None: Chapter 201

The display of Ashvatthaman's prowess

संजय उवाच भीमसेनं समाकीर्णं दृष्ट्वास्रेण धनंजयः। तेजसः प्रतिघातार्थं वारुणेन समावृणोत्॥
Sanjaya said Beholding Bhimasena completely shrouded by that weapon, Dhananjaya for quenching the fire produced by it shot the Varuna weapon.

नालक्षयत तत् कश्चिद् वारुणास्रेण संवृतम्। अर्जुनस्य लघुत्वाच संवृतत्वाच तेजसः॥
The lightness with which Arjuna shot the weapon and also the fiery energy of the Narayana weapon, rendered it impossible for any body to perceive that Bhima was also protected by the Varuna weapon.

साश्वसूतरथो भीमो द्रोणपुत्रास्रसंवृतः। अग्नावग्निरिव न्यस्तो ज्वालामाली सुदुर्दशः॥
His steeds, charioteers and horses covered by the effulgence of the weapon of Drona's son, Bhima then was incapable of being looked at like a blazing fire within another blazing fire.

यथा रात्रिक्षये राजन् ज्योतीष्यस्तागिरि प्रति। समापेतुस्तथा बाणा भीमसेनरथं प्रति॥
Just as at the close of night, all the luminaries fly towards the western hills, so also the shafts of Drona's son flew towards the car of Bhima.

स हि भीमो रथश्चास्य हयाः सूतश्च मारिष। संवृता द्रोणपुत्रेण पावकान्तर्गताऽभवन्॥
Then thus shrouded with shafts by Drona's son, Bhima, his horses and charioteer, O sire, looked as if wrapt in the flames of a blazing fire.

यथा दग्ध्वा जगत् कृत्स्नं समये सचराचरम्। गच्छेद् वह्निर्विभोरास्यं तथास्रं भीममावृणोत्॥
Just as at the hour of the universal annihilation the All-destroying. Fire having burnt down the mobile and immobile creation proceeds to enter the mouth of the Creator, so also that weapon Proceeded to enter the body of Bhima.

सूर्यमग्निः प्रविष्टः स्याद् यथा चाग्निं दिवाकरः। तथा प्रविष्टं तत् तेजो न प्राज्ञायत पाण्डवः॥
Just as the fire penetrating into the Sun or the Sun penetrating into the fire, cannot be perceived by any body so also that weapon entering into Bhima's body could not be perceived.

विकीर्णमस्रं तद् दृष्ट्वा तथा भीमरथं प्रति। उदीर्यमाणं द्रौणिं च निष्प्रतिद्वन्द्वमाहवे॥
Beholding then that weapon swelling in fury near Bhima's chariot and also Drona's son career unopposed on the field of battle.

सर्वसैन्यं च पाण्डूनां न्यस्तशस्रमचेतनम्। युधिष्ठिरपुरोगांश्च विमुखांस्तान् महारथान्॥
And seeing that all the warriors of the Pandava army had laid their weapons aside and that all the mighty car-warriors headed by Yudhishthira had turned their faces away from the field.

अर्जुनो वासुदेवश्च त्वरमाणौ महाद्युती। अवप्लुत्य रथाद् वीरौ भीममाद्रवतां ततः॥
Those two brave heroes of great effulgence viz., Arjuna and Vasudeva, then jumping down from their chariot, ran towards Bhima.

ततस्तद् द्रोणपुत्रस्य तेजोऽस्रबलसम्भवम्। विगाह्य तौ सुबलिनौ माययाऽऽविशतां तथा॥
Those two puissant persons then plunging into the energy born of the might of Ashvatthaman's weapon, betook to their power of illusion.

न्यस्तशस्त्रौ ततस्तौ तु नादहत् सोऽस्रजोऽनलः। वारुणास्रप्रयोगाच वीर्यवत्वाच कृष्णयोः॥
The fire of that weapon failed to burn them down in consequence of their having laid aside their weapons, as also in consequence of their great personal prowess and the energy of the Varuna weapon.

ततश्चकृषतुर्भीमं सर्वशस्त्रायुधानि च। नारायणास्रशान्त्यर्थं नरनारायणौ बलात्॥
Then Nara and Narayana began forcibly to take off all weapons from Bhima and to drag him out of the fire of that weapon.

आकृष्यमाणः कौन्तेयो नदत्येव महारवम्। वर्धते चैव तद् घोरं द्रौणेरस्त्रं सुदुर्जयम्॥
Thus dragged the puissant son of Kunti (Bhima) began to roar aloud, where-upon the invincible weapon of Drona's son also swelled in its fury.

तमब्रवीद वासुदेवः किमिदं पाण्डुनन्दन। वार्यमाणोऽपि कौन्तेय यद् युद्धान्न निवर्तसे॥
Then the son of Vasudeva, addressing (Bhima) said-"O delighter of Pandu, what do you mean? Why don't you desist from fighting though repeatedly for bidden to do so.

