None: Chapter 90

The defeat of Dushasana's division

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तस्मिन् प्रभग्ने सैन्याने वध्यमाने किरीटिना। के तु तत्र रणे वीराः प्रत्युदीयुर्धनंजयम्॥
Dhritarashtra said When the vanguard of my troops were thus slaughtered and routed by the diadem-decked Arjuna, what heroes of my army then proceeded to fight with Dhananjaya.

आहोस्विच्छकटव्यूहं प्रविष्टा मोघनिश्चयाः। द्रोणमाश्रित्य तिष्ठन्तं प्राकारमकुतोभयम्॥
Or did all of them, forgetting their determination, enter into the Sakata array and stood behind the fearless Drona resembling a solid wall?

संजय उवाच तथार्जुनेन सम्भग्ने तस्मिंस्तव बलेऽनघ। हतवीरे हतोत्साहे पलायनकृतक्षणे॥ पाकशासनिनाभीक्ष्णं वध्यमाने शरोत्तमैः। न तत्र कश्चित् संग्रामे शशाकार्जुनमीक्षितुम्॥
Sanjaya said When, O sinless one, Arjuna the son of Pakashasani (Indra) had broken and slain with his excellent arrows our own troops, many were the heroes that were slain or fled with depressed hearts. None indeed was able to look upon him.

ततस्तव सुतो राजन् दृष्ट्वा सैन्यं तथागतम्। दुःशासनो भृशं क्रुद्धो युद्धायार्जुनमभ्यगात्॥
Then O king your son Dushasana, seeing your troops in that wretched plight became inflamed with rage and advanced towards Arjuna for fighting with the latter.

स काञ्चनविचित्रेण कवचेन समावृतः। जाम्बूनदशिरस्त्राणः शूरस्तीव्रपराक्रमः॥
That hero of fierce energy was cased in a coat of mail worked exquisitely with gold and he wore also a helmet of pure gold.

नागानीकेन महता ग्रसन्निव महीमिमाम्। दुःशासनो महाराज सव्यसाचिनमावृणोत्॥
0 mighty monarch, Dushasana then surrounded Savyasachin with a mighty division of elephants that seemed to devour the whole earth.

ह्रादेन गजघण्टानां शङ्खानां निनदेन च। ज्याक्षेपनिनदैश्चैव विरावेण च दन्तिनाम्॥
With the booming of the bells tied to the necks of elephants, with the blasts of the conchs, with the twang of bows, with war cried with the roars of tusked elephants.

भूर्दिशश्चान्तरिक्षं च शब्देनासीत् समावृतम्। स मुहूर्ते प्रतिभयो दारुणः समपद्यत॥
The earth, the points of the compass and the welkin, became completely filled. The hour appeared to be awful and solemn.

तान् दृष्ट्वा पततस्तूर्णमङ्कुशैरभिचोदितान्। व्यालम्बहस्तान् संरब्धान् सपक्षानिव पर्वतान्॥
Beholding those infuriate and huge elephants with extended trunks and urged with hooks make towards himself like so many winged mountains.

सिंहनादेन महता नरसिंहो धनंजयः। गजानीकममित्राणामभीतो व्यधमच्छरैः॥
That foremost of men, Dhananjaya sending up a fierce war-cry, fell to agitate that elephant division of his enemy, with his shafts.

महोर्मिणमिवोद्भूतं श्वसनेन महार्णवम्। किरीटी तद् गजानीकं प्राविशन्मकरो यथा॥
Then like a Makara entering into the waters of the mighty main lashed into fury by the tempest the diadem-decked Arjuna penetrated into that elephant division.

काष्ठातीत इवादित्यः प्रतपन् स युगक्षये। ददृशे दिक्षु सर्वासु पार्थः परपुरंजयः॥
Indeed then Partha that conqueror of hostile fortresses, was seen by every body on every side to resemble the burning sun that rises on the day of dissolution, in contravention of all rules about direction and hour.

खुरशब्देन चाश्वानां नेमिघोषेण तेन च। तेन चोत्कृष्टशब्देन ज्यानिनादेन तेन च॥
In consequence of the clatter of horse hoofs, the rattle of car-wheels, the he cries cries of combatants, the twang of bowstrings.

नानावादिवशब्देन पाञ्चजन्यस्वनेन च। देवदत्तस्य घोषेण गाण्डीवनिनदेन च॥
The sounds of various musical instruments, the blasts of Panchajanya and Devadatta (the conchs of Arjuna and Krishna) and the crackling of the bow Gandiva.

मन्दवेगा नरा नागा बभूवुस्ते विचेतसः। शरैराशीविषस्पर्शनिर्भिन्नाः सव्यसाचिना॥
The troops of your army and the elephants therein, lost all activity and became cheerless. They where pierced by Savyasachin with his arrows whose touch resembled that of snakes of virulent venom.

ते गजा विशिखैस्तीक्ष्णैर्युधि गाण्डीवचोदितैः। अनेकशतसाहस्रः सर्वाङ्गेषु समर्पिताः॥
The elephants were pierced on every part of their bodies with the arrows of keen points shot by hundreds and thousands from the bow Gandiva.

