None: Chapter 198

The words of Dhristadyumna

संजय उवाच अर्जुनस्य वचः श्रुत्वा नोचुस्तत्र महारथाः। अप्रियं वा प्रियं वापि महाराज धनंजयम्॥
Sanjaya said Hearing the words of Arjuna O mighty monarch, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava host spoke neither agreeable or disagreeable words in reply to Dhananjaya.

ततः क्रुद्धो महाबाहुर्भीमसेनोऽभ्यभाषत। कुत्सयन्निव कौन्तेयमर्जुनं भरतर्षभ॥
But the mighty Bhimasena filled with wrath, spoke, O foremost of the Bharatas, these words for reproaching Kunti's son Arjuna.

मुनिर्यथारण्यगतो भाषसे धर्मसहितम्। न्यस्तदण्डो यथा पार्थं ब्राह्मणः संशितव्रतः॥
'You are preaching the rules of morality, like a Muni living in the woods or like a Brahmana of austere observances who has cutoff all connections with this world.

क्षतत्राता क्षताज्जीवन क्षन्ता स्त्रीष्वपि साधुषु। क्षत्रियः क्षितिमाप्नोति क्षिप्रं धर्मं यशः श्रियः॥
Saving others from injuries, defending himself against wounds and injuries and showing forgiveness to women and the pious, a Kshatriya soon obtains the (rule of the) earth, as also religious merit, fame and prosperity.

स भवान् क्षत्रियगुणैर्युक्तः सर्वैः कुलोद्वहः। अविपश्चिद् यथा वाचं व्याहरन् नाद्य शोभसे॥
Yourself endowed with all the desirable qualifications of a Kshatriya, O perpetuator of your race, it looks odd that you should speak like one ignorant of the duties of your order.

पराक्रमस्ते कौन्तेय शक्रस्येव शचीपतेः। न चाति वर्तसे धर्मं वेलामिव महोदधिः॥
O son of Kunti, your prowess resembles that of Shakra the lord of Sachi. You never pass beyond the limits of morality even as the ocean never transgresses its banks.

न पूजयेत् त्वां को न्वद्य यत् त्रयोतशवार्षिकम्। अमर्षं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा धर्ममेवाभिकाङ्क्षसे॥
What person is there, who will not applaud you, you who, having forgotten the animosity fanned and kept alive for the last thirteen years, are solicitous for observing the precepts of morality?

दिष्ट्या तात मनस्तेऽद्य स्वधर्ममनुवर्तते। आनृशंस्ये च ते दिष्ट्या बुद्धिः सततमच्युत॥
Surely it is fortunate, O sire, that your heart today bends towards virtue. It is also fortune that your understanding today inclines towards showing compassion, you of undeteriorating fame.

यत् तु धर्मप्रवृत्तस्य हृतं राज्यमधर्मतः। द्रौपदी च परामृष्टा सभामानीय शत्रुभिः॥
Although you are so cager to observe the dictates of righteousness, yet your kingdom was snatched away from you most unrighteously. Your wife Draupadi having been dragged into the open court, was insulted by your foe.

वनं प्रवाजिताश्चास्म वल्कलाजिनवाससः। अनर्हमाणास्तं भावं त्रयोदश समा: परैः॥
We were exiled, with barks of trees or skins of animals for our cloth and cover. Through undeserving of such a wretched plight, yet we were compelled to wear out thirteen long years in that condition.

एतान्यमर्षस्थानानि मर्षितानि मयानघ। ! क्षत्रधर्मप्रसक्तेन सर्वमेतदनुष्ठितम्॥
You, O sinless one, have overlooked all these crying causes that call for revenge. Devoted as you are to perform the duties of Kshatriyas, you have quietly tolerated all these.

तमधर्ममपाकृष्टं स्मृत्वाद्य सहितस्त्वया। सानुबन्धान् हनिष्यामि क्षुद्रान् राज्यहरानहम्॥
Keeping alive the memory of all these wrongs inflicted on us, we have come here today with you, to avenge them. (But as you are so righteous) I myself will slay all these mean fellows who snatched away our kingdonm.

त्वया हि कथितं पूर्वं युद्धाभ्यागता वयम्। घटामहे यथाशक्तिं त्वं तु नोऽद्य जुगुप्ससे॥
You had said before "Addressing ourselves in battle. we shall exert to the utmost of our abilities." But now you are reproaching us.

स्वधर्मं नेच्छसे ज्ञातुं मिथ्यावचनमेव ते। भयार्दितानामस्माकं वाचा मर्माणि कृन्तसि॥
You are now seeking virtue. So you have falsified the words you had said before. Afflicted as we are with fear, you take this opportunity for cutting us to the quick with your harsh words.

