None: Chapter 169

The fight by Satnika and others

संजय उवाच शतानीकं शरैस्तूर्णं निर्दहन्तं चमू तवा चित्रसेनस्तव सुतो वारयामास भारत॥
Sanjaya said O Bharata, your son Chitrasena withstood Satnika, the of Nakula, who consuming your troops with keen arrows. son was

नाकुलिचित्रसेनं तु विद्ध्वा पञ्चभिराशुगैः। स तु तं प्रतिविव्याध दशभिर्निशितैः शरैः॥
The son of Nakula pierced Chitrasena, with five arrows. He (i.e. Citrasena) also pierced him i.e. in return with ten sharpened arrows.

चित्रसेनो महाराज शतानीकं पुनर्युधि। नवभिर्निशितैर्बाणैराजधान स्तनान्तरे॥
Once again, in that engagement Chitrasena, ( mighty monarch, pierced Satanika in the chest with nine keen darts.

नाकुलिस्तस्य विशिखैवर्म संनतपर्वभिः। गात्रात् संच्यावयामास तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
The son of Nakula, (also), with straight arrows cut-off his armour from his body and this feat seemed marvellous.

सोऽपेतवर्मा पुत्रस्ते विरराज भृशं नृप। उत्सृज्य काले राजेन्द्र निर्मोकमिव पन्नगः॥
His armour being cut-off, your son O monarch, O lord of kings, looked as beautiful as a snake with its slough cast off in proper time.

ततोऽस्य निशितैर्बाणैर्ध्वजं चिच्छेद नाकुलिः। धनुश्चैव महाराज यतमानस्य संयुगे॥
The, O great king, the son of Nakula, cutoff, with sharpened arrows, the standard and the bow of that one i.e., Chitrasena who was exerting his utmost in that engagement.

स च्छिन्नधन्वा समरे विवर्मा च महारथः। धनुरन्यन्महाराज जग्राहारिविदारणम्॥
That mighty car-warrior, deprived of his car and coat of mail and his bow cut-off, took up another very strong bow capable of piercing every foe.

ततस्तूर्णं चित्रसेनो नाकुलिं नवभिः शरैः। विव्याध समरे क्रुद्धो भरतानां महारथः॥
Then Chitrasena, that great car-warrior among the Bharatas, quickly pierced the son of Nakula, in battle, with straight arrows.

शतानीकोऽथ संक्रुद्धश्चित्रसेनस्य मारिष। जघान चतुरो वाहान् सारथिं च नरोत्तमः॥
son The highly powerful Satanika, then inflamed with wrath, destroyed the four horses and also the charioteer of Chitrasena O Bharata.

अवप्लुत्य रथात् तस्माचित्रसेनो महारथः। नाकुलिं पञ्चविंशत्या शराणामार्दयद् बली॥
Jumping down from his car, the highlyrenowned Chitrasena, possessed of (great) strength, oppressed the son of Nakula with twenty-five arrows.

तस