यदि युद्धेन जेयाः स्युरिमे कौरवनन्दनाः। वयमप्यव युध्येम तथा चेमे नरर्षभाः॥
Had it been possible now to vanquish the Kouravas in battle, then we as well as all these forest of men would have fought against them.

रथेभ्यस्त्ववतीर्णाः स्म सर्व एव हि तावकाः। तस्मात् त्वमपि कौन्तेय रथात् तूर्णमपाक्रम॥
All your troops have alighted from their chariots, so you also, O son of Kunti, quickly come down from your chariot.

एवमुक्त्वा तु तं कृष्णो रथाद् भूमिमवर्तयत्। निःश्वसन्तं यथा नागं क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनम्॥
Having thus spoken, Krishna dragged him down on the earth, him who was breathing like a snake with eyes coppery with rage.

यदपकृष्टः स रथान्नयासितश्चायुधं भुवि। ततो नारायणास्रं तत् प्रशान्तं शत्रुतापनम्॥
When he was thus dragged down from the car, when he was thus compelled to lay his weapons aside, the Narayana weapon, capable of burning down the foe, became pacified.

संजय उवाच तस्मिन् प्रशान्ते विधिना तेन तेजसि दुःसहे। बभूवुर्विमलाः सर्वा दिशः प्रदिश एव च॥
Sanjaya said When the unbearable energy of that weapon was pacified by this means, all the quarters, subsidiary and cardinal, became clear.

प्रववुश्च शिवा वाताः प्रशान्ता मृगपक्षिणः। वाहनानि च हृष्टानि प्रशान्तेऽस्त्रे सुदुर्जये॥
Auspicious winds began to blow and animals and birds became quiet. The steeds and elephants as well as the warriors themselves became cheerful, O ruler of men.

व्यपोढे च ततो घोरे तस्मिस्तेजसि भारत। बभौ भीमो निश्पाये धीमान् सूर्य इवोदितः॥
O Bharata, when that dreadful energy was thus stilled, the intelligent Bhima shone like the Sun at the close of night.

हतशेषं बलं तत् तु पाण्डवानामतिष्ठत। अस्रव्युपरमासृष्टं तव पुत्रजिघांसया॥
Then the remnant of the Pandava troops, beholding the subsidence of the energy of that weapon, again stood ready in order to slay your sons.

व्यवस्थिते बले तस्मिन्नने प्रतिहते तथा। दुर्योधनो महाराज द्रोणपुत्रमथाब्रवीत्॥
When the Pandava army was rallied and rearranged and when the Narayana weapon was thus counteracted, your son Duryodhana, O king, addressing Drona's son said these

अश्वत्थामन् पुनः शीघ्रमस्त्रमेतत् प्रयोजय। अवस्थिता हि पञ्चालाः पुनरेते जयैषिणः॥
O Ashvatthaman, once more discharged that weapon quickly, for the Panchalas, desirous of victory, have again rallied.

अश्वत्थामा तथोक्तस्तु तव पुत्रेण मारिष। सुदीनमभिनिःश्वस्य राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥
Thus spoken to your son, Ashvatthaman, O sire, depressed and sighing heavily, replied to the king sayingनैतदावर्तते राजन्नत्रं द्विर्नोपपद्यते।

आवृतं हि निवर्तेत प्रयोक्तारं न संशयः॥
That weapon never comes back, neither, O king, can it be used twice. If invoked back it will slay the person invoking it.

एष चास्रप्रतीघातं वासुदेवः प्रयुक्तवान्। अन्यथा विहितः संख्ये वधः शत्रोर्जनाधिप॥
The son of Vasudeva counter acted the weapon by what means you have seen. For this, O ruler of men, the extermination of the foe has not been accomplished in battle.

पराजयो वा मृत्युर्वा श्रेयान् मृत्युन निर्जयः। विजिताश्चारयो होते शस्रोत्सर्गान्मृतोपमाः॥
The worst in battle is either defeat or death. Death is better than defeat. The enemy compelled to lay aside their weapons are vanquished and more than dead.

दुर्योधन उवाच आचार्यपुत्र यद्येतद् द्विरस्त्रं न प्रयुज्यते। अन्यैर्गुरुघ्ना वध्यन्तामस्त्रैरस्त्रविदां वर॥
Duryodhana said O son of my preceptor, O you foremost of those versed in the science of weapons, if this weapon cannot be used twice, then slay those slayers of their preceptor with other mighty weapons.

त्वयि शस्राणि दिव्यानि त्र्यम्बके चामितौजसि। इच्छतो न हि ते मुच्येत् संक्रुद्धो हि पुरंदरः॥
Like the three-eyed Mahadeva of infinite energy, you possess all the celestial weapons; even the enraged Indra cannot escape you alive if you wish it not.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तस्मिन्नने प्रतिहते द्रोणे चोपधिना हते। तथा दुर्योधनेनोक्तो द्रौणिः किमकरोत् पुनः॥
Dhritarashtra said When Drona had been slain with underhand measures and when that weapon of his son had been baffled, what did Ashvatthman, urged on by Duryodhana do?

