None: Chapter 203

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तस्मिन्नतिरथे द्रोणे निहते पार्षतेन वै। मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वन्नतः परम्॥
Dhritarashtra said When that Atiratha, viz., Drona had been slain by the son of Prisata, O Sanjaya, did my troops and those of the Pandavas do afterwards?

संजय उवाच
were son

तस्मिन्नतिरथे द्रोणे निहते पार्षतेन वै। कौरवेषु च भग्नेषु कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः॥
Sanjaya said When that Atiratha Drona had been slain by the son of Prisata and when the Kaurava ranks broken and routed, Kunti's Dhananjaya.

दृष्टवा सुमहदाश्चर्यमात्मनो विजयावहम्। यदृच्छयाऽऽगतं व्यासं पप्रच्छ भरतर्षभ॥
Beholding a wonderful sight indicative of his victory, questioned, O foremost of the Bharatas, the mighty sage Vyasa who had gone there at his own pleasure.

अर्जुन उवाच संग्रामे न्यहनं शत्रूशरौधैर्विमलैरहम्। अग्रता लक्षये यान्तं पुरुषं पावकप्रभम्॥
Arjuna said When slaying my foes in battle with myriads of resplendent darts, I saw a male being of the effulgence of fire proceeding before me.

ज्वलन्तं शूलमुद्यम्य यां दिशं प्रतिपद्यते। तस्यां दिशि विदीर्यन्ते शत्रवो मे महामुने॥
Raising his blazing trident wherever he turned, my foes in that direction, O mighty sage, he routed and scorched.

तेन भग्नानरीन् सर्वान् मद्भग्नान् मन्यते जनः। तेन भग्नानि सैन्यानि पृष्ठतोऽनुव्रजाम्यहम्॥
People think that I rout my foes whereas they are really routed by him. I only pursue from behind the troops already broken and routed by him.

भगवंस्तन्ममाचक्ष्व को वै स पुरुषोत्तमः। शूलपाणिर्मया हृष्टतेजसा सूर्यसंनिभः॥
O illustrious possessor of the six qualities the Bhagas, tell me who is that excellent of all male beings, whom I see armed with the trident and who resembles the Sun himself in effulgence.

न पद्भ्यां स्पृशते भूमिं न च शूलं विमुञ्चति। शूलाच्छूलसहस्राणि निष्पेतुस्तस्य तेजसा॥
He never touches the earth with his feet nor does he hurled his trident; but in consequence of his energy, thousands of arrows issue out of that trident of his.

व्यास उवाच प्रजापतीनां प्रथमं तैजसं पुरुषं प्रभुम्। भुवनं भूर्भुवं देवं सर्वलोकेश्वरं प्रभुम्॥ ईशानं वरदं पार्थ दृष्टवानसि शङ्करम्! तं गच्छ शरणं देव वरदं भुवनेश्वरम्॥
Vyasa said O son of Pritha, you have seen Sankara, that first of all the creators of the world, that lord of all energies, primary male being, he that is the embodiment of heaven, earth and sky, the divine Lord, the saviour of the universe, the paramount master, the bestower of boons, also called Ishana. O, do you seek the refuge of that boon-giving deity, that lord of the universe.

महादेवं महात्मानमीशानं जटिलं विभुम्। त्र्यक्षं महाभुजं रुद्रं शिखिनं चीरवाससम्॥
He was the Paramount Divinity, of illustrious soul, also called Ishana, the wearer of matted locks and the origin of all auspiciousness. He possesses three eyes and mighty arms and fierce energy; and his locks are tied as a crown of his head and he clad in deer skin.

महादेवं हरं स्थाणुं वरदं भुवनेश्वरम्। जगत्प्रधानमजितं जगत्प्रीतिमधीश्वरम्॥
That supreme god, called Hara or Sthanu, is the lord of the universe and the giver of boons. He is the foremost of all beings in the universe and incapable of beings vanquished. He is the afforder of joy to the universe and it its paramount ruler.

जगद्योनि जगद्वीजं जयिनं जगतो गतिम्। विश्वात्मानं विश्वसृजं विश्वमूर्तिं यशस्विनम्॥
The origin, the light and the refuge of the universe, he is ever attended with victory. He is the soul and the creator of the universe; and the universe is his from and he is ever-glorious.

विश्वेश्वरं विश्वनरं कर्मणामीश्वरं प्रभुम्। शम्भुं स्वयम्भुं भूतेशुं भूतभव्यभवोद्भवम्॥
That Lord of the universe and its ruler, that great one is the lord of all action. Known by the name of Shambhu he is self-born, he is the lord of all creatures and the origin of the past, present and future.

योगं योगेश्वरं सर्वं सर्वलोकेश्वरेश्वरम्। सर्वश्रेष्ठं जगच्छ्रेष्ठं वरिष्ठं परमेष्ठिनम्॥
He is the Yoga and the lord of Yoga. He is called Sarva and is the lord of the lords of the world. He is superior to everything. He is the most excellent of all things in the universe and the highest of all and is called Paramesthin.

लोकत्रयविधातारमेकं लोकत्रयाश्रयम्। शुद्धात्मानं भवं भीमं शशाङ्ककृतशेखरम्॥ शाश्वतं भूधरं देवं सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वरम्। । सुदुर्जयं जगन्नाथं जन्ममृत्युजरातिगम्॥
He is the ordainer of the three worlds and the sole refuge of them all. He is pure souled, universe himself, dreadful, holder of moon on head, eternal, the protector of the universe, the forernost of all deities among the gods of speeches, incapable of being vanquished, lord of world and is beyond the reach of birth, decline and death.

ज्ञानात्मानं ज्ञानगम्यं ज्ञानश्रेष्ठं सुदुर्विदम्। दातारं चैव भक्तानां प्रसादविहितान् वरान्॥
The essence of knowledge and incapable of being comprehended by the understanding and the best of all knowledge, he is unknowable. Out of his grace he gives to his worshippers the boons they desire.

तस्य पारिषदा दिव्या रूपैर्नानाविधैर्विभोः। वामना जटिला मुण्डा ह्रस्वग्रीवा महोदराः॥
That great one has for his companions, celestial beings of various forms, some of whom are dwarfs, some with matted locks, some with bald heads, some with short necks, some with large stomachs.

