None: Chapter 23

The description of standards

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच सर्वेषामेव में ब्रूहि रथचिह्नानि संजय। ये द्रोणमभ्यवर्तन्त क्रुद्धा भीमपुरोगमाः॥
Dhritarastra said Describe to me, O Sanjaya, the distinctive marks of the cars of all those heroes, who, wrought up with rage and headed by Bhima, then rushed at Drona.

संजय उवाच ऋक्षवणैर्हयैदृष्ट्वा व्यायच्छन्तं वृकोदरम्। रजाताश्वस्ततः शूरः शैनेयः संन्यवर्तत॥
Sanjaya said Seeing Vrikodara rush into battle, (on a car drawn by steeds of chappled hue) the heroic grandson of Sini advanced being borne by steeds of the colour of silver.

सारङ्गाश्वो युधामन्युः स्वयं प्रत्वरयन् हयान्। पर्यवर्तत दुर्धर्षः क्रुद्धो द्रोणरथं प्रति॥
Inflamed with ire, the invincible Yudhamanyu proceeded towards the car of Drona, being borne by excellent steeds of variegated hue.

पारावतसवर्णैस्तु हेमभाण्डैर्महाजवैः। पाञ्चालराजस्य सुतो धृष्टद्युम्नो न्यवर्तत॥
The son of the ruler of the Panchalas, namely Dhrishtadyumna, proceeded, being borne by steeds of great fleetness caparisoned with gold trappings and of the hue of pigeons.

पितरं तु परिप्रेप्सुः क्षत्रधर्मा यतव्रतः। सिद्धिं चास्य परां काझन्शोणाश्वः संन्यवर्तत॥
Desirous of supporting his father (Dhrishtadyumna) and wishing his complete success, Kshatradarman of regulated vows followed (in a car drawn by chestnut steeds).

पद्मपत्रनिभांश्चाश्वान् मल्लिकाक्षान् स्वलंकृतान्। शैखण्डिः क्षत्रदेवस्तु स्वयं प्रत्वरयन् ययौ॥
Kshatradeva, the son of Sikhandin, himself urging well-trapped steeds of the hue of lotusleaves and with pure white eyes, advanced towards Drona.

दर्शनीयास्तु काम्बोजाः शुकपत्रपरिच्छदाः। वहन्तो नकुलं शीघ्रं तावकानभिदुद्रुवुः॥
Steeds of Kamboja bred beautiful to look at the decked with the feathers of the Shuka bird, bearing Nakula, quickly made against your army.

कृष्णास्तु मेघसंकाशा अवहन्नुत्तमौजसम्। दुर्धर्षायाभिसंधाय क्रुद्धं युद्धाय भारत॥
O Bharata, delighted steeds of the colour of clouds, inflamed with rage, bore Uttamaujas to battle against the invincible Drona who was Standing with arrows fixed (on the bow-string).

तथा तित्तिरिकल्माषा हया वातसमा जवे। अवहंस्तुमुले युद्धे सहदेवमुदायुधम्॥
Steeds of the fleetness of wind and of variegated hue, carried Sahadeva with uplifted arms to that dreadful battle.

दन्तवर्णास्तु राजानं कालवाला युधिष्ठिरम्। भीमवेगा नरव्याघ्रमवहन् वातरंहसः॥
Steeds of the hue of the tusks of elephants, of the fleetness of wind, of black mein and of great impetuosity, carried king Yudhishthira, the foremost of men.

हेमोत्तमप्रतिच्छन्नैर्हयैर्वातसमैर्जवे। अभ्यवर्तन्त सैन्यानि सर्वाण्येव युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Riding on horses caparisoned with gold trappings and all fleet as the wind, many warriors followed Yudhishthira.

राज्ञस्त्वनन्तरो राजा पाञ्चाल्यो दुपदोऽभवत्। जातरूपमयच्छत्रः सर्वैस्तैरभिरक्षितः॥
After king Yudhishthira, came Drupada, the ruler of the Panchalas, with a golden umbrella held over his head and himself protected by all those soldiers.