दृष्ट्वा पार्थांश्च संग्रामे युद्धाय समुपस्थितान्। नारायणास्रनिर्मुक्तांश्चरतः पृतनामुखे॥
Beholding the Parthas, rally for the fight and freed from the influence of the Narayana weapon and career at the head of their divisions.

संजय उवाच जानन् पितुः स निधनं सिंहलाङ्गुलकेतनः। सक्रोधो भयमुत्सृज्य सोऽभिदुद्रावे पार्षतम्॥
Sanjaya said Remembering the unfair slaughter of his sire, Drona's son, having the lion's tail as a device on his banner, casting off all fear and filled with fury rushed upon the son of Prisata.

अभिद्रुत्य च विंशत्या क्षुद्रकाणां नरर्षभ। पञ्चभिश्चातिवेगेन विव्याध पुरुषर्षभः॥
Thus assailing him, that foremost of men, at first pierced his enemy with twenty small arrows and then again with five others, with great force.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्ततो राजन् ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्। द्रोणपुत्रं त्रिषष्ट्या तुराजन् विव्याध पत्रिणाम्॥
Thereupon, O king, Dhristadyumna pierced Drona's son looking like a blazing fire, with four and sixty winged arrows.

सारथिं चास्य विंशत्या स्वर्णपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः। हयांश्च चतुरोऽविध्यचतुर्भिनिशितैः शरैः॥
He pierced the latter's charioteer with twenty shafts furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone and the four horses with four very sharp arrows.

विद्धवा विद्ध्वानदद् द्रौणिं कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम्। आददे सर्वलोकस्य प्राणानिव महारणे॥
Repeatedly piercing the son of Drona and making the earth trembling with his roars, Dhristadyumna appeared to be engaged in taking away the lives of every body on the face of earth in that dreadful battle.

पार्षतस्तु बली राजन् कृतास्रः कृतनिश्चयः। द्रौणिमेवाभिदुद्राव मृत्युं कृत्वा निवर्तनम्॥
O king, the son of Prisata was endued with prowess and accomplished in weapons and of resolute purposes. He rushed upon the son of Drona making death to be the final goal.

ततो बाणमयं वर्षं द्रोणपुत्रस्य मूर्धनि। अवासृजदमेयात्मा पाञ्चाल्यो रथिनां वरः॥
Then that foremost of car-warriors, that prince of the Panchalas, of unmeasurable depth of soul, poured a veritable shower of arrows on the head of Drona's son.

तं द्रौणिः समरे क्रुद्धं छादयामास पत्रिभिः। विव्याध चैनं दशभिः पितुर्वधमनुस्मरन्। ४१॥
Thereupon Drona's covered that enraged hero with innumerable winged shafts and remembering the slaughter of his sire, pierced him with ten shafts.

द्वाभ्यां च सुविसृष्टाभ्यां क्षाभ्यां ध्वजकार्मुके। छित्त्वा पाञ्चालराजस्य द्रौणिरन्यैः समार्दयत्॥
Cutting down the bow and the standard of the Panchala prince with two well-directed razor-headed arrows, the son of Drona began to afflict the former with numerous other shafts.

व्यश्वसूतरथं चैनं द्रौणिश्चक्रे महाहवे। तस्य चानुचरान् सर्वान् क्रुद्धः प्राद्रावयच्छरैः॥
Drona's son deprived his opponent of his horses, chariot and driver; and he, worked up with rage, covered the latter's followers with myriads of arrows.

ततः प्रदुद्रवे सैन्यं पाञ्चालानां विशाम्पते। सम्भ्रान्तरूपमार्तं च न परस्परमैक्षत॥
Thereupon, O ruler of men, the troops of the Panchalas broke and fled away; their appearance reflected fear and they were greatly distressed and mangled with shaft-cuts. son arrows

दृष्ट्वातु विमुखान् योधान् धृष्टद्युम्नं च पीडितम्। शैनेयोऽचोदयत् तूर्णं रथं द्रौणिरथं प्रति॥
Then beholding the troops turning back and Dhristadyumna greatly afflicted, the graidson of Shini, directed his chariot to be driven in haste towards that of Drona's son.

अष्टभिर्निशितैर्बाणैरश्वत्थामानमार्दयत्। विंशत्या पुनराहत्य नानारूपैरमर्षणः॥
With eight sharp afflicted Ashvatthman; they once more he pierced his revengeful adversary with another twenty shafts of diverse shape.

विव्याध च तथा सूतं चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्। धनुर्ध्वजं च संयत्तश्चिच्छेद कृतहस्तवत्॥
He pierced his opponent's driver and the four horses with four arrows; and then like one endued with great lightness of hand, he cut-off his bow and standard with well-armed shafts.

स साश्वं व्यधमचापि रथं हेमपरिष्कृतम्। हृदि विव्याध समरे त्रिंशता सायकैभृशम्॥
He consumed the horses of his antagonist and shattered his car of golden effulgence; then he pierced the latter on the centre of his breast with twenty shafts.

एवं स पीडितो राजन्नश्वत्थामा महाबलः। शरजालैः परिवृतः कर्तव्यं नान्वपद्यत॥
Thus afflicted and enshrouded in a network of arrows, the puissant Ashvatthaman, O king, knew not what to do.

