None: Chapter 197

The words of Arjuna

संजय उवाच प्रादुर्भूते ततस्तस्मिन्नने नारायणे प्रभो। प्रावात् सपृषतो वायुरनभ्रे स्तनयित्नुमान्॥
Sanjaya said When that Narayana weapon had been invoked into existence, the wind began to blow from opposite directions and peals of thunder were heard though the sky was cloudless.

चचाल पृथिवी चापि चुक्षुभे च महोदधिः। प्रतिस्रोतः प्रवृत्ताश्च गन्तुं तत्र समुद्रगाः॥
The earth quaked and the oceans became agitated. The ocean-going stream began to flow in contrary directions.

शिखराणि व्यशीर्यन्त गिरीणां तत्र भारत। अपसव्यं मृगाश्चैव पाण्डुसेनां प्रचक्रिरे॥
The crests of mountains, O Bharata, began 10 split up. Diverse animals then passed keeping the son of Pandu to their right.

तमसा चावकीर्यन्त सूर्यश्च कलुषोऽभवत्। सम्पतन्ति च भूतानि क्रव्यादानि प्रहृष्टवत्॥
The veil of darkness spread over the earth.। The sun became dimmed in splendour. Diverse। kinds of flesh-eating animals began to alight on the field of battle.

देवदानवगन्धर्वास्रस्तास्त्वासन् विशाम्पते। व.थंकथाभवत् तीव्रा दृष्ट्वा तद् व्याकुलं महत्॥
O Ruler of men, celestials, the Danavas and the Gandharvas all became filled with fear. Seeing then that tremendous agitation in nature, they began to question one another saying, what is the cause of all this?

व्यथिताः सर्वराजानस्रस्ताश्चासन् विशाम्पते। तद् दृष्ट्वा घोररूपं वै द्रौणेरस्त्रं भयावहम्॥
All the kings became filled with anxiety and inspired with terror, O ruler of men, at the sight of that dreadful weapon of affrighting aspect, belonging to Drona's son.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच निवर्तितेषु सैन्येषु द्रोणपुत्रेण संयुगे। भृशं शोकाभितत्पेन पितुर्वधममृष्यता॥
Dhritarashtra said When unable to brook the slaughter of his sire and overwhelmed with grief, Drona's son did rally the troops.

कुरूनापततो दृष्ट्वा धृष्टद्युम्नस्य रक्षणे। कोमन्त्रः पाण्डवेष्वासीत् तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय॥
Tell me, O Sanjaya, what consultation then the Pandavas held for protecting Dhristadyumna, as they saw the Kurus return to the charge.

संजय उवाच प्रागेव विद्रुतान् दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् युधिष्ठिरः। पुनश्च तुमुलं शब्दं श्रुत्वार्जुनमथाब्रवीत्॥
Sanjaya said At first having seen the Dhartarashtras routed and again beholding them return to the attack Yudhishthira addressing Arjuna said

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आचार्ये निहते द्रोणे धृष्टद्युम्नेन संयुगे। निहते वज्रहस्तेन यथा वृत्रे महासुरे॥
Yudhishthira said Upon the slaughter of the preceptor Drona by Dhristadyumna like the slaughter of the mighly Asura Vrita by the wielder of thunderbolt.

नाशंसन्तो जयं युद्धे दीनात्मनो धनंजय। आत्मत्राणे मतिं कृत्वा प्राद्रवन् कुरवो रणात्॥
0 Dhananjaya, the enemy depressed at heart, gave up all hopes of victory. They fled from the field, intent on saving themselves.

केचिद् भ्रान्तै रथैस्तूर्णं निहतैः पाणियन्तृभिः। विपताकध्वजच्छत्रैः पार्थिवाः शीर्णकूबरैः॥ भग्ननीडैराकुलाश्वैः प्रारुग्णाश्च विशेषतः। भग्नाक्षयुगचक्ष व्याकृष्यन्त समन्ततः॥
Some rulers of men fled on chariots borne along irregular courses, with parshni drivers slain, deprived of standards, streamers and umbrellas, with their boxes and Kuvaras shattered and all their decorations displaced. Others again, panic-struck and deprived of reason, goading the steeds of their chariots with their toes, fled in all haste.

