pierced Sudakshina and his steeds standards, bow and charioteer with ten narachas furnished with the feathers of the Kanka bird.

रथं चान्यैः सुबहुभिश्चक्रे विशकलं शरैः। सुदक्षिणं तं काम्बोजं मोघसंकल्पविक्रमम्॥ बिभेद हदि बाणेन पृथुधारेण पाण्डवः। स भिन्नवर्मा स्रस्ताङ्ग प्रभ्रष्टमुकुटाङ्गदः॥
And with innumerable other arrows he rendered the latter's chariot useless and cut it to pieces. The son of Pandu then with an arrow of exceeding sharpness pierced on the chest Sudakshina the Kamboja ruler whose purpose and prowess had both even baffled. Then with his armour shattered, trembling in all his limbs, with his crown and Angadas falling off.

पपातभिमुखः शूरो यन्त्रमुक्त इव ध्वजः। गिरेः शिखरजः श्रीमान् सुशाखः सुप्रतिष्ठितः॥ निर्भग्न इव वातेन कर्णिकारो हिमात्यये। शेते स्म निहतो भूमौ काम्बोजास्तरणोचितः॥
That hero fell with head down wards like a flagstaff loosened from the socket. Like a charming Karnikara tree in the spring growing gracefully on the top of a hill, with beautiful branches, lying on the groved when uprooted by the tempest, the prince of the Kambojas lying on the bare ground deprived of life, through accustomed to sleep on the most precious bed.

महार्हाभरणोपेतः सानुमानिव पर्वतः। सुदर्शनीयस्ताम्राक्षः कर्णिना स सुदक्षिणः॥ पुत्रः काम्बोजराजस्य पार्थेन विनिपातितः। धारयन्नग्निसंकाशां शिरसा काञ्चनीं स्रजम्॥ अशोभत महाबाहुर्व्यसुर्भूमौ निपातितः
Adorned with precious ornaments, graceful, possessing eyes of coppery hue, wearing round the head a tiara of gold radiant like the flames of fire, the mighty armed Sudakshina, the prince of the Kambojas, felled by Partha with his arrows, and lying dead on the ground, appeared beautiful like a charming hill with a flat summit.

ततः सर्वाणि सैन्यानि व्यद्रवन्त सुतस्य ते। हतं श्रुतायुधं दृष्ट्वा काम्बोजं च सुदक्षिणम्॥
Then beholding Shrutayusha and the prince of the Kambojas slain in battle, all the soldiers of your son's army began to fly in all directions.