एवं गते गुरोः पुत्रे तव पुत्रो महारथः। कृपकर्णादिभिः सार्धं शरैः सात्वतमावृणोत्॥
When the preceptor's son was involved in such a perilous position, your son, that mighty car-warrior, supported by Kripa, Karna and others, began to cover that scion of the Satvata race with numerous arrows.

दुर्योधनस्तु विंशत्या कृपः शारद्वतस्रिभिः। कृतवर्माथ दशभिः कर्णः पञ्चाशता शरैः॥
Then Duryodhana with twenty Saradvata's son Kripa with three, Kritavarman with ten, Karna with fifty.

दुःशासनः शतेनैव वृषसेनश्च सप्तभिः। सात्यकि विव्यधुस्तूर्णं समन्तान्निशितैः शरैः॥
Dushasana with hundred and Vrishasena with seven sharp arrows pierced Satyaki quickly and form all sides.

ततः स सात्यकी राजन् सर्वानेव महारथान्। विरथान् विमुखांश्चैव क्षणेनैवाकरोन्नृप॥
Thereupon, O king, the puissant Satyaki deprived all those mighty car-warriors of their cars and compelled them to turn away from the field of battle, within a moment's time.

अश्वत्थामा तु सम्प्राप्य चेतनां भरतर्षभ। चिन्तयामास दुःखार्ता निःश्वसंश्च पुनः पुनः॥
Meanwhile Ashvatthaman having regained his senses, began, O foremost of the Bharatas, to reflect, distressed with grief and sighing repeatedly.

अथो स्थान्तरं द्रौणिः समारुह्य परंतपः। सात्यकिं वारयामास किरशरशतान् बहून्॥
Thereafter that afflicter of foes, namely, Drona's son, riding on another car proceeded to oppose Satyaki and shot hundreds of arrows.

तमापतन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य भारद्वाजसुतं रणे। विरथं विमुखं चैव पुनश्चक्रे महारथः॥
Then beholding that son of Bharadvaja's son once wore advance against him in battle, the mighty car-warrior Satyaki once more compelled him to turn away and deprived him of his car.

ततस्ते पाण्डवा राजन् दृष्ट्वा सात्यकिविक्रमम्। शङ्खशब्दान् भृशं चक्रुः सिंहनादांश्च नेदिरे॥
Thereat the Pandavas beholding the prowess of Satyaki, O king, loudly blew their conches and uttered deafening war-cries.

एवं तं विरथं कृत्वा सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। जघान वृषसेनस्य त्रिसाहस्रान् महारथान्॥
Then Satyaki of infallible prowess, thus rendering Drona's son carless, slew the three thousand mighty car-warriors engaged in supporting Vrishasena.

निजधान सः। अयुतं दन्तिनां साधु कृपस्य पञ्चायुतानि चाश्वानां शकुनेर्निजघान ह॥
He also slew ten thousand tusked elephants that accompanied Kripa, as also fifty thousand horses that constituted Skuni's division.

ततो द्रौणिर्महाराज रथमारुह्य वीर्यवान्। सात्यकिं प्रतिसंक्रुद्धः प्रययौ तद्वधेप्सया॥
Then once more, O king, the valorous son of Drona, mounting on a fresh car and excited to the highest pitch of fury assailed Satyaki for slaughtering him.

पुनस्तमागतं दृष्ट्वा शैनेयिा निशितैः शरैः। अदारयत् क्रूरतरैः पुन: पुनररिंदम॥
But the grandson of Shini that subduer of foes seeing him once more proceed against him, ruthlessly pierced him with numerous sharp arrows.

सोऽतिविद्धो महेष्वासौ नानालिङ्गैरमर्षणः। युयुधानेन वै द्रौणिः प्रहसन् वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
But this time, though thus deeply pierced by Yuyudhana with of diverse descriptions, that mighty bowmen, that son of Drona, worked up with rage, addressing his

शैनेयाभ्युपपत्तिं ते जानाम्याचार्यघातिनि। न चैनं त्रास्यसि मया ग्रस्तमात्मानमेव च॥
O grandson of Shini, I know the partiality you bear for the murderer of his preceptor (viz., Dhristadyumna), but you shall not succeed in saying him and your own self when assailed by me.

शपेऽऽत्मनां शैनेय सत्येन तपसा तथा। अहत्वा सर्वपाञ्चालान् यदि शान्तिमहं लभे॥
By my truth and by my ascetic austerities, I swear before you, that I shall enjoy no rest without slaying the whole Panchalas race.

यद् बलं पाण्डवेयानां वृष्णीनामपि यद् बलम्। क्रियतां सर्वमेवेह निहनिष्यामि सोमकान्॥
You may unite together the troops of the Pandavas as well as those of the Vrishnis, yet I will exterminate the Somakas inspite of all their endeavours. arrows

एवमुक्त्वार्करश्म्याभं सुतीक्ष्णं तं शरोत्तमम्। व्यसृज्यत् सात्वते द्रौणिर्वज्रं वृत्रे यथा हरिः॥
Having thus spoken, Drona's son hurled at that scion of the Satvata race an excellent arrow of the effulgence of the solar rays, like Hari (Indra) hurling the thunder-bolt against Vritra.