वपन् ब्रणे क्षारमिव क्षतानां शत्रुकर्शन। विदीर्यते मे हृदयं त्वया वाक्शल्यपीडितम्॥
Like one applying salt on the sores of wounded men, Ogrinder of your foes. Afflicted with your dagger-like words, my heart is on the point of bursting open.

अधर्ममेनं विपुलं धार्मिकः सन् न बुद्ध्यसे। यत् त्वमात्मानमस्मांश्च प्रशस्यान् न प्रशंससि॥
Pious as you are, you do not know the nature of impiety, for you do not offer us applause though we are worthy of it.

वासुदेवे स्थिते चापि द्रोणपुत्रं प्रशंससि। यः कलां षोडशी पूर्णां धनंजय न तेऽर्हति॥
When Vasudeva himself is here, praise you the son of Drona, who, ODhananjaya, is not a match for even a sixteenth part of yourself?

स्वयमेवात्मानो दोषान् ब्रुवाणः किन्न लज्जसे। दारयेयं महीं क्रोधाद् विकिरेयं च पर्वतान्॥
Disclosing your own weakness, it is strange that you fell no shame! I can rend this earth open in rage and split the very mountains.

आविध्यैतां बदां गुर्वी भीमां काञ्चनमालिनीम्। गिरिप्रकाशान् क्षितिजान् भञ्जयमनिलो यथा॥
Whirling that heavy and terrible mace of fierce aspect decked with garlands of gold. Like a violent tempest, I can break down trees resembling huge mountains.

द्रावयेयं शरैश्चापि सेन्द्रान् देवान् समागतान्। सराक्षसगणान् पार्थ सासुरोरगमानवान्॥
I can with my arrows rout and crush the assembled host of the celestials led by Indra himself, O Partha, assisted though they be by the Rakshasas, thc Asuras, Snakes and human bcings.

स त्वमेवंविधं जानन् भ्रातरं मां नरर्षभ। द्रोणपुत्राद् भयं कर्तुं नार्हस्यमितविक्रम॥
Knowing, O foremost of men, me your brother, to be such, you should not, O you of infinite prowess, entertain any fear from the son of Drona.

अथवा तिष्ठ बीभत्सो सह सर्वैः सहोदरैः। अहमेनं गदापाणिर्जेष्याम्येको महाहवे॥
Cr, O Vibhatsu, stay here with all these foremost of men and behold me, alone and armed with the mace, conquer him in fierce battle.

ततः पाञ्चालराजस्य पुत्रः पार्थमथाब्रवीत्। संक्रुद्धमिव नर्दन्तं हिरण्यकशिपुर्हरिम्॥
Like the Daitya king Hiranyakasipu addressing the roaring and enraged Hari, the son of the king of the Panchalas addressed

धृष्टद्युम्न उवाच बीभत्सो विप्रकर्माणि विदितानि मनीषिणाम्। याजनाध्यापने दानं तथा यज्ञप्रतिग्रहौ॥
Dhristadyumna said O Vibhatsu, the intelligent sages of yore have prescribed these-viz., conducting sacrifices on behalf of others, teaching, charity, celebration of sacrifices and acceptance of gifts to be the duties of the Brahmanas.

षष्ठमध्ययनं नाम तेषां कस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठितः। हतो द्रोणो मया ह्येवं किं मां पार्थ विगर्हसे॥
The sixth duty is study. To which of these six was that Drona who has been slain by me devoted? Wherefore then do you reproach me, O son of Pritha?

अपक्रान्तः स्वधर्माच क्षात्रधर्मं व्यपाश्रितः। अमानुषेण हन्त्यस्मानस्रेण क्षुद्रकर्मकृत्॥
Transgressing the duties of his own order and observing those of the Kshatriyas that perpetrator of wicked deeds used to slaughter us with his celestials weapons.

तथा माया प्रयुञ्जानमसह्यं ब्राह्मणब्रुवम्। माययैव विहन्याद् यो न युक्तं पार्थ तत्र किम्॥
Professing himself to be Brahmana, he used to injure us deceitfully; he has now been slain by deceitful means; O son of Pritha, what is there wrong in this?

तस्मिस्तथा मया शस्ते यदि द्रौणायनी रुषा। कुरुते भैरवं नादं तत्र किं मम हीयते॥
Upon the punishment of Drona, (which he richly deserved), if his son, out of anger, utier such loud roars, what do I lose by them?

न चाद्भुतमिदं मन्ये यद द्रौणियुद्धसंज्ञया। घातयिष्यति कौरव्यान् परित्रातुमशक्नुवन्॥
There is nothing wonderful in the fact that Drona's son leading the Kauravas in battle, will cause their destruction, being himself unable to protect them.

यच मां धार्मिको भूत्वा ब्रवीषि गुरुघातिनम्। तदर्थमहमुत्पन्नः पाञ्चाल्यस्य सुतोऽनलात्॥
Now you have turned a virtuous person and are accusing me with the slaughter of any preceptor. bu do you now know that it was for those that I was born as son of Panchaia kig en sprung out of fire.

