None: Chapter 38

The display of Abhimanyu's prowess

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तथा प्रमथमानं तं महेष्वासानजिह्मगैः। आर्जुनि मामकाः संख्ये के त्वेनं समवारयन्॥
Dhritarashtra said What warriors of my army then tried to resist the son of Arjuna in battle when he was thus crushing my troops with his straight-flying arrows?

संजय उवाच शृणु राजन् कुमारस्य रणे विक्रीडितं महत्। बिभित्सतो रथानीकं भारद्वाजेन रक्षितम्॥
Sanjaya said Hear, 0 king, of the wonderful achievements of the prince (Abhimanyu), when he was engaged in breaking through the cardivision protected by by Bharadvaja's himself.

मद्रेशं सादितं दृष्ट्वा सौभद्रेणाशुगै रणे। शल्यादवरजः क्रुद्धः किरन् वाणान् समभ्ययात्॥
Sceing Shalya the ruler of the Madras worsted in battle by Subhadra's son with his arrows, his younger brother, inflamed with wrath proceeded to battle, showering shafts in all directions.

सविद्ध्वा दशभिर्बाणैः साश्वयन्तारमा निम्। उदक्रोशन्महाशब्दं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
He shot ten arrows, injured Abhimanyu with horses and charioteer killed, challenge in a loud voice and said-O! stay there undeviated.

तस्यार्जुनिः शिरोग्रीवं पाणिपादं धनुर्हयान्। छत्रं ध्वजं नियन्तारं त्रिवेणं तल्पमेव च॥ चक्रं युगं च तूणीर ह्यनुकर्षं च सायकैः। पताकां चक्रगोप्तारौ सर्वोपकरणानि च॥ लघुहस्तः प्रचिच्छेद ददृशे तं न कश्चन। स पपात क्षितौ क्षीणः प्रविद्धाभरणाम्बरः॥ वायुनेव महाशैलः सम्भग्नोऽमिततेजसा।
Thereupon the light-handed son of Arjuna, with his arrows, cut-off his antagonist's head and neck, arms and legs, four steeds, umbrella, standard and charioteer; his triple bamboo pole fixed to the car, his car-terrace, car-wheels, । yokes, shafts, quivers, car-bottom, his banner, his implements of war with which the car was furnished and also the two persons engaged in protecting his car-wheels. No one was then able to discern him in consequence of the swiftness of his movement). Shalya's brother then pierced through his ornaments and antires. fell down dead on the ground, like a mighty mountain-crest broken by the overwhelming vehemence of a tempest.

अनुगास्तस्य वित्रस्ताः प्राद्रवन् सर्वतो दिशः॥ आर्जुनेः कर्म तद् दृष्ट्वा सम्प्रणेदुः समन्ततः । नादेन सर्वभूतानि साधु साध्विति भारत॥
His followers then seized with panic, fled in : all directions. Beholding that fcat achieved by Arjuna's son, all creatures were filled with i delight and they applauded him, O Bharata, saying, “Well-done" Well-done".

शल्यभ्रातर्यथारुग्णे बहुशस्तस्य सैनिकाः। कुलाधिवासनामानि श्रावयन्तोऽर्जुनात्मजम्॥ अभ्यधावन्त संक्रुद्धा विविधायुधपाणयः।
When Shalya's brother had thus been killed, many of his soldiers, loudly proclaiming their names, places of residence and families, rushed against Arjuna's son, being excited with rage and wielding in their arms various kinds of weapons.

स्थैरश्वैर्गजैश्चान्ये पद्भिश्चान्ये बलोत्कटाः॥ बाणशब्देन महता रथनेमिस्वनेन च। हुंकारैः क्ष्वेडितोत्क्रुष्टैः सिंहनादैः संगर्जितैः॥ ज्यातलत्रस्वनैरन्ये गर्जन्तोऽर्जुननन्दनम्। ब्रुवन्तश्च न नो जीवन् मोक्ष्यसे जीवितादिति॥
All those warriors were possessed of great strength, some of them rushed on their car, others on steeds, others on elephants and some on foot. With the whizz of their arrows, with the loud clatter of their car-wheels, with warcries, with roars, whoops and exclamations, with leonine roars and cries with the twang of their bow-strings and with many other kinds of sound-seeking to terrify Arjuna's son, they rushed at him saying, “You shall not escape us today with your life, even if it cost us our own lives."

