None: Chapter 178

The battle fought by Alayudha

संजय उवाच तमागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य भीमकर्माणमाहवे। हर्षमाहारयांचक्रुः कुरवः सर्व एव ते॥
Sanjaya said Then beholding Alayudha of fierce deeds come to fight on their behalf, all the Kouravas, were exceedingly delighted.

तथैव तव पुत्रास्ते दुर्योधनपुरोगमाः। अप्लवाः प्लवमासाद्य तर्तुकामा इवार्णवम्॥
So also your sons, headed by Duryodhana himself, were filled with joy like persons, desirous of crossing a sea, setting rafts, when there was no chance of getting it.

पुनर्जातमिवात्मानं मन्वानाः पुरुषर्षभाः। अलायुधं राक्षसेन्द्रं स्वागतेनाभ्यपूजयन्॥
Having received Alayudha, that foremost prince of the Rakshasas, with a respectful welcome, the kings of your army considered themselves as born anew.

तस्मस्त्वमानुषे युद्धे वर्तमाने महाभये। कर्णराक्षसयोनक्तं दारुणप्रतिदर्शने॥
Meanwhile as that nocturnal battle raged between Karna and the Rakshasa-battle that, though terrible and superhuman and fierce, was yet delightful to the eye.

उपप्रेक्षन्त पञ्चालाः स्मयमानाः सराजकाः। तथैव तावका राजन् वीक्षमाणास्ततस्ततः॥
The Panchalas and other kings became passive spectators of it. At the same time, O king, your troops, though protected all over the field by their commanders.

चुक्रुशुर्नेदमस्तीति द्रोणद्रौणिकृपादयः। तत् कर्म दृष्ट्वा सम्भ्रान्ता हैडिम्बस्य रणाजिरे॥
As also Drona and Drona's son and Kripa and others uttered loud wails, saying All is lost. Indeed beholding on the field those terrible feats of Hidimva's son.

सर्वमाविग्नमभवद्धाहाभूतमचेतनम्। तव सैन्यं महाराज निराशं कर्णजीविते॥
All your fighters were filled with anxiety; and uttering shrieks of distress they almost lost their senses. All your troops then, O king, became hopeless of Karna's life.

दुर्योधनस्तु सम्प्रेक्ष्य कर्णमार्तिं परां गतम्। अलायुधं राक्षसेन्द्रं समाहूयेदमब्रवीत्॥
Then Duryodhana, beholding Karna hard pressed, summoned that foremost of the Rakshasas Alayudha and addressed him in

एष वैकर्तनः कर्णो हैडिम्बेन समागतः। कुरुते कर्म सुमहद् यदस्यौपयिकं मृधे॥
"Yonder is Vikartana's son Karna engaged in battle with the son of Hidimba. Behold he is achieving feats worthy of his valour and strength.

पश्यैतान् पार्थिवान् शूरान् निहतान् भैमसेनिना। नानाशस्त्रैरभिहतान् पादपानिव दन्तिना॥
Behold there lie the royal heroic warriors slain and wounded with various weapons by the son of Bhimasena, like so many trees crushed by a huge tusked elephant.

तवैष भागः समरे राजमध्ये मया कृतः। तवैवानुमते वीरं तं विक्रम्य निबर्हय॥
Amongst all my kindly allies, I have allotted this (Rakshasa Ghatotkacha), with your permission as your share in battle. O hero, do you bring him down displaying your prowess.

पुरा वैकर्तनं कर्णमेष पापो घटोत्कचः। मायाबलं समाश्रित्य कर्षयत्यरिकर्शन॥
O slayer of foes, allow not this sinful Ghatotkacha), to crush Vikartana's son through his illusive powers before you despatch him."

एवमुक्तः स राज्ञा तु राक्षसो भीमविक्रमः। तथेत्युक्त्वा महाबाहुर्घटोत्कचमुपाद्रवत्॥
Thus spoken to by the king, that Rakshasa, of fierce prowess, replied to former saying "let it be so"; and then that mighty-armed one rushed against Ghatotkacha.

ततः कर्ण समुत्सृज्य भैमसेनिरपि प्रभो। प्रत्यमित्रमुपायान्तमर्दयामास मार्गणैः॥
Thereupon, O lord, the son of Bhimasena also, bearing alone Karna for a while, began to afflict his advancing adversary with this shafts.

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं क्रुद्धयो राक्षसेन्द्रयोः। मत्तयोर्वासिताहेतो िपयोरिव कानने॥
Then the battle, that commenced between those two enraged Rakshasa chiefs, resembled that between two infuriate elephants both desirous of consorting with the same sheelephant in her season in the woods.