स तं निर्भिद्य तेनास्तः सायकः सशरावरम्। विवेश वसुधा भित्त्वा श्वसन् बिलमिवोरगः॥
That arrow hurled by him, penetrating through the armour and the body of Satyaki, entered the earth like a hissing serpent entering its hole.

स भिन्नकवचः शूरस्तोत्रादित इव द्विपः। विमुच्य सशरं चायं भूरिव्रणपरिस्रवः॥
Then like an elephant afflicted with the goad-stroke, with his armour pierced through and shedding copious blood from the wound, that hero Satyaki left his bow and arrows.

सीदन् रुधिरसिक्तश्च रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्। सूतेनापहृतस्तूर्णं द्रोणपुत्राद् रथान्तरम्॥
And steeped in blood and loosing strength he squatted down on the terrace of his car. His driver then quickly drove him away from the vicinity of Drona's son.

अथान्येन सुपुढेन शरेणानतपर्वणा। आजधान भ्रुवोर्मध्ये धृष्टद्युम्नं परंतपः॥
Then that afflicter of his forces namely the son of Drona, pierced Dhristadyumna between his bows with another shaft of depressed knots furnished with beautiful wings.

स पूर्वमतिविद्धश्च भृशं पश्चाच पीडितः। ससादाथ च पाञ्चाल्यो व्यपाश्रयत च ध्वजम्॥
The Panchala prince had ere this been much wounded and now deeply hierced, he lost all his strength and caught pold of his flag-staff for supporting him.

तं नागमिव सिंहेन दृष्ट्वा राजशरादितम्। जवेनाभ्यद्रवञ्छूराः पञ्च पाण्डवतो रथाः॥
Then fierce heroic warriors of the Pandava army rushed quickly to the rescue of an Dhristadyumna, who then resembled elephant assailed and afflicted by an enraged lion.

किरीटी भीमसेनश्च वृद्धक्षत्रश्च पौरवः। युवराजश्च चेदीनां मालवश्च सुदर्शनः॥
Those warriors were the diadem decked Arjuna, Bhimasena, Vrihat Kshatra of Puru's race, the youthful prince of the Chedis and Sudarsana the ruler of the Malavas.

एते हाहाकृताः सर्वे प्रगृहीतशरासनाः। वीरं द्रौणायनिं वीराः सर्वतः पर्यवारयन्॥
Then all these brave warriors crying Oh and Alas and grasping their bows and arrows surrounded Drona's brave son on all sides.

ते विंशतिपदे यत्ता गुरुपुत्रममर्षणम्। पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिर्बाणैरभ्यजन् सर्वतः समम्॥
Advancing twenty paces, each of these warriors shot with great care, five arrows at the revengeful son of Drona.

आशीविषाभैर्विंशत्या पञ्चभिस्तु शितैः शरैः। चिच्छेद युगपद् द्रौणिः पञ्चविंशतिसायकान्॥
But Drona's son, almost at the same time cut-off those twenty-five arrows shot at him with twenty-five sharp arrows of his own, resembling snakes of virulent poison.

सप्तभिस्तु शितैर्बाणैः पौरवं द्रौणिरादयत्। मालवं त्रिभिरेकेन पार्थं षड्भिर्वृकोदरम्॥
Then Drona's son afflicted the scion of the Puru race with seven sharp arrows, the Malava king with three, Partha with one and Vrikodara with six.

ततस्ते विव्यधुः सर्वे द्रौणिं राजन् महारथाः। युगपच पृथक् चैव रुक्मपुत्रैः शिलाशितैः॥
Thereupon, O king, all those mighty carwarriors, simultaneously and separately began to pierce the son of Drona with gold-winged arrows whetted on stone.

युवराजश्च विंशत्या द्रौणिं विव्याध पत्रिभिः। पार्थश्च पुनरष्टाभिस्तथा सर्वे त्रिभित्रिभिः॥
The youthful prince of the Chedis pierced Drona's son with twenty winged shafts, Partha with eight and all the rest with three arrows each.

ततोऽर्जुनं षड्भिरथाजधान द्रौणायनिर्दशभिर्वासुदेवम्। भ्यां द्वाभ्यां मालवं पौरवं च॥
Thereupon the son of Drona pierced Arjuna with six and Vasudeva's son with ten and Bhima with five and the youthful Chedi prince with four and the ruler of the Purus and the Malavas with couple of shafts.

भ्यां विद्ध्वा कार्मुकं च ध्वजं चा पुनः पार्थं शरवप्रेण विद्ध्वा द्रौणिोरं सिंहनादं ननाद॥
Piercing Bhima's charioteer with six and cutting off his bow and standard with two other arrows and once more piercing Partha with a shower of arrows, the son of Drona uttered a dreadful war-cry.

