None: Chapter 32

The terrible carnage

संजय उवाच प्रतिघातं तु सैन्यस्य नामृष्यत वृकोदरः। सोऽभ्याहनद् गुरुं षष्ट्या कर्णे च दशभिः शरैः॥
Sanjaya said Vrikodara could not tolerate that slaughter of his own troops. He therefore, wounded Balhika with sixty and Karna with ten shafts.

तस्य द्रोण: शितैर्बाणैस्तीक्ष्णधारैरजिह्मगैः। जीवितान्तमभिप्रेष्सुर्मर्माण्याशु जघान ह॥
Thereupon Drona, desirous of taking his life out of him pierced him in all his vital parts, with whetted shafts of exceeding sharpness, all coursing in straight lines.

रणे। आनन्तर्यमभिप्रेप्सुः षड्विंशत्या समार्पयत्। कर्णो द्वादशभिर्बाणैरश्वत्थामा च सप्तभिः॥
Once more, desirous of giving Bhima no respite, Drona stuck twenty-six arrows, all resembling fire in touch and venomous serpents in fierceness, on the former. Then again Karna pierced him with twelve and Ashvatthaman with seven arrows.

षड्भिदुर्योधनो राजा तत एनमथाकिरत्। भीमसेनोऽपि तान् सर्वान् प्रत्यविध्यन्महाबलः॥
King Duryodhana also covered him with six arrows. The highly puissant Bhimasena also pierced them in return.

द्रोणं पञ्चाशतेषूणां कर्णं च दशभिः शरैः। दुर्योधनं द्वादशभिद्रौणिमष्टाभिराशुगैः॥
He pierced Drona with fifty shafts and Karna with ten arrows and Duryodhana with twelve and Drona's son with eight swiftcoursing arrows.

आरावं तुमुलं कुर्वन्नभ्यवर्तत तान् तस्मिन् संत्यजति प्राणान् मृत्युसाधारणीकृते॥ अजातशत्रुस्तान् योधान् भीमं त्रातेत्यचोदयत्। ते ययुर्भीमसेनस्य समीपममितौजसः॥
Then uttering a loud war-cry, he engaged himself in battle. In that fight in which the warriors fought heedless of their lives and in which death seemed to be the common lot of all. Ajatasatru (Yudhishthira) urged on his troops to the rescue of Bhima. Those troops then approached Bhimasena of infinite prowess.

युयुधानप्रभृतयो माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ। ते समेत्य सुसंरब्धाः सहिताः पुरुषर्षभाः॥ महेष्वासवरैर्गुप्ता द्रोणानीकं बिभित्सवः। समापेतुर्महावीर्या भीमप्रभृतयो रथाः॥
The, Yuyudhana and others, the twin sons of Madri by Pandu and other car-warriors headed by Bhima, assembled and united together and wrought up with rage, all foremost of men, fell upon Drona's division protected by many foremost archers, desirous of breaking and shattering it.

तान् प्रत्यगृह्णादव्यग्रो द्रोणोऽपि रथिनां वरः। महास्थानतिबलान् वीरान् समरयोधिनः॥
Then that foremost of car-warriors namely Drona, received unflinchingly those highly puissant heroic car-warriors, all masters in the art of fighting.

बाह्यं मृत्यु भयं कृत्वा तावकान् पाण्डवा ययुः। सादिनः सादिनोऽभ्यघ्नंस्तथैव रथिनो रथान्॥
Then your troops, disregarding their kingdoms and the fear of death, encountered those of the Pandavas. Horse soldiers slew horse-soldiers and car-warriors slew warriors.

आसीच्छक्त्यासिसम्पातो युद्धमासीत् परश्वधैः। प्रकृष्टमसियुद्धं च बभूव कटुकोदयम्॥
There were then veritable showers of lances and swords; and the battle was fought with battle-axes. Dreadful sword-fights producing great carnage were also fought.

कुञ्जराणां च सम्पाते युद्धमासीत् सुदारुणम्। अपतत् कुञ्जरान्यो हयादन्यस्त्ववाशिराः॥
The battle was all the more dreadful in consequence of the tremendous rush of elephants against elephants. Some fell down from the backs of the elephants, some from the backs of the horses, topsy turvy.

नरो बाणविनिर्भिन्नो रथादन्यश्च मारिष। तत्रान्यस्य च सम्म पतितस्य विवर्मणः॥
Others fell down, O sire, from their chariots, with hearts torn open with arrows. In that terrible crush as men fell down deprived of their armours.