रक्षसा विप्रमुक्तस्तु कर्णोऽपि रथिनां वरः। अभ्यद्रवद् भीमसेनं रथेनादित्यवर्चसा॥
Meanwhile, left alone by the Rakshasa that foremost of car-warriors viz., Karna, rushed against Bhimasena, on his car of solar effulgence.

तमायान्तमनादृत्य दृष्ट्वा ग्रस्तं घटोत्कचम्। अलायुधेन समरे सिंहेनेव गवां पतिम्॥
Then disregarding the rushing Karna and beholding Ghatotkacha hard pressed by Alayudha, like a bull engaged with a lion.

रथेनादित्यवपुषा भीमः प्रहरतां वरः। किरञ्छरौघान् प्रययावलायुधरथं प्रति॥
That foremost of all smiters, viz., Bhimasena, rushed against the chariot of Alayudha, riding on his own car of solar effulgence and shooting showers of sharp arrows.

तमायान्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य स तदालायुधः प्रभो। घटोत्कचं समुत्सृज्य भीमसेनं समाह्वयत्॥
Then, O lord, beholding Bhimasena approach, Alayudha, leaving Ghatotkacha alone rushed against the former.

तं भीमः सहसाभ्येत्य राक्षसान्तकरः प्रभो। सगणं राक्षसेन्द्रं तं शरवरवाकिरत्॥
Then, O master, that slayer of Rakshasa Bhima, furiously encountering that foremost of Rakshasas, covered him and his followers with showers of arrows.

तथैवालायुधो राजशिलाधौतैरजिह्मगैः। अभ्यवर्षत कौन्तेयं पुनः पुनररिंदप॥
Similarly, O king, that subduer of foes namely, Alayudha, cutting off Bhima's arrows with straight going shafts of his, repeatedly covered the latter with his arrows.

तथा ते राक्षसाः सर्वे भीमसेनमुपाद्रवन्। नानाप्रहरणा भीमास्त्वत्सुतानां जयैषिणः॥
On the other hand all these Rakshasas, armed with various weapons and dreadfullooking, assailed Bhimasena from all sides desirous of securing victory to your sons.

स ताड्यमानो बहुभिर्भीमसेनो महाबलः। पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिः सर्वांस्तानविध्यच्छितैः शरैः॥
Then the highly puissant Bhimasena, wounded by those numerous Rakshasas, pierced each of them in return with five sharp arrows.

ते वध्यमाना भीमेन राक्षसाः क्रूरबुद्धयः। विनेदुस्तुमुलान्नादान् दुद्रुवुस्ते दिशो दश॥
Those Rakshasas, of cruel minds, when thus engaged with Bhima, began to utter loud roared and to run in all the ten directions of the compass.

तांनास्यमानान् भीमेन दृष्ट्वा रक्षो महाबलम्। अभिदुद्राव वेगेन शरैश्चैनमवाकिरत्॥
The mighty Rakshasa, then beholding the troops belonging to him fly away from fear of Bhima, rushed furiously upon the latter and covered him with arrows.

तं भीमसेनः समरे तीक्ष्णागैरक्षिणोञ्छरैः। अलायुधस्तु तानस्तान् भीमेन विशिखान् रणे॥ चिच्छेद कांश्चित् समरे त्वरया कांश्चिदग्रहीत्। सतं दृष्टवा राक्षसेन्द्रं भीमो भीमपराक्रमः॥
In that battle Bhimasena then shot at Alayudha many shafts of keen points. Thereupon Alayudha, in that battle, quickly put off or caught hold of several arrows shot by Bhimasena. Then Bhima of dreadful prowess, beholding that feat of the foremost of the Rakshasas.

गदां चिक्षेप वेगेन वज्रपातोपमा तदा। तामापतन्ती वेगेन गदां ज्वालाकुलां ततः॥ गदया ताड्यामास सा गदा भीममाव्रजत्। स राक्षसेन्द्रं कौन्तेयः शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्॥
Hurled at him with great force a mace whose fall resembled the fall of thunder. With his own mace then Alayudha struck the burning mace of Bhima, where-upon the latter flew towards Bhima. Then the son of Kunti covered that foremost of the Rakshasas with a perfect shower of arrows.

तानप्यस्याकरोन्मोघान् राक्षसो निशितैः शरैः। ते चापि राक्षसाः सर्वे रजन्यां भीमरूपिणः॥
The Rakshasa baffled even those arrows of Bhima with his own sharp arrows. Then all the Rakshasa troops of dreadful aspect.

शासनाद् राक्षसेन्द्रस्य निजजू रथकुञ्जरान्। पञ्चालाः संजयाश्चैव वाजिनः परमद्विपः॥
At the command of their leader, slew all the elephants of the Pandava division. The Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the horses and the excellent elephants (of the Pandava host).

