The fighting of Bhagadatta

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तेष्वेवं संनिवृत्तेषु प्रत्युद्यातेषु भागशः। कथं युयुधिरे पार्था मामकाश्च तरस्विनः॥
Dhritarashtra said When the Pandavas returned and when division clashed against divisions, how did the warriors of my army and those belonging to the sons of Pritha, endued with activity, fight?

किमर्जुनश्चाप्यकरोत् संशप्तकबलं प्रति। संशप्तका पार्थस्य किमकुर्वत संजय॥
What also did Arjuna do to the car-warriors of the Samshaptaka host and what, O Sanjaya, did the Samshaptakas do to Arjuna in return?

संजय उवाच तथा तेषु निवृत्तेषु प्रत्युद्यातेषु भागशः। स्वयमभ्यद्रवन् भीमं नागानीकेन ते सुतः॥
Sanjaya said When the Pandavas did return to the charge and when divisions clashed against divisions, your son (Duryodhana) himself at the head of the elephant division, rushed at Bhimasena. son

सर्वतो मदम्। स नाग इव नागेन गोवृषेणेव गोवृषः। समाहूतः स्वयं राज्ञा नागानीकमुपाद्रवत्॥
Like an elephant challenged by another or like a bovine bull summoned by a rival, Bhimasena, challenged by the king himself, rushed against that elephant division.

स युद्धकुशलः पार्थो बाहुवीर्येण चान्वितः। अभिनत् कुञ्जरानीकमचिरेणैव मारिष॥
And, O sire, that of Pritha, accomplished in battle and endued with strength of arms, soon shattered that host of elephants.

ते गजा गिरिसंकाशाः क्षरन्तः भीमसेनस्य नाराचैर्विमुखा विमदीकृताः॥
Those elephants, prodigious like mountains and with ichor exuding from all parts of their bodies, were crushed and compelled to turn back by the Narachas of Bhimasena.

विधमेदभ्रजालानि यथा वायुः समुद्धतः। व्यधमत् तान्यनीकानि तथैव पवनात्मजः॥
Indeed as a raging tempest tears away a network of clouds, so did the son of the Wind (Bhima) shatter that host (of elephants).

स तेषु विसृजन् बाणान् भीमो नागेष्वशोभत। भुवनेष्विव सर्वेषु गभस्तीनुदितो रविः॥
Scattering arrows on that herd of elephants, Bhima appeared beautiful, like the sun scattering his shining rays on all objects of the world.

ते भीमबाणाभिहताः संस्यूता विबभुर्गजाः। गभस्तिभिरिवार्कस्य व्योम्नि नानाबलाहकाः॥
Afflicted with the shafts of Bhima and bespattered with biood, those elephants looked beautiful like various masses of clouds in the heavens streaked with the rays of the sun.

तथा गजानां कदनं कुर्वाणमनिलात्मजम्। क्रूद्धोदोधनोऽभ्येत्य प्रत्यविध्यच्छितैः शरैः॥
Thereupon Duryodhana excited with wrath, approached and pierced with whetted shafts the son of the Wind who was afflicting his (Duryodhana's) own division of elephants.

ततः क्षणेन क्षितिपं क्षतजप्रतिमेक्षणः। क्षयं निनीषुर्निशितैर्भीमो विव्याध पत्रिभिः॥
Thereat, with blood-red eyes, Bhima within a while, desirous of dragging the king to destruction, began to pierce the latter with winged shafts.

स शराचितसर्वाङ्गः क्रुद्धो विव्याध पाण्डवम्। नाराचैरर्करशम्याभैर्भीमसेनं स्मयन्निव॥
Then Duryodhana, covered with arrows on all parts of his body and wrought up with rage, began to pierce the son of Pandu, viz., Bhimasena, with Narachas of the effulgence of the rays of the sun, laughing all the while.

तस्य नागं मणिमयं रत्नचित्रध्वजे स्थितम्। भल्लाभ्यां कार्मुकं चैव क्षिप्रं चिच्छेद पाण्डवः॥
Duryodhana had an (artificial) elephant embossed with gems and jewels as the device gracing his banner; this elephant together with the former's blow, the son of Pandu severed with two Bhallas in all haste.

