None: Chapter 88

The appearance of Arjuna on the field of battle

संजय उवाच ततो व्यूढेष्वनीकेषु समुत्कृष्टेषु मारिष। ताड्यमानासु भेरीषु मृदङ्गेषु नदत्सु च॥
Sanjaya said Thus when the troops had been excellently disposed of in that array, Osire and when Bheris were sounded and Mridangas struck up.

अनीकानां च संह्रादे वादित्राणां च निःस्वने। प्रध्यापितेषु शोषु संनादे लोमहर्षणे॥
When the soldiers uttered loud war-cries and musical instruments emitted tremendous din, when conchs were blown and horripilating roars were heard.

अभिहारयत्सु शनकैर्भरतेषु युयुत्सुषु। रौद्रे मुहूर्ते सम्प्राप्ते सव्यसाची व्यदृश्यत॥
When the field slowly became over-spread with Bharata heroes desirous of battle and when the hour known as Roudra arrived, Savyasachin (Arjuna) made his appearance on the field of battle.

बलानां वायसानां च पुरस्तात् सव्यसाचिनः । बहुलानि सहस्रणि प्राक्रीडंस्तत्र भारत॥
Then, O Bharata, many thousands of ravens and crows flew sportively in front of Arjuna's car.

मृगाश्च घोरसंनादः शिवाश्चाशिवदर्शनाः। दक्षिणेन प्रयातानामस्माकं प्राणदंस्तथा॥
Various animals of fearful yells and jackals of dreadful appearance, began to how in our right as we proceeded to battle.

सनिर्घाता ज्वलन्त्यश्च पेतुरुल्काः सहस्रशः। चचाल च मही कृत्स्ना भये घोरे समुत्थिते॥
Thousands of meteors, with harsh sounds and blazing tails, began to drop down; on the dreadful occasion, the whole Earth began to quake and tremble.

विष्वग्वाताः सनिर्घाता रूक्षाः शर्करकर्षिणः। ववुरायाति कौन्तेये संग्रामे समुपस्थिते॥
Dry winds accompanied by deep sounds and driving pebbles and gravel, began to blow when Kunti's son made his appearance before the commencement of the battle.

नाकुलिश्च शतानीको धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पाण्डवानामनीकानि प्राज्ञौ तौ व्यूहतुस्तदा॥
Then Shatanika the son of Nakula and Dhristadyumna the son of Prishata, these two warriors endued with great wisdom began to array in order the numerous divisions of the Pandavas.

ततो रथसहस्रेण द्विरदानां शतेन च। त्रिभिरश्वसहस्त्रैश्च पदातीनां शतैः शतैः॥ पार्षतः। अध्यर्धमात्रे धनुषां सहस्रे तनयस्तव। अग्रतः सर्वसैन्यानां स्थित्वा दुर्मर्षणोऽब्रवीत्॥
Supported by a thousand cars, a hundred elephants, three thousand horses and ten thousand foot-soldiers and covering a part of the field measuring fifteen hundred bows, your son Durmarshana stationed himself in the very

अद्य गाण्डीवधन्वानं तपन्तं युद्धदुर्मदम्। अहमावारयिष्यामि वेलेव मकरालयम्॥
Like the banks resisting the waves of the swelling main, even I myself will this day hold in check the wielder of the Gandiva bow, that slayer of foes, that hero who is irrepressible in battle.

अद्य पश्यन्तु संग्रामे धनंजयममर्षणम्। विषक्तं मयि दुर्धर्षमश्मकूटमिवाश्मनि॥
Today let people see the irate and indomitable Dhananjaya collide with me, even like a mass of stone against another story mass.

तिष्ठध्वं स्थनो यूयं संग्राममभिकाक्षिणः। युध्यामि संहतानेतान् यशो मानं च वर्धयन्॥
Stay, O you car-warriors that long to join in the fray! Single-handed, will I fight with the assembled Pandavas, for enhancing my glory and my fame

एवं ब्रुवन्महाराज महात्मा स महामतिः। महेष्वासैर्वतो राजन् महेष्वासो व्यवस्थितः॥
Having thus (spoken, O mighty monarch, that illustrious site of generous intellect, that fierce bowmen, stood, king, being surrounded by many excellent car-warriors.

ततोऽन्तक इव क्रुद्धः सवज्र इव वासवः। दण्डपाणिगि मह्यो मृत्युः कालेन चोदितः॥
Then, ikt, the enraged Destroyer or like Vasata arnted with the thunderbolt or like the unbearate'r god of Death wielding his bludgeon and lét loose by time.