लामैर्हरिभिर्युक्तः सर्वशब्दक्षमैयुधि। राज्ञां मध्ये महेष्वासः शान्तभीरभ्यवर्तत॥
That mighty warrior among all monarchs, namely, Santabhi, advanced, borne by excellent steeds capable of putting up with every noise.

तं विराटोऽन्वयाच्छीघ्रं सह सर्वैर्महारथैः। केकयाश्च शिखण्डी च धृष्टकेतुस्तथैव च॥
Accompanied by various mighty carwarriors, Virata speedily followed him. The Kekayas and Sikhandin and Dhristaketu.

स्वैः स्वैः सैन्यैः परिवृता मत्स्यराजानमन्वयुः। तं तु पाटलिपुष्पाणां समवर्णा हयोत्तमाः॥ वहमाना व्यराजन्त मत्स्यस्यामित्रघातिनः। हरिद्रासमवर्णास्तु जवना हेममालिनः॥ पुत्रं विराटराजस्य सत्वरं समुदावहन्। इन्द्रगोपाकवर्णैश्च भ्रातरः पञ्च केकयाः॥
Surrounded by their respective forces, followed the king of the Matsyas. Excellent steeds of the colour of trumpet-flowers bearing this latter, appeared very beautiful. Fleet steeds decked with golden chains and resembling turmeric in colour, appeared highly beautiful as they carried the son of that slayer of foes, namely, Virata the royal chief of the Matsya. The five Kekaya brothers were borne by horses of crimson colour.

जातरूपसमाभासा: सर्वे लोहितकध्वजाः। ते हेममालिनः शूराः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः॥
All these heroes accomplished in battle, having complexions effulgent like god, owning standards of red huc and be-decked with golden chains.

वर्षन्त इव जीमूताः प्रत्यदृश्यन्त दंशिताः। आमपात्रनिकाशास्तु पाञ्चाल्यममितौजसम्॥ दत्तासतुम्बुरुणा दिव्याः शिखण्डिनमुदावहन्। तथा द्वादश साहस्राः पञ्चालानां महारथाः॥
Were scon, clad in mail and showering arrows, like the clouds showering (torrents of) rain. Stecds of the hue of ivory and that of unbaked earthenware pots, carried Sikhandin, the Panchala prince of immeasurable energy. In all, twelve thousand mighty car-warriors of the Panchala race proceeded in battle.

तेषां तु षट् सहस्राणि ये शिखण्डिनमन्वयुः। पुत्रं तु शिशुपालस्य नरसिंहस्य मारिष॥
Of these twelve thousands, six thousand followed Sikhandin. O sire, the son of Shishupala, the foremost of men.

आक्रीडन्तो वहन्ति स्म सारङ्गशबला हयाः। धृष्टकेतुस्तु चेदीनामृशभोऽतिबलोदितः॥
Was borne by sportive steeds of the hue of antelopes, Dhristaketu, the foremost of the Chedis, endued with great prowess.

काम्बोजैः शबलैरश्वैरभ्यवर्तत दुर्जयः। बृक्षत्रं तु कैकेयं सुकुमारं हयोत्तमाः॥ पलालधूमसंकाशाः सैन्धवाः शीघ्रमावहन्। मल्लिकाक्षाः पद्मवर्णा बाह्निजाता: स्वलंकृताः॥
And invincible in battle, was carried by horses of Kamboja breed and of variegated hue. Excellent steeds of thc Sindhu breed, of beautiful limbs and of the colour of the smoke emitted by burning straws, quickly bore the prince of the Kekayas, namely, Vrihatkshastra. Possessed of eyes of the hue of jasmine, of lotus hue, of Valhika breed and decked with gold trappings, such steeds.