आरावं परमं कृत्वा वध्यमानाः किरीटिना। निपेतुरनिशं भूमौ छिन्नपक्षा इवाद्रयः॥
Uttering fierce roars when they were being slaughtered by the diadem-decked Arjuna, they began to fall incessantly on the ground like mountains having their wings cut-off.

अपरे दन्तवेष्टेषु कुम्भेषु च कटेषु च। शरैः समर्पिता नागाः क्रोञ्चवद् व्यन्दन् मुहुः॥
Other elephants pierced with long shafts in the jaw of frontal globes or temples, began to utter yelling cries resembling the screech of the cranes.

गजस्कन्धगतानां च पुरुषाणां किरीटिना। छिद्यन्ते चोत्तमाङ्गानि भल्लैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
The diadem-decked Arjuna then cut-off with bhallas of close knots, the heads of hostile warriors that rode on the neck of these elephants.

सकुण्डलानां पततां शिरसां धरणीतले। पद्यानामिव संघातैः पार्थश्चके निवेदनम्॥
Those heads graced with ear-rings falling incessantly on the Earth, looked like so many lotuses that Pritha's son was culling, for an offering of "ods.

यन्त्रबद्धा विकवचा व्रणार्ता रुधिरोक्षिताः। भ्रमत्सु युधि नागेषु मनुष्या विललम्बिरे॥
Entangled with the trappings, divested of their armours, lacerated with wounds and smeared with blood, men were then seen hanging from the necks of elephants, as these latter careered over the field.

केचिदेनकेन बाणेन सुयुक्तेन सुपत्रिणा। ह्रौ त्रयश्च विनिर्भिन्ना निपेतुर्धरणीतले॥
Sometimes two or three warriors penetrated by a single arrow decked with beautiful feathers and heedfully shot from the Gandiva, fell down on the Earth.

अतिविद्धाश्च नाराचैर्वमन्तो रुधिरं मुखैः। सारोहा न्यपतन् भूमौ दुमवन्त इवाचलाः॥
Deeply pierced with Narachas and vomitting blood through the mouth, elephants with their riders, began to fall down on the ground like so many mountains covered with trees.

मौर्वी ध्वजं धनुश्चेव युगमीषां तथैव च। रथिनां कुट्टयामास भल्लैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
With his bhallas of straight knots Arjuna then began to sever the bowstrings, the standards, the bows, the yokes and the shafts of many car-warriors.

न संदधन् न चाकर्षन् न विमुञ्जन् न चोद्वहन्। मण्डलेनैव धनुषा नृत्यन् पार्थः स्म दृश्यते॥
Nobody was able then to detect when Arjuna took out his arrows or fix them on the string of his bows or drew the string back or discharged them. But Partha was then seen only to dance on the terrace of his chariot with his bow drawn to a circle.

अतिविद्धाश्च नाराचैर्वमन्तो रुधिरं मुखैः। मुहूर्तात्र्यपतन्नन्ये वारणा वसुधातले॥
Other elephants again pierced deep with Narachas and vomitting blood in consequence, fell down on the ground as soon as they were struck.

उत्थितान्यगणेयानि कबन्धानि समन्ततः। अदृश्यन्त महाराज तस्मिन् परमसंकुले॥
In that dreadful carnage, 0 mighty monarch, innumerable headless trunks were seen to stand up on all sides.

सचापा: साङ्गुलित्राणा सखगाः साङ्गदा रणे। अदृश्यन्त भुजाश्छिन्ना हेमाभरणभूषिताः॥
Numerous arms, holding bows, with fingers cased in leathern gloves, with swords in grasp, adorned with Angadas and golden ornaments, were seen scattered about, severed from the trunks.

सूपस्करैरधिष्ठानैरीषादण्डकबन्धुरै :। चक्रैर्विमथितैरक्षैर्भग्नैश्च बहुधा युगे॥
With innumerable Upasakas, Adisthanas, shafts, crowns, broken car-wheels shattered Akshas and yokes.

चर्मचापधरैश्चैव व्यवकीर्णैस्ततस्ततः। स्रग्भिराभरणैर्वस्त्रैः पतितैश्च महाध्वजैः॥
With warriors armed with shields and bows, with garlands of flowers, with ornaments, garments and fallen standards scattered here and there.

निहतैर्वारणैरश्वैः क्षत्रियैश्च निपातितैः। अदृश्यत मही तत्र दारुणप्रतिदर्शना॥
With slain elephants and horses and fallen Kshatriyas, the field of battle appeared exceedingly awful.

एवं दुःशासनबलं वध्यमानं किरीटिना। सम्प्राद्रवन्महाराज व्यथितं सहनायकम्॥
Thus, O mighty monarch, the army of Dushasana with its leader, deeply afflicted and extensively slaughtered by the diadem-decked Arjuna, began to fly away.

ततो दुःशासनस्त्रस्तः सहानीकः शरार्दितः। द्रोणं त्रातारमाकाक्षशकटव्यूहमभ्यगात्॥
Then Dushasana afraid and afflicted with shafts, with his whole division, feel back upon the Sakata array and looked upon Drona as his only protector.