The display of Drona's prowess

द्रोण उवाच वेदं षडङ्ग वेदाहमर्थविद्यां च मानवीम्। त्रैय्यम्बकमथेष्वस्त्रं शस्त्राणि विविधानि चाशा
Drona said I am versed in the Vedas and in their six auxiliaries; and in the science of practical life concerning itself with men. I know the weapons of Tryambaka and various other weapons and mantras.

ये चाप्युक्ता मयि गुणा भवद्भिर्जयकाक्षिभिः। चिकीर्षुस्तानहं सर्वान् योधयिष्यामि पाण्डवान्॥
Those qualities, which, you, desirous of victory, have ascribed to me, bringing them to play, I will offer battle to the sons of Pandu.

पार्षतं तु रणे राजन् न हनिष्ये कथंचन। स हि सृष्टो वधार्थाय ममैव पुरुषर्षभः॥
But, O monarch, I shall never slay the son of Prisata in battle; O foremost of men, he has been created to kill me.

योधयिष्यामि सैन्यानि नाशयन् सर्वसोमकान्। न च मां पाण्डवा युद्धे योधयिश्यन्ति हर्षिताः॥
I shall encounter the hostile array and kill the Somakas. In battle, the Pandavas will not meet me with delightful hearts.

संजय उवाच स एवमभ्यनुज्ञातश्चक्रे सनापतिं ततः। द्रोणं तव सुतो राजन् विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा॥
Sanjaya said O monarch, then your son, with the perinission of Drona, made him the commander of his troops, with ceremonies enjoined by the ordinances for such occasions.

अथाभिषिषिचुर्दोणं दुर्योधनमुखा नृपाः। सैनापत्ये यथा स्कन्दं पुरा शक्रमुखाः सुराः॥
As in days of yore, the gods with Indra at their head, invested Skanda with their leadership, so now did the monarchs headed by Duryodhana, invest Drona with the command of the troops.

ततो वादित्रघोषेण शंखनां च महास्वनैः। प्रादुरासीत् कृते द्रोणे हर्षः सेनापतौ तदा॥
thereupon on Drona's investiture with the command, the delight (of troops) was manifest by the sound of musical instruments and the deafening blare of the conchs.

ततः पुण्याहघोषेण स्वस्तिवादस्वनेन च। संस्तवैतिशब्दैश्च सूतमागधबन्दिनाम्॥ जयशब्दैजिएयाणां सुभगानर्तितैस्तथा। सत्कृत्य विधिना द्रोणं मेनिरे पाण्डवाञ्जितान्॥
Then honouring Drona with shouts the like of which fill the ear during a holy day, with sounds of benedictory utterances, with eulogies, songs and cries of bards, minstrels and panegyrists, with the cries of victory uttered by the foremost of regenerate ones and with the frolics of mimes, the Kauravas considered the sons of Pandu as already worsted in battle.

सैनापत्यं तु सम्पाष्य भारद्वाजो महारथः। युयुत्सुयूँह्य सैन्यानि प्रायात् तव सुतैः सह॥
on Then having been installed the command of the army, that mighty car-warrior, the son of Bharadvaja, arranging the troops in battle-array, marched out, accompanied by your sons, from a desire of giving battle.

सैन्धवश्च कलिङ्गश्च विकर्णश्च तवात्मजः। दक्षिणं पार्श्वमास्थाय समतिष्ठन्त दंशिताः॥
Donning their armours, the king of the Sindhus and the Kalingas and Vikarna, your son, stationed themselves in the right wing of Drona.

प्रपक्षः शकुनिस्तेषां प्रवरैर्हयसादिभिः ययौ गान्धारकैः सार्धं विमलप्रासयोधिभिः॥
Then accompanied by a numerous and picked cavalry recruited from men belonging to the Gandhara tribe and armed with lustrous lances, Shakuni marched out as their support.

कृपश्च कृतवर्मा च चित्रसेनो विविंशतिः। दुःशासनमुखा यत्ताः सव्यं पक्षमपालयन्॥
Then Kripa, Kritavarman, Chitrasena and Vivinsati, having Dushasana at their head, proceeded, covering the left wing.