शृरं शिखण्डिनः पुत्रमृक्षदेवमुदावहन्। रुक्मभाण्डप्रतिच्छन्नाः कौशेयसदृशा हयाः॥
Bore the heroic son of Sikhandin viz., Kshatradeva, decorated with caparison of gold and of the hue of silk, steeds.

क्षमावन्तोऽवहन् संख्ये सेनाबिन्दुमरिंदमम्। युवानमवहन् युद्धे क्रोञ्चवर्णा हयोत्तमाः॥
Of quiet nature, bore into battle Senavindu, that chastiser of foes. Excellent steeds of the colour of cream, carried into battle the youthful.

काश्यस्याभिभुवः पुत्रं सुकुमारं महारथम्। श्वेतास्तु प्रतिविन्ध्यं तं कृष्णग्रीवा मनोजवाः। यन्तुः प्रेष्यकरा राजन् राजपुत्रमुदावहन्॥ सुतसोमं तु यः सौम्यं पार्थः पुत्रमजीजनत्। माषपुष्पसवर्णास्तमवहन् वाजिनो रणे॥
Delicate and mighty car-warrior, the son of the king of the Kasis. White horses, having black necks and endued with the fleetness of the mind and obedient of the (reins of the) driver, O monarch, bore prince Prativindhya. Steeds of the hue of the Masa flower carried in battle Sutasoma, the son of Partha, whom the latter had obtained through (the favour of) Soma.

सहस्रसोमप्रतिमो बभूव पुरे कुरूणामुदयेन्दुनाम्नि। तस्मिञ्जातः सोमसंक्रन्दमध्ये यस्मात् तस्मात् सुतसोमोऽभवत् सः॥
Of the radiance of a thousand Moons, he was born in the city of the Kurus, known as Udayendu. In as much as in an assembly of the Somas he won great renown, he came to be siylcd Sutasoma.

नाकुलिं तु शतानीकं शालपुष्पनिभा हयाः। आदित्यतरुणप्रख्याः श्लाघनीयमुदावहन्॥
Steeds, resembling the flower of the Sala in hue and radiant like the rising sun, bore the glorious son of Nakula, by name Shatanika.

काञ्चनापिहितैर्योक्त्रैर्मयूरग्रीवसंनिभाः। द्रौपदेयं नरव्याघ्रं श्रुतकर्माणमाहवे॥
Decked with caparisons of gold and possessed of the hue of the peacock's neck, steed bore in battle, that foremost of men Shrutakarman, the son of Draupadi (by Bhima).

श्रुतकीर्ति श्रुतनिधिं द्रौपदेयं हयोत्तमाः। पार्थसमं युद्धे चाषपत्रनिभा हयाः॥
Excellent stceds of the colour of the feathers of the king fisher, carried into battle, Shrutakirti, the son of Draupadi, who was equal to Partha in his knowledge of the Srutis.

यमाहुरध्यर्धगुणं कृष्णात् पार्थाच्च संयुगे। अभिमन्यु पिशङ्गास्तं कुमारमवहन् रणे॥
Tawny-coloured steeds bore in battle prince Abhimanyu, who is said to be one and a half time superior in battle to both Krishna and Partha.

एकस्तु धार्तराष्ट्रेभ्यः पाण्डवान् यः समाश्रितः। तं बृहन्तो महाकाया युयुत्सुमवहन् रणे॥ पलालकाण्डवर्णास्तु वार्धक्षेमि तरस्विनम्। ऊहुः सुतुमुले युद्धे हयाः कृष्णाः स्वलंकृताः॥
Huge-bodied steeds bore to battle Yuyutsu, who alone, among the sons of Dhritarashtra, had sided with the Pandavas, (deserting his own brothers). Steeds, plump, decked with golden caparisons and of the hue of the stalk of paddy, bore to that dreadful battle, Vardhakshemi of great activity.