तस्यास्यतस्तान् निशितान् पीतधारान् द्रौणे: शरान् पृष्ठतश्चाग्रतश्चा धरा वियद् द्यौः प्रदिशो दिशश्च च्छन्ना बाणैरभवन् घोररूपैः॥
Then as Drona's son shot his welltempered, well-sharpened arrows, the earth, the welkin, the firmament, the cardinal and subsidiary quarters, all in his front and rear became covered with arrows of dreadful look.

आसन्नस्य स्वरथं तीव्रतेजाः। सुदर्शनस्येन्द्रकेतुप्रकाशौ। सिभिः शरैर्युगपत् संचकर्त॥
Possessed of fierce energy and matching Indra himself in prowess, Ashvatthaman with three arrows, almost at the same time cut-off the two arms, like Indra's poles and the head of Sudarsana, as the latter was seated on his car.

स पौरवं रथशक्त्या निहत्य छित्त्वा रथं तिलशश्चास्य बाणैः। छित्त्वा च बाहू वरचन्दनाक्ती भल्लेन कायाच्छिर उच्चकर्त॥
Then piercing Paurava with a lance and cutting off his chariot into smaller fragments, by means of his shafts, Ashvatthaman severed the two sandal-smeared arms of his opponent; and then with a bhalla he severed his head from his trunk.

युवानमिन्दीवरदामवर्णं चेदिप्रभुं युवराज प्रसह्या विद्ध्वा प्रादान्मृत्यवे साश्वसूतम्॥
Endued with agility, he then pierced with numerous arrows resembling blazing flames of fire in energy, the young and the puissant prince of the Chedis of complexion like that of a blue lotus and then detached him to Death's domain, together with his steeds and driver.

पालवं पौरवं चैव युवराजं च चेदिपम्। दृष्ट्वा समक्षं निहतं द्रोणपुत्रेण पाण्डवः॥
Then beholding the king of the Malavas, the Paurava prince and the youthful ruler of the Chedis slain under his very eyes by the son of Drona, Pandu's son.

भीमसेनो महाबाहुः क्रोधमाहारयत् परम्। ततः शरशतैस्तीक्ष्णैः संक्रुद्धाशीविषोपमैः॥
Bhimasena of mighty arms became filled with terrible rage; then with hundreds of sharp arrows, looking like enraged snakes.

छादयामास समरे द्रोणपुत्रं परंतपः। ततो द्रौणिर्महातेजाः शरवर्षं निहत्य तम्॥
That scorcher of foes covered the son of Drona. Then the highly powerful son of Drona baffling that shower of arrows.

विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैर्भीमसेनममर्षणः। ततो भीमो महावाहुयॊणेर्युधि महाबलः॥
Wrathfully pierced Bhima with sharp arrows. Then the mighty armed Bhima, possessed of great mighty in battle.

क्षुरप्रेण धनुश्छित्त्वा द्रौणिं विव्याध पत्रिणा। तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं द्रोणपुत्रो महामनाः॥
Cutting off the bow of Drona's son with a razor-headed arrows pierced him with a winged shaft. Thereupon the high-souled son of Drona, throwing off that severed bow.

अन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय भीमं विव्याध पत्रिभिः। तौ द्रौणिभीमौ समरे पराक्रान्तौ महाबलौ॥
Took up another and pierced Bhima with winged shafts. Then Drona's son and Bhima, both valourous and possessed of might, in that battle.

अवर्षतां शरवर्षं वृष्टिमन्ताविवाम्बुदौ। भीमनामाङ्किता बाणाः स्वर्णपुङ्खाः शिलाशिताः॥
Showered upon each other their arrowy showers like two clouds discharged with rain. Shafts, equipped with golden wing and bearing the name of Bhima and whetted on stone.

द्रौणिं संछादयामासुर्घनौघा इव भास्करम्। तथैव द्रौणिनिर्मुक्तैर्भीमः संनतपर्वभिः॥ अवाकीर्यत स क्षिप्रं शरैः शतसहस्रशः। स च्छाद्यमानः समरे द्रौणिना रणशालिना॥
Covered Drona's son like masses of clouds covering the Sun, Similarly Bhima also was quickly covered over with hundreds and thousands of arrows of depressed knots, shot by Drona's son. Covered in battle by Drona's son accomplished in battle.

न विव्यथे महाराज तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्। ततो भीमो महाबाहुः कार्तस्वरविभूषितान्॥ नाराचान् दश सम्प्रैषीद् यमदण्डनिभाञ्छितान्। ते जत्रुदेशमासाद्य द्रोणपुत्रस्य मारिष॥
O Mighty monarch, Bhima was not at all pained; and that looked indeed wonderful. Then the mighty-arined Bhima discharged ten gold-decked of great keenness resembling the darts of Death himself, at his adversary. Those shafts, O sire, falling upon the shoulder of Drona's son.