यस्य कार्य मकार्यं वा युध्यतः स्यात् समं रणे। तं कथं ब्राह्मणं ब्रूयाः क्षत्रियं वा धनंजय॥
How, O Dhananjaya, can you designate him a Brahmana or a Kshatriya, who when engaged in fight used to look upon fair and unfair acts with an equal eye?

यो ह्यनस्रविदो हन्याद् ब्रह्मास्त्रैः क्रोधमूछितः। सर्वोपायैर्न स कथं वध्यः पुरुषसत्तम॥
He, who furious in rage, used to slay with his Brahma weapons even those who are unacquainted with the use of weapons, O foremost of men, why should he not be slain by us by every means in our power?

विधर्मिणं धर्मविद्भिः प्रोक्तं तेषां विषोपमम्। जानन् धर्मार्थतत्त्वज्ञ किं मामर्जुन गर्हसे॥
One fallen off from the duties of his order, has been said, by the righteousness, to be equal to poison. Knowing this, you who are conversant with the precepts of morality, why do you blame me, O Arjuna.

नृशंसः स मयाऽऽक्रम्य रथ एव निपातितः। तन्मामनिन्द्यं बीभत्सो किमर्थं नाभिनन्दसे॥
That ruthless warrior, being assailed by me, has been overthrown and slain by me. O Vibhatsu, why do you not then congratulate myself on whom actually no blame hangs?

कालानलसमं पार्थ ज्वलनार्कविषोपमम्। भीमं द्रोणशिरश्छिन्नं न प्रशंससि मे कथम्॥
) Partha, I have lopped off Drona's dreadful head, resembling the All-destroying Fire or the burning Sun or the most virulent poison. Why do you not then applaud an act that is worthy of applause?

योऽसौ ममैव नान्यस्य वान्धवान् युधि जनिवान्। छित्त्वापि तस्य मूर्धानं नैवास्मि विगतज्वरः॥
He who used 10 slay my kinsmen exclusively in baitle and of no one else, lopping off his head, have I not been freed from a terrible fever (of revenge) that used to burn me without remission.

तच्च मे कृन्तते मर्म यन्न तस्य शिरो मया। निषादविषये क्षिप्तं जयद्रथशिरो यथा।॥
This fact that I have not thrown his head, like that of Jayadratha, into the omissions of the Nisadhas, is corroding he core of my heart.

अथावधश्च शूत्रणामधर्मः श्रूयतेऽर्जुन। क्षत्रियस्य हि धर्मोऽयं हन्याद्धन्येत वा पुनः॥
It has been heard, O Arjuna, that, without slaying one's enemies one incurs sin. The duty of a Kshatriya is to stay or to be slain.

स शत्रुनिहतः संख्ये मया धर्मेण पाण्डव। यथा त्वया हतः शूरो भगदत्तः पित्तुः सखा॥
O son of Pandu, Drona was my enemy; and therefore it is righteous that I have slain him; and thus you have slain your father's friend, king Bhagadatta.

पितामहं रणे हत्वा मन्यसे धर्ममात्मनः। मया शत्रौ हते कस्मात् पापे धर्मं न मन्यसे॥
When you slew your aged grandsire, you thought it your duty to do so. But when I have slain my wicked foe, why should it not be regarded as my duty?

सम्बन्धावनतं पार्थ न मां त्वं वक्तुमर्हसि। स्वगात्रकृतसोपानं निष्ण्णमिव दन्तिनम्॥
It behoves you not to speak to me in this way-ine who can raise my hand against you in consequence of the relationship I bear to you and who am therefore like prostrate elephant with ladder against its body, for helping puny creatures to get on its back.

क्षमामि ते सर्वमेव वाग्व्यतिक्रममर्जुन। द्रौपद्या द्रौपदेयानां कृते नान्येन हेतुना॥
I forgive your abusive language, O Arjuna, for the sake of Draupadi and her sons and not for any other cause.

कुलक्रमागतं वैरं ममाचार्येण विश्रुतम्। तथा जानात्ययं लोको न यूयं पाण्डुनन्दनाः॥
It is well-known that the hostility I bore to the preceptor was bequeathed to me by my sire. Every one in the words knows it but you sons of Pandu feign to be ignorant of it.

नानृती पाण्डवो ज्येष्ठो नाहं वाधार्मिकोर्जुन। शिष्यद्रोही हत: पापो युध्यस्व विजयस्तव॥
The eldest son of Pandu is not a liar nor am I a sinful wretch, 0 Arjuna. The wicked Drona used to injure his pupils. He has been slain by me. Now fight and victory will be yours. The eldest son of Pandu is not a liar nor am I a sinful wretch, 0 Arjuna. The wicked Drona used to injure his pupils. He has been slain by me. Now fight and victory will be yours.