कुमारं शितिपादास्तु रुक्मचित्रैरुरच्छदैः। सौचित्तिमवहन् युद्धे यन्तुः प्रेष्यकरा हयाः॥
Steeds, having black legs, caparisoned with golden breast-plates and obedient to the driver, bore to battle, the youthful Sauchithi.

रुक्मपीठावकीर्णास्तु कौशेयसदृशा हयाः। सुवर्णमालिनः क्षान्ता: श्रेणिमन्तमुदावहन्॥
Quiet steeds of the hue of red silk, decked with chains of gold and having their backs covered with armour of the same metal, bore Shreniman.

रुक्ममालाधराः शूरा हेमपृष्ठाः स्वलंकृताः। काशिराज नरश्रेष्ठं श्लाघनीयमुदावहन्॥
The gallant warriors with gold garland around their neck and the well decorated horses with golden back side brought the competitive king Kashiraja to the battle-field.

अस्त्राणां च धनुर्वेद ब्राह्मे वेदे च पारगम्। तं सत्य धृतिमायान्तमरुणा: समुदावहन्॥
Crimson steeds bore the assaulting Satyadhriti, who was proficient in the sciences dealing with the use of weapons and the bow and also in the divine Vedas.

यः स पाञ्चालसेनानीोणमंशमकल्पयत्। पारावतसवर्णास्तं धृष्टद्युम्नमुदावहन्॥
He that was the commander of the Panchala forces and that considered Drona to be the victim destined to fall by his hand, that Dhrishtadyumna was borne by steeds of the hue of pigeons.

तमन्वयात् सत्यधृतिः सौचित्तियुद्धदुर्मदः। श्रेणिमान् वसुदानश्च पुत्रः काश्यस्य चाभिभूः॥
Satyadhriti and Sauchithi both irrepressible in battle followed him, as also Shrenimat, Vasudana and Vibhu the son of the ruler of Kasis. or

युक्तैः परमकाम्बोजैर्जवनैर्हेममालिभिः। भीषयन्तो द्विषत्सैन्यं यमवैश्रवणोपमाः॥
These were borne by fleet steeds of the best Kamboja breed, decked with chains of gold. Resembling Yama Vaishravana, they proceeded striking terror into the hearts of his enemies.

प्रभद्रकास्तु काम्बोजाः षट्सहस्राण्युदायुधाः। नानावणैर्हयैः श्रेष्ठैर्हेमवर्णरथध्वजाः॥ शरवातैर्विधुन्वन्तः शत्रून् विततकार्मुकाः। समानमृत्यवो भूत्वा धृष्टद्युम्नं समन्वयुः॥
The Prabhadrakas of the Kamboja country, six thousand strong, with uplifted arms, with excellent steeds of various hues, with golddecked standards mounted on their cars. With their stretched bows discharging arrows that produced confusion in the hostile host and with a determination to die together, followed Dhrishtadyumna.

बभ्रुकौशेयवर्णास्तु सुवर्णवरमालिनः। ऊहुरम्लानमनसश्चेकितानं हयोत्तमाः॥
Excellent steeds of the hue of yellow silk, decorated with beautiful chains of gold cheerfully bore Chekitana.

इन्द्रायुधसवर्णैस्तु कुन्तिभोजो हयोत्तमैः। आयात् सदश्वैः पुरुजिन्मातुलः सव्यसाचिनः॥
Borne by excellent steeds of the best breed and of the colour of rainbow, came Kuntibhoja or Purujit the maternal uncle of Savyasachin.

अन्तरिक्षसवर्णास्तु तारकाचित्रिता इव। राजानं रोचमानं ते हयाः संख्ये समावहन्।॥
Steeds of the appearance of the star-studded firmament, bore king Rochamana to battle.

कर्बुराः शितिपादास्तु स्वर्णजालपरिच्छदाः। जारासंधिं हयाः श्रेष्ठाः सहदेवमुदावहन्॥
Sahadeva, the son of Jarasandha was brought to battle-field by stripped horses having black hoofs and decorated by the gold gauze.