शिरः प्रध्वंसयामास वक्षस्याक्रम्य कुञ्जरः। अपरांश्चापरेऽमृद्नन् वारणाः पतितान् नरान्॥
Elephants crushed their heads having attacked them on the breast. Else-where might be seen elephants crushing other excellent prostrate warriors.

विषाणैश्चावनिं गत्वा व्यभिन्दन् रथनो बहून्। नरान्त्रैः केचिदपरे विषाणालग्नसंश्रयैः॥
Many elephants (as they fell down) striking the earth with their tusks, were seen to mangle there with large bodies of car-warriors. With darts sticking to their trunks, many other.

बभ्रमुः समरे नागा मृद्नन्तः शतशो नरान्। कार्णायसतनुत्राणान् नराश्वरथकुञ्जरान्॥ पतितान् पोथयाञ्चकुर्द्विपाः स्थूलनलानिव। गृघ्रपत्राधिवासांसि शयनानि नराधिपाः॥
Elephants careered through the field crushing men by hundreds. Some elephants again pressed and squeezed many fallen men, steeds, car-warriors and elephants, all furnished with iron armours, as if they were merely thick stalk or recds. On beds of arrows furnished with vulterine feathers, many rulers of men.

ह्रीमन्तः कालसम्पर्कात् सुदुःखान्यनुशेरते। हन्ति स्मात्र पिता पुत्रं रथेनाभ्येत्य संयुगे॥
Endued with modesty, laid themselves down with pain, their hour having come. In that battle father rushing on his car, slew his own son,

पुत्रश्च पितरं मोहान्निमर्यादमवर्तत। रथोभग्नोध्वजश्छिन्नश्छत्रमुर्त्यांनिपातितम्॥
Son also, out of confusion and disregardful of anything, fell upon his own father. Axels of cars were shattered, standards were torn to pieces, umbrellas were felled to the earth;

युगाधु छिन्नमादाय प्रदुद्राव तथा हयः। सासिहुर्निपतितः शिरश्छिन्नं सकुण्डलम्॥
Dragging halves of broken yokes, horses began to ran away. Arms with swords in their grasps fell, as also heads graced with ear-rings.

गजेनाक्षिप्य बलिना रथः संचूर्णितः क्षितौ। रथिना ताडितो नागो नाराचेनापतत् क्षितौ॥
Chariots, dashed against the earth by powerful elephants, became splintered into pieces. Wounded severely by elephants, steeds fell down with their riders.

सारोहश्चापतद् वाजी गजेनाभ्याहतो भृशम्। निर्मर्यादं महद् युद्धमवर्तत सुदारुणम्॥
Then there raged a fierce and dreadful fight in which nobody paid any regard to others. "Alas! Oh father" Oh son! Where are you, o friend! stay! Where do you run to!

हा तात हा पुत्र सखे क्वासि तिष्ठ क्व धावसि। प्रहराहर जह्येनं स्मितक्ष्वेडितगर्जितैः॥
Smite! Catch! Slay!" These and many other exclamations, mingled with loud laughter's, roars and war-cries, were uttered and heard there.

इत्येवमुच्चरन्ति स्म श्रूयन्ते विविधा गिरः। नरस्याश्वस्य नागस्य समसज्जत शोणितम्॥
The blood of men and steeds and elephants mingled together, flowed in one current and caused the Earth's dust to disappear and inspired terror into the hearts of the cowards.

उपाशाम्यद्रजो भौमं भीरून् कश्मलमाविशत्। चक्रेण चक्रमासाद्य वीरो वीरस्य संयुगे॥
In that fight one hero having his car-wheel entangled with that of another and being too near to use any other weapon, smashed the other's head with a mace.

अतीतेषु पथे काले जहार गदया शिरः। आसीत् केशपरापर्थी मुष्टियुद्धं च दारुणम्॥
In that battle where there was no chance of safety, heroes, desirous of each other's safety, dragged one another by the head and fought with one another with blows, teeth and nails.

नखैर्दन्तैश्च शूराणामद्वीपे द्वीपमिच्छताम्। तत्राच्छिद्यत शूरस्य सखङ्गो बाहुरुद्यतः॥
Upraised arms, with swords in grasp, of some heroes, were severed; the arms of others with bows or hook or arrows in grasp, were also lopped off.