तेषां प्रपक्षाः काम्बोजा: सुदक्षिणपुरःसराः। ययुरश्वैर्महावेगैः शकाश्च यवनैः सह॥
Then riding on horses of great fleetness, the Kamvojas headed by Sudakshina and the Shakas with the Yavanas, marched forth, forming the support of the last mentioned party.

मद्रास्त्रिगर्ताः साम्बष्ठाः प्रतीच्योदीच्यमालवाः। शिवयः शूरसेनाश्च शूद्राश्च मलदैः सह॥ सौवीराः कितवाः प्राच्या दाक्षिणात्याश्च सर्वशः। तवात्मजं पुरस्कृत्य सूतपुत्रस्य पृष्ठतः॥ हर्षयन्तः स्वसैन्यानि ययुस्तव सुतैः सह। प्रवरः सर्वयोधानां बलेषु बलमादधत्॥ ययौ वैकर्तनः कर्णः प्रमुखे सर्वधन्विनाम्।
Then the Madras, the Trigartas, the Ambasthas, the warriors from the West and the North, the Malavas, the Shivis, the Surasenas, the Sudras with the Malavas, the Sauviras, the Kitavas, the warriors from the East and the South, all these with your son Duryodhana at son their head and the son of Suta at their rear, cheering the hearts of their own partisans, marched forth and increased the strength of the (advancing) troops. Karna, the of Vikartana, then marched at the head of all bowmen.

तस्य दीप्तो महाकाय: स्वान्यनीकानि हर्षयन्॥ हस्तिकक्ष्यो महाकेतुर्बभौ सूर्यसमद्युतिः।
His mighty standard, huge and resplendent and marked with the device of the elephant's girth, imparting delight into the hearts of his own soldiers, burned with effulgence cqual to that of the sun.

न भीष्मव्यसनं कश्चिद् दृष्ट्वा कर्णममन्यत॥ विशोकाश्चाभवन् सर्वे राजानः कुरुभिः सह।
All the kings and the Kurus, seeing Karna, did pay no heed to the calamity that had befallen them in the shape of Bhishma's death and they all were shorn of their sorrow.

हृष्टाश्च बहवो योधास्तत्राजल्पन्त वेगतः॥ न हि कर्णे रणे दृष्ट्वा युधि स्थास्यान्ति पाण्डवाः।
Numerous warriors, highly delighted, forming into groups, thus began to talk, “Surely the Pandavas, seeing Karna in the field, will not stay a while in battle.

कर्णो हि समरे शक्तो जेतुं देवान् सवासवान्॥ किमु पाण्डुसुतान् युद्धे हीनवीर्यपराक्रमान्।
Truly, Karna is powerful enough to gain victory in battle over the celestials led by Vasava himself, not to speak of the sons of Pandu, who are devoid of prowess and energy alike.

भीष्मेण तु रणे पार्थाः पालिता बाहुशालिना॥ तांस्तु कर्णः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्नाशयिष्यति संयुगे।
The sons of Pritha were tenderly treated by the mighty-armed Bhishma in battle. But Karna shall slay them in the encounter with sharpened arrows.

एवं ब्रुवन्तस्तेऽन्योन्यं हृष्टरूपा विशाम्पते॥ राधेयं पूजयन्तश्च प्रशंसन्तश्च निर्ययुः। अस्माकं शकटव्यूहो द्रोणेन विहितोऽभवत्॥
O lord of people, thus talking to one another with joyful looks and honouring and eulogising the son of Radha, they marched along (in battle-array). Our own army, O monarch, was arrayed in the form of a Sakata (or car).

परेषां क्रौञ्च एवासीद् व्यूहो राजन् महात्मनाम्। प्रीयमाणेन विहितो धर्मराजेन भारत॥
The army of our high-souled enemies was formed in the shape of a Krauncha (crane). O Bharata, by the very virtuous Yudhishthira with a delighted heart.

व्यूहप्रमुखतस्तेषां तस्थतुः पुरुषर्षभौ। वानरध्वजमुच्छ्रित्य विष्वक्सेनधनंजयौ॥
At the head of their array stood the two foremost of men, Vishvaksena (Vishnu) and Dhananjaya, with their banner, bearing the emblem of the ape, uplifted.