तु पुष्करमालस्य समवर्णा हयोत्तमाः। जवे श्येनसमाश्चित्राः सुदामानमुदावहन्॥ ये
was as The best and excellent white colour horses like lotus stem, speedy as the bird eagle appeared in the battle-field with Sudama rode on the chariot driven by them.

शशलोहितवर्णास्तु पाण्डुरोद्गतराजयः। पाञ्चाल्यं गोपतेः पुत्रं सिंहसेनमुदावहन्॥
Steeds of the colour of the red deer having white stripes all over their body, bore the prince of the Panchalas, the son of Gopati, by name Singhasena.

पञ्चालानां नरव्याघ्रो यः ख्यातो जनमेजयः। तस्य सर्षपपुष्पाणां तुल्यवर्णा हयोत्तमाः॥
Excellent steeds of the hue of the mustard flowers belonged to that foremost among the Panchalas, who well known Janamejaya.

माषवर्णाश्च जवना बृहन्तो हेममालिनः। दधिपृष्ठाश्चित्रमुखाः पाञ्चाल्यमवहन् द्रुतम्॥
Fleet, huge-bodied steeds of the hue of Masa, decked with gold chains with backs white like the hue of curds and faces beautiful like the moon, speedily bore the ruler of the Panchalas.

शूराश्च भद्रकाश्चैव शरकाण्डनिभा हयाः। पद्मकिञ्जल्कवर्णाभा दण्डधारमुदावहन्॥
Brave and gentle steeds resembling reedstalks and of the hue of the palms of the lotus, bore Dandadhara.

रासभारुणवर्णाभाः पृष्ठतो मूषिकप्रभाः। वल्गन्त इव संयत्ता व्याघ्रदत्तमुदावहन्॥
Steeds, of the huge of donkeys, with backs of the hue of mice and with necks proudly drawn up, bore Vyaghradatta.

हरयः कालकाश्चित्रमाल्यविभूषिताः। सुधन्वानं नरव्याघ्रं पाञ्चाल्यं समुदावहन्॥
Dart-spotted steeds, decorated with beautiful garlands, bore that foremost of men Sudhanvan, the prince of the Panchalas.

इन्द्राशनिसमस्पर्शा इन्द्रगोपकसंनिभाः। काये चित्रान्तराश्चित्राश्चित्रायुधमुदावहन्॥
Steeds of the impetuosity of Indra's thunderbolt, of the hue of the Indragopakas and variegated with patches, bore Chitrayudha.

बिभ्रतो हेममालास्तु चक्रवाकोदरा हयाः। कोसलाधिपतेः पुत्रं सुक्षत्रं वाजिनोऽवहन्॥
Decorated with golden garlands and having bellies of the hue of the Chakravaka, steeds bore the son of the ruler of the Kosalas, by name Sukshatra.

शबलास्तु बृहन्तोऽश्वादान्ता जाम्बूनदस्रजः। युद्धे सत्यधृति क्षेमिमवहन् प्रांशवः शुभाः॥
Excellent and tall steeds, of huge bodies, variegated hue, excecdingly docile and caparisoned with golden chains, bore Satyadhriti accomplished in battle.

एकवर्णेन सर्वेण ध्वजेन कवचेन च अश्वैश्च धनुषा चैव शुक्लैः शक्लो न्यवर्तत॥
Shukla proceeded to battle with standards, armours, bow and steeds, all of the same white colour.

समुद्रसेनपुत्रं तु सामुद्रा रुद्रतेजसम्। अश्वाः शशाङ्कसदृशाश्चन्द्रसेनमुदावहन्॥
Ocean-bred steeds of the hue of the moon, bore Chandrasena of fierce energy, the son of Samudrasena.

नीलोत्पलसवर्णास्तु तपनीयविभूषिताः। शैब्यं चित्ररप्रिं संख्ये चित्रमाल्याऽवहन् हयाः॥
Steeds of the hue of the blue lotus and decked with ornaments of gold and adorned with beautiful garlands of flowers, bore to battle Shaivya owning a beautiful chariot.