दुर्योधनं पीड्यमानं दृष्ट्वा भीमेन मारिष। चक्षोभयिषुरभ्यागादङ्गो मातङ्गमास्थितः॥
Beholding Duryodhana afflicted by Bhima, O sire, the sovereign of the Angas, riding on an elephant, came with a view to afflict Bhima,

तमापतन्तं नागेन्द्रमम्बुदप्रतिमस्वनम्। कुम्भान्तरे भीमसेना नाराचैरार्दयद् भृशम्॥
Secing that best of elephants make towards himself with a roar resembling the rumble of the clouds, Bhima struck it sore with a Naracha between its two frontal globes.

तस्य कायं विनिर्भिद्य न्यमज्जद् धरणीतले। ततः पपात द्विरदो वजाहत इवाचलः॥
That Naracha, penetrating through the body of the elephant at last struck on the ground. Then that elcphant fell like a mountain struck with the thunder-bolt.

तस्यावर्जितनागस्य म्लेच्छस्याधः पतिष्यतः। शिरश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन क्षिप्रकारी वृकोदरः॥
The Mlechha king who could not extricate himself from the dropping elephant was also falling with it; with an admirable lightness of hand, Vrikodara cut-off the head of that monarch.

तस्मिन् निपतिते वीरे सम्प्राद्रवत् सा चमूः। सम्भ्रान्ताश्वद्विपरथा पदातानवमृद्नती॥
At the fall of the heroic ruler of the Angas, his division fled in all directions. Horses, elephants and car-warrior, seized with panic, began to crush the foot-soldiers in their fight.

तेष्वनीकेषु भग्नेषु विद्रवत्सु समन्ततः । प्राग्ज्योतिषस्ततो भीमं कुञ्जरेण समाद्रवत्॥
When that host had been thus broken and rouled in all directions, the sovereign of the Pragjyotisas rushed at Bhima, riding on his elephant.

येन नागेन मघवानजयद् दैत्यदानवान्। तदन्वयेन नागेन भीमसेनमुपाद्रवत्॥
Bhagadatta attacked on Bhimasena by riding on the elephant of Airavata breed using which as vehicle, Indra had defeated the demons and monsters.

स नागप्रवरो भीमं सहसा समुपाद्रवत्। चरणाभ्यामथो द्वाभ्यां संहतेन करेण च॥ व्यावृत्तनयनः क्रुद्धः प्रमथनिव पाण्डवम्। वृकोदररथं साश्चमविशेषमचूर्णयत्॥
With its two forelegs and its trunk contracted and with its eyes rolling and inflamed with fury, the elephant seemed to consume the son of Pandu. It then shattered to pieces the car of Vrikodara together with the steeds harnessed thereto. Thereat running on his legs Bhima hid himself underneath body of the elephant.

पद्भ्यां भीमोऽप्यथो धावंस्तस्य गात्रेष्वलीयत। जाननञ्जलिकावेधं नापाक्रामत पाण्डवः॥
The son of Pandu did not really fly, for he was acquainted with the science called Anjalikavedha. Getting underneath the elephant's body, that elephant that was intent on slaying him; he began to strike it with his bare arms repeatedly.

गात्राभ्यन्तरगो भूत्वा करेणाताडयन्मुहुः। लालयामास तं नागं वधाकाक्षिणमव्ययम्॥ कुलालचक्रवन्नागस्तदा तूर्णमथाभ्रमत्। नागायुतबलःश्रीमान् कालयानो वृकोदरम्॥
He began to afflict that elephant that was intent on slaying him; Whereupon the elephant began to whirl round like a potter's wheel in rapid motion. Possessed of the might of ten thousand elephants, the glorious Vrikodara, having struck the elephant. Came out from underneath its body and stood stood before Supratika.

भीमोऽपिनिष्क्रम्य तत: सुप्रतीकाग्रतोऽभवत्। भीमं करेणावनम्य जानुभ्यामभ्यताडयत्॥ ग्रीवायां वेष्टयित्वैनं स गजो हन्तुमैहत। करवेष्टं भीमसेनो भ्रमं दत्त्वा व्यमोचयत्॥
Holding down Bhima with its trunk, Supratika then struck him with its knees. And winding its trunk round the neck of Bhima, it really tried to kill him. Whirling round Bhimasena freed himself from the twine of the elephant's trunk.

