The pierce fight

संजय उवाच ततस्ते प्राद्रवन् सर्वे त्वरिता युद्धदुर्मदाः। अमृष्यमाणाः संरब्धा युयुधानरथं प्रति॥
Sanjaya said Then all those royal warriors of your army all indomitable in battle, furiously rushed against Yuyudhana's chariot, unable to brook his feats.

ते रथैः कल्पितै राजन् हेमरूप्यविभूषितैः। सादिभिश्च गजैश्चैव परिवठ्ठः समन्ततः॥
Those warriors then surrounded on all sides the Satvata hero, with duly-equipped chariots decked with gold and gems and with horsemen and elephants.

अथैनं कोष्ठकीकृत्य सर्वतस्ते महारथाः। सिंहनादांस्ततश्चक्रुस्तर्जयन्ति स्म सात्यकिम्॥
Having thus impaled the Satvata hero, all those mighty warriors filled the directions of the compass with the echo of their war-cries.

तेऽभ्यवर्षञ्छरैस्तीक्ष्णैः सात्यकिं सत्यविक्रमम्। त्वरमाणा महावीरा माधवस्य बधैषिणः॥
Then those mighty heroes, desirous of achieving the slaughter of that scion of Madhu's race, began to pour showers of sharp arrows on Satyaki of infallible prowess.

तान् दृष्ट्वा पततस्तूर्णं शैनेयः परवीरहा। प्रत्यगृह्णान्महाबाहुः प्रमुञ्चन् विशिखान् बहून्॥
Beholding then those heroes make towards himself in fury, that slayer of hostile heroes, that mighty-armed grandson of Shini, received them with a copious discharge of arrows.

तत्र वीरो महेष्वासः सात्यकियुद्धदुर्मदः। निचकर्त शिरांस्युग्रैः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
Then that mighty bowman, the heroic Satyaki of indomitable prowess, began to lop off the heads of his foes with fierce shafts of depressed knots.

हस्तिहस्तान् हयग्रीवा बाहूनापि च सायुधान्। क्षुरप्रैः शातयामास तावकानां स माधवः॥
That scion of Madhu's race then severed with his razor-edged arrows, the trunks of elephants, the necks of horses and the arms of warriors decked with brace-lets.

पतितैश्चामरैश्चैव श्वेतच्छत्रैश्च भारत। बभूव धरणी पूर्णा नक्षत्रै?रिव प्रभो॥
The earth then over-strewn with shattered yak-tails and white umbrellas, looked, O king, as beautiful as the star-bespangled firmament,

एतेषां युयुधानेन युध्यतां युधि भारत। बभूव तुमुलः शब्दः प्रेतानां क्रन्दतामिव॥
Thus when they were being thus slaughtered by Yuyudhana in battle, O Bharata, a tumultuous uproar was heard there like the yell or bewailing of ghosts.

तेन शब्देन महता पूरिताभूद् वसुन्धरा। रात्रिः समभवचैव तीव्ररूपा भयावहा॥
With that terrible uproar the earth was filled and the night appeared to be more hideous and more frightful.

दीर्यमाणं बलं दृष्ट्वा युयुधानशराहतम्। श्रुत्वा च विपुलं नादं निशीथे लोमहर्षणे॥
Beholding the army routed and afflicted by the arrows of Yuyudhana and hearing in that nightly darkness that tremendous and horripilating uproar.

सुतस्तवाब्रवीद् राजन् सारथिं रथिनां वरः। यत्रैष शब्दस्तत्राश्वांश्चोदयेति पुनः पुनः॥
Your son that foremost of car-warrior, O king, addressing his charioteer thus repeatedly spoke-"Drive, drive the steeds to the spot whence this tumult is proceeding.”

तेन संचोद्यमानस्तु ततस्तांस्तुरगोत्तमान्। सूत: संचोदयामास युयुधानस्थं प्रति॥ ततो दुर्योधनः क्रुद्धो दृढधन्वा जितक्कमः। शीघ्रहस्तश्चित्रयोधी युयुधानमुपाद्रवत्॥
Then inspired by him that charioteer proceeded those excellent horses to the car of Yuyudhana. Then that resolute bowman that indefatigable warrior, king Duryodhana versed in various modes of warfare and endued with great lightness of hands, rushed upon Yuyudhana.