महाकाया महोत्साहा महाकर्णास्तथापरे। आननैविकृतैः पादैः पार्थ वेषैश्च वैकृतैः॥
Some with huge bodies, some endued with great mighty and some with long ears. All of them have, O son of Pritha, distorted faces, mouths and legs and strange dresses.

ईदृशैः स महादेवः पूज्यमानो महेश्वरः। स शिवस्तात तेजस्वी प्रसादाद् याति तेऽग्रतः॥
That great lord Mahadeva, O Partha, is adored by even these kinds of followers. That Siva, O son, possessed of energy, goes in advance of you through kindness only.

तस्मिन् घोरे सदा पार्थ संग्रामे रोमहर्षणे। द्रौणिकर्णकृपैर्गुप्तां महेष्वासैः प्रहारिभिः॥ कस्तां सेनां तदा पार्थ मनसापि प्रधर्षयेत्। ऋते देवान्महेष्वासाद् बहुरूपान्महेश्वरात्॥
In that dreadful battle, O son of Pritha, capable of causing the hair to stand erect, who else, O Arjuna, except the divine Maheshvara, that foremost of all bowmen, could even in his mind, dare defeat that host that was protected by those great smiters and bowmen, viz., Ashvatthaman, Karna and Kripa.

स्थातुमुत्सहते कश्चिन्न तस्मिन्नग्रतः स्थिते। न हि भूतं समं तेन त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते॥
Nobody can venture to withstand the fighter, in whose front walks Mahadeva himself. There is no creature in the triune worlds who is a match for him.

गन्धेनापि हि संग्रामे तस्य क्रुद्धस्य शत्रवः। विसंज्ञा हतभूयिष्ठा वेपन्ति च पतन्ति च॥
At the very smell of the enraged Mahadeva, the enemy trembles and drops down senseless in large numbers in battle.

तस्मै नमस्तु कुर्वन्तो देवास्तिष्ठन्ति वै दिवि। ये चान्ये मानवा लोके ते च स्वर्गजितो नराः॥
For this reason the gods in heaven ever adore and bow down to him. The men of this world as also others that have attained to heaven.

ये भक्ता वरदं देवं शिवं रुद्रमुमापतिम्। अनन्यभावेन सदा सर्वेशं समुपासते॥ इहलोके सुखं प्राप्य ते यान्ति परमां गतिम्।
If they devoutly worship the boon-giving, auspicious and divine Rudra, the lord of Uma, obtain happiness here and the highest felicity hereafter.

नमस्कुरुष्व कौन्तेय तस्मै शान्ताय वै सदा॥ रुद्राय शितिकण्ठाय कनिष्ठाय सुवर्चसे।
O son of Kunti, bow down to him who is peace incarnate, to him called Rudra (of the fierce), who is of blue throat, exceedingly subtle and of great effulgence.

कपर्दिने करालाय हर्यक्षवरदाय च॥ याम्यायाव्यक्तकेशाय सद्वृत्ते शङ्कराय च। काम्याय हरिनेत्राय स्थाणवे पुरुषाय च॥ हरिकेशाय मुण्डाय कृशायोत्तारणाय च। भास्कराय सुतीर्थाय देवदेवाय रंहसे॥ बहुरूपाय शर्वाय प्रियाय प्रियवाससे।
To himn known as Kapardin, him that is dreadful, him who possesses twany eyes, him that is boon giving; to that great ordainer or red locks and righteous conduct, to him who is ever-engaged in the performance of auspicious acts. to him who is an object of desire with all beings; to him who is of tawny eyes; him that is called Sthanu; him that is called Purusha; to him of tawny hair; him that is bald and him that is extremely subtle and of great splendour, to him that is the giver of light, him that is the embodiment of all holy waters, him that is the god of gods, him that is possessed of great impetuosity; him that is of various forms; him who is called Sarva and is vested in pleasant garments.

उष्णीषिणे सुवक्त्राय सहस्राक्षाय मीढुषे॥ गिरिशाय प्रशान्ताय यतये चीरवाससे।
To him that possesses an excellent turban, a handsome face and a thousand eyes; him that is the giver of rain, him that has the mountains for his habitation; him that is peace, him that is the protector, him that has the barks of trees for his cloth.

हिरण्यबाहवे राज्ञे उग्राय पतये दिशाम्॥ पर्जन्ययतये चैव भूतानां पतये नमः।
To him whose arms are adorned with ornaments of gold, him who is furious; him who is the lord of all the different quarters; him who is the master of clouds and of all created beings.

वृक्षाणां पतये चैव गवां च पतये नमः॥ वृक्षरावृतकायाय सेनान्ये मध्यमाय च।
To hiin who is the lord of all trees and of kine; him that has his body covered with trees; him who is the general of the celestial armies; him who is the inspirer of all thoughts.

स्रुवहस्ताय देवाय धन्विने भार्गवाय च॥ बहुरूपाय विश्वस्य पतये मुञ्जवाससे।
To him who has the sacrificial ladle in his hands; him who is effulgent, him who wields the bow; him who is Rama himself, him who has numerous semblance's; him who is the lord of the universe; him who has the Munja grass for his attire;

सहस्रशिरसे चैव सहस्रनयनाय च॥ सहस्रबाहवे चैव सहस्रचरणाय च।
To him who has a thousand heads; him who has a thousand eyes; and him who has a thousand arms and a thousand legs.

शरणं गच्छ कौन्तेय वरदं भुवनेश्वरम्॥ उमापतिं विरूपाक्षं दक्षयज्ञनिबर्हणम्।
O son of Kunti, seek the refuge of at lord of the universe, who bestows boons, who is the lord of Uma, who possesses three-eyes and who is the destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice;

प्रजानां पतिमव्यग्रं भूतानां पतिमव्ययम्॥ कपर्दिनं वृषावर्तं वृषनाभं वृषध्वजम्।
Who is the protector of all created beings; who is ever-cheerful; who is the faviour of all; who is undeteriorating in his glory; who is called Kaparddin and those gait is like that of the bull; whose lavel is like that of the bull and whose emblem is the bull.