भीताः पादैहयान् केचित् त्वरयन्तः स्वयं रथान्। रथान् विशीर्णानुत्सृज्य पद्भिः केचिच विदुताः॥
Others overwhelmed with fear, fled on their cars having their axles, wheels and yokes broken. Others fled, hanging half way from their saddles.

हयपृष्ठगताश्चान्ये कृष्यन्तेऽर्धच्युतासनाः। गजस्कन्धेषु संस्यूता नाराचैश्चलितासनाः॥
Others again displaced from their seats and riveted with shafts on the necks of elephants, were precipitately borne away by those animals. Others were crushed down by flying elephants, mangled and pierced with arrows.

शरातैर्विदूतैर्नागैर्हताः केचिद् दिशो दश। विशस्रकवचाश्चान्ये वाहनेभ्यः क्षितिं गताः॥
Others with their armours taken off and weapons exhausted fell down on the earth from the back of their animals. Others again were mutilated by car-wheels or crushed by steeds of elephants.

संछिन्ना नेमिभिश्चैव मृदिताश्च हयद्विपैः। क्रोशन्तस्तात पुत्रेति पलायन्ते परे भयात्॥
Some loudly calling their sires and their sons fled away in fear, without recognising one another and reduced in energy by grief.

नाभिजानन्ति चान्योन्यं कश्मलाभिहतौजसः। पुत्रान् पितॄन् सखीन् भ्रातृन् समारोप्य दृढक्षतान्॥
Some causing their sons, fathers, friends and brothers sit (on their vehicles) and doffing their coats of inail were seen to wash them with water.

जलेन क्लेदयन्यन्ये विमुच्य कवचान्यपि। अवस्थां तादृशीं प्राप्य हते द्रोणे द्रुतं बलम्॥
After the slaughter of Drona, the enemy's host, falling into great distress, fled away in haste. Who hath rallied it now? Tell me if you know it.

पुनरावर्तितं केन यदि जानासि शंस मे। हयानां हृषतां शब्दः कुञ्जराणां च बुंहताम्॥
The sound of neighing steeds and roaring clephants mangled with the clatter of carwheels in heard aloud.

रथनेमिस्वनैश्चात्र विमिश्रः श्रूयते महान्। एते शब्दा भृशं तीव्राः प्रवृत्ताः कुरुसागरे॥
These terrible sounds in the ocean of Kuru army, are swelling every moment and causing my troops to tremble.

मुहुर्मुहुरुदीर्यन्ते कम्पयन्त्यपि मामकान्। य एष तुमुल: शब्दः श्रूयते लोमहर्षणः॥
This tremendous sound that is assailing our ears, causing our hair to stand erect, Meseems, will devour up the three worlds with their lords.

सेन्द्रानप्येष लोकांस्रीन् ग्रसेदिति मतिर्मम। मन्ये वज्रधरस्यैष निनदो भैरवस्वनः॥
I think this to be the tremendous roar of the wielder of the thunder, viz., Vasava, who cnraged at the slaughter of Drona is coming to fight on behalf of the Kauravas.

द्रोणे हते कौरवार्थं व्यक्तमभ्येति वासवः। प्रहृष्टरोमकूपाश्च संविग्ना रथपुङ्गवाः॥
( Dhananjaya, hearing this loud and terrible sound our hairs stand erect and our best car-warriors are becoming filled with anxiety.

धनंजय गुरुं श्रुत्वा तत्र नादं सुभीषणम्। क एप कौरवान् दीर्णानवस्थाप्य महारथः॥ निवर्तयति युद्धार्थं मृधे देवेश्वरो यथा।
I ask you who is this mighty car-warrior that rallying this terrible and agitated host like the lord of the celestials themselves, is leading it to the charge.

अर्जुन उवाच उद्यम्यात्मानमुग्राय कर्मणे वीर्यमास्थिताः॥ धमन्ति कौरवाः शङ्खान् यस्य वीर्यं समाश्रिताः!
Arjuna said He depending upon whose prowess the Kauravas, having addressed themselves to the accomplishment of ficrce deeds, are blowing their conches and facing us with firmness.

यत्र ते संशयो राजन् न्यस्तशस्रे गुरौ हते॥ धार्तराष्ट्रानवस्थाप्य क एष नदतीति हि।
He about whom you entertain doubts as to who he may be who, having rallied the troops of the son of Dhritarashtra, that had fled from the fall of the weaponless Drona, is now uttering terrible roars.