पुनर्गात्राणि नागस्य प्रविवेश वृकोदरः। यावत् प्रतिगजायातं स्वबले प्रत्यवेक्षत॥
Then once more Vrikodara got under the body of that elephant. Then when he saw a rival elephant of his own army make towards the one (underneath which he was standing).

भीमोऽपि नागगात्रेभ्यो विनिःसृत्यापयाज्जवात्। ततः सर्वस्य सैन्यस्य नादः समभवनमहान्॥
Bhima issuing out from under the body of the elephant, ran away with speed. Thereupon cry in whole army.

अहो घिङ् निहतो भीमः कुञ्जरेणेति मारिष। तेन नागेन संत्रस्ता पाण्डवानामनीकिनी॥ सहसाभ्यद्रवद् राजन् यत्र तस्थौ वृकोदरः।
'Alas, Bhima is slain by the elephant' was set up by all the troops, O sire. Frightened by that elephant, the Pandava army suddenly fled, O king, there where Vrikodara was standing.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा हतं मत्वा वृकोदरम्॥ भगदत्तं सपाञ्चाल्यः
Thereupon, considering Vrikodara to be slain, king Yudhishthira assisted by the Panchalas, environed Bhagadatta on all sides. a loud

सर्वतः समवारयत्। तं रथं रथिनां श्रेष्ठाः परिवार्य परंतपाः॥ अवाकिरशरैस्तीक्ष्णैः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
That foremost of car-warriors Yudhishthira, having surrounded Bhagadatta with cars on all sides, covered the latter with keen-pointed shafts by hundreds and thousands.

स विधातं पृषत्कानामङ्कुशेन समाहरन्॥ गजेन पाण्डुपञ्चालान् व्यधमत् पर्वतेश्वरः।
Baffling those myriad shafts with his iron hook, the Mountain-king, (Bhagadatta) agitated with his elephant the host of the Pandavas and the Panchalas.

तदद्भुतमपश्याम भगदत्तस्य संयुगे॥ तथा वृद्धस्य चरितं कुञ्जरेण विशाम्पते।
Then, O ruler of men, we did indeed behold a wonderful feat achieved in that battle by the old Bhagadatta, through the instrumentality of his elephant.

ततो राजा दशार्णानां प्राग्ज्योतिषमुपाद्रवत्॥ तिर्यग्यातेन नागेन समदेनाशुगामिना।
Then the sovereign of the Dasarnas advanced against the ruler of the Pragjyotisas, mounted on a swift-coursing elephant exuding the temporal juice and moving in a tortuous inotion.

तयोर्युद्धं समभवन्नागयोर्भीमरूपयोः॥ सपक्षयोः पर्वतयोर्यथा सदुपयोः पुरा।
Then the encounter that ensued between those two elephants of prodigious appearance, resembled the fight, in the days of yore, between winged mountains covered with trees.

प्राग्ज्योतिषपते गः संनिवृत्यापसृत्य च॥ पार्वे दशार्णाधिपतेर्भित्त्वा नागमपातयत्।
Thereafter the elephant of the ruler of the Pragjyotisas, turning and wheeling round, slew the elephant of the king of the Dasarnas, by ripping open its flanks.

तोमरैः सूर्यरश्म्याभैर्भगदत्तोऽथ सप्तभिः॥ जघान द्विरदस्थं तं शत्रु प्रचलितासनम्।
King Bhagadatta also, with seven Tomaras of the effulgence of the sur's rays, slew his adversary riding on an elephant just when the latter was about to slip down from his seat.

व्यवच्छिद्य तु राजानं भगदत्तं युधिष्ठिरः॥ स्थानीकेन महता सर्वतः पर्यवारयत्।
Thereupon Yudhishthira lacerating king Bhagadatta (with many shafts), surrounding him on all sides with a numerous host of carwarriors.

स कुञ्जरस्थोरथिभिः शुशुभे सर्वतो वृतः॥ पर्वत वनमध्यस्थो ज्वलन्निव हुताशनः।
Mounted on his elephant and surrounded on all sides by the car-warriors, he (Bhagadatta) appeared beautiful like fire illumining a mountain surrounded by forests.

मण्डलं सर्वतः श्लिष्टं रथिनामुग्रधन्विनाम्॥ किरतां शरवर्षाणि स नागः पर्यवर्तत।
Then mounted on his elephant, he remained inside that compact circle of fierce bow-men riding on chariots and pouring showers of arrows. a

ततः प्राग्ज्योतिषो राजा परिगृह्य महागजम्॥ प्रेषयामास सहसा युयुधानस्थं प्रति।
Thereafter the king of the Pragjyotisas, poking his prodigious elephant, urged it towards the chariot of Yuyudhana.

