None: Chapter 199

The rage of Dhristadyumna and Satyaki

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच साङ्गा वेदा यथान्यायं येनाधीता महात्मना। यस्मिन् साक्षाद् धनुर्वेदो ह्रीनिषेवे प्रतिष्ठितः॥
Dhritarashtra said Thai high-souled person who had duly studied the Vedas and their auxiliaries, he who had mastered this entire science of arms and who possessed modesty.

यस्य प्रसादात् कुर्वन्ति कर्माणि पुरुषर्षभाः। अमानुषाणि संग्रामे देवैरसुकराणि च॥
That Drona son of mighty sage, who had been insulted by the low-minded, cruel and mcan Dhristadyumna the slayer of his preceptor.

तस्पिन्नाक्रुश्यति द्रोणे समक्षं पापकर्मणा। नीचात्मना नृशंसेन क्षुद्रेण गुरुघातिना॥
That Drona through whose grace the foremost of men still achieve superhuman feats difficult of being achieved even by the gods and the Asuras.

नामर्षं तत्र कुर्वन्ति धिक् क्षात्रं धिगमर्षिताम्। पार्थाः सर्वे च राजानः पृथिव्यां ये धनुर्धराः॥
When that Drona suffered such an insult at the hands of that most sinful Dhristadyumna under the very eyes of all the warriors present, was there no Kshatriya who was then inspired with wrath? Fie on the Kshatriya order and fie on wrath itself!

श्रुत्वा किमाहुः पाञ्चाल्यं तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय।
Tell me, O Sanjaya, what did the Parthas or the other kings of the earth, all illustrious warriors, say, having heard the words of the Panchala prince?

संजय उवाच श्रुत्वा द्रुपदपुत्रस्य ता वाचः क्रूरकर्मणः॥ तूष्णीं बभूवू राजानः सर्व एव विशाम्पते।
Sanjaya said Hcaring those words of the ruthless son of Drupada, O king, all the rulers of the earth remained silent.

अर्जुनस्तु कटाक्षेण जिह्यं विप्रेक्ष्य पार्षतम्॥ सबाष्यंमतिनिःश्वस्य धिग्धिगित्येव चाब्रवीत्।
But Arjuna only casting side glances at Prisata's son and sighing and shedding copious tears said 'fie, fie.'

युधिष्ठिरश्च भीमश्च यमौ कृष्णस्तथापरे॥ आसन् सुव्रीडिता राजन् सात्यकिस्त्वब्रवीदिदम्।
Yudhishthira and Bhima and the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) and Krishna himself were overwhelmed with shame, o king. Then Satyaki spoke these words-

नेहास्ति पुरुषः कश्चिद् य इमं पापपूरुषम्। भाषमाणमकल्याणं शीघ्रं हन्यान्नराधमम्।
Is there nobody that will quickly dispatch this sinful, low and cursed wretch, even when he is thus speaking?

एते त्वां पाण्डवाः सर्वे कुत्सयन्ति विकुत्सया॥ कर्मणा तेन पापेन श्वपाकं ब्राह्मण इव।
Like the Brahmanas blaming a Chandala, all these Pandavas are reproaching you for your having perpetrated his sinful act.

एतत् कृत्वा महत् पापं निन्दितः सर्वसाधुभिः॥ न लज्जसे कथं वक्तुं समिति प्राप्य शोभनाम्।
Having perpetrated the most sinful act and condemned by the pious, do you not fell ashamed to open your lips in this august assemblage?

कथं च शतधा जिह्वा न ते मूर्धा च वीर्यते॥ गुरुमाक्रोशतः क्षुद्र न चाधर्मेण पात्यसे।
O despicable wretch, why did not your tongue and your cursed head go off into thousand fragments, when you were on the point of slaying your preceptor? Why were you not smitten down by that sinful act?

वाच्चस्त्वमसि पार्थश्च सर्वेश्चान्धकवृष्णिभिः॥ यत् कर्म कलुषं कृत्वा श्लाघसे जनसंसदि।
You richly merit the condemnation of the Parthas and all the Vrishnis and the Andhakas inasmuch as perpetrating this sinful act, you are boasting of it in the presence of this august assembly.