ककुदं सर्वसैन्यानां धाम सर्वधनुष्मताम्। आदित्यपथगः केतुः पार्थस्यामिततेजसः॥ दीपयामास तत् सैन्यं पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः।
That banner of Partha of immeasurable prowess, the hump of the whole army and the refuge of all wielders of bow, that banner which reached the orbit of the sun, seemed to illumine the whole army of Yudhishthira of high soul.

यथा प्रज्वलितः सूर्यो युगान्ते वै वसुंधराम्॥ दीप्यन् दृश्येत हि तथा केतुः सर्वत्र धीमतः।
That banner of the most intelligent Partha appeared like the burning sun when at the end of a Yuga, it rises to consume the earth.

योधानामजुनः श्रेष्ठो गाण्डीवं धनुषां वरम्॥ वासुदेवश्च भूतानां चक्राणां च सुदर्शनम्।
Of all the warriors Arjuna is the foremost; of all the bows Gandiva is the best. Vasudeva is the foremost of all created beings and Sudarshana is the best of all kinds of discus.

चत्वार्येतानि तेजांसि वहश्वेतहयो रथः॥ परेषामग्रतस्तस्थौ कालचक्रमिवोद्यतम्। एवं तौ सुमहात्मानौ बलसेनाग्रगावुभौ॥
The chariot, to which were harnessed white horses, carrying these four kinds of energy incarnate, stood at the head of the hostile array, like the discus of Kala raised (for being hurled). Thus those two high-souled heroes stood at the head of their armies. Karna stood at the head of your army and Dhananjaya at the head of the hostile troops.

तावकानां मुखे कर्णः परेषां च धनंजयः। ततो जयाभिसंरब्धौ परम्परवधैषिणौ।॥ अवेक्षेतां तदान्योन्यं समरे कर्णपाण्डवौ।
Oking! in that battle, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, looked at each other possessed with ire and each desirous of slaying the other.

ततः प्रयाते सहसा भारद्वाजे महारथे॥ आर्तनादेन घोरेण वसुधा समकम्पत।
Thereafter when the mighty car-warrior, the son of Bharadvaja, flew suddenly to the fight, the earth began to shake with the sound of terrible wails.

ततस्तुमुलमाकाशमावृणोत् सदिवाकरम्॥ वातोद्भूतं रजस्तीवं कौशेयनिकरोपमम्। ववर्ष द्यौरनभ्रापि मांसास्थिरुधिराण्युत॥
Then thick clouds of dust, blown up by the storm and resembling heaps of tawny silk, intercepted from the view the welkin in and the sun. Though the sky was cloudless yet a shower of flesh bones and blood fell on the earth.

गृध्राः श्येना बकाः कङ्का वायसाच सहस्रशः। उपर्युपरि सेनां ते तदा पर्यपतन् नृप॥
O king, vultures, hawks, cranes, kanakas and crows, by thousands swooped on your army, over and over again.

गोमायवश्च प्राक्रोशन् भयदान् दारुणान् रवान्। अकार्षुरपसव्यं च बहुशः पृतनां तव॥ चिखादिषन्तो मांसानि पिपासन्तश्च शोणितम्।
The jackals yelled forth and many dreadful and fierce rangers of the sky repeatedly placed your army to their right, being desirous of devouring flesh and thirsting for blood.

अवतद् दीप्यमाना च सनिर्घाता सकम्पना॥ उल्का ज्वलन्ती संग्रामे पुच्छेनावृत्य सर्वशः।
On the field of battle, illuminating the welkin, dropped many a burning meteor accompanied with thundering sounds and vibrating motions and covering with their tails large areas.

परिवेषो महांश्चापि सविद्युत्स्तनयित्नुमान्॥ भास्करस्याभवद् राजन् प्रयाते वाहिनीपतौ।
Then, O monarch, when the commander of the host (Drona) set out for battle, the wide circumference of the lustrous orb of day, emitted flashes of lightving and thundering sounds.

एते चान्ये च बहवः प्रादुरासन् सुदारुणाः॥ उत्पाता युधि वीराणां जीवितक्षयकारिणः।
These and many other terrible portents appeared indicating a great loss of life of many heroes in the ensuing encounter.

ततः प्रववृते युद्धं परस्परवधैषिणाम्॥ कुरुपाण्डवसैन्यानां शब्देनापूरूज्जगत्।
Thereafter the fight between the Kurus and the Pandus, both desirous of killing one another, commenced; and the terrible din rising therefrom filled the whole world.

