None: Chapter 49

The slaughter of Abhimanyu

संजय उवाच विष्णोः स्वसुर्नन्दकरः स विष्ण्वायुधभूषणः। रराजातिरथः संख्ये जनार्दन इवापरः॥
Sanjaya said That delighter of Vishnu's sister (Subhadra), that Atiratha Abhimanyu, then furnished with the weapon of Vishnu himself, looked highly beautiful like a second Janardana on the field of battle.

मारुतोद्भूतकेशान्तमुद्यतारिवरायुधम्। वपुः समीक्ष्य पृथ्वीशा दुःसमीक्ष्यं सुरैरपि॥
With the ends of his locks, blazing in the air, with that best of weapons raised in his hands, his person became difficult of being looked at even by the very gods. The rulers of the earth beholding it.

तच्चक्रं भृशमुद्विग्नाः संचिच्छिदुरनेकधा। महारथस्ततः कार्णि: संजग्राह महागदाम्॥
And the wheel in his hands, became seized with anxiety. They then cut it off into many fragments. Thereupon that mighty car-warrior, the nephew of Krishna took up a heavy mace.

विधनुःस्यन्दनासिस्तैर्विचक्रचारिभिः कृतः। अभिमन्युर्गदापाणिरश्वत्थामानमार्दयत्॥
Then the mighty-armed Abhimanyu deprived of his car, his bow, his sword and his car-wheel by the enemy, rushed (with that mace in his hand) upon Ashvatthaman.

स गदामुद्यतां दृष्ट्वा ज्वलन्तीमशनीमिव। अपाक्रामद् रथोपस्थाद् विक्रमांस्त्रीन् नरर्षभः॥
Then, O foremost of kings, Ashvatthaman, beholding that upraised mace resemble the blazing bolt of heaven, leapt off three steps from the terrace of his car.

तस्याश्वान् गदया हत्वा तयोभौ पार्ष्णसारथी। शराचिताङ्गः सौभद्रः श्वाविद्वत् समदृश्यत॥
Slaying with his mace the horses and the two flank-supporters of Ashvatthaman, the son of Subhadra, with his body covered all over with arrows looked like a porcupine.

ततः सुबलदायादं कालिकेयमपोथयत्। जघान चास्यानुचरान् गान्धारान् सप्तसप्ततिम्॥
Then Abhimanyu crushed down on the ground Subala's son Kalikeya and slew seventy-seven of the latter's followers of the Gandhara race.

पुनश्चैव वसातीयाञ्जघान रथिनो दश। केकयानां रथान् सप्त हत्वा च दश कुञ्जरान्॥ दौः शासनिरथं सावं गदया समपोथयत्।
Next he slew ten car-warriors of the clan of Brahma-vasatiya; and then seven warriors of the Kekayas and then ten huge elephants. Then he pressed down upon the ground the car and horses of Dushasana's son.

ततो दौःशासनिः क्रुद्धो गदामुद्यम्य मारिष॥ अभिदुद्राव सौभद्रं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्।
Thereupon, O sire, Dushasana's invincible son excited with rage and upraising his mace, rushed against Abhimanyu crying at same time, “Wait" "Wait."

तावुद्यतगदौ वीरावन्योन्यवधकाक्षिणौ॥ भ्रातृव्यौ सम्प्रजह्राते पुरेवत्र्यम्बकान्धकौ।
Then those two heroes with maces upraised, both desirous of compassing one another's death, Those two cousins, began to strike one another, like the three-eyed (Mahadeva) and the Asura Andhaka fighting in the days of yore.

तावन्योन्यं गदाग्राभ्यामाहत्य पतितौ क्षितौ॥ इन्द्रध्वजाविवोत्सृष्टौ रणमध्ये परंतपौ।
Then striking one another by the ends of their clubs, they both fell down on the ground, like two uprooted standards raised in honour of Indra.

दौःशासनिरथोत्थाय कुरूणां कीर्तिवर्धनः॥ उत्तिष्ठमानं सौभद्रं गदया मूर्ध्यताडयत्।
Then that enhancer of the glory of the Kurus namely Dushasana's son rising first, smote Subhadra's son on the crown of his head as the latter was rising up.