सधुनुश्चापरस्यापि सशरः साङ्कुशस्तथा। आक्रोशदन्यमन्योऽत्र तथान्यो विमुखोऽद्रवत्॥
Here warrior loudly challenged another, there, another turned away his face from the field. Another lopped off from the trunk the head of another who happened to encounter him.

अन्यः प्राप्तस्य चान्यस्य शिरः कायादयाहरत्। सशब्दमद्रवच्चान्यः शब्दादन्योऽत्रसद् भृशम्॥
Some rushed to fight uttering fierce yells. Some became inspired with terror at the sound. Some slew with his sharp arrows a friend or a foe.

स्वानन्योऽथ परानन्यो जघान निशितैः शरैः। गिरिशृङ्गोपमश्चात्र नाराचेन निपातितः॥
Here an elephant huge like the summit of a hill, slain by a lance, lay on the field, like a flat island in a river during the summer season.

मातङ्गो न्यपतद् भूमौ नदीरोध इवोष्णगे। तथैव रथिनं नागः क्षरन् गिरिरिवारुजन्॥
There like a mountain with rellets flowing down its breasts, stood an elephant exuding the temporal juice, having crushed with its huge legs a car-warrior together with his steeds and charioteer.

अभ्यतिष्ठत् पदा भूमौ सहाश्वं सहसारथिम्। शूरान् प्रहरतो दृष्ट्वा कृतास्त्रान् रुधिरोक्षितान्॥
Many weak-hearted cowards overwhelmed with swoons at the sight of heroes accomplished in the use of weapons fighting with one another, literally bathed in blood.

बहूनप्याविशन्मोहो भीरून् हृदयदुर्बलान्। सर्वमाविग्नमभवन प्राज्ञायत किंचन॥
Everything rolled in confusion and nothing could be distinguished. Soldiers enveloped in dust fought on regardless of one another.

सैन्येन रजसा ध्वस्तं निर्मर्यादमवर्तत। ततः सेनापतिः शीघ्रमयं काल इति ब्रुवन्॥
Then the generalissimo of the Pandava troops saying “This is the opportune moment" quickly led the Pandavas ever endowed with activity, to the battle.

नित्याभित्वरितानेव त्वरयामास पाण्डवान्। कुर्वन्तः शासनं तस्य पाण्डवा बाहुशालिनः॥
At his command the mighty-armed Pandavas, like a flock of swans descending on the breast of a lake, came down upon Drona's car, spreading slaughter as they proceeded.

सरो हंसा इवापेतुर्भ्रान्तो द्रोणरथं प्रति। गृह्णीताद्रवतान्योन्यं विभीता विनिकृन्तत॥
Then near the chariot of the invincible Drona, loud cries of “Seize," "Do not fly," "Be not afraid” “Cut to pieces" were heard.

इत्यासीत् तुमुलः शब्दो दुर्धर्षस्य रथं प्रति। ततो द्रोणः कृपः कर्णो द्रौणी राजा जयद्रथः॥
Thereupon Drona, Kripa, Karna, Drona's son, king Jayadratha, the two princes from Avanti, viz., Vinda and Anuvinda and Shalya, checked that assault (of the Pandava troops).

विन्दानुविन्दावावन्त्यौ शल्यश्चैतान् न्यवारयन्। ते त्वार्यधर्मसंरब्धा दुर्निवारा दुरासदाः॥
Those irresistible and invincible warriors, the Panchalas and the Pandavas, all inflamed with righteous indignation, did not avoid Drona, though afflicted with showers of arrows.

शरार्ता न जहुर्दोणं पञ्चालाः पाण्डवैः सह। ततो द्रोणोऽतिसंक्रुद्धो विसृजञ्छतश: शरान्॥
Thereat Drona, excited to the highest pitch of fury, spread a great carnage among the ranks of the Chedis, the Panchalas and the Pandavas, by means of arrows which he discharged by hundreds.

चेदिपञ्चालपाण्डूनामकरोत् कदनं महत्। तस्य ज्यातलनिर्घोषः शुश्रुवे दिक्षु मारिष॥
Then, O sire, the twang of his bow and the slap of his palms were heard in all the points of compass, resembling the rumble of thunder and inspiring terror into the hearts of many a man.

वज्रसंहादसंकाशस्त्रासयन् मानवान् बहून्। एतस्मिन्नन्तरे जिष्णुर्जित्वा संशप्तकान् बहून्॥
At this juncture, the ever-victorious Arjuna, having vanquished the numerous host of the Samshaptakas, came to the spot where Drona had been crushing the Pandava ranks.