कलायपुष्पवर्णास्तु श्वेतलोहितराजयः। रथसेनं हयश्रेष्ठाः समूहुर्युद्धदुर्मदम्॥
Excellent steeds of the hue of the Kalaya flower, covered with red and white stripes, bore to battle Rathasena difficult to be repressed in battle.

यं तु सर्वमनुष्येभ्यः प्राहुः शूरतरं नृपम्। तं पटच्चरहन्तारं शुकवर्णाऽवहन् हयाः॥
Steeds of the hue of the blue parrot, bore that king who had slain the Pattacharas and who was regarded as the best hero among all men.

चित्रायुधं चित्रमाल्यं चित्रवर्मायुधध्वजम्। ऊहुः किंशुकपुष्पाणां समवर्णा हयोत्तमाः।
Superior steeds of hue resembling that of the Kinshuka flowers, bore Chitrayudha, decorated with beautiful garlands and owning beautiful armour, weapons and standard.

एकवर्णेन सर्वेण ध्वजेन कवचेन च। धनुषा रथवाहैश्च नीलैनीलोऽभ्यवर्तत।॥
King Nila protected to battle, with standards, armour, bow and steeds, all of the same blue colour.

नानारूपै रत्नचिरैर्वरूथरथकार्मुकैः। वाजिध्वजपताकाभिश्चित्रश्चित्रोऽभ्यवर्तत॥
Chitra advanced to battle, with car-fence and standard and bow, all set with various kinds of gems and with excellent steeds and beautiful banners and banner-staffs.

ये तु पुष्करपर्णस्य तुल्यवर्णा हयोत्तमाः। ते रोचमानस्य सुतं हेमवर्णमुदावहन्॥
Excellent steeds that resembled in colour the hue of the Puskara flower, bore Hemavarna the son of Rochamana.

योधाश्च भद्रकाराश्च शरदण्डानुदण्डयः। श्वेताण्डाः कुक्कुटाण्डाभादण्डकेतुं हयाऽवहन्॥
Metted chargers of gentle appearance, possessed of vertebral columns erect like reedstalks, having white tests and endued with the colour of the hen's eggs, bore Dandaketu.

केशवेन हते संख्ये पितर्यथ नराधिपे। भिन्ने कपाटे पाण्ड्यानां विद्रुतेषु च बन्धुषु॥ भीष्मादवाप्य चास्त्राणि दोणाद् रामात् कृपात् तथा। अस्त्रैः समत्वं सम्प्राप्य रुक्मिकर्णार्जुनाच्युतैः॥ इयेष द्वारकां हन्तुं कृत्स्नां जेतुं च मेदिनीम्। निवारितस्ततः प्राज्ञैः सुद्भिर्हितकाम्यया॥ वैरानुबन्धमुत्सृज्य स्वराज्यमनुशास्ति यः। स सागरध्वजः पाण्ड्यश्चन्द्ररश्मिनिभैर्हयैः॥ वैडूर्यजालसंछन्नैर्वीर्यद्रविणमाश्रितः। दिव्यं विस्फारयंश्चापं द्रोणमभ्यद्रवद् बली॥
The heroic Sarangadvaja endowed with the wealth of energy, the ruler of the Pandyas, mounted on chargers of the colour of the moon-beams and clad in coats of mail set with lapises, rushed at Drona stretching his bow of superior make. His dominions having been on invaded and his relatives having escaped, his sire had been slain, O monarch, in battle by Krishna; securing weapons then from Bhishma, Drona and Rama and Kripa, he became, in the use of weapons, equal to Rukmi, Karna, Arjuna and Achyuta. He then became intent on destroying the city of Dvaraka and subjugating the whole world. But his wise friends out of a desire to do good to him. prevented him from that course. Abandoning all thoughts of revenge, he is now ruling his own dominions.