तांस्तथा ब्रुवतो दृष्ट्वा सौभद्रः प्रहसन्निव। यो योऽस्मै प्राहरत् पूर्वेततं विव्याध पत्रिभिः॥
Hearing them thus speak, the son of Subhadra smilingly pierced those with shafts who had smitten him first.

संदर्शयिष्यन्नस्त्राणि विचित्राणि लघूनि च। आणुनिः समरे शूरो मृदुपूर्वमयुध्यत॥
Holding diverse kinds of weapons, all beautiful and swift-going, to the gaze of the people, Arjuna's heroic son battled with them mildly.

वासुदेवादुपात्तं यदस्त्रं यच्च धनंजयात्। अदर्शयत तत् कार्ष्णिः कृष्णाभ्यामविशेषवत्॥
Then, in no way less than Krishna and Arjuna, Abhimanyu began to display all those weapons he had received from Vasudeva's son and Arjuna.

दूरमस्य गुरुं भारं साध्वसं च पुनः पुनः। संदधद् विसृसंश्चेषून् निर्विशेषमदृश्यत॥
Setting at naught the heavy burden he had drawn upon himself and dismissing all fears away, Abhimanyu then scattered his arrows (in all directions). No interval could then be noticed between his taking up and shooting the shafts.

चापमण्डलमेवास्य विस्फुरद् दिक्ष्वदृश्यत। सुदीप्तस्य शरत्काले सवितुर्मण्डलं यथा॥
Only his bow drawn to the fullest stretch could then be seen blazing like the burning disc of the sun in the autumnal sky.

ज्याशब्दः शुश्रुवे तस्य तलशब्दश्च दारुणः। महाशनिमुचः काले पयोदस्येव निःस्वनः॥
Then, O Bharata, there were heard the twangs of his bow and the slapping of his palms, resembling the rumble of rain-clouds surcharged with the thunder during the rains.

द्वीमानमर्षी सौभद्रो मानकृत् प्रियदर्शनः। सम्मिनानयिषुर्वीरानिष्वस्त्रैश्चाप्ययुध्यत॥
Bashful, unenvious, handsome and devoted to the elders, the son of Subhadra, out of respect for his heroic opponents fought on with arrows and other weapons,

मृदुर्भूत्वा महाराज दारुणः समपद्यता वर्षाभ्यतीतो भगवाञ्छरदीव दिवाकरः॥
Mildly; but gradually he grew fierce, O king, like the blazing autumnal Sun at the end of the rainy seasons.

शरान् विचित्रान् सुबहून् रुक्मपुङ्खान्छिलाशितान्। मुमोच शतशः क्रुद्धो गभस्तीनिव भास्करः॥
Then like the lustrous orb shooting his rays, he, excited with wrath, shot hundreds of diverse kinds of arrows, all whetted on stone and furnished with golden wings.

क्षुप्रैर्वत्सदन्तैश्च विपाठैश्च महायशाः। नाराचैरर्धचन्द्राभैर्भल्लैरञ्जलिकैरपि॥ अवाकिरद् रथानीकं भारद्वाजस्य पश्यतः। ततस्तत्सैन्यमभवद् विमुखं शरपीडितम्॥
Then with horse-shoe-headed arrows, calftooth-headed shafts, with Vipatas, with long shafts with crescent-headed arrows and with Anjalikas, that illustrious warriors. Began to mangle the car-division of your army, even before the of Bharadvaja's Thereupon the army afflicted with his shafts turned its face away from the field of battle. eyes son.