अकार्यं तादृशं कृत्वा पुनरेव गुरुं क्षिपन्॥ वध्यस्त्वं न त्वयार्थोऽस्ति मुहूर्तमपि जीवता।
Having committed the most heinous act of sin, you further reveal you hatred for the preceptor. For this you deserve to be slain; there is no use in sparing your life even for a moment.

कस्त्वेतद् व्यवसेदार्यस्त्वदन्यः पुरुषाधम॥ निगृह्य केशेषु वधं गुरोर्धर्मात्मनः सतः।
What other sinful wretch, except yourself, will dare cause the virtuous preceptor's death, holding him by his hoary locks?

सप्तावरे तथा पूर्वे बान्धवास्ते निमज्जिताः॥ यशसा च परित्यक्तास्त्वां प्राप्य कुलपांसनम्।
Having obtained you-the disgrace to their race-for their descendant, seven generations before you and seven after, in your race, have sunk in hell, being deprived of their glory.

उक्तवांश्चापि यत् पार्थे भीष्मं प्रति नरर्षभम्॥ तथान्तो विहितस्तेन स्वयमेव महात्मना।
You have accused Partha that foremost of men with the slaughter of Bhisma. But this latter illustrious personage has hiinself caused his own destruction.

तस्यापि तव सोदर्यो निहन्ता पापकृत्तमः॥ नान्यः पाञ्चाल्यपुत्रेभ्यो विद्यते भुवि पापकृत्।
Indeed that vilest of wretches viz., your uterine brother Sikhandin, was the cause of Bhisma's death. Really there is no one more sinful on the face of the earth, than the sons of Panchala king

स चापि सृष्टः पित्रा ते भीष्मस्यान्तकरः किल॥ शिखण्डी रक्षितस्तेन स च मृत्युर्महात्मनः।
Your father had begotten Sikhandin for the slaughter of Bhishma. As regards Arjuna he only protected your brother when he caused the death of the high-souled Bhishma.

पञ्चालाश्चलिता धर्मात् क्षुद्रा मित्रगुरुदुहः॥ त्वां प्राप्य सहसोदर्यं धिक्कृतं सर्वसाधुभिः।
The Panchalas have gone astray from the paths of rectitude and like despicable wretches they are injuring their friends and their preceptors, only for having obtained yourself and your brother, hated by the pious, among themselves.

पुनश्चेदीदृशीं वाचं मत्समीपे वदिष्यसि॥ शिरस्ते पोथयिष्यामि गदया वज्रकल्पया।
If you again speak such words before re, I shall knock down your head with a mace resembling the bolt of heaven.

त्वां च ब्रह्महणं दृष्ट्वा जनः सूर्यमवेक्षते॥ ब्रह्महत्या हि ते पापं प्रायश्चित्तार्थमात्मनः।
Stained as you are with the sin of Brahmanicide, people looking at you the slayer of a Brahmana, have to look at the Sun for purifying themselves.

पाञ्चालक सुदुर्वृत्त ममेव गुरुमग्रतः॥ गुरोर्गुरुं च भूयोऽपि क्षिपन्नैव हि लजसे।
Ill-mannered wretch of Panchala, villifying my own preceptor in the first instance and then my preceptor's preceptor, why don't you feel ashamed?

तिष्ठ तिष्ठ सहस्वैकं गदापातमिमं मम॥ तव चापि सहिष्येऽहं गदापाताननेकशः।
'Wait, Wait.' Bear but this single stroke of my mace. I will bear many strokes of that of yours."

सात्वतेनैवमाक्षिप्तः पार्षतः परुषाक्षरम्॥ संरब्धं सात्यकिं प्राह संक्रुद्धः प्रहसन्निव।
Thus reproached by that scion of the Satvata race, Prisata's son inspired with wrath, addressed these harsh words to the enraged Satyaki.

धृष्टद्युम्न उवाच श्रूयते श्रूयते चेति क्षम्यते चेति माधव॥ सदानार्योऽशुभः साधु पुरुषं क्षेप्तुमिच्छति।
Dhristadyumna said O you of Madhu's race, I have heard you speak. But I forgive you; yourself sinful and impious, you desire to throw odium on the righteous?

क्षमा प्रशस्यते लोके न तु पापोऽर्हति क्षमाम्॥ क्षमावन्तं हि पापात्मा जितोऽयमिति मन्यते।
Forgiveness is a praise worthy virtue, buy sinful wretches do not deserve it. A wicked fellow regards him who shows forgiveness as powerless (lit : conquered).