आटरूषकवर्णाभा हयाः पाण्ड्यानुयायिनाम्। अवहन् रथमुख्यानामयुतानि चतुर्दश॥
Steeds of the hue of the Atarusha flower bore one thousand and forty thousand foremost car-warrior who followed that king of the Pandya.

नानावर्णेन रूपेण नानाकृतिमुखा हयाः। रथचक्रध्वजं वीरं घटोत्कचमुदावहन्॥
Charges of various hues and appearance and stature and face, born the heroic Ghatotkacha, the device on whose banner was a car-wheel.

भारतानां समेतानामुत्सृज्यैको मतानि यः। गतो युधिष्ठिरं भक्त्या त्यक्त्वा सर्वमभीप्सितम्॥ लोहिताक्षं महाबाहुं बृहन्तं तमरट्टजाः। महासत्त्वा महाकायाः सौवर्णस्यन्दने स्थितम्॥
Setting at naught the opinions of the assembled Bharatas, that prince who alone out of his reverence for Yudhishthira had sided with him abandoning all his cherished hopes. That mighty-armed Brihanta of red eyes was borne by huge-bodied, greatly powerful steeds, as he sat in his chariot.

सुवर्णवर्णा धर्मज्ञमनीकस्थं युधिष्ठिरम्। राजश्रेष्ठं हयश्रेष्ठाः सर्वतः पृष्ठतोऽन्वयुः॥
Excellent steeds of the gold followed behind the virtuous Yudhishthira, that foremost of kings, as he advanced on his car.

वर्णरुच्चावचैरन्यैः सदश्वानां प्रभद्रकाः। संन्यवर्तन्त युद्धाय बहवो देवरूपिणः॥
Hosts of the Prabhadrakas of divine appearance, proceeded to battle, on superior chargers of various beautiful colours,

ते यत्ता भीमसेनेन सहिताः काञ्चनध्वजाः। प्रत्यदृश्यन्त राजेन्द्र सेन्द्रा इव दिवौकसः॥
All of them possessing golden standards, full of energy and accompanied by Bhimasena, appeared, O monarch, like the celestials, headed by Indra.

अत्यरोचत तान् सर्वान् धृष्टद्युम्नः समागतान्। सर्वाण्यति च सेन्यानि भारद्वाजो व्यरोचत॥
Dhrishtadyumna liked that assembled host very much. But the son of Bharadvaja, excelled the rest of the warriors in splendour.

अतीव शुशुभे तस्य ध्वजः कृष्णाजिनोत्तरः। कमण्डलुमहाराज जातरूपमयः शुभ:॥
O monarch, his standard, with a black decr skin fluttering from its top and bearing the beautiful waterpot and made of the finest gold, appeared exceedingly beautiful.

ध्वजं तु भीमसेनस्य वेदूर्यमणिलोचनम्। भ्राजमानं महासिंहं राजन्तं दृष्टवानहम्॥
The standard of Bhimasena bearing the device of a mighty lion in silver, with two eyes of the lapis lazuli, appeared highly resplendent.

ध्वजं तु कुरुराजस्य पाण्डवस्य महौजसः। दृष्टवानस्मि सौवर्णं सोमं ग्रहगणान्वितम्॥
The standard of Yudhishthira endued with great energy bearing he emblem of the golden moon surrounded by the pianets, looked exceedingly charming.

मृदङ्गौ चात्र विपुलौ दिव्यौ नन्दोपनन्दकौ। यन्त्रेणाहन्यमानौ च सुस्वनौ हर्षवर्धनौ॥
Two. prodigious Mridangas of celestial make called Nanda and Upanandaka were tied to it. Struck by mechanical arrangements, they emitted melodies that enhanced the joy of all.

शरभं पृष्ठसोवर्णं नकुलस्य महाध्वजम्। अपश्याम रथेऽत्युग्रं भीषयाणमवस्थितम्॥
For striking terror into the hearts of the enemy, we saw that tall and fierce standard of Nakula, mounted on his car, that bore the device of Sharabha having golden back.