ह्रीमन्तं तं महाबाहुं मत्तद्विरदगामिनम्॥ आख्यास्याम्युग्रकर्माणं कुरूणामभयंकरम्।
He who is possessed of bashfulness and mighty arms, who has the gait of an infuriate elephant, who possesses a face like that of tiger, who achieves fierce feats and gives assurances of safety to the Kurus,

यस्मिञ्जाते ददौ द्रोणो गवां दशशतं धनम्॥ ब्राह्मणेभ्यो महाहेभ्यः सोऽश्वत्थामैष गर्जति।
He, upon whose birth Drona distributed a thousand kine among Brahmanas of highworth, he, Oking, is Ashvatthaman who is thus roaring.

जातमात्रेण वीरेण येनोच्चैःश्रवसा यथा॥ द्वेषता कम्पिता भूमिर्लोकाश्च सकलास्रयः।
As soon as he was born that hero ncighed like Uchhaisravas and thereby caused the three words to tremble.

तच्छ्रुत्वान्तर्हितं भूतं नाम तस्याकरोत् तदा॥ अश्वत्थामेति सोऽौष शूरो नदति पाण्डव।
Having heard that sound, an invisible being, master, ascribed to him the Ashvatthman, (horse-voiced). That brave warrior, O son of Pandu, is roaring today.

यो ह्यनाथ इवाक्रम्य पार्षतेन हतस्तथा॥ कर्मणा सुनृशंसेन तस्य नाथो व्यवस्थितः।
He, who has been slain like one helpless by the son of Prisata, by a cruel and deceitful means, yonder stands the protector of that one. name

गुरुं ते यत्र पाञ्चाल्य: केशपक्षे परामृशत्॥ तन्न जातु क्षमेद् द्रौणिर्जानन् पौरुषमात्मनः।
The Panchala prince dragged my poor preceptor by the locks of his hair. Certainly Drona's son will not forgive that act of his, aware as he is of his own manliness and resources.

उपचीर्णो गुरुर्मिथ्या भवता राज्यकारणात्॥ धर्मज्ञेन सता नाम सोऽधर्मः सुमहान् कृतः।
You also, O king, has spoken a lie to the preceptor, being driven to it by the desire for obtaining the kingdom. Conversant with the rules of morality and of pious nature, you have indeed perpetrated a great sin.

चिरं स्थास्यति चाकीर्तिस्त्रैलोक्ये सचराचरे॥ रामे वालिवधाद् यद्वदेवं द्रोणे निपातिते।
Like that hanging in Rama on consequence of his slaying Bali, the infamy hanging on you in consequence of the slaughter of Drona will be cternal in the three worlds with their mobile and immobile creations.

सर्वधर्मोपपन्नोऽयं स मे शिष्यश्च पाण्डवः॥ नायं वदति मिथ्येति प्रत्ययं कृतवांस्त्वयि।
“The son of Pandu is accomplished in all virtues; moreover he is my disciple, he will never tell me a lic.' Thinking this Drona believed what you then said.

स सत्यकञ्चुकं नाम प्रविष्टेन ततोऽनृतम्॥ आचार्य उक्तो भवता हत: कुञ्जर इत्युत।
You have spoken an uniruth veiled in the garb of truth, to the preceptor, adding the word cicphant thereto.

ततः शस्रं समुत्सृज्य निर्ममो गतचेतनः॥ आसीत् सुविह्वलो राजन् यथा दृष्टस्त्वया विभुः।
Thereupon the Puissant Drona, laid his weapons aside and became indifferent to every carthly concern. He was senseless and as you have seen was overwhelmed with a swoon.

स तु शोकसमाविष्टो विमुखः पुत्रवत्सलः॥ शाश्वतं धर्ममुत्सृज्य गुरुः शस्त्रेण घातितः।
It was then that his disciple, transgressing all morality, slew his preceptor, filled with do you you with affection for his son and unwilling to fight and possessed by grief.

न्यस्तशस्रमधर्मेण घातयित्वा गुरुं भवान्॥ रक्षत्विदानीं सामात्यो यदि शक्तोऽसि पार्षतम्।
Having slain by a deceitful means your preceptor who had laid his weapons aside, now your counsellors, protect the son of Prishata, if indeed, you arc equal to the task.