वृषदष वृषपतिं वृषशृङ्गं वृषर्षभम्॥ वृषाङ्क वृषभोदारं वृषभं वृषभेक्षणम्।
Who is proud like the bull, who is the lord of the bull, who is known by the horns of the bull and who is the bull of bulls, whose bannerdevise is the bull; who is generous like the bull; who has eyes like those of the bull;

वृषायुधं वृषशरं वृषभूतं वृषेश्वरम्॥ महोदरं महाकायं द्वीपिचर्मनिवासिनम्।
Whose weapons are all of superior make; whose arrows is the Vrisha (Krishna) and who is righteousness incarnate; who is called the Great Lord, whose seat is the leopard's skin.

लोकेशं वरदं मुण्डं ब्रह्मण्यं ब्राह्मणप्रियम्॥ त्रिशूलपाणिं वरदं खगचर्मधरं प्रभुम्।
Who is the lord of the words, who is the giver of boons, who is bald, who is devoted to the Brahmanas and who behoves the Brahmanas, who is armed with the trident, who is boon-giving; who wields the sword and the buckles; and who is the lightly auspicious one:

पिनाकिनं खड्गधरं लोकानां पतिमीश्वरम्॥ प्रपद्ये शरणं देवं शरण्यं चीरवाससम्। नमस्तस्मै सुरेशाय यस्य वैश्रवणः सखा॥ सुवाससे नमस्तुभ्यं सुव्रताय सुधन्विने।
Who use the bow Pinaka, who is shorn of his battle-axe and who is the sovereign and the saviour of the universe. I totally consign myself to the care of that divine lord, that giver of protection, that god versed in deer's skin; salutation to that lord of the gods who has Vaisravana for his friend, salutation to him of illustrious vows, to him whose companions are all best bow-men.

धनुर्धराय देवाय प्रियधन्वाय धन्विने॥ धन्वन्तराय धनुषे धन्वाचार्याय ते नमः।
To him who himself wields the bow, to that great Divinity with whom the bow is a favourite weapon; who is himself the arrow hurled by the bow; who is the bow-string and the bow and the preceptor instructing others in the use of the bow.

उग्रायुधाय देवाय नमः सुरवराय च॥ नमोऽस्तु बहुरूपाय नमोऽस्तु बहुधन्विने।
Salutations to that deity whose weapons are terrible and who himself is the foremost of all gods, salutations to him whose semblances are various and who has got diverse bowmen as his attendants.

नमोऽस्तु स्थाणवे नित्यं नमस्तस्मै तपस्विने॥ नमोऽस्तु त्रिपुरनाय भगनाय च वै नमः।
Salutations to Sthanu, to that best of all wielders of bow, salutations even to the destroyer of 'Tripura,' and the slayer of Bhaga.

वनस्पतीनां पतये नराणां पतये नमः॥ मातृणां पतये चैव गणानां पतये नमः।
Salutations to the lord of the Vanaspatis (Trees & c) and to the lord of men; salutations to the lord of the celestial mothers and to the lord of the Ganas.

गवां च पतये नित्यं यज्ञानां पतये नमः॥ अपां च पतये नित्यं देवानां पतये नमः।
Salutations ever to him who is the lord of kine and the master of all sacrifices. Salutations to the lord of waters and of the celestials;

पूष्णो दन्तविनाशाय त्र्यक्षाय वरदाय च॥ नीलकण्ठाय पिङ्गाय स्वर्णकेशाय वै नमः।
Salutations to him who is the destroyer of Surya's teeth, who is of three eyes, who is the giver of boons, who is called Hara, who is blue-throated and who is of golden locks.

कर्माणि यानि दिव्यानि महादेवस्य धीमतः॥ तानि ते कीर्तयिष्यामि यथाप्रज्ञं यथाश्रुतम्।
I shall now relate to you, according to my knowledge and as I have heard them related, all the divine deeds of the supremely wise Mahadeva.

न सुरा नासुरा लोके न गन्धर्वा न राक्षसाः॥ सुखमेधन्ति कुपिते तस्मिन्नपि गुहागताः।
If Mahadeva is worked up with rage, neither the gods, nor the Asuras, neither the Gandharvas, nor the Rakshasas, even if they conceal themselves in deep caves, can enjoy any peace.

दक्षस्य यजमानस्य विधिवत् सम्भृतं पुरा॥ विव्याध कुपितो यज्ञं निर्दयस्त्वभवत् तदा।
In days of yore when Daksha had collected all the necessary objects for the celebration of his sacrifice, Mahadeva excited with rage destroyed them all; indeed then he became unusually stern.

धनुषा बाणमुत्सृज्य सघोषं विननाद च॥ ते न शर्म कुतः शान्ति लेभिरे स्म सुरास्तदा।
Shooting an arrow with his bow then, he uttered a tremendous roar. The celestials, who always perform acts beneficial to the world, the were filled with anxiety.

विद्रुते सहसा यज्ञे कुपिते च महेश्वरे॥ तेन ज्यातलघोषेण सर्वे लोकाः समाकुलाः।
When the sacrifice was destroyed and when Maheshvara was enraged, the gods were greatly frightened at the sound produced by his twanging bow and his palm-strokes.

बभूवुर्वशगाः पार्थ निपेतुश्च सुरासुराः॥ आपश्चुक्षुभिरे सर्वाश्चकम्पे च वसुंधरा।
The gods and the Asuras all succumbed and fell down and O son of Pritha, the waters were agitated and the earth trembled with everything on it.

पर्वताश्च व्यशीर्यन्त दिशो नागाश्च मोहिताः॥ अन्धेन तमसा लोका न प्राक्राशन्त संवृताः।
The mountains split and the quarters of heaven and the Nagas became stupefied. Enveloped in a pall of gloom the universe was lost to view.

जनिवान् सह सूर्येण सर्वेषां ज्योतिषां प्रभाः॥ चुक्षुभुर्भयभीताश्च शान्तिं चक्रुस्तथैव च। ऋषयः सर्वभूतानामात्मनश्च सुखैषिणः॥ पूषाणमभ्यद्रवत शंकरः प्रहसन्निव।
The splendour of the luminaries as also of the Sun was destroyed. The Rishis filled with fear became agitated and desirous of their own good and that of all other creatures, performed propitiatory rites. Then Sankara, smilingly rushed upon Pushana.

पुरोडाशं भक्षयतो दशनान् वै व्यशातयत्॥ ततो निश्चक्रमुर्देवा वेपमाना नताः स्म ते।
Who was eating the sacrificial oblations and the tore out his teeth. The gods then, bowing down to him, fled away trembling.