अभ्ययात् तत्र यत्रासौ द्रोणः पाण्डून् प्रमर्दति। ताञ्छरौघान् महावर्तान् शोणितोदान् महाह्रदान्॥
Then Phalguna showed himself in that part of the field, after having vanquished and slain the Samshaptakas and crossed many a lake whose waters were constituted by gore and whose mighty eddies were constituted by the numerous shafts.

तीर्णः संशप्तकान् हत्वा प्रत्यदृश्यत फाल्गुनः। तस्य कीर्तिमतो लक्ष्म सूर्यप्रतिमतेजसः॥
Then we beheld the standard, bearing the emblem of the ape, of that one of illustrious renown and equal to the sun in effulgence, shine on that part of the field.

दीप्यमानमपश्याम तेजसा वानरध्वजम्। संशप्तकसमुद्र तमुच्छोष्यास्त्रगभस्तिभिः॥
Having dried up the Samshaptaka ocean with his weapons that constituted his rays, that son of Pandu then looking like the sun during the dissolution period at the end of a Yuga, began to scorch the Kaurava ranks.

स पाण्डवयुगान्तार्कः कुरूनप्यभ्यतीतपत्। प्रददाह कुरून् सर्वानर्जुनः शस्त्रतेजसा॥
Like the comet risen at the end of a Yuga burning every creature. Arjuna then began to blast with the power of his weapons the Kuru hosts.

युगान्ते सर्वभूतानि धूमकेतुरिवोत्थितः। तेन बाणसहस्रौधैर्गजाश्वरथयोधिनः॥
Pierced by him with thousands of shafts, elephant-riders, horse-soldiers and warriors, fell down on the earth, with hair dishevelled and bodies mangled with arrowwounds.

ताड्यमानाः क्षितिं जग्मुर्मुक्तकेशाः शरार्दिताः। केचिदार्तस्वनं चक्रुर्विनेशुरपरे पुनः॥
Some uttered distressful cries, some emitted loud roars; others again struck by the shafts of Pritha's son, fell down deprived of life.

पार्थबाणहताः केचिनिपेतुर्विगतासवः। तेषामुत्पतितान् कांश्चित् पतितांश्च पराङ्मुखान्॥
Remembering the duties of a warrior, Arjuna then desisted from slaying those among the hostile warrior who were falling or fallen or those who turned away from the field of battle.

न जघानार्जुनो योधान योधव्रतमनुस्मरन्। ते विकीर्णरथाश्चित्राः प्रायश्च पराङ्मुखाः॥
The Kuru warriors then, deprived of their cars and filled with wonder and with their faces turned away from the field of battle, began to utter cries of “Oh”! and "Alas" and called upon Karna saying "O Karna, O Karna."

कुरवः कर्ण कर्णेति हाहेति च विचुक्रुशुः। तमाधिरथिराक्रन्दं विज्ञाय शरणैषिणाम्॥
The son of Adhiratha then hearing those distressful cries of those who deserved his help, proceeded to face Arjuna, saying at the same time, “Be not afraid, Owarriors."

मा भैष्टेति प्रतिश्रुत्य ययावभिमुखोऽर्जुनम्। स भारतस्थश्रेष्ठः सर्वभारतहर्षणः॥
Then that foremost of the Bharata combatants, that delighter of all the Bharata heroes, viz., Karna, that foremost of all conversant with the use of weapons, invoked into existence the Agneya weapon.

प्रादुश्चक्रे तदाग्नेयमस्त्रमस्त्रविदां वरः। तस्य दीप्तशरौघस्य दीप्तचापधरस्य च॥
Dhananjaya however with the network of arrows woven by himself, repulsed the arrowy downpour of that hero (Karna) of bright shafts and effulgent bow.

शरौघाञ्छरजालेन विदुधाव धनंजयः। तथैचाधिरथिस्तस्य बाणाज्वलिततेजसः॥
Similarly the son of Adhiratha repulsed the arrows of Arjuna of blazing energy. Thereafter the former repulsing the weapons of the latter with his own weapons and discharging myriad's of shafts, uttered loud roars.

अस्त्रमस्त्रेण संवार्य प्राणदद् विसृजञ्छरान्। धृष्टद्युम्नश्च भीमश्च सात्यविश्च महारथः॥
Meanwhile Dhrishtadyumna, Bhima and Satyaki, these mighty car-warriors, having approached Karna, pierced him each with three straight-flying arrows.