न शान्ति लेभिरे तत्र राक्षसै शपीडिताः। तं तु दृष्ट्वा महाघोरं वर्तमानं महाहवम्॥
Then could find no security being afflicted severely by the Rakshasa. Beholding then the progress of that mighty and terrific battle.

अब्रवीत् पुण्डरीकाक्षो धनंजयमिदं वचः। पश्य भीमं महाबाहुं राक्षसेन्द्रवशं गतम्॥
The foremost of all male beings addressing Dhananjaya said these words. Behold the mighty-armed Bhima succumb to the prince of the Rakshasas.

पदमस्यानुगच्छ त्वं मा विचारय पाण्डव। धृष्टद्युम्नः शिखण्डी च युधामन्यूत्तमौजसौ॥
Do you rush to his rescue, O son of Pandu and do not hesitate. Let Dhristadyumna and Uttamanjas.

सहितौ द्रौपदेयाश्च कर्णं यान्तु महारथाः। नकुलः सहदेवश्च युयुधानश्च वीर्यवान्॥
Accompanied by the mighty car-warriors of Droupada's division, assail Karna. let Nakula, Şahadeva and the puissant Yuyudhana.

इतरान् राक्षसान् घनन्तु शासनात् तव पाण्डव। त्वमपीमां महाबाहो चमू द्रोणपुरस्कृताम्॥ वारयस्व नरव्याघ्र महद्धि भयमागतम्। एवमुक्ते तु कृष्णेन यथोद्दिष्टा महारथाः॥
Exert themselves in slaughtering the other Rakshasas at your command o son of Pandu. O mighty-armed one, do you hold in check this division headed by Drona, in as much as a great panic has seized our troops now.” When Krishna had thus spoken, those foremost of car-warriors, as appointed.

जग्मुर्वैकर्तनं कर्णं राक्षसांश्चैव तान् रणे। अथ पूर्णायतोत्सृष्टैः शरैराशीविषोपमैः॥
Assailed Karna and the inferior Rakshasas. Then with shafts shot from full drawn bows and resembling snakes of virulent poison.

धनुश्चिच्छेद भीमस्य राक्षसेन्द्रः प्रतापवान्। हयांश्चास्य शितैर्बाणैः सारथिं च महाबलः॥
The highly puissant prince of the Rakshasas cut-off Bhima's bow. The again that mighty hero, with sharp arrows, slew Bhima's steeds and charioteer.

जघान मिषतः संख्ये भीमसेनस्य राक्षसः। सोऽवतीर्य रथोपस्थाद्धताश्वो हतसारथिः॥
Even, O Bharata, before the very eyes of Bhima himself. Then deprived of his horses and charioteer Bhima, jumping down from his chariot.

तस्मै गुर्वी गदां धोरां विनदन्नुत्ससर्ज ह। ततस्तां भीमनि?षामापतन्तीं महागदाम्॥
Hurled a heavy and dreadful mace at the Rakshasa, uttering a fierce roar. Then as that mighty mace a fierce roar was flying towards him.

गदया राक्षसो घोरो निजघान ननाद च। तद् दृष्ट्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य घोरं कर्म भयावहम्॥
The fearful Rakshasa broke it down with his own mace and then uttered a terrible roar. The beholding that fearful and awe-inspiring feat achieved by the prince.

भीमसेनः प्रहृष्टात्मा गदामाशु परामृशत्। तयोः समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं नररक्षसोः॥
Bhima, filled with joy, grasped another fierce mace. Thereupon a terrible encounter raged between the Rakshasas and men.

गदानिपातसंह्रादैर्भुवं कम्पयतोम॑शम्। गदाविमुक्तौ तौ भूयः समासाद्येतरेतरम्॥
Causing the earth to tremble repeatedly with the fall of their maces. Then again throwing aside their maces and bearing each other.

मुष्टिभिर्वज्रसह्रादैरन्योन्यमभिजघ्नतुः। रथचक्रैर्युगैरक्षैरधिष्ठानैरुपस्करैः॥
They began to strike each other with their fists emitting a sound like that of the thunder, With car wheels and axle and Akshas and Adisthanas and Upskaras.

यथासन्नमुपादाय निजघ्नतुरमर्षणौ। तौ विक्षरन्तौ रुधिरं समासाद्येतरेतरम्॥
Whatever things they could then get, with that they rushed furiously against one another shedding blood profusely and encounter each other.

मत्ताविव महानागौ चकृषाते पुनः पुनः। तदपश्यद्धषीकेशः पाण्डवानां हिते रतः। स भीमसेनरक्षार्थं हैडिम्बि पर्यचोदयत्॥
They began to drag each other like two infuriate elephants. Then Hrishikesha, ever devoted to the welfare of the Pandavas, beholding the combat (between Bhima and Alayudha) urged Hidimva's son to the rescue of his father.