पुनश्च संदधे दीप्तान् देवानां निशिताशरान्॥ सधूमान् सस्फुलिङ्गांश्च विद्युत्तोयदसंनिभान्।
Once more Mahadeva aimed ai the gods a shower of burning and sharp resembling tongues of fire mixed with smoke or clouds with lightning.

तं दृष्ट्वा तु सुराः सर्वे प्रणिपत्य महेश्वरम्॥ रुद्रस्य यज्ञभागं च विशिष्टं ते त्वकल्पयन्।
Beholding that arrowy shower, all the gods, bowing down to Maheshvara, assigned to Rudra a substantial share in sacrifices.

भयेन त्रिदशा राजञ्छरणं च प्रपेदिरे॥ तेन चैवातिकोपेन स यज्ञः संधितस्तदा।
Afraid, the gods sought his protection, O prince. His anger having subsided the great god re-established the sacrifice. arrows

रुद्रं जग्मुः भग्नाश्चापि सुरा आसन भीताश्चाद्यापि तं प्रति॥ असुराणां पुराण्यासंस्रीणि वीर्यवतां दिवि।
The gods that had fled away returned. Indeed they are afraid of Maheshvara even to this day. Formerly the puissant Asuras had three cities in heaven.

आयसं राजतं चैव सौवर्णं परमं महत्॥ सौवर्ण कमलाक्षस्य तारकाक्षस्य राजतम्।
One was made of gold, another of silver and the third of iron; each of them was excellent and large. The golden city belonged to Kamalaksha, the silver city to Taraksksha.

तृतीयं तु पुरं तेषां विद्युन्मालिन आयसम्॥ न शक्तस्तानि मघवान् भेत्तुं सर्वायुधैरपि।
The third, made of iron, belonged to Vidyutmalin. Using all his weapons, failed to capture those cities.

अथ सर्वे पुरा शरणमर्दिताः॥ ते तमूचुर्महात्मानं सर्वे देवाः सवासवाः।
Thereupon all the celestials, afflicted as they were, sought the refuge of Rudra. The gods then, with Vasava at their head, said these words to that high-souled one.

ब्रह्मदत्तवरा ह्येते घोरास्त्रिपुरवासिनः॥ पीडयन्त्यधिकं लोकं यस्मात् ते वरदर्पिताः।
The denizens of the three cities, having obtained boons from Brahma and proud in consequence of those boons, are excessively oppressing the worlds.

त्वदृते देवदेवेश नान्यः शक्तः कथंचन॥ हन्तुं दैत्यान् महादेव जहि तांस्त्वं सुरद्विषः।
O Lord of the gods, O supreme Divinity, save yourself, there is none capable of slaying the Daityas. Do you slay those injurers of the gods.

रुद्र रौद्रा भविष्यन्ति पशवः सर्वकर्मसु॥ निपातयिष्यसे चैतानसुरान् भुवनेश्वर।
O Rudra, then creatures immolated in every sacrifice will be yours. Do you therefore, O lord of the universe, over-throw those Asuras.

स तथोक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा देवानां हितकाम्यया॥ गन्धमादनविन्ध्यौ च कृत्वा वंशध्वजौ हरः।
Thus addressed by the gods and moved by the desire for benefiting them, Mahadeva said 'yea' to their proposals. Then he made the two mountains, viz., Gandhamadan and Vindhya the two bamboo poles of his car.

पृथ्वी ससागरवनां रथं कृत्वा तु शङ्करः॥ अक्षं कृत्वा तु नागेन्द्रं शेषं नाम त्रिलोचनः।
And the earth with all the oceans and the forests his chariot and the snake Sesa the Aksha of his chariot.

चक्रे कृत्वा तु चन्द्रार्को देवदेवः पिनाकधृक्॥ अणी कृत्वैलपत्रं च पुष्पदन्तं च त्र्यम्बकेः।
The Sun and the Moon then became the wheels of the car of that god of gods, that wielder of the Pinaka bow. The three eyed Divinity then made Elapatra and Puspadanta the pins of his car.

यूपं कृत्वा तु मलयमवनाहं च तक्षकम्॥ योक्त्राङ्गानि च सत्त्वानि कृत्वा
The puissant Mahadeva then made the Malaya mountains the yoke and the great Takshaka the chord for fastening the yoke to the poles and the other creatures about him the bounds of his steeds.

वेदान् कृत्वाऽथ चतुरश्चतुरश्वान् महेश्वरः॥ उपवेदान् खलीनांश्च कृत्वा लोकत्रयेश्वरः।
The mighty god then made the four Vedas the four steeds of his chariot; the lord of the three worlds made the auxiliaries of the Vedas the bridle-bits of his steeds.

गायत्री प्रग्रहं कृत्वा सावित्री च महेश्वरः॥ कृत्वोङ्कारं प्रतोदं च ब्रह्माणं चैव सारथिम्।
Mahadeva then made Gayatri and Savitri the reins, the mystic monosyllable in the whip and Brahmana the driver.

गाण्डीवं मन्दरं कृत्वा गुणं कृत्वा तु वासुकिम्॥ विष्णुं शरोत्तमं कृत्वा शल्यमग्निं तथैव च।
Then making the Mandar mountains the bow, Vasuki its string, Vishnu its excellent arrows, Fire the arrow-head.

शर्वः प्रतापवान्। वायुकृत्वाथ वाजाभ्यां पुढे वैवस्वतं यमम्॥ विद्युत् कृत्वाथ निश्राणं मेलं कृत्वाथ वै ध्वजम्।
And Vayu the two wings of that arrows, Yama the feathers in its tail lightning the whetstone and Meru his standard.

आरुह्य स रथं दिव्यं सर्वदेवमयं शिवः॥ त्रिपुरस्य वधार्थाय स्थाणुः प्रहरतां वरः। असुराणामन्तकरः श्रीमानतुलविक्रमः॥ स्तूयमानः सुरैः पार्थ ऋषिभिश्च तपोधनैः।
The god Siva, riding on that wonderful car composed of all the excellent celestial forces proceeded for the destruction of the tripple city. Indeed Sthanu, that foremost of Smiters, that destroyer of Asuras, that most beautifullooking warrior of infinite energy, adored by the gods and Rishis, possessed of the wealth of asceticism, O Partha.