हंसस्तु राजतः श्रीमान् ध्वजेघण्टापताकवान्। सहदेवस्य दुर्धर्षो द्विषतां शोकवर्धनः॥
On the standard of Sahadeva, was seen a charming swan of irrepressible might made of silver, decked with bells and banners and capable of enhancing the grief of the enemy.

पञ्चानां द्रोपदेयानां प्रतिमा ध्वजभूषणम्। धर्ममारुतशक्राणामश्विनौश्च महात्मनोः॥
The standards of the five sons of Draupadi bore as their device the beautiful images of Dharma, Maruta, Shakra and of the twin Ashvins of high-soul.

अभिमन्योः कुमारस्य शाहूपक्षी हिरण्मयः। रथे ध्वजवरो राजंस्तप्तचामीकरोज्ज्वलः॥
On the car of the youthful Abhimanyu, O monarch, there was a standard of best make, bearing the device of a golden peacock, which was as radiant as molten gold.

घटोत्कचस्य राजेन्द्र ध्वजे गृध्रो व्यरोचत। अश्वाश्च कामगास्तस्य रावणस्य पुरा यथा॥
O monarch, the device of a vulture enhanced the beauty of the standard of Ghatotkacha; his steeds had the power of ranging everywhere at will, like those of Ravana in days of yore.

माहेन्द्रं च धनुर्दिव्यं धर्मराजे युधिष्ठिरे। वायव्यं भीमसेनस्य धनुर्दिव्यमभूत्रप॥
In the hands of Yudhishthira was the bow called Mahendra of celestial make; the celestial Vyavya was, o king, in the hands of Bhimasena.

त्रैलोक्यरक्षणार्थाय ब्राह्मणा सृष्टमायुधम्। तद दिव्यमजरं चैव फाल्गुनार्थाय वै धनुः॥
For preserving the triune world Brahma had created a bow; that bow of celestial make and ever indestructible, was in the hands of Phalguna.

वैष्णवं नकुलायाथ सहदेवाय चाश्विजम्। घटोत्कचाय पौलस्त्यं धनुर्दिव्यं भयानकम्॥
The Vaishnava bow was wielded by Nakula and the bow Ashvina by Sahadeva; the Paulastya of terrible appearance and celestial make, was held by Ghatotkacha.

रौद्रमाग्नेयकौबेरं याम्यं गिरिशमेव च। पञ्चानां द्रोपदेयानां धनूरत्नानि भारत॥
O_Bharata, these five jewels of bows, namely the Rudra and Agneya, the Kauberya, the Yamya and the Girisha were held by the five sons of Draupadi.

रौद्रं धनुर्वरं श्रेष्ठं लेभे यद् रोहिणीसुतः। तत् तुष्टः प्रददौ रामः सौभद्राय महात्मने॥
That foremost of bows of best make called Rudra which the son of Rohini had obtained, that bow was given, out of delight, to the highsouled son of Subhadra, by Rama.

एते चान्ये च बहवो ध्वजा हेमविभूषिताः। तत्रादृश्यन्त शूराणां द्विषतां शोकवर्धनाः॥
These and many other standards, decked with gold, of heroic warriors were seen there, that enhanced the grief of the foes.

तदभूद् ध्वजसम्बाधमकापुरुषसेवितम्। द्रोणानीकं महाराज पटे चित्रमिवार्पितम्॥
Then, O monarch, the host led by Drona, which abounded in myriad's of standards and which numbered not a single coward, looked like images painted on canvas.

शुश्रुवुर्नामगोत्राणि वीराणां संयुगे तदा। द्रोणमाद्रवतां राजन् स्वयंवर इवाहवे॥
Then in that battle we heard, O monarch, the names and lineage of various heroic warriors, as they rushed at Drona, like to what is heard at a Svayamvara.