शिनेः पौत्रस्य तु रथं परिगृह्य महाद्विपः॥ अभिचिक्षेप वेगेन युयुधानस्त्वपाक्रमत्।
Thereat the mighty elephant twining with its trunks the car of Sini's grandson, threw it violently to distance; but Yuyudhana escaped.

बृहत: सैन्धवानश्वान् समुत्थाप्याथ सारथिः॥ तस्थौ सात्यकिमासाद्य सम्प्लुतस्तं रथं प्रति।
His charioteer jumping upon the car, urged the mighty steeds of the Shindhu breed yoked thereto and stopped reaching the spot where Satyaki was sianding.

स तु लध्वान्तरं नागस्त्वरितो रथमण्डलात्॥ निश्चकाम ततः सर्वान् परिचिक्षेप पार्थिवान्।
Then that elephani, availing itself of that breach in the circle of cars, came speedily out of it and began to overthrow all the rulers of the carth.

ते त्वाशुगतिना तेन त्रास्यमाना नरर्षभाः॥ तमेकं द्विरदं संख्ये मेनिरे शतशो द्विपान्।
Those foremost of men being frightened by that swift-coursing elephant, regarded that single one to be multiplied into hundred elephants, in that battle.

ते गजस्थेन काल्यन्ते भगदत्तेन पाण्डवाः॥ ऐरावतस्थेन यथा देवराजेन दानवाः।
The Pandavas crushed by Bhagadatta mounted on his elephant, appeared like the Danavas crushed by Indra mounted on his clephant, appeared like the Danavas crushed by Indra mounted on the Airavata.

तेषां प्रद्रवतां भीमः पञ्चालानामितस्ततः॥ गजवाजिकृतः शब्दः सुमहान् समजायत।
When the Panchalas were flying on all sides, a defending and dreadful din was created by their elephants and steeds.

भगदत्तेन समरे काल्यमानेषु पाण्डुषु॥ प्राग्ज्योतिषमभिक्रुद्धः पुनर्भीमः समभ्ययात्।
Thus when the Pandavas were being afflicted by Bhagadatta in that battle, Bhima wrought up with wrath once more rushed against the ruler of the Pragjyotisas.

तस्याभिद्रवतो वाहान् हस्तमुक्तेन वारिणा॥ सिक्त्वा व्यत्रासयन्नागस्ते पार्थमहरंस्ततः।
Then that elephant drenching with the water spouting from its trunk the horses of the advancing Bhima, frightened them and they carried away Bhima from the field.

ततस्तमभ्ययात् तूर्णं रुचिपर्वाऽऽकृतीसुतः॥ समनञ्छरवर्षेण रथस्थोऽन्तकसन्निभः।
Thereafter Ruchiparvan the son of Akriti spcedily rushed at him, mounted on his chariot and pouring showers of arrows like Death himself.

ततः स रुचिपर्वाणं शरेणानतपर्वणा॥ सुपर्वा पर्वतपतिर्निन्ये वैवस्वतक्षयम्।
Then that ruler of the mountain tracts possessed of shapely limbs, dispatched, with a straight shaft, Ruchiparvan to the regions of the son of Vivasvan (Death).

तस्मिन् निपतिते वीरे सौभद्रो द्रोपदीसुतः॥ चेकितानो धृष्टकेतुर्युयुनसुश्चादयन् द्विपम्। त एनं शरधाराभिर्धाराभिरिव तोयदाः॥ सिषिचुभैरवान् नादान् विनदन्तो जिघांसवः।
On the fall of that hero (Ruchiparvan), the son of Subhadra, the sons of Draupadi, Chekitana, Dhristaketu and Yuyutsu, began to afflict that elephant. Desirous of slaying it; and uttering dreadful roars, they began to pour on it their arrows like showers of rain.

ततः पार्यकुशाङ्गुष्ठैः कृतिना चोदितोद्विपः॥ प्रसारितकरः प्रायात् स्तब्धकर्णेक्षणो द्रुतम्। सोऽधिष्ठाय पदा वाहान् युयुत्सोः सूतमारुजत्॥
Then that elephant urged with heels toes and the hook, by its skillful rider, rushed (at them) with speed, with its trunk stretched and eyes and ear fixed trampling upon the steeds of Yuyutsu, the animal crushed his charioteer.

