None: Chapter 59

The story of Rama

नारद उवाच रामं दाशरथिं चैव मृतं सृञ्जय शुश्रुम। यं प्रजा अन्वमोदन्त पिता पुत्रानिवौरसान्॥
Narada said O Srinjaya, we heard that even Rama that son of Dasaratha, had to suffer death. His subjects were as much delighted with him a father is pleased with the sons of his own loins.

असंख्येया गुणा यस्मिन्नासन्नमिततेजसि। यश्चतुर्दश वर्षाणि निदेशात् पितुरच्युतः॥ वने वनितया सार्धमवसल्लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।
In that one endowed with immeasurable energy, innumerable virtues resided. At the command of his father that undeteriorating one, for fourteen long years lived in the woods with his wife and his younger brother Lakshmana.

जघान च जनस्थाने राक्षसान् मनुजर्षभः॥ तपस्विनां रक्षणार्थे सहस्राणि चतुर्दश।
While in the forest of Janasthana, that foremost of men slew Rakshasas, fourteen thousand in number, for the protection of the ascetics.

तत्रैव वसतस्तस्य रावणो नाम राक्षसः॥ जहार भार्यां वैदेहीं सम्मोद्यैनं सहानुजम्।
When he was living there, the Rakshasa, by name Ravana stole away his wife, the princess of Videha, having deceived both himself and his follower Lakshmana.

तमागस्कारिणं रामः पौलस्त्यमजितं परैः॥ जघान समरे क्रुद्धः पुरेव त्र्यम्बकोऽन्धकम्।
That son of Paulastya invincible by his enemies who had injured him, Rama slew in battle, being excited with rage, like the threeeyed Mahadeva slaying the demon Andhaka.

सुरासुरैरवध्यं तं देवब्राह्मणकण्टकम्॥ जघान स महाबाहुः पौलस्त्यं सगणं रणे।
That one (Ravana) incapable of being slain by the celestials and the Asuras, that thorn in the sides of the Gods and Brahmanas, namely that descendant of Paulastya, the mighty-armed Rama slew in battle, with all his followers.

स प्रजानुग्रहं कृत्वा त्रिदशैरभिपूजितः॥
In consequence of his showing mercy towards his subjects he used to be honoured by the celestials themselves.

व्याष्य कृत्स्नं जगत् कीर्त्या सुरर्षिगणसेवितः। स प्राप्य विधिवद् राज्यं सर्वभूतानुकम्पकः॥
That one (Rama), served even by the Gods and the sages, filled the earth with his fame. Having acquired immeasurable kingdom, he used to treat his subjects with kindness.

आजहार महायज्ञं प्रजा धर्मेण पालयन्। निरर्गलं राजसूयमश्वमेधं च तं विभुः॥
Cherishing his subjects virtuously, that lord without any hindrance, accomplished one hundred of that mighty sacrifice Ashvamedha together with the sacrifice called Jaruthya.

आजहार सुरेशस्य हविषा मुदमाहरत्। अन्यैश्च विविधैर्यज्ञैरीजे बहुगुणैर्नृपः॥
He created great joy in Indra by pouring libations of clarified butter on the fire. And, O king, he celebrated many other kinds of sacrifice, all productive of great religious merit.

क्षुत्पिपासेऽजयद् रामः सर्वरोगांश्च देहिनाम्। सततं गुणसम्पन्नो दीप्यमानः स्वतेजसा॥
Rama conquered hunger and thirst and he was beyond the influence of maladies that trouble the corporeal creation. He was always attended with all kinds of virtues and burnt in his own energy.

अति सर्वाणि भूतानि रामो दाशरथिर्बभौ। ऋषीणां देवतानां च मानुषाणां च सर्वशः॥
Indeed Rama, the of Dasaratha surpassed in beauty all other created beings. The Rishis, the celestials and the mortals all together. son

पृथिव्यां सहवासोऽभूद्रामे राज्यं प्रशासति। नाहीयत तदा प्राणः प्राणिनां न तदन्यथा॥
Lived on the face of the earth, when Rama ruled over the kingdom. Then the lives of animate beings never terminated untimely.