स्थानं माहेश्वरं कृत्वा दिव्यमप्रतिमं प्रभुः॥ अतिष्ठत् स्थाणुभूतः स सहस्रं परिवत्सरान्।
Created an excellent and unequaled array called after his own name and then stood firm for a thousand years.

यदा त्रीणि समेतानि अन्तरिक्षे पुराणि च॥ त्रिपर्वणा त्रिशल्येन तदा तानि बिभेद सः।
Then when the three cities came together on the firmameni, he pierced them with that shaft of his having three knots.

पुराणि न च तं शेकुर्दानवाः प्रतिवीक्षितुम्॥ शरं कालाग्निसंयुक्तं विष्णुसोमसमायुतम्।
The denizens of those cities, the Danavas, then could not look at that arrow composed of the Fire of Dissolution and of Vishnu and Soma.

पुराणि दग्धवन्तं तं देवी याता प्रवीक्षितुम्॥ बालमङ्कगतं कृत्वा स्वयं पञ्चशिखं पुनः।
When the tripple city began to burn, the goddess Durga went to see the sight, with a child on her lap having only five clumps of hair on its head.

उमा जिज्ञासमाना वै कोऽयमित्यब्रवीत् सुरान्॥ असूयतश्च शक्रस्य वज्रेण प्रहरिष्यतः।
Uma then asked the gods who that child was. The malevolent Indra then tried to strike him with the thunder bolt.

बाहुं सवजं तं तस्य क्रुद्धस्यास्तमभयत् प्रभुः॥ प्रहस्य भगवांस्तूर्णं सर्वलोकेश्वरो विभुः।
Thereupon the all-powerful Lord of all the worlds, possessed of the six excellent qualities the Bhagas, smilingly paralysed the arm of the enraged Indra wielding the thunder bolt.

तत: स स्तम्भितभुजः शक्रो देवगणैर्वृतः॥ जगाम ससुरस्तूर्णं ब्रह्माणं प्रभुमव्ययम्।
Then with his arm paralysed Shakra, surrounded by the celestials, quickly proceeded to the undeteriorating Brahma.

ते तं प्रणम्य शिरसा प्रोचुः प्राञ्जलयस्तदा॥ किमप्यङ्कगतं ब्रह्मन् पार्वत्या भूतमद्भुतम्।
Then the gods bowing their heads down to Brahma addressed him, with folded arms, thus-"O Brahma, what wonderful creature is now lying on the lap of Parvati?

बालरूपधरं दृष्ट्वा नास्माभिरभिलक्षितः॥ तस्मात् त्वां प्रष्टुमिच्छामो निर्जिता येन वै वयम्।
As he appeared to be a mere boy we did not offer salutations to him. But we have been defeated totally by him. It is therefore that we want to ask you about him.

अयुध्यता हि बालेन लीलया सपुरंदराः॥ तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मविदां वरः।
With Purandra to head us, we were easily defeated by that boy though he did not at all fight with us." Hearing those words of theirs, that foremost of all conversant with Brahma's viz., Brahma.

ध्यात्वा स शम्भुं भगवान् बालं चामिततेजसम्॥ उवाच भगवान् ब्रह्मा शादींश्च सुरोत्तमान्।
Reflected for a while and then decided that boy of infinite prowess to be a manifestation of Shambhu himself, that possessor of the six illustrious qualities, the Bhagas. The almighty Brahman addressing Shakra and other foremost

चराचरस्य जगतः प्रभुः स भगवान् हरः॥ तस्मात् परतरं नान्यत् किंचिदस्ति महेश्वरात्।
He is the almighty lord Hara, the Masterruler of the mobile and immobile creation. There is nothing superior to that foremost of gods known by the name of Maheshvara.

यो दृष्टो ह्युमया सार्धं युष्माभिरमितद्युतिः॥ स पार्वत्याः कृते शर्वः कृतवान् बालरूपताम्।
That boy of immeasurable effulgence whom you have seen with the goddess, is Siva himself, assuming the boy-like appearance for gratifying Parvati.

ते मया सहिता यूयं प्रापयध्वं तमेव हि॥ स एष भगवान् देवः सर्वलोकेश्वरः प्रभुः।
Let therefore yourselves with me seek his refuge, that god who is the ruler of all the worlds and the possessor of the six illustrious qualities, the Bhagas.

न सम्बुबुधिरे चैनं देवास्तं भुवनेश्वरम्॥ सप्रजापतयः सर्वे बालार्कसदृशप्रभम्। अथाभ्येत्य ततो ब्रह्मा दृष्ट्वा स च महेश्वरम्॥ अयं श्रेष्ठ इति ज्ञात्वा ववन्दे तं पितामहः।
O gods, you could not recognise that lord of the worlds. Thereafter the celestials with the Prajapati approached that boy of the radiance of the rising Sun. Then Brahma behclding the mighty lord and the grandsire knowing him to be the paramount master, began to adore him

ब्रह्मोवाच त्वं यज्ञो भुवनस्यास्य त्वं गतिस्त्वं परायणम्॥ त्वं भवस्त्वं महादेवस्त्वं धाम परमं पदम्।
Brahma said You are the sacrifice, you are the refuge of this world and you are its sole stay. You are Bhava, you are Mahadeva, you are the abode of all things and you are the most supreme of all things.

त्वया सर्वमिदं व्याप्तं जगत् स्थावरजङ्गमम्॥ भगवन् भूतभव्येश लोकनाथ जगत्पते। प्रसादं कुरु शक्रस्य त्वया क्रोधार्दितस्य वै॥
Yourself pervade the whole universe with its mobile and immobile creatures. O lord of the past and the future, O lord of the Lokas, O master of the universe, be propitious on Shakra afflicted as he is with your wrath.

व्यास उवाच पद्मयोनिवचः श्रुत्वा ततः प्रीतो महेश्वरः। प्रसादाभिमुखो भूत्वा अट्टहासमथाकरोत्॥
Vyasa said Hearing the words of the lotus-sprung Divinity, Maheswara then became propitiated and desirous of showering his grace, he then laughed aloud.