गदावेगेन महता व्यायामेन च मोहितः॥ विचेता न्यपतद् भूमौ सौभद्रः परवीरहा। एवं विनिहतो राजन्नेको बहुभिराहवे॥
Confounded with the great force of that mace-stroke and overpowered by the fatigue of the flight. That slayer of hostile heroes namely Subhadra's son fell down senseless on the ground. Thus, o king, was the one slain by many in battle.

क्षोभयित्वा चमूं सर्वो नलिनीमिव कुञ्जरः। अशोभत हतो वीरो व्याधैर्वनगजो यथा॥
One who grinded the whole army of the Kurus, like an elephant crushing lotus-stems. Then that heroic warrior slain by the Kurus, appeared beautiful like a wild elephant slain by hunter.

तं तथा पतितं शूरं तावकाः पर्यवारयन्। दावं दग्ध्वा यथा शान्तं पावकं शिशिरात्यये॥ विमृद्य नागशृङ्गाणि संनिवृत्तमिवानिलम्। अस्तंगतमिवादित्यं तप्त्वा भारतवाहिनीम्॥ उपप्लुतं यथा सोमं संशुष्कमिव सागरम्। पूर्णचन्द्राभवदनं काकपक्षवृताक्षिकम्॥ तं भूमौ पतितं दृष्टवा तावकास्ते महारथाः। मुदा परमया युक्ताश्चक्रुशुः सिंहवन्मुहुः॥
Then your troops surrounded the fallen hero, who then looked like an extinguished fire that had consumed a whole forest during the summer season; or like a tempest with its fury subsided after it has broken down numerous tree-tops; or like the setting sun that had scorched the Bharata army with its rays; or like the moon devoured up by the Rahu; or like the ocean with its waters dried up. Then the mighty car-warriors of your army beholding Abhimanyu whose countenance wore the splendour of the full moon and whose eyes were black like the wings of the raven, lie prostrate on the naked earth, uttered repeated lion-like roars being filled with great delight.

आसीत् परमको हर्षस्तावकानां विशाम्पते। इतरेषां तु वीराणां नेत्रेभ्यः प्रापतज्जलम्॥
Indeed, 0 king, your warriors transported with delight, while tears rolled were down from the eyes of the warriors of the other host.

अन्तरिक्षे च भूतानि प्राक्रोशन्त विशाम्पते। दृष्ट्वा निपतितं वीरं च्युतं चन्द्रमिवाम्बरात्॥
Then beholding that hero lying prostrate on the ground like the moon dropped from the skies many creatures and rulers of men, on the skies, uttered woeful cries sayingद्रोणकर्णमुखैः षड्भिर्घार्तराष्ट्रमहारथैः।

एकोऽयं निहतः शेते नेष धर्मो मतो हि नः॥
Slain by the six mighty car-warriors of Dhritarastra's host headed by Drona, this single hero is lying on the field of battle. We hold this to be very unfair.

तस्मिन् विनिहते वीरे बह्वशोभत मेदिनी। द्यौर्यथा पूर्णचन्द्रेण नक्षत्रगणमालिनी॥
When that hero had been slaughtered, the earth appeared highly beautiful like the starry firmament decked with the full-moon herself.

रुक्मपुडैश्च सम्पूर्णा रुधिरौघपरिप्लुता। उत्तमाडैश्च शूराणां भ्राजमानैः सकुण्डलैः॥ विचित्रैश्च परिस्तोमैः पताकाभिश्च संवृता। चामरैश्च कुथाभिश्च प्रविद्धैश्चाम्बरोत्तमैः॥ तथाश्वनरनागानामलंकारैश्च सुप्रभैः। खङ्गैः सुनिशितैः पीतैर्निर्मुक्तैर्भुजगैरिव॥ चापैश्च विविधैश्छिन्नैः शक्त्वृष्टिप्रासकम्पनैः। विविधैश्चायुधैश्चान्यैः संवृता भूरशोभत॥
The earth was then covered over with arrows furnished with golden wings and inundated with with waves of blood. And overspreaded with the beautiful heads of the heroes, adorned with ear-rings and precious and variegated headgears and streamers and chamaras and splendid blankets and gemembossed weapons of good make and the bright ornaments of cars and horses and men and elephants and sharp and well-tempered swords looking like snakes freed from their slough and bows and shattered arrows and darts and scimitars and spears and kampanas and various other kinds of weapons, (offensive and defensive), she looked exceedingly beautiful.