विव्यधुः कर्णमासाद्य त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरजिह्मगैः। अर्जुनास्त्रं तु राधेयः संवार्य शरवृष्टिभिः॥
Thereupon Radha's son, having at first resisted Arjuna's weapons by his arrowy showers, cut-off the bow of those three warriors with three darts.

तेषां त्रयाणां चापानिचिच्छेद विशिखैस्त्रिभिः। ते निकृत्तायुधाः शूरा निर्विषा भुजगा इव॥
Then with their bows severed, those warriors with three darts appeared like serpents without venom. Then from their respctive cars, hurling lances at the foe, they uttered loud warcries.

रथशक्तीः समुत्क्षिप्य भूशं सिंहा इवानदन्। ता भुजाग्रैर्महावेगा निसृष्टा भुजगोपमाः॥
Then those mighty and blazing lances hurled with fury by the arms of those heroes, coursed swiftly towards Adhiratha's son, looking like so many (flying) snakes.

दीप्यमाना महाशक्त्यो जग्मुराधिरथिं प्रति। ता निकृत्य शरव्रातैस्त्रिभिस्त्रिभिरजिह्मगैः॥
Severing each of those lances with three swift-coursing arrows and speeding at the same time myriad's of shafts at Arjuna the highly puissant Karna uttered a loud roar.

ननाद बलवान् कर्णः पार्थाय विसृजञ्छरान्। अर्जुनश्चापि राधेयं विद्ध्वा सप्तभिराशुगैः॥
Then Arjuna also piercing Radha's son with seven swift-flying arrows, slew the younger brothers of Karna with three shafts of great sharpness.

कर्णादवरजं बाणैर्जघान निशितैः शरैः। तत: शत्रुजयं हत्वा पार्थः षड्भिरजिह्मगैः॥
Thereafter Pritha's son having slain Satrunjaya also with six straight-going arrows, speedily deprived Vitapa of his head with lances, as the latter stood on his chariot.

जहार सद्यो भल्लेन विपाटस्य शिरो रथात्। पश्यतां धार्तराष्ट्राणामेकेनैव किरीटिना॥
Thus those three uterine bothers of Suta's son were slain by the singly-handed diademdecked Arjuna even before the very eyes of all the Dharitarashtras.

प्रमुखे सूतपुत्रस्य सोदर्या निहतास्त्रयः। ततो भीमः समुत्पत्य स्वरथाद् वैनतेयवत्॥
Then like second son of Vinata, Bhima jumping down from his chariot, slew with his sword of excellent make five and ten warriors of Karna's party.

वरासिना कर्णपक्षान् जघान दश पञ्च च। पुनस्तु रथमास्थाय धनुरदाय चापरम्॥
Then once more ascending his car and taking up a bow he pierced Karna with ten and his horses and charioteer with five shafts.

विव्याघ दशभिः कर्णे सूतमश्वांश्च पञ्चभिः। धृष्टद्युम्नोऽप्यसिवरं चर्म चादाय भास्वरम्॥
Dhrishtadyumna also grasping an excellent sword and an effulgent buckler, slew Chandravarman and Vrihatkshatra the ruler of the Nishadha.

जघान चन्द्रवर्माणं बृहत्क्षत्रं च नैषधम्। ततः स्वरथमास्थाय पाञ्चाल्योऽनयच्च कार्मुकम्॥
Thereafter mounting on his chariot and taking up a bow, the prince of the Panchalas pierced Karna with seventy-three shafts uttering loud shouts all the while.

आदाय कर्णे विव्याध त्रिसप्त्या नदन् रणे। शैनेयोऽप्यन्यदादाय धनुरिन्दुसमद्युतिः॥
the grandson of Sini, of splendour equal to that of Indra himself, also grasping a fresh bow pierced the son of Suta with sixty-four arrows and uttered a roar like that of a lion.

सूतपुत्रं चतुःषष्ट्या विद्ध्वा सिंह इवानदन्। भल्लाभ्यां साधुमुक्ताभ्यां छित्त्वा कर्णस्य कार्मुकम्।।
Then with two well-directed broad-headed shafts he burst open Karna's bow; and once more he pierced Karna on the arms and breast with three shafts.