ग्रस्तमाचार्यपुत्रेण क्रुद्धेन हतबन्धुना॥ सर्वे वयं परित्रातुं न शक्ष्यामोऽद्य पार्षतम्।
Today all of us conjointly will not be able to protect the son of Prisata, who has been as it were devoured by the son of Drona, filled with fury on account of his sire's slaughter.

सौहार्दै सर्वभूतेषु यः करोत्यतिमानुषः। सोऽद्य केशग्रहं श्रुत्वा पितुर्धक्ष्यति नो रणे॥
He, who ever treated all creatures with exceeding compassion, even he, hearing that his sire was dragged by the hair will today consume us in battle.

विक्रोशमाने हि मयि भृशमाचार्यगृद्धिनि। अपाकीर्य स्वयं धर्मं शिष्येण निहतो गुरुः॥
Setting at naught all dictates of morality, the pupil has slaughtered his preceptor, although I exclaimed at the top of my voice, protesting that the preceptor should not be slain.

यदा गतं वयो भूयः शिष्टमल्पतरं च नः। तस्येदानी विकारोऽयमधर्मोऽयं कृतो महान्॥
We have already passed away the greater part of our lives; the lease of life left to us is indeed very short; even that short period is blotted by his sinful act (perpetrated in the maturity of our years).

पितेव नित्यं सौहार्दात् पितेव हि च धर्मतः। सोऽल्पकालस्य राजस्य कारणाद् घातितो गुरुः॥
Drona, in consequence of the affection he cherished for us, was indeed like our father. By the ordinances of the holy texts, he was also our father. Yet such a preceptor of ours has been slain by ourselves, for the sake of enjoying sovereignty for a short period.

धृतराष्ट्रेण भीष्माय द्रोणाय च विशाम्पते। विसृष्टा पृथिवी सर्वा सह पुत्रैश्च तत्परैः॥
Dhritarashtra, O monarch, gave the earth to Bhishma and Drona and what was more, he entrusted them with the lives of his sons.

सम्प्राप्य तादृशीं वृत्तिं सत्कृतः सततं परैः। अवृणीत सदा पुत्रान् मामेवाभ्यधिकं गुरुः॥
Though thus esteemed and endowed with such an honorarium by the foe, yet the preceptor looked upon us like his own son.

अवेक्षमाणस्त्वां मां च न्यस्तास्त्रश्चाहवे हतः। न त्वेनं युध्यमानं वै हन्यादपि शतक्रतुः॥
The preceptor, incapable of suffering any reduction in strength and energy, was only slain in battle, when he believing in your words laid his weapons aside. While engaged in fight even Indra the performer of hundred sacrifices could not have defeated him.

तस्याचार्यस्य वृद्धस्य द्रोहो नित्योपकारिणः। कृतो ह्यनार्चरस्माभी राज्यार्थे लुब्धवुद्धिभिः॥
Even such a preceptor, venerable in years and devoted to our welfare, has been injured by ourselves, who have betaken to mean conduct for securing sovereignty.

अहो बत महत् पापं कृतं कर्म सुदारुणम्। यद् राज्यसुखलोभेन द्रोणोऽयं साधु घातितः :॥
Alas, alas, what a heinous sin and a ruthless act have we perpetrated, for, tempted by the desire for enjoying the pleasures of sovereignty, we have slain our venerable preceptor.

पुत्रान् भ्रातॄन् पितॄन् दाराञ्जीवितं चैव वासविः। त्यजेत् सर्वं मम प्रेम्णा जानात्येवं हि मे गुरुः॥
My preceptor had all along been under the impression, that I, Vasava's son, son, could abandon all, my sires, brothers, sons, wives and even life itself, for his sake, in consequence of the affection I bear for him.

स मया राज्यकामेन हन्यमानो झुपेक्षितः। तस्मादर्वाक्शिरा राजन् प्राप्तोऽस्मि नरकं प्रभो॥
And yet, alas, longing for sovereignty, I have neglected him when he was on the point of being slaughtered. For this act, O king, I have already been condemned to hell, being covered with great ignominy.

ब्राह्मणं वृद्धमाचार्यं न्यस्तशस्त्रं महामुनिम्। घातयित्वाद्य राज्यार्थे मृतं श्रेयो न जीवितम्॥
It is better that I should die then live, inasmuch as I have today, out of a desire for obtaining sovereignty, suffered my old preceptor to be slain, who was a Brahmana and a great Muni and who moreover had laid his weapons aside at the time.