स त्वं क्षुद्रसमाचारो नीचात्मा पापनिश्चयः॥ आकेशाग्रान्नखाग्राच्च वक्तव्यो वक्तुमिच्छसि।
Ill-behaved, of low mind and sinful resolutions, you are condemnable from the end of your hair to the tip of your toe. Yet do you desire to censure others?

यः स भूरिश्रवााश्छिन्नभुजः प्रायगतस्त्वया॥ वार्यमाणेन हि हतस्ततः पापतरं नु किम्।
What act can be more unrighteous than that perpetrated by you when, repeatedly prevented, you slew Bhurisrava, whose arm was lopped off and who had betaken to the Praya Yoga?

गाहमानो मया द्रोणो दिव्येनास्त्रेण संयुगे॥ विसृष्टशस्रो निहतः किं तत्र क्रूर दुष्कृतम्।
Arranging his troops in order Drona was fighting with his celestial weapons he laid aside his weapons and I slew him o crooked one, what is there improper in this?

अयुध्यमानं यस्त्वाजौ तथा प्रायगतं मुनिम्॥ छिन्नबाहुं परैर्हन्यात् सात्यके स कथं वेदत्।
How can he, O Satyaki, censure such as act, who himself has slain his opponent, desisted from battle an opponent that was sitting in Praya Yoga and whose arm was cut-off by another.

निहत्य त्वां पदा भूमौ च विकर्षति वीर्यवान्।॥ किं तदा न निहंस्येनं भूत्वा पुरुषसत्तमः।
That puissant opponent of yours, careered on the field having thrown you down with the stroke of his feet. Foremost if you were of all male beings why did you not then slay him?

त्वया पुनरनार्येण पूर्वं पार्थेन निर्जितः॥ यदा तदा हतः शूरः सौमदत्तिः प्रतापवान्।
When Partha had already vanquished him, it was only then that by an unfair means you slew the puissant son of Somadatta.

यत्र यत्र तु पाण्डूनां द्रोणो द्रावयते चमूम्॥ किरछरसहस्राणि तत्र तत्र प्रयाम्यहम्।
In whatever quarter Drona had sought to rout the troops of the Pandavas, in that quarter I proceeded, shooting myriads of shafts.

स त्वमेवंविधं कृत्वा कर्म चाण्डालवत् स्वयम्॥ वक्तुमर्हसि वक्तव्यः कस्मात् त्वं परुषाण्यथ।
Having yourself perpetrated an act worthy of a Chandala only, it is strange that you desire to censure me in such a vile language.

कर्ता त्वं कर्मणो ह्यस्य नाहं वृष्णिकुलाधम॥ पापानां च त्वमावासः कर्मणां मा पुनर्वदा
You are the perpetrator of vile acts and not I, O vilest of the Vrishni race. You are the hotbed of sin. Do not again blame this deed of mine.

जोषमास्ख न मां भूयो वक्तुमर्हस्यतः परम्॥ अधरोत्तरमेतद्धि यन्मां त्वं वक्तुमर्हसि।
Hold your tongue. It is improper that you shall move after this. I give you this reply from my own lips, you should not address me any longer.

अथ वक्ष्यसि मां मौाद् भूयः परुषमीदृशम्॥ गमयिष्यामि बाणैस्त्वां युधि वैवस्वतक्षयम्।
If again, out of folly you speak such harsh words to me, I shall dispatch you to the abode of Death with my own arrows.

न चैवं मूर्ख धर्मेण केवलेनैव शक्यते॥ तेषामपि ह्यधर्मेण चेष्टितं शृणु यादृशम्।
Once cannot overcome his foes, O fool, solely through fair means. Hear how our opponents also acted unfairly.

वञ्चितः पाण्डवः पूर्वमधर्मेण युधिष्ठिरः॥ द्रौपदी च परिक्लिष्टा तथा धर्मेण सात्यके।
Pandu's eldest son Yudhishthira was a few years back cheated unfairly (out of his own kingdom) and O Satyaki, Draupadi was also most vilely insulted.