ततः पूर्णायतोत्सृष्टैः शरैः शोणितभोजनैः। दुर्योधनं द्वादशभिर्माधवः प्रत्यविध्यत॥
Thereupon the scion of Madhu's race pierced Duryodhana with twelve shafts shot from a full-drawn bow and capable of drinking the blood and mangling the skin.

दुर्योधनस्तेन तथा पूर्वमेवादितः शरैः। शैनेयं दशभिर्बाणैः प्रत्यविध्यदमर्पितः॥
Duryodhana then pierced as before with those arrows of Shini's grandsons, angrily pierced the latter with ten shafts in return.

ततः समभवद् युद्धं तुमुलं भरतर्षभ। पञ्चालानां च सर्वेषां भरतानां च दारुणम्॥
Meanwhile the battle that was being fought between the Panchalas and your troops, presented a wonderful and harming aspect.

शैनेयस्तु रणे क्रुद्धस्तव पुत्रं महारथम्। सायकानामशीत्या तु विव्याधोरसि भारत॥
O Bharata, then the grandson of Shini, worked up with rage, pierced your mighty son with a group of eighty shafts on the chest.

ततोऽस्य वाहान् समरे शर्निन्ये यमक्षयम्। सारथिं च रथात् तूर्णं पातयामास पत्रिणा॥
Thereafter that slayer of foes dispatched to the abode of Death the horses of Duryodhana and he also felled quickly the charioteer of the latter.

हताश्वे तु रथे तिष्ठन् पुत्रस्तव विशाम्पते। मुमोच निशितान् बाणाशैनेयस्य रथं प्रति॥
O ruler of men, remaining in that steedless car, your son began to discharge sharp arrows towards the car of Shini's grandson.

शरान् पञ्चाशतस्तांस्तु शैनेयः कृतहस्तवत्। चिच्छेद समरे राजन् प्रेषितांस्तनयेन ते॥
Then like one endued with great lightness of hands, Shinis' grandson, O king, cut-off the group of fifty arrows shot by your son in that battle.

अथापरेण भल्लेन मुष्टिदेशे महद् धनुः। चिच्छेद तरसा युद्धे तव पुत्रस्य माधवः॥
The descendant of Madhu's race then cutoff the mighty bow of your son near the grasp, with broad-headed arrows shot with great force.

विरथो विधनुष्कश्च सर्वलोकेश्वरः प्रभुः। आरुरोह रथं तूर्णं भास्वरं कृतवर्मणः॥
Deprived of his car and his bow, that lord, that ruler of all men, quickly ascended the resplendent car of Kritavarman.

दुर्योधने परावृत्ते शैनेयस्तव वाहिनीम्। द्रावयामास विशिखैर्निशामध्ये विशाम्पते॥
When Duryodhana had been compelled to turn his face away from the battle, the grandson of Shini in that night began to crush your troops, O ruler of men.

शकुनिश्चार्जुनं राजन् परिवार्य समन्ततः। रथैरनेकसाहस्रैर्गजैश्चापि सहस्रशः॥
O king, meanwhile Shakuni surrounding Arjuna on all sides with countless cars and thousands of elephants.

तथा हयसहस्रैश्च नानाशस्त्रैरवाकिरत्। ते महास्त्राणि सर्वाणि विकिरन्तोऽर्जुनं प्रति॥
And an equal number of horses, began furiously to assault him. His troops then began to discharge many celestial weapons against Arjuna.