शूलपाणिरिवाक्षोभ्यो वरुणः पाशवानिव। युगान्कांग्नरिवार्चिष्मान् प्रधक्ष्यन् वै पुनः प्रजाः॥
Or like Siva with trident and unruffled or like Varuna armed with the noose or like the blazing fire appearing at the end of a Yuga for consuming the creation.

क्रोधामर्षबलोद्भूतो निवातकवचान्तकः। जयो जेता स्थितः सत्ये पारयिष्यन् महाव्रतम्॥
That slayer of the Nivatakavachas, inflamed with rage and swelling with his energies, the ever victorious Jaya attached to truth and intent on accomplishing his great vow.

आमुक्तकवचः खड्गी जाम्बूनदकिरीटभृत्। शुभ्रमाल्याम्बरधरः स्वगदश्चारुकुण्डलः॥
Cased in mail and armed with a sword, graced with a golden diadem, decorated with garlands of white flowers and attired in white garments, his arms decked with charming Angadas and ears with resplendent ear-rings.

रथप्रवरमास्थाय नरो नारायणानुगः। विधुन्वन् गाण्डिवं संख्ये बभौ सूर्य इवोदितः॥
Riding on his own best of chariots, the embodied Nara accompanied by Narayana, shaking his Gandiva bow in battle appeared shining and dazzling like the risen sun.

सोऽग्रानीकस्य महत इषुपाते धनंजयः। व्यवस्थाप्य रथं राजशङ्ख दध्मौ प्रतापवान्॥
Then Dhananjaya endued with great might, O king, stopping his chariot before the van of his troops where the thickest downpour of arrows was expected blew his conch.

अथकृष्णोऽप्यसम्भ्रान्तः पार्थेन सह मारिष। प्राध्यापयत् पाञ्चजन्यं शङ्ख प्रवरमोजसा॥
Thereupon the undaunted Krishna also, O sire, with Pritha's son, blew with force that most excellent conch of his, known as the Panchajanya.

तयोः शङ्खपणादेन तव सैन्ये विशाम्पते। आसन् संहृष्टरोमाणः कम्पिता गतचेतसः॥
Then at that blare of the conchs, O ruler of men, the soldiers of your army had the hair of their body erect and they trembled and were confounded.

यथा त्रस्यन्ति भूतानि सर्वाण्यशनिनिः स्वनात्। तथा शङ्खप्रणादेन वित्रेसुस्तव सैनिकाः॥
At the blare of their conchs, your troops took right even as creatures become frightened at the rumbling of the thunder.

प्रसुस्रवुः शकृन्मूत्रं वाहनानि च सर्वशः। एवं सवाहनं सर्वमाविग्नमभवद् बलम्॥
All the beasts discharged urine and excreta. Your whole army with its animals seized with anxiety.

सीदन्ति स्म नरा राजशङ्खशब्देन मारिष। विसंज्ञाश्चाभवन् केचित् केचिद् राजन् वितत्रसु॥
O sire, O monarch, in consequence of the blare of those two conchs, all men were deprived of their strength. And some of our array the were filled with fear and some lost their consciousness.

ततः कपिमहानादं सह भूतैर्ध्वजालयैः। अकरोद्ध व्यादितास्यश्च भीषयंस्तव सैनिकान्॥
Then frightening your soldiers, the ape of Arjuna's banner with other creatures thereon, opening its mouth, uttered a terrible roar.

ततः शङ्खाश्च भेर्यश्च मृदङ्गाश्चानकैः सह। पुनरेवाभ्यहन्यन्त तव सैन्यप्रहर्षणाः॥
Then conchs, horns, cymbals and Anakas, were sounded and blown for inspiring energy into your troops.

नानावादित्रसंहादैः श्वैडितास्फोटिताकुलैः। सिंहनादैः समुत्कुष्टैः समाधूतैर्महारथैः॥
Then din thus produced, became mixed up with the din produced by various musical instruments, by the shouts of warriors and by the slappings of their armpits, by the war-cries of the great car-warriors, as they challenged one another.

तस्मिंस्तु तुमुले शब्दे भीरूणां भयवर्धने। अतीव हृष्टो दाशार्हमब्रवीत् पाकशासनिः॥
Thus when that tremendous din arose there din that enhanced the fear of the cowards the son of Pakashasani became filled with joy; and addressing the descendant of the Dasarha race, he then thus spoke.