प्रव्राजिता वनं सर्वे पाण्डवाः सह कृष्णया॥ सर्वस्वमपकृष्टं च तथाधर्मेण बालिश।
The Pandavas with Krishna their wife were also exiled to the woods and fool, all their possessions were robbed out of them by unrighteous means.

अधर्मेणापकृष्टश्च मद्रराजः परेरितः॥ अधर्मेण तथा बाल: सौभद्रो विनिपातितः।
The king of the Madras was again weaned away from our side by an act of unrighteousness by the foe, unfairly also was the tender son of Subhadra slain.

इतोऽप्यधर्मेण हतो भीष्मः परपुरंजयः॥ भूरिश्रवा ह्यधर्मेण त्वया धर्मविदा हतः।
Now for the Pandavas, the grand-father of the Kurus, Bhishma was slain by an act of unrighteousness. Bhurisrava was unfairly slain by your very justicel-oving self.

एवं परैराचरितं पाण्डवेयैश्च संयुगे॥ रक्षमाणैर्जयं वीरैर्धर्मज्ञैरपि सात्वत।
Thus, O you of the Salvata race, the heroic Pandavas and the Kurus have both acted sinfully for victory in battle, although they are all conversant with the rules of morality.

दुर्जेयः स परो धर्मस्तथाधर्मश्च दुर्विदः॥ युध्यस्व कौरवैः सार्धं मा गा पितृनिवेशनम्।
Thus morality is a mystery, as also immorality is difficult of being ascertained. Fight on with the Kauravas and do not return to the home of your fathers.

संजय उवाच एवमादीनि वाक्यानि क्रूराणि परुषाणि च॥ श्रावितः सात्यकिः श्रीमानाकम्पित इवाभवत्।
Sanjaya said Addressed in such ruthless and harsh words, the handsome Satyaki trembled from hcad to foot.

तच्छ्रुत्वा क्रोधताम्राक्षः सात्यकिस्त्वाददे गदाम्॥ विनिःश्वस्य यथा सर्पः प्रणिधाय रथे धनुः।
Hearing those words Satyaki with his eyes coppery in rage, laid his bow aside on the car and breathing like a snake he grasped his mace.

ततोऽभिपत्य पाञ्चाल्यं संरम्भेणेदमब्रवीत्॥ न त्वां वक्ष्यामि परुषं हनिष्ये त्वां वधक्षमम्।
Then advancing furiously upon the Panchala prince he said-"I shall not waste my harsh words on you any longer, but I shall crush you, as you richly deserve to be slaughtered."

तमापतन्तं सहसा महाबलममर्षणम्॥ पाञ्चाल्यायाभिसंक्रुद्धमन्तकायान्तकोपमम्।
Beholding the puissant Satyaki rush, from wrath and desire for revenge, at the Panchala prince, like Death against a match of his.

चोदितो वासुदेवेन भीमसेनो महाबलः॥ अवप्लुत्य रथात् तूर्णं बाहुभ्यां समवारयत्।
The mighty Bhima urged by Vasudeva, quickly jumped down from his chariot and caught hold of him by the arms.

द्रवमाणं तथा क्रुद्धं सात्यकिं पाण्डवो बली॥ प्रस्पन्दमानमादाय जगाम बलिनं बलात्।
The puissant Satyaki, who was then furiously rushing (at Dhristadyumna) advanced a few steps, dragging after him the mighty son of Pandu, who was trying to withhold him.

स्थित्वा विष्टभ्य चरणौ भीमेन शिनिपुङ्गवः॥ निगृहीतः पदे षष्ठे बलेन बलिनां वरः।
Then Bhima firmly planting his feet, succeeded in stopping that foremost of all beings endowed with strength viz., that illustrious scion or Shini's race.

अवरुह्य रथात् तूर्णं ध्रियमाणं बलीयसा॥ उवाच श्लक्ष्णया वाचा सहदेवो विशाम्पते।
Then, Oking, Sahadeva jumping down from his car, addressed Satyaki held in check by the strong arms of Bhima, in these soothing

अस्माकं पुरुषव्याघ्र मित्रमन्यन्न विद्यते॥ परमन्धकवृष्णिभ्यः पञ्चालेभ्यश्च मारिष।
O foremost of men, we possess not friends dearer to ourselves, then the Andhakas, the Vrishnis and the Panchalas, O descendant of Madhu's race.