अर्जुनं योधयन्ति स्म क्षत्रियाः कालचोदिताः। तान्यर्जुनः सहस्राणि रथवारणवाजिनाम्॥ प्रत्यवारयदायस्तः प्रकुर्वन् विपुलं क्षयम्। ततस्तु समरे शूरः शकुनिः सौबलस्तदा॥ विव्याध निशितैर्बाणैरर्जुनं प्रहसन्निव। पुनश्चैव शतेनास्य संरुरोध महारथम्॥
Those Kshatriyas then urged on by fate fought on with Arjuna. Arjuna however singlehandedly checked those thousands of chariots, elephants and horses and finally compelled them to turn back. Then Subala's son with eyes coppery in rage and excited to the highest pitch of fury, pierced with twenty shafts that slayer of foes namely the puissant Arjuna. Then again he impeded the course of Arjuna's mighty car with a group of hundred arrows.

तमर्जुनस्तु विंशत्या विव्याध युधि भारत। अथेतरान् महेष्वासांसिभिस्रिभिरविध्यत॥
Him, O Bharata, Arjuna pierced in battle with a set of twenty shafts and other mighty bowmen of his division with three shafts each.

निवार्य तान् बाणगणैर्युधि राजन् धनंजयः। जघान तावकान् योधान् वज्रपाणिरिवासुरान्॥
O monarch, baffling the countless shafts shot by his foes, Dhananjaya slew the warriors of your army with excellent shafts charged with the force of the thunder.

भुजैश्छिन्नैर्महीपाल हस्तिहस्तोपमैर्मधे। समाकीर्णा मही भाति पञ्चास्यैरिव पन्नगैः॥
The earth then covered over with loppedoff arms and thousands of mangled bodies, appeared beautiful as if covered over with charming flowers.

शिरोभिः सकिरीटैश्च सुनसैश्चारुकुण्डलैः। संदष्टौष्ठपुटैः क्रुद्धैस्तथैवोद्भूतलोचनैः॥ निष्कचूडामणिधरैः क्षत्रियाणां प्रियंवदैः। पङ्कजैरिव विन्यस्तैः पतितैर्विबभौ मही॥
Strewn over with heads of Kshatriyasheads that were decked with diadems and graced with handsome noses and beautiful earrings and nether lips bit in anger and wide open eyes, heads that were graced with collars and crowned with gems and which while life was in them spoke salutary words, the earth looked beautiful as if strewn with hillocks covered with Champaka flowers.

कृत्वा तत् कर्म बीभत्सुरुग्रमुग्रपराक्रमः। विव्याध शकुनि भूयः पञ्चभिर्नतपर्वभिः॥
Then Vibhatsu on fierce energy having achieved that dreadful feat once more pierced Sakuni with five arrows of depressed knots.

अताड्यदुलूकं च त्रिभिरेव तथा शरैः। उलूकस्तु तथा विद्धो वासुदेवमताड्यत्॥
He then angrily pierced Uluka in that battle with his arrows. Thus having pierced Uluka even before the very eyes of Subala's son, Arjuna.

ननाद च महानादं पूरयन्निव मेदिनीम्। अर्जुनः शकुनेश्चापं सायकैरच्छिनद् रणे॥
Uttered a mighty roar that filled the earth with its echo. Thereafter that son of the foremost of celestials, cut-off the bow of Sakuni with his arrows.

निन्ये च चतुरो वाहान् यमस्य सदनं प्रति। ततो रथादवप्लुत्य सौबलो भरतर्षभ॥
And dispatched the latter's four steeds to the kingdom of Death. Thereupon, O foremost of the Bharatas, jumping down from his chariot, the son of Subala.

उलूकस्य रथं तूर्णमासरोह विशाम्पते। तावेकरथमारूढौ पितापुत्रौ महारथौ॥
Quickly ascended the car of Uluka. Then those two mighty car-warriors, sire and son, riding on the same chariot.

पार्थं सिषिचतुर्बाणैर्गिरिं प्रेधाविवाम्बुभिः। तौ तु विद्ध्वा महाराज पाण्डवो निशितैः शरैः॥
Began to shower arrows on Pritha's son, like two risen clouds showering rain on the mountain-breast. Thereafter, . mighty monarch, Pandu's son piercing them both with shafts.

विद्रावयंस्तव चमूं शतशो व्यधमच्छरैः। अनिलेन यथाभ्राणि विच्छिन्नानि समन्ततः॥
Began to crush your troops by hundreds and thousands. Just as masses of clouds are torn as under by a violent storm.