ततः प्रसादयामासुरुमां रुद्रं च ते सुराः। अभवच पुनर्बाहुर्यथाप्रकृति वज्रिणः॥
Then the celestials gratified both Uma and Maheswara with eulogies. Then the arm of the wielder of the thunderbolt once more regained its natural state.

तेषां प्रसन्नो भगवान् सपत्नीको वृषध्वजः। देवानां त्रिदशश्रेष्ठो दक्षयज्ञविनाशनः॥
Then that illustrious Divinity whose emblem is the bull and who had destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha, together with his batter half, became gracious on the gods.

स वै रुद्रः स च शिवः सोऽग्निः सर्वश्च सर्ववित्। स चेन्द्रश्चैव वायुश्च सोऽश्विनौ च स विद्युतः॥
He is Rudra, he is Siva, he is Agni, he is all and the knower of all. He is Indra, he is Vayu, he is the twin Asvins and he is lightning.

स भव: स च पर्जन्यो महादेवः सनातनः। स चन्द्रमाः स चेशानः स सूर्यो वरुणश्च सः॥
He is Bhava, he is Parjanya, he is Mahadeva and he is sinless. He is the Moon, he is Ishana, he is the Sun and he is Varuna.

स. काल: सोऽन्तको मृत्युः स यमो राज्यहानि तु। मासार्धमासा ऋतवः संध्ये संवत्सरश्च सः॥
He is Time, he is Destroyer, he is death, he is Yama and day and night; He is a month, a fortnight, as well as the seasons, the twilight's and the complete year.

द्वे धाता च स विधाता च विश्वात्मा विश्वकर्मकृत्। सर्वासां देवतानां च धारयत्यवपुर्वपुः॥
He is Dhata and Vidhata, the soul of the universe and the doer of all acts of the universe. Himself formless, he is thousand and he is hundreds of thousands.

सर्वदेवैः स्तुतो देवः सैकधा बहुधा च सः। शतधा सहस्रधा चैव भूयः शतसहस्रधा॥
He is eulogised by all the gods. He is one and many. He is hundred, he is thousand and he is hundreds of thousands.

तनू तस्य देवस्य वेदज्ञा ब्राह्मणा विदुः। घोरा चान्या शिवा चान्या ते तनू बहुधा पुनः॥
Brahmanas versed in the Vedas, say that he two forms, one is dreadful and the other peaceful-These two again are divided in numerous portions.

घोरा तु या तनुस्तस्य सोऽग्निर्विष्णुः स भास्करः। सौम्या तु पुनरेवास्य आपो ज्योतींषि चन्द्रमाः॥
His terrible forms are Fire, Vishnu and Bhaskara (the Sun); and his peaceful forms are, water, the luminaries and the moon.

वेदा साङ्गोपनिषदः पुराणाध्यात्मनिश्चयाः। यदत्र परमं गुह्यं स वै देवो महेश्वरः॥
Whatever there is highly mysterious in the Vedas, their auxiliaries, in the Upanishads, in the Puranas and in Metaphysics, is identical with the god Maheshvara.

ईदृशश्च महादेवो भूयांश्च भगवानजः। न हि सर्वे मया शक्या वक्तुं भगवतो गुणाः॥
Such is the Lord Mahadeva, that Divinity without birth and that possessor of the six illustrious qualities the Bhagas. It is beyond my power to enumerate all the qualities of that lord.

अपि वर्षसहस्रेण सततं पाण्डुनन्दना सर्वैर्ग्रहैर्गृहीतान् वै सर्वपापसमन्वितान्॥
Even, if, O son of Pandu, I were to recount them for a thousand years. On those who are under the malicious influence of evil stars, on those who are stained with every sin.

स मोचयति सुप्रीतः शरण्यः शरणागतान्। आयुरारोग्यमैश्वर्यं वित्तं कामांश्च पुष्कलान्। ११२॥ स ददाति मनुष्येभ्यः स चैवाक्षिपते पुनः। सेन्द्रादिषु च देवेषु तस्य चैश्वर्यमुच्यते॥
That great protector is pleased and grants them salvation, if indeed they seek refuge in him. He grants and takes away, life, health, prosperity, wealth and all other kinds of desirable objects. The prosperity seen in Indra and other gods is really his.

स चैव व्यापृतो लोके मनुष्याणां शुभाशुभे। ऐश्वर्याच्चैव कामानामीश्वरश्च स उच्यते॥
He is present in both the evils and good that exercise influence over the human kind. He gets by a flat of his will whatever prosperity he desired. Therefore, is he called the Lord Paramount.

महेश्वरच महतां भूतानातीश्वरश्च सः। बहुभिर्बहुधा रूपैर्विश्वं व्याप्नोति वै जगत्॥
He is called Maheshvara and he is the supreme lord superior creatures. In multifarious forms of many kinds, he pervades the universe.

तस्य देवस्य यद् वक्त्रं समुद्रे तदधिष्ठितम्। वडवामुखेति विक्ष्यातं पिबत् तोयमयं हविः॥
What is known as the mouth of that god is the ocean; and it is well-known that assuming the form of the sea-fire it drinks the libations in the shape of water.

एष चैव श्मशानेषु देवो वसति नित्यशः। यजन्त्येनं जनास्तत्र वीरस्थान इतीश्वरम्॥
This Divinity ever dwells in the places of cremation. Men worship this god there where only the braves can go.

अस्य दीप्तानि रूपाणि घोराणि च बहूनि च। लोके यान्यस्य पूज्यन्ते मनुष्याः प्रवदन्ति च॥
The effulgent forms of this lord are many and marvellous; those forms are worshipped in the worlds and are praised and spoken of by men.

नामधेयानि लोकेषु बहून्यस्य यथार्थवत्। निरुच्यन्ते महत्त्वाच विभुत्वात् कर्मणस्तथा॥
Many also are the names of truthful import of the this Divinity. Known in the worlds. Those. names are all founded upon his supremacy, omnipotence and his acts.

वेदे चास्य समाम्नातं शतरुद्रियमुत्तमम्। नाम्ना चानन्तरुद्रेति ह्युपस्थानं महात्मनः॥
In the Vedas, the excellent hymn called Shatarudriya has been sung in his praise, he who is the great Lord called the infinite Rudra.