तथैवान्धकवृष्णीनां तथैव च विशेषतः॥ कृष्णस्य च तथास्मत्तो मित्रमन्यन्न विद्यते।
Similarly the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, specially Krishna among the latter, cannot have any friend dearer than ourselves.

पञ्चालानां च वार्ष्णेय समुद्रान्तां विचिन्वताम्॥ नान्यदस्ति परं मित्रं यथा पाण्डववृष्णयः।
The Panchalas also, O scion of the Vrishni race, will not be able to find friends dearer to themselves than the Vrishnis and the Pandavas, even if they search the whole earth to the very boundaries of the seas.

स भवानीदृशं मित्रं मन्यते च यथा भवान्॥ भवन्तश्च यथास्माकं भवतां च तथा वयम्।
You are a dear friend to this prince and even such is he to you. You are to us even as we are to you.

स एवं सर्वधर्मज्ञ मित्रधर्ममनुस्मरन्॥ नियच्छ मन्यु पाञ्चाल्यात् प्रशाम्य शिनिपुङ्गवा
Versed in the rules of duty, restrain your anger having the prince of the Panchalas for its object, remembering the duties that you owe to you friends.

पार्षतस्य क्षमं त्वं वै क्षमतां पार्वतश्च ते॥ वयं क्षमयिताश्च किमन्यत्र शमाद् भवेत्।
Forgive the son of Prisata, let him also forgive you. We will also practise forgiveness. What other virtue can be equal to forgiveness!

प्रशाम्यमाने शैनेय सहदेवेन मारिष॥ पाञ्चालराजस्य सुतः प्रहसन्निदमब्रवीत्।
When, O sire, Sahadeva was thus pacifying the grandson of Shini, the son of the Panchala king thus smilingly spoke:मुञ्चमुञ्च शिनेः पौत्रं भीम युद्धमदान्वितम्॥

आसादयतु मामेष धराधरमिवानिलः।
Bhima, let the grandson of Shini, so proud of his prowess in battle, he released. Let him encounter me like the wind encountering the mountains.

यावदस्य शितैर्बाणैः संरम्भं विनयाम्यहम्॥ युद्धश्रद्धां च कौन्तेय जीवितं चास्य संयुगे।
I shall smother his wrath with my sharp arrows, as also his itching for battle; O son of Kunti, let me deprive him of his life in battle.

किं नु शक्यं मया कर्तुं कार्यं यदिदमुद्यतम्॥ सुमहत् पाण्डुपुत्राणामायान्त्येते हि कौरवाः।
I am alone competent to achieve the mighty task the sons of Pandu have undertaken, heavy though it may be. Yonder come the Kauravas.

अथवा फाल्गुनः सर्वान् वारयिष्यति संयुगे॥ अहमप्यस्य मूर्धानं पातयिष्यामि सायकैः।
Or Phalguna himself will hold all of them in check. Let me cut-off this one's head with my arrows.

मन्यते छिन्नबाहुं मां भूरिश्रवसमाहवे॥ उत्सृजैनमहं चैनमेष वा मां हनिष्यति।
He takes me for Bhurisravas with his arm lopped off. Leave him, Either I will slay him or he shall slay me

शृण्वन् पाञ्चालवाक्यानि सात्यकिः सर्पवच्छसन्॥६५ भीमबाह्वन्तरे सक्तो विस्फुरत्यनिशं बली।
Hearing the words of the Panchala prince the mighty Satyaki breathing like a snake, began to swell even within the embrace of Bhima's arms.

तौ वृषाविव नर्दन्तौ बलिनौ बाहुशलिनौ॥ त्वरया वासुदेवश्च धर्मराजश्च मारिष।
When those strong-armed and mighty heroes were thus roaring at each other like two bulls, O sire, Vasudeva and the son of Dharma Yudhishthira,

यत्नेन महता वीरौ वारयामासतुस्ततः॥ निवार्य परमेष्वासौ कोपसंरक्तलोचनौ। युयुत्सूनपरान् संख्ये प्रतीयुः क्षत्रियर्षभाः॥
With great difficulty restrained those two heroes. Thus restraining those two mighty bowmen, whose eyes were red in rage, the foremost of the Kshatriyas advanced desirous of meeting the foe in battle.