तेत्वनयोन्यं सुसंरन्धाः पाण्डवाः कौरवैः सह॥ अभ्यघ्नन् निशितैः शस्त्रैर्जयगृद्धाः प्रहारिणः।
Then, burning with wrath, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, all first-class smiters, began to pierce one another with sharpened weapons, ardently longing for victory.

स पाण्डवानां महतीं महेष्वासो महाद्युतिः॥ वेगेनाभ्यद्रवत् सेनां किरञ्छरशतैः शितैः।
Then that mighty champion (Drona) of great effulgence, charged, with headlong speed, the army of the sons of Pandu, shooting hundreds of sharpened shafts.

द्रोणमभ्युद्यतं दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवाः सह सृञ्जयैः॥४४॥ प्रत्यगृणंस्तदा राजञ्छरवर्षैः पृथक् पृथक्।
Beholding Drona charge, the Pandavas along with the Srinjayas received him, o monarch, with showers of shafts in distinct sets.

विक्षोभ्यमाणा द्रोणेन भिद्यमाना महाचमूः॥ व्यशीर्यत सपाञ्चाला वातेनेव बलाहकाः।
That mighty host (of the Pandavas) along with the Panchalas agitated and routed by Drona, was shattered like rows of cranes by the wind.

बहूनीह विकुर्वाणो दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि संयुगे॥ अपीडयत् क्षणेनैव द्रोणः पाण्डवसृञ्जयान्।
In the encounter, invoking various celestial weapons Drona, in a moment, sorely oppressed the Pandavas and the Srinjayas.

ते वध्यमाना द्रोणेन वासवेनेव दानवाः॥ पञ्चाला: समकम्पन्त धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमाः।
The Panchalas having Dhrishtadyumna at their head being slaughtered by Drona, like the Danavas by Vasava, began to quake.

ततो दिव्यास्त्रविच्छूरो याज्ञसेनिर्महारथः॥ अभिनच्छरवर्षेण द्रोणानीकमनेकधा।
Thereupon that mighty car-warriors, the heroic Yajnaserma versed in the knowledge of the celestial weapons, produced by his showers of arrows many a breach, in the columns of Drona.

द्रोणस्य शरवर्षाणि शरवर्षेण पार्षतः॥ संनिवार्य ततः सर्वान् कुरूनप्यवधीद् बली।
Then that powerful son of Prishata, checking the showers of Drona's arrows with those of his own, slew many a Kuru warrior.

संयम्य तु ततो द्रोणः समवस्थाप्य चाहवे॥ स्वमनीकं महेष्वासः पार्षतं समुपाद्रवत्।
Thereupon Drona of mighty arms, again rallying has soldiers and re-arranging them, charged the son of Prishata in battle.

स बाणवर्ष सुमहदसृजत् पार्षतं प्रति॥ मघवान् समभिक्रुद्धः सहसा दानवानिव।
Then towards the son of Prishata he directed a close shower of arrows, like Meghavat exceedingly enraged shooting his shafts towards the Danavas.

ते कम्प्यमाना द्रोणेन बाणैः पाण्डवसृञ्जयाः॥ पुनः पुनरभज्यन्त सिंहेनेवेतरे मृगाः।
Thus, agitated by Drona with his arrows, the Pandavas and Srinjays, again and again, broke their lines, like a herd of inferior beasts attacked by a lion.

तथा पर्यचरद् द्रोणः पाण्डवानां बले बली। अलातचक्रवद् राजस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Then O monarch, like a circle of firebrands, the mighty Drona careered through the army of the Pandavas; and that was a wonderful sight.

खचरनगरकल्पं कल्पितं शास्त्रदृष्ट्या चलदनिलपताकं ह्लादनं वल्पिताश्वम्। स्फटिकविमलकेतुं त्रासन शात्रवाणां रथवरमधिरूढः संजहारारिसेनाम्॥
Riding on his own excellent cars, that resembled a city careering through the skies; that was well supplied with the implements of war according to the military science, the banner of which was fluttering on the air, the rattle of which was resounding all round the field, the steeds of which were well-driven and the flagstaff of which was shining like a rod of crystal-riding on such a chariot. Drona inspired the hostile army with terror and massacred (right and left).