स कामानां प्रभुर्देवो ये दिव्या ये च मानुषाः। स विभुः स प्रभुर्देवो विश्वं व्याप्नोति वै महत्॥
That divinity is the Lord of all wishes both human and heavenly. He is the Lord Paramount and the supreme ruler and pervades this extensive universe.

ज्येष्ठं भूतं वदन्त्येनं ब्राह्मणा मुनयस्तथा। प्रथमो ह्येष देवानां मुखादस्यानलोऽभवत्॥
The Brahmanas and the sages call him the most ancient of beings. He is the first-born of all the gods and fire came out from his mouth.

सर्वथा यत् पशून् पाति तैश्च यद् रमते पुनः। तेषामधिपतिर्यच तस्मात् पशुपतिः स्मृतः॥
As he always and by every means protects the creature of the universe and always find pleasure in their company and as he is the lord of them all, he is truly called Pasupati.

दिव्यं च ब्रह्मचर्येण लिङ्गमस्य यथा स्थितम्। महयत्येष लोकांश्च महेश्वर इति स्मृतः॥
As his Phallic form is ever present in the observance of the Brahmacharya vow and as it adds to the glory of the world, he is called Maheshvara.

ऋषयश्चैव देवाश्च गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा। लिङ्गमस्यार्चयन्ति स्म तच्चाप्यूक्समास्थितम्॥
The Rishis, the celestials, the Gandharvas and the Apsaras, worship the Phallic emblem of this god, that ever remains erect.

पूज्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् मोदते च महेश्वरः। सुखी प्रीतश्च भवति प्रहृष्टश्चैव शङ्करः॥
When his Phallic unblem is worshipped Maheshvara becomes glad and is pleased and delighted and transported with joy.

यदस्य बहुधा रूपं भूतभव्यभवस्थितम्। स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैवं बहुरूपस्ततः स्मृतः॥
As in the past, the present and the future, the god has many forms, both mobile and immobile, he is truly called Vahurupa.

एकाक्षो जाज्वलनास्ते सर्वतोऽक्षिमयोऽपि वा। क्रोधाद् यश्चाविशल्लोकांस्तस्मात् सर्व इति स्मृतः॥
With one of his eyes blazing forth, he appears to have eyes on all sides of his body; and as in his wrath, he possesses the worlds, he is called Sarva.

धूम्ररूपं च यत् तस्य धूर्जटिस्तेन चोच्यते। विश्वेदेवाश्च यत् तस्मिन् विश्वरूपस्ततः स्मृतः॥१२९
As his form is like that of smoke he is called Dhurjati; and as the Devas in the world are present in him he is called Vishvarupa.

तिस्रो देवीर्यदा चैव भजते भुवनेश्वरः। द्यामपः पृथिवीं चैव त्र्यम्बकश्च ततः स्मृतः॥
As three goddesses viz., the sky, the firmament and the water, ever worship that lord of the worlds, therefore he is truly calied Tryambaka.

समेधयति यन्नित्यं सर्वार्थान् सर्वकर्मसु। शिवमिच्छन् मनुष्याणां तस्मादेष शिवः स्मृतः॥
As he ever helps in the accomplishment of all acts and increased the wealth of men and is engaged in doing good to them, therefore he is called Siva.

सहस्राक्षोऽयुताक्षो वा सर्वतोऽक्षिमयोऽपि वा। यच विश्वं महत् पाति महादेवस्ततः स्मृतः॥
Possessed of thousand or ten thousand eyes or eyes on all sides of his body, as he ever protects the universe, he is called Mahadeva.

महत् पूर्वं स्थितो यच प्राणोत्पत्तिस्थितश्च यत्। स्थितलिङ्गश्च यन्नित्यं तस्मात् स्थाणुरिति स्मृतः॥१३३
As he is Great and Ancient and is the fountain of life and the cause of its continuance and as his Phallic from is eternal, he is called Sthanu.

सूर्याचन्द्रमसोलोके प्रकाशन्ते रुचश्च याः। ताः केशसंज्ञितास्त्र्यक्षे व्योमकेशस्ततः स्मृतः॥
They rays of light that proceeding from the Sun and Moon, are seen in the worlds, are said to be the hair of his head and therefore is he called Vyomakesa.

भूतं भव्यं भविष्यं च सर्वं जगदशेषतः। भव एव ततो यस्माद् भूतभव्यभवोद्भवः॥
Since he is the Past, the Future and the Present and in fact, everything in the universe and since he is the origin of the past, the future and the present, he is for that reason called Bhava.

कपिः श्रेष्ठ इति प्रोक्तो धर्मश्च वृष उच्यते। स देवदेवो भगवान् कीर्त्यतेऽतो वृषाकपिः॥
The word Kapi is said to mean supreme and Vrisha to mean righteousness; therefore that god of gods, the possessor of the illustrious qualities the Bhagas, is called Vrisha Kapi.

ब्रह्माणमिन्द्रं वरुणं यमं धनदमेव च। निगृह्य हरते यस्मात् तस्माद्धर इति स्मृतः॥
As he destroys Brahma, Indra, Varuna, Kubera and Yama, after having afflicted them greatly, therefore he is called Hara.

निमीलिताभ्यां नेत्राभ्यां बलाद् देवो महेश्वरः। ललाटे नेत्रमसृजत् तेन त्र्यक्षः स उच्यते॥
Shutting his two, eyes, that Potent Lord created a third on his forehead by sheer force; and therefore is he called the Three-eyed.

विषमस्थः शरीरेषु समश्च प्राणिनामिह। स वायुर्विषमस्थेषु प्राणोऽपानः शरीरिषु॥
Whatever of soundness or unsoundness there is in the bodies of men, is said to be his manifestation. He is the Pana and Apana breaths in embodied creatures.

पूजयेद् विग्रहं यस्तु लिङ्गं चापि महात्मनः। लिङ्गं पूजयिता नित्यं महतीं श्रियमश्नुते॥
He that ever worships the Phallic emblem of that illustrious god, attains great prosperity even by such worship of his.

ऊरुभ्यामर्धमाग्नेयं सोमार्धं च शिवा तनुः। . आत्मनोऽर्धं तथा चाग्निः सोमोऽर्धं पुनरुच्यते॥
Below his two thighs the forms are fiery, the other half of his soul is fire and half the moon.