निर्भिद्य विविशुस्तूर्णं वल्मीकमिव पन्नगाः। सोऽतिविद्धो भृशं द्रौणिः पाण्डवेन महात्मना॥
Quickly pierced her body like snakes entering into an ant-hill. Thus deeply pierccd by the lustrious son of Pandu, Drona's son. arrows

ध्वजयष्टिं समासाद्य न्यमीलयत लोचने। स मुहूर्तात् पुनः संज्ञांलब्वा द्रौणिर्नराधिप॥
Caught for support his flag-staff and shout his two eyes (in pain). But in a moment regaining his consciousness that on of Drona, Oking.

क्रोधं परममातस्थौ समरे रुधिरोक्षितः। दृढं सोऽभिहतस्तेन पाण्डवेन महात्मना॥
Became excited to the highest pitch of anger, steeped as he was with profuse blood. Wounded deeply and firmly by the high-souled son of Pandu.

वेगं चक्रे महाबाहुर्भीमसेनस्थं प्रति। तत आकर्णपूर्णानां शराणां तिग्मतेजसाम्॥ शतमाशीविषाभानां प्रेषयामास भारत। भीमोऽपि समरश्लाघी तस्य वीर्यमचिन्तयन्॥
That mighty arined hero rushed furiously upon the chariot of Bhimasena. Then, O Bharata, he sped a group of hundred arrows, all endued with fiery energy, shot from a string drawn back to the car and resembling snakes of virulent poison. Ever boastful in battle and in utter disregard of the prowess of his adversary Bhima.

तूर्णं प्रासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि पाण्डवः। ततो द्रौणिर्महाराज छित्त्वास्य विशिखैर्धनुः॥
That son of Pandu, soon discharged dreadful arrowy showers in Drona's son. Thereupon, O mighty monarch, cutting off with sharp arrows the bow of his foe, Drona's son.

आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धः पाण्डवं निशितैः शरैः। ततोऽन्यद् धनुरादाय भीमसेनो ह्यमर्षणः॥
Wrathfully struck Pandu's son on the breast with extremely keen darts. Thereat filled with a eager desire for revenge Bhimasena took up another bow.

विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैौणिं पञ्चभिराहवे। जीमूताविव धर्मान्ते तो शरौघप्रवर्षिणौ॥
And with fine sharp arrows pierced Drona's son in battle. Like two clouds at the expiration of summer, those two warriors, pouring showers of arrows.

अन्योन्यक्रोधताम्राक्षौ छादयामासतुर्युधि। तलशब्दैस्ततो घोरैस्रासयन्तौ परस्परम्॥ अयुध्येतां सुसंरब्धौ कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ। ततो विस्फार्य सुमहचापं रुक्मविभूषितम्॥
And looking at each other with eyes coppery in rage soon covered each other. Thus covering each other and both filled with rage they fought on with each other producing sounds with their palms and desirous of counteracting each other's feats. Then stretching his mighty bow decked with gold.

भीमं प्रेक्षत स द्रौणिः शरानस्यन्तमन्तिकात्। शरद्यहर्मध्यगतो दीप्तार्चिरिव भास्करः॥
Drona's son cast burning glances on Bhima who was shooting arrows at him from his vicinity. Ashvatthaman then appeared like the Sun shining in the meridian in a day of Autumn.

आददानस्य विशिखान् संदधानस्य चाशुगान्। विकर्षतो मुञ्चतश्च नान्तरं ददृशुर्जनाः॥
So quickly did he then shot his arrows that people could not mark when he took them out of his quiver, placed them on his bow-string, drew the string back and let them off.

अलातचक्रप्रतिमं तस्य मण्डलमायुधम्। द्रौणेरासीन्महाराज बाणान् विसृजतस्तदा॥
Then as he shot those shafts, O mighty monarch, the bow of Drona's son looked like a circle of fire.

धनुश्च्युताः शरास्तस्य शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। आकाशे प्रत्यदृश्यन्त शलभानामिवायतीः॥
Arrows shot from his bow then, in hundreds and thousands, were seen to range through the welkin, like flights of locusts.

ते तु द्रौणिविनिर्मुक्ताः शरा हेमविभूषिताः। अजसमन्वकीर्यन्त घोरा भीमरथं प्रति॥
Those arrows discharged from the bow of Drona's son and decked with gold and dreadful, feel incessantly upon Bhima's car.

तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम भीमसेनस्य विक्रमम्। बलं वीर्यं प्रभावं च व्यवसायं च भारत॥
We then behold the wonderful prowess, energy, mighty, perseverance and strength of Pandu's son Bhima, O Bharata.

तां स मेघादिवोद्भूतां बाणवृष्टिं समन्ततः। जलवृष्टिं महाघोरां तपान्त इव चिन्तयन्॥
Inasmuch as considering that dreadful showers of arrows, thick as a dense mass of gathering clouds falling round him, to be nothing more than a shower of rain at the close of summer.

द्रोणपुत्रवधप्रेप्सुर्भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। अमुञ्चच्छरवर्षाणि प्रावृषीव बलाहकः॥
Bhima of terrible prowess, desirous of slaughtering the son of Drona, in return poured his arrowy showers upon his foe, like a cloud in the season of rains.