प्राणोऽपानः समानश्च रामे राज्यं प्रशासति। पर्यदीष्यन्त तेजांसि तदानश्च नाभवन्॥
When Rama ruled his dominions, the vital breaths known as Prana and Apana and Samana and others, all duly performed their functions. All splendour appeared to increase and evil portents were never seen.

दीर्घायुषः प्रजाः सर्वा युवा न म्रियते तदा। वेदैश्चतुर्भिः सुप्रीताः प्राप्नुवन्ति दिवौकसः॥
All his subjects then enjoyed length of days, men then were not taken away in the prime of their life. The denizens of heaven, highly satisfied, used to obtain, according to the (ordinances of the) four Vedas.

हव्यं कव्यं च विविधं निष्पूर्त हुतमेव च। अदंशमशका देशा नश्टब्यालसरीसृपाः॥
Libations of clarified butter and other offerings of edibles presented by men. His dominions were not infested with gnats and flies and they were free from snakes and other reptiles.

नाप्सु प्राणभृतां मृत्यु काले ज्वलनोऽदहत्। अधर्मरुचयो लुब्धा मूर्खा वा नाभवंस्तदा॥
Living creatures died not being drowned and prematurely; fire did not consume anything then. Then there were none, of vicious propensities and covetous and ignorant.

शिष्टेष्टयज्ञकर्माणः सर्वे वर्णास्तदाऽभवन्। स्वधां पूजां च रक्षोभिर्जनस्थाने प्रणाशिताम्॥
His subjects, belonging to all the four castes, were engaged in the performance of righteous and desirable deeds. The Rakshasas then, used to hinder the adoration of the Pitris in Janasthana.

प्रादान्निहत्य रक्षांसि पितृदेवेभ्य ईश्वरः। सहस्रपुत्राः पुरुषा दशवर्षशतायुषः॥
The Lord Rama slaying them, caused the offerings and the adoration to be one more made to the ancestral manes and the gods. Men then became fathers of thousand sons and their duration of life covered a thousand years.

न च ज्येष्ठाः कनिष्ठेभ्यस्तदा श्राद्धान्यकारयन्। श्यामो युवा लोहिताक्षो मत्तमातङ्गविक्रमः॥
Then seniors in age had never the misfortunes of performing the obsequies of their juniors. Youthful, of a dark blue complexion, of red eyes, possessing the tread of an infuriate elephant.

आजानुबाहुः सुभुजः सिंहस्कन्धो महाबलः। दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशवर्षशतानि च॥ सर्वभूतमन: कान्तो रामो राज्यमकारयत्। रामो रामो राम इति प्रजानामभवत् कथा॥
Having arms hanging down to the knees and of well-shape, of shoulders resembling those of the lion and of great might, that delighter of the hearts of beings, namely Rama, ruled his kingdom for eleven thousand years. His subjects were then always occupied in talking about him.

रामाद् रामं जगदभूद् रामे राज्यं प्रशासति। चतुर्विधाः प्रजा रामः स्वर्गे नीत्वा दिवं गतः॥
While Rama ruled his kingdom, the world became most charming and captivating. At last taking his subjects belonging to all the four orders with him, Rama ascended to heaven.

आत्मानं सम्प्रतिष्ठाप्य राजवंशमिहाष्टधा। स चेन्ममार सृञ्जय चतुर्भद्रतरस्त्वया॥
Having perpetuated his own, line in eight separate dynasties of kings, When, O Srinjaya, even such a king died who was superior to you in respect of the four cardinal virtues.

पुत्राात् पुण्यतरस्तुभ्यं मा पुत्रमनुतप्यथाः। अयज्वानमदाक्षिण्यमभि श्वैत्येत्युदाहरत्॥
Consequently, who was far more superior to your son, you should not lament for your son saying “O Shvaitya" who performed no sacrifice and made no sacrificial presents.