युयुत्सुस्तु रथाद् राजन्नपाक्रामत् त्वरान्वितः। ततः पाण्डवयोधास्ते नागराजं शरैर्दुतम्॥ सिषिचुभैरवान् नादान् विनदन्तो जिघांसवः।
O monarch, Yuyutsu fled, forsaking his car, in ail haste. Then the warriors of the Pandava host out of a desire for slaying that foremost of elephants, speedily drenched it with the shower of their arrows, uttering loud shouts all the while.

पुत्रस्तु तव सम्भ्रान्तः सौभद्रस्याप्लुतो रथम्॥ स कुञ्जरस्थो विसृजनिषूनरिषु पार्थिवः। बभौ रश्मीनिवादित्यो भुवनेषु समुत्सृजन्॥
At this juncture, your son with speed rushed, against the car or Subhadra's son. King Bhagadatta riding on his elephant and discharging arrows at the foc appeared resplendent like the sun scattering his rays on the earth.

तम निदशभिर्युयुन्सुर्दशभिः शरैः। त्रिभिस्त्रिभिौपदेया धृष्टकेतुश्च विव्यधुः॥
Then the son of Arjuna pierced him with twelve shafts and Yuyutsu with ten. The sons of Draupadi and Dhrishtaketu also pierced him with ten shafts.

सोऽतियत्नार्पितैर्बाणैराचितो द्विरदा बभौ। संस्यूत इव सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिर्जलदो महान्॥
With those arrows shot with great care stuck on its body, the elephant appeared beautiful. Like a mighty rain-cloud struck with the rays of the sun.

नियन्तुः शिल्पयत्नाभ्यां प्रेरितोऽरिशरार्दितः। परिचिक्षेप तान् नागः स रिपून् सव्यदक्षिणम्॥
Urged on by the skill and vigour of its rider and smitten with the shafts of the enemy. That clephant began to throw down right and left, the warriors of the hostile host.

गोपाल इव दण्डेन यथा पशुगणान् वने। आवेष्टयत नां सेनां भगदत्तस्तथा मुहुः॥
Like a cow-hcard belabouring with his cudgel the herd in the forest. Bhagadatta began to smite the hostile troops repeatedly.

क्षिप्रं श्येनाभिपन्नानां वायसानामिव स्वनः। बभूव पाण्डवेयानां भृशं विद्रवतां स्वनः॥
Like the cawing of the crows pounced upon by the hawks. A confused noise was heard among the Pandava hosts, as they fled with speed.

स नागराज: प्रवराड्कुशाहतः पुरा सपक्षोऽद्रिवरो यथा नृप। भयं तदा रिपुषु समादधद् भृशं वणिग्जनानां क्षुभितो यथार्णवः॥
O monarch, then that foremost of elephants being struck with the hook resembled with winged mountains of yore. It struck panic into the hearts of the enemy, like to what the merchants (on board) experience when the (tempest-tossed) sea rushes against them.

र्भयाद् द्रवद्भिर्जनितोऽतिभैरवः। क्षितिवियद् द्यां विदिशोदिशस्तथा समावृणोत् पार्थिव संयुगे ततः॥
O monarch, then in that battle, a loud din, was raised by the elephants, car-warriors steeds and kings, as they fled in fear; and that din filled the earth, the welkin, the cardinal and subsidiary directions of the compass.

स तेन नागप्रवरेण पार्थिवो भृशं जगाहे द्विषतामनीकिनीम्। पुरा सुगुप्तां विवुधैरिवाहवे विरोचनो देववरूथिनीमिव॥
That monarch (Bhagadatta) with that foremost elephant of his, thoroughly agitated the host of the enemy, like Virochana agitating in battle the celestial host well-protected by the immortals in the days of yore.

भृशं ववौ ज्वलनसखो वियद् रजः समावृणोनमुहुरपि चैव सैनिकान्। तमेकनागं गणशो यथा गजान् समन्ततो दुतमथ मेनिरे जनाः॥
The friend of fire (tempest) then began to blow violently. A cloud of dust in a moment covered the firmament and the forces. People began to regard that single elephant at multiplied into many and careering in all directions.