विच्छिन्नानि तथा राजन् बलान्यासन् विशाम्पते। तद् बलं भरतश्रेष्ठ वव्यमानं तदा निशि॥
So, O ruler of men, your troops were then routed and dispersed by Arjuna. O foremost of the Bharatas, then the troops of your army carnaged during that night.

प्रदुद्राव दिशः सर्वा वीक्षमाणं भयादितम्। उत्सृज्य वाहान् समरे चोदयन्तस्तथा परे॥
Fled in fear in all directions looking at one another; some left behind their horses, others urged them to the top of their speed.

सम्भ्रान्ताः पर्यधावन्त तस्मिस्तमसि दारुणे। विजित्य समरे योधांस्तावकान् भरतर्षभ।॥
They then fled away in great fright in that darkness of night. O foremost of the Bharatas, defeating your troops in battle.

दध्मतुर्मुदितौ शङ्खौ वासुदेवधनंजयौ। धृष्टद्युम्नो महाराज द्रोणं विद्ध्वा त्रिभिः शरैः॥
Vasudeva and Dhananjaya began to blow their conchs. Meanwhile Dhristadyumna, 0 king, piercing Drona with three shafts.

चिच्छेद धनुषस्तूर्णं ज्यां शरेण शितेन ह। तन्निधाय धनुर्भूमौ द्रोणः क्षत्रियमर्दनः॥
Quickly cut-off the latter's bowstring with a short arrow; thereupon Drona that crusher of hostile Kshatriyas, throwing that bow down on the ground.

आददेऽन्यद् धनुः शरू वेगवत् सारवत्तरम्। धृष्टद्युम्नं ततो द्रोणो विद्ध्वा सप्तभिराशुगैः॥
Took up another bow of greater force and toughness; then Drona piercing Dhistadyumna with seven swift-flying arrows.

सारथिं पञ्चभिर्बाणै राजन् विव्याध संयुगे। तं निवार्य शरैस्तूर्णं धृष्टद्युम्नो महारथः॥
Pierced the latter's charioteer, O foremost of the Bharatas, with five arrows. Then the mighty car-warrior Dhistadyumna checking Drona by means of his arrows.

व्यधमत् कौरवीं सेनामासुरीं मघवानिव। वध्यमाने बले तस्निस्तव पुत्रस्य मारिष॥
Began to agitate the Kaurava host like Indra agitating the Asura host. O sire when the troops of your son were thus being carnaged.

प्रावर्तत नदी घोरा शोणितौघतरङ्गिणी। उभयोः सेनयोर्मध्ये नराश्वद्विपवाहिनी॥
A dreadful river of boldly currents began to flow between the two armies, carrying with it slain men horses and elephants.

यथा वैतरणी राजन् यमराजपुरं प्रति। द्रावयित्वा तु तत् सैनयं धृष्टद्युम्नः प्रतापवान्॥
Like, O monarch, the river Vaitarani carrying creatures to the abode of Death. Then the puissant Dhristadyumna completely routing that army of your son.

अभ्यराजत तेजस्वी शक्रो देवगणेष्विवा अथ दध्मुर्महाशङ्खान् धृष्टद्युम्नशिखण्डिनौ॥
Shone resplendent like Shakra in the midst of the celestial hosts. Thereafter Dhristadyumna and Sikhandin blew their mighty conchs;

यमौ च युयुधानश्च पाण्डवश्च वृकोदरः। जित्वा रथसहस्राणि तावकानां महारथाः।
So did also the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva) and Yuyudhana, the Pandu's son Vrikodara. Having vanquished thousands of energetic kings of your army.

सिंहनादरवांश्चक्रुः पाण्डवा जितकाशिनः॥ पश्यतस्तव पुत्रस्य कर्णस्य च रणोत्कटाः। तथा द्रोणस्य शूरस्य द्रौणेश्चैव विशाम्पते॥
The Pandavas ever attended with victory uttered dreadful war-cries, even before the eyes of your son and Karna and the heroic Drona and the son of Drona, O ruler of men.