तैजसी महती दीप्ता देवेभ्योऽस्य शिवा तनुः। भास्वती मानुषेष्वस्य तनु?राग्निरुच्यते॥
His auspicious form surcharged with energy is more blazing than all the forms of the other gods. Amongst men his blazing and dreadful form is called Fire.

ब्रह्मचर्यं चरत्येष शिवा यास्य तनुस्तया। यास्य घोरतरा मूर्तिः सर्वानत्ति तयेश्वरः॥
With his auspicious form he practices the vow Brahmacharya, whereas with the dreadful form he has, he devours everything.

यनिर्दहति यत् तीक्ष्णो यदुग्रो यत् प्रतापवान्। मांसशोणितमज्जादो यत् ततो रुद्र उच्यते॥
As he burns, as he is keen and fierce and endued with the great prowess and as he devours flesh, blood and marrow, he is called Rudra.

एष देवो महादेवो योऽसौ पार्थ तवाग्रतः। संग्रामे शात्रवान् निघ्नंस्त्वया हृष्टः पिनाकधुक्॥
It is this god of gods, the paramount lord, the wielder of the Pinaka bow, O Partha, whom you have seen go before you slaying your enemies.

सिन्धुराजवधार्थाय प्रतिज्ञाते त्वयानघ। कृष्णेन दर्शितः स्वप्ने यस्तु शैलेन्द्रमूर्धनि॥
After you had vowed to slay the ruler of the Sindhus, O sinless one, Krishna showed your this god, in your deam, seated on the top of that best of mountains.

एष वै भगवान् देवः संग्रामे याति तेऽग्रतः। येन दत्तानि तेऽस्त्राणि यैस्त्वया दानवा हताः॥
He is that illustrious god, who comes first in the battle field, who provided all weapons by which the Danavas were slain by you.

धन्यं यशस्यमायुष्यं पुण्यं वेदैश्च सम्मितम्। देवदेवस्य ते पार्थ व्याख्यातं शतरुद्रियम्॥
O Partha, thus the hymn approved of Vedas and called Sata-rudriya in honour of that god of gods has been explained to thee which is excellent glorious, life-enhancing and sacred.

सर्वार्थसाधनं पुण्यं सर्वकिल्बिषनाशनम्। सर्वपापप्रशमनं सर्वदुःखभयापहम्॥ चतुर्विधमिदं स्तोत्रं यः शृणोति नरः सदा। विजित्य शत्रून् सर्वान् स रुद्रलोके महीयते॥
The hymn of four divisions capable of accomplishing all desired object, destructive of all sins, sacred and able to drive away all stains and to undo all sorrow and all fears. He who listen to this hymn always is succeeds in defeating all his enemies and is highly respected in the region of Rudra.

चरितं महात्मनो नित्यं सांग्रामिकमिदं स्मृतम्। पठन् वै शतरुद्रीयं शृण्वंश्च सततोत्थितः॥ भक्तो विश्वेश्वरं देव मानुषेषु च यः सदा। वरान् कामान् स लभते प्रसन्ने त्र्यम्बके नरः॥
A man who always attentively reads or heard the recitation of this account (Satarudriya) belonging to war of this great deity and who worships devotionally that illustrious lord of universe (Vishveshvara) obtaineth all excellency objects of desire, in consequence of the three-eyed God being gratified with him.

गच्छ युद्ध्यस्व कौन्तेय न तवास्ति पराजयः। यस्य मन्त्री च गोप्ता च पार्श्वस्थो हि जनार्दनः।।१५३
O son of Kunti, Go and fight, defeat is not for thee that hast Janardana on your side for thy adviser and protector.

संजय उवाच एवमुक्त्वार्जुनं संख्ये पराशरसुतस्तदा। जगाम भरतश्रेष्ठ यथागतमरिन्दम॥
Sanjaya said 0 best of Bharata! 0 chastiser of foes! Having addressed Arjuna in these words, the son of Parasara (Vyasa) went away to the place he had come from.

युद्धं कृत्वा महद् घोरं पञ्चाहानि महाबलः। ब्राह्मणो निहतो राजन् ब्रह्मलोकमवाप्तवान्॥
O king, having warred savagely for five days, the Brahmana (Drona) endued with great strength, fell and repaired to the region of Brahma.

स्वधीते यत् फलं वेदे तदस्मिन्नपि पर्वणि। क्षत्रियाणामभीरूणां युक्तमत्र महद् यशः॥
The fruits that arise from a study of the Vedas, arise from the reading of this Parvan also. The great achievements of brave Kshatriyas have bee described here.

य इदं पठते पर्व शृणुयाद् वापि नित्यशः। स मुच्यते महापापैः कृतैोरैश्च कर्मभिः॥
He, who reads or hears the recitation of this Parvan everyday is released from a great sins and the most wicked acts of his life.

यज्ञावाप्तिाह्मणस्येह नित्यं घोरे युद्धे क्षत्रियाणां यश्चा शेषौ वर्णी काममिष्टं लभेते पुत्रान् पौत्रान् नित्यमिष्टांस्तथैव॥
By reading it a Brahmana reaps the fruits of sacrifice, a Kshatriya obtains victory in fierce battle. The other orders (Vaishyas and Sudras) attain desirable sons and grandsons and all wishful objects. O king, having warred savagely for five days, the Brahmana (Drona) endued with great strength, fell and repaired to the region of Brahma.

स्वधीते यत् फलं वेदे तदस्मिन्नपि पर्वणि। क्षत्रियाणामभीरूणां युक्तमत्र महद् यशः॥
The fruits that arise from a study of the Vedas, arise from the reading of this Parvan also. The great achievements of brave Kshatriyas have bee described here.

य इदं पठते पर्व शृणुयाद् वापि नित्यशः। स मुच्यते महापापैः कृतैोरैश्च कर्मभिः॥
He, who reads or hears the recitation of this Parvan everyday is released from a great sins and the most wicked acts of his life.

यज्ञावाप्तिाह्मणस्येह नित्यं घोरे युद्धे क्षत्रियाणां यश्चा शेषौ वर्णी काममिष्टं लभेते पुत्रान् पौत्रान् नित्यमिष्टांस्तथैव॥
By reading it a Brahmana reaps the fruits of sacrifice, a Kshatriya obtains victory in fierce battle. The other orders (Vaishyas and Sudras) attain desirable sons and grandsons and all wishful objects.