पुनः कर्णं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्। ततो दुर्योधनो द्रोणो राजा चैव जयद्रथः॥
Thereupon king Duryodhana, Drona and Jayadratha, with a combined effort, rescued Radha's son who had been sinking in the ocean of Satyaki.

निमज्जमानं राधेयमुज्जह्वः सात्यकार्णवात्। पत्त्यश्वरथमातङ्गास्त्वदीयाः शतशोऽपरे॥
Then hundreds of foot-soldiers, horse-men, elephant-riders and car-warriors. all accomplished in smiling, rushed to the rescue of Karna, inspiring terror into the hearts of the enemy.

कर्णमेवाभ्यधावन्त त्रास्यमानाः प्रहारिणः। धृष्टद्युम्नश्च भीमश्च सौभद्रोऽर्जुन एव च॥
Dhrishtadyumna, Bhima, Subhadra's son and Arjuna and Nakula and Sahadeva, all then protected Satyaki in that conflict.

रणे। नकुलः सहदेवश्च सात्यकि जुगुपू एवमेष महारौद्रः क्षयार्थं सर्वधन्विनाम्॥
Thus for the destruction of all the bowmen, raged the awful battle between your warriors and those of the enemy, in which everybody fought reckless of his life.

तावकानां परेषां च त्यक्त्वा प्राणानभूद् रणः। पदातिरथनागाश्वा गजाश्वरथपत्तिभिः॥
Foot-soldiers, car-warriors, elephant-riders and horse-men were engaged with elephantriders horse-men, car-warriors and footsoldiers; car-warriors fought with elephants, infantry and cavalry and cars and infantry were engaged with cars and elephants.

रथिनो नागपत्त्यश्वै रथपत्ती रथद्विपैः। अश्वैरश्वा गजै गा रथिनो रथिभिः सह॥
Horses were seen engaged with horses, elephants with elephants, car-warriors with carwarriors and foot-soldiers with foot-soldiers.

संयुक्ताः समदृश्यन्त पत्तयश्चापि पत्तिभिः। एवं सुकलिलं युद्धमासीत् क्रव्यादहर्षणम्। महद्भिस्तैरभीतानां यमराष्ट्रविवर्धनम्॥
Thus raged between those high-souled and fearless warriors, the fierce fight marked by carnage, enhancing the delight of the fleshcating animals and adding the population of Death's domain.

रनेकशो द्विपस्थपत्तिवाजिनः। गजैर्गजा रथिभिरुदायुधा रथा हयैर्हयाः पत्तिगणैश्च पत्तयः॥
In that battle many were the car-warriors, elephant-riders and foot-soldiers and horsemen that were slain. Elephants were crushed by their rivals. Car-warriors with weapons held over head, were slain by car-warriors and horse-men by horse-men and large bodies of infantry by infantry.

रथैर्द्विपा द्विरदवरैर्महाहया हयैनरा वररथिमिश्च वाजिनः। निरस्तजिह्वादशनेक्षणाः क्षितौ क्षयं गताः प्रमथितवर्मभूषणाः॥
Elephants were slain by car-warriors, steeds। were crushed by excellent elephants; men were killed by horses and horses again by excellent car-warriors. With their eyes, tongues and teeth protruding out and with their armours and omaments shattered, many a creatures lay on the earth deprived of the vital spark.

हता गताः प्रतिभयदर्शनाः क्षितिम्। विपोथिता हयगजपादताडिता भृशाकुला रथमुखनेमिभिः क्षताः॥
Others, again, of dreadful aspect being slain by others armed with various and excellent weapons, fell down on the earth; they then were pressed inside the earth being trod upon by elephants and steeds and being crushed and mangled by sharp edges of car-wheels.

प्रमोदने श्वापदपक्षिरक्षसां जनक्षये वर्तति तत्र दारुणे। महाबलास्ते कुपिताः परस्परं निषूदयन्तः प्रविचेरुरोजसा॥
When that dreadful destruction of beings went on enhancing the joys of beasts and birds of prey and cannibals, mighty heroes, inflamed with wrath, coursed over the field of battle smiting one another with impetuosity.

ततो बले भृशलुलिते परस्परं निरीक्षमाणे रुधिरौघसम्प्लुते। रुभे प्रयाते शिबिराय भारत॥
When the ranks of both the armies were greatly thinned, the combatants, with bodies bespattered with blood, looked at one another. At that moment, O Bharata, the orb of the day disappearing below the horizon, the two armies slowly returned their respective encampments. to