वाजिभिश्चापि निर्जीवैः श्वसद्भिः शोणितोक्षितैः। सारोहैर्विषमा भूमिः सौभद्रेण निपातितः॥
In many places the field of battle became impassable being choked with dead any dying steeds bespattered with blood all felled by the son of Subhadra and lying with their riders slain.

साकुशैः समहामात्रैः सवर्मायुधकेतुभिः। पर्वतैरिव विध्वस्तैर्विशिखैर्मथितैर्गजैः॥ पृथिव्यामनुकीर्णैश्च व्यश्वसारथियोधिभिः। ह्रदैरिव प्रक्षुभितैर्हतनागै रथोत्तमैः॥ पदातिसंघेश्च हतैर्विविधायुधभूषणैः। भीरूणां त्रासजननी घोररूपाभवन्मही॥
With iron goads and elephants prodigious as hills, furnished with shields and weapons and with standards lying about, crushed with shafts; with excellent chariots deprived of steeds and charioteers and their warriors, lying scattered on the field, crushed by elephants and looking like agitated takes; with large bodies of foot-soldiers, armed with various weapons and lying slain on the field, the earth assuming an awful aspect struck terror into the hearts of the cowards.

दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ चन्द्रार्कसदृशद्युतिम्। तावकानां परा प्रीतिः पाण्डूनां चाभवद् यथा॥
Beholding Abhimanyu equal to the sun or the moon in splendour lie dead on the field, your troops obtained great joy whilst the Pandavas were highly distressed.

अभिमन्यौ हते राजशिशुकेऽप्राप्तयौवने। सम्प्राद्रवच्चमूः सर्वा धर्मराजस्य पश्यतः॥
When the young Abhimanyu still in his minority was slain, all the troops of the Pandavas fled even before the very eyes of the very virtuous king Yudhishthira.

दीर्यमाणं बलं दृष्ट्वा सौभद्रे विनिपातिते। अजातशत्रुस्तान् वीरानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Then upon the death of Abhimanyu, seeing his troops routed, Ajatasatru Yudhishthira addressed these words to the heroic warriors of his army-

तं स्वर्गमेघ गतः शूरो यो हतो न पराङ्मुखः। संस्तम्भयत मा भैष्ट विजेष्यामो रणे रिपून्।॥
This heroic son of Subhadra who without turning back from the battle has been slain by the enemy, has ascended to heaven. Stay you all and do not fear. We shall yet conquer the foe.

इत्येवं स महातेजा दुःखितेभ्यो महाद्युतिः। धर्मराजो युधां श्रेष्ठो ब्रुवन् दुःखमपानुदत्॥
Possessed of great energy and great effulgence, the virtuous king Yudhishthira thar best of all warriors, himself overwhelmed with grief, tried to console them with those words.

युद्धे ह्याशीविषाकारान् राजपुत्रान् रणे रिपून्। पूर्व निहत्य संग्रामे पश्चादा निरभ्ययात्॥
(He went on)-Having at first slain many hostile princes resembling snakes of virulent poison, the son of Arjuna has followed in their wake.

हत्वा दश सहस्राणि कौसल्यं च महारथम्। कृष्णार्जुनसमः कार्ष्णिः शक्रलोकं गतो ध्रुवम्॥
Having slain ten thousand car-warriors and that mighty car-warrior namely the ruler of the Kosalas, Abhimanyu, equal to Krishna and Arjuna, has indubitably gone to the manson of Shakra (Indra).

रथाश्वनरमातङ्गान् विनिहत्य सहस्रशः। अवितृप्तः स संग्रामादशोच्यः पुण्यकर्मकृत्। गतः पुण्यकृतां लोकाशाश्वतान् पुण्यनिर्जितान्।। ३९
Having slain car-warriors, steeds footsoldiers and elephants by thousand, he was not satiated with what he achieved in battle. We should not bewail this performer of pious deeds; he surely has attained the regions of righteousness, that men acquire by deeds of piety.