None: Chapter 64

The story of Ambarisha

नारद उवाच नाभागमम्बरीषं च मृतं सृञ्जय शुश्रुम यः सहस्रं सहस्राणां राज्ञां चैकस्त्वयोधयत्॥
Narada said O Srinjaya, we heard that Nabhaga's son Ambarisha, who, single-handed, fought a thousand times against thousand kings, was also carried away by Death.

जिगीषमाणाः संग्रामे समन्ताद् वैरिणोऽभ्ययुः। अस्त्रयुद्धविदो घोराः सृजन्तश्चाशिवा गिरः॥
He simultaneously attacked his enemies who desired to obtain victory over him, who were accomplished in fighting with weapons and who had assaulted him with fierce yells.

बललाघवशिक्षाभिस्तेषां सोऽस्त्रबलेन च। छत्रायुधध्वजरथांश्छित्त्वा प्रासान् गतव्यथः॥
Subduing them with his prowess and by the strength of his weapons, he cut-off their umbrellas, weapons, standards and chariots and deprived them of their lives. Thus he relieved himself of all his anxieties.

त एनं मुक्तसंनाहाः प्रार्थयन् जीवितैषिणः। शरण्यमीयुः शरणं तवास्म इति वादिनः॥
Then desirous of saving their lives, those defeated king, putting off their coats of mail implored the mercy of that compassionate monarch and sought his protection saying, “We surrender ourselves."

स तु तान् वशगान् कृत्वा जित्वा चेमां वसुन्धराम्। ईजे यज्ञशतैरिष्टैर्यथाशास्त्रं तथाऽनध॥
Thus having brought them under his control and having conquered this world, he celebrated a hundred desirable sacrifices, in accordance with the ordinances of the Shastras, O sinless one.

बुभुजुः सर्वसम्पन्नमन्नमन्ये जनाः सदा। तस्मिन् यज्ञे तु विप्रेन्द्राः संतृप्ताः परमार्चिताः॥
At those sacrifices of his, people partook of edibles possessed of all delicate qualities. Therefore most of the Brahmanas were greatly gratified and were most excellently worshipped.

मोदकान् पूरिकापूपान् स्वादुपूर्णाश्च शष्कुलीः। करम्भान् पृथुमृद्वीका अन्नानि सुकृतानि च॥ सूपान् मैरेयकापूपान् रागखाण्डवपानकान्। मृष्टान्नानि सुयुक्तानि मृदूनि सुरभीणि च॥ घृतं मधु पयस्तोयं दधीनि रसवन्ति च। फलं मूलं च सुस्वादु द्विजास्तत्रोपभुञ्जते॥
Sweetmeat, Purikas, Pupas, Saskulis of excellent taste and large size, Karambhas, Prithumridikas and various kinds of wellprepared edibles, various sorts of Supas, Maireyas, Pupas, Ragakhandavas and diverse king of confectionery, well-dressed, delicate and savoury and clarified butter and honey and milk and water and tasteful curds and fruits and esculent roots-these things were there eaten by the regenerate castes.

मादनीयानि पापानि विदित्वा चात्मनः सुखम्। अपिबन्त यथाकामं पानया गीतवादितैः॥
And men who were addicted to drink wines, drank, in proper time, various kinds of intoxicating drinks, for the sake of the pleasures they produced and then sang and played upon their musical instruments.

तत्र स्म गाथा गायन्ति क्षीबा हृष्टाः पठन्ति च। नाभागस्तुतिसंयुक्ता ननृतुश्च सहस्रशः॥
Some perfectly toxicated sang songs and were greatly delighted; and some reeled on the ground; some applauded the son of Nabhaga in panegyrics and some danced in thousands.

तेषु यज्ञेष्वम्बरीषो दक्षिणामत्यकालयत्। राज्ञां शतसहस्राणि दश प्रयुतयाजिनाम्॥
In those sacrifices, Ambarisha gave as gifts the kingdoms of hundreds and thousands of kings to the ten million priests engaged in his sacrifice.

हिरण्यकवचान् सर्वाश्वेतच्छत्रप्रकीर्णकान्। हिरण्यस्यन्दनारूढान् सानुयात्रपरिच्छदान्॥ ईजानो वितते यज्ञे दक्षिणामत्यकालयत्। मूर्धाभिषिक्तांश्च नृपान् राजपुत्रशतानि च॥ सदण्डकोशनिचयान् ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ह्ममन्यत। नैवं पूर्वे जनाचकुर्न करिष्यन्ति चापरे॥
Having celebrated diverse sacrifices the king gave unto the Brahmanas as sacrificial presents numerous princes and kings whose coronal locks had been purified by the sacred bath, all furnished with golden armours, all having white umbrellas held over their heads, all mounted on golden chariots, vested in superb garments and having large retinues and all bearing their scepters and possessing their treasuries. 'None amongst the men of olden times did, nor those to come will do.'

यदम्बरीषो नृपतिः करोत्यमितदक्षिणः। इत्येवमनुमोदन्ते प्रीता यस्य महर्षयः॥
What king Ambarisha, profuse in his sacrificial present's has done. Even thus did the mighty sages, gratified with him, applauded him.

स चेन्ममार सृञ्जय चतुर्भद्रतरस्त्वया। पुत्रात् पुण्यतरस्तुभ्यं मा पुत्रमनुतप्यथाः। अयजवानमदाक्षिण्यमभि श्वैत्येत्युदाहरत्॥
O Srinjaya, when even such a king who was superior in respect of the four cardinal virtues to you and consequently to your son, had to undergo death, you should not lament for your son who performed no sacrifices and made no sacrificial gifts, saying, 'O Shvaitya.'