तद् रुक्मपृष्ठं भीमस्य धनुर्घोरं महारणे। विकृष्यमाणं विबभौ शक्रचापमिवापरम्॥
Then the mighty and formidable bow of Bhima, of golden staff stretched continuously in that battle appeared beautiful like another bow of Indra (rainbow).

तस्माच्छराः प्रादुरासञ्छतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। संछादयन्तः समरे द्रौणिमाहवशोभिनम्॥
Issuing out of it, hundreds and thousands of shafts covered, in that battle, that ornament of battle namely Drona's son.

तयोर्विसृजतोरेवं शरजालानि मारिष। वायुरप्यन्तरा राजन् नाशक्नोत् प्रतिसर्पितुम्॥
The arrowy showers discharged by them were so thick that the very wind, O sire, could not find space for blowing through them, O king.

तथा द्रौणिर्महाराज शरान् हेमविभूषितान्। तैलधौतान् प्रसन्नाग्रान् प्राहिणोद् वधकासया॥
Thereafter Drona's son, O king, shot at Bhima, desirous or slaying him, arrows of keen points, washed with oil.

तानन्तरिक्षे विशिखैसिधैकैकमशातयत्। विशेषयन् द्रोणसुतं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
Then exhibiting his superiority over his adversary Bhimasena cut each of those shafts into three fragments, before they could reach him. And the latter then said “Wait, Wait.'

पुनश्च शरवर्षाणि घोराण्युग्राणि पाण्डवः। व्यसृजद् बलवान् क्रुद्धो द्रोणपुत्रवधेप्सया॥ ततोऽसमायया तूर्णं शरवृष्टिं निवार्य ताम्। धनुश्चिच्छेद भीमस्य द्रोणपुत्रो महास्त्रवित्॥
Thereupon, Drona's son, acquainted with the use of the most excellent weapons, soon destroying that arrowy shower by the illusive force of his own weapons, cut-off Bhima's bow in that battle.

शरैश्चैनं सुबहुभिः क्रुद्धः संख्ये पराभिनत्। स छिन्नधन्वा बलवान् रथशक्तिं सुदारुणम्॥ वेगेनाविध्य चिक्षेप द्रोणपुत्ररथं प्रति। तामापतन्ती सहसा महोल्काभां शितैः शरैः॥ चिच्छेद समरे द्रौणिर्दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्। एतस्मिन्नन्तरे भीमो दृढमादाय कार्मुकम्॥ द्रौणिं विव्याध विशिखैः स्मयमानो वृकोदरः। ततो द्रौणिर्महाराज भीमसेनस्य सारथिम्॥ ललाटे दारयामास शरेणानतपर्वणा। सोऽतिविद्धो बलवता द्रोणपुत्रेण सारथिः॥
Inflamed with fury he then pierced Bhima himself with numerous shafts. Then the highly puissant Bhima, when his bow was cut-off, having whirled with impetuosity a lance hurled it at Ashvatthaman's car. But the son of Drona, displaying his great lightness of hands, cut-off by means of his keen-arrows that lance as it flew towards himself, burning like a flamebeam. Meanwhile the formidable Bhima taking up a very strong bow smilingly began to wound the son of Drona with innumerable arrows. Then the son of Drona, O king, pierced the forehead of Bhima's driver with a straightflying arrow. The latter then thus deeply pierced by the mighty son of Drona.

व्यामोहमगमद् राजन् रश्मीनुत्सृज्यवाजिनाम्। ततोऽश्वाः प्राद्रवंस्तूर्णं मोहिते रथसारथौ॥

भीमसेनस्य राजेन्द्र पश्यतां सर्वधन्विनाम्। तं दृष्ट्वा प्रद्रुतै प्रद्रुतैरश्वैरपकृष्टं रणाजिरात्॥
Was overwhelmed with a swoon and the reins of the horses fell off from his hands. Then when the charioteer of Bhima overwhelmed with a swoon the horses, O king, no longer restrained, fled away in great speed in the presence of all bowmen. Then seeing Bhima borne away from the field by those steeds.

दध्मौ प्रमुदितः शङ्ख बृहन्तमपराजितः। तत: सर्वे च पञ्चाला भीमसेनश्च पाण्डवः॥
The victorious Ashvatthaman cheerfully blew his large conch. Beholding Bhimasena carried away from the field, the Panchalas.

धृष्टद्युम्नरथं त्यक्त्वा भीताः सम्प्राद्रवन् दिशः। तान् प्रभग्नांस्ततो द्रौणिः पृष्ठतो विकिरशरान्॥ अभ्यवर्तत वेगेन कालयन् पाण्डुवाहिनीम्। ते वध्यमानाः समरे द्रोणपुत्रेण पार्थिवाः॥ द्रोणपुत्रभयाद् राजन् दिश: सर्वाश्च भेजिरे॥
Filled with fear, abandoned the car of Dhristadyumna and fled in all directions. Then Drona's son discharging his arrows with great fury, pursued those routed troops spreading a terrible carnage in their ranks. Thus carnaged by the son of Drona those Kshatriya fled away in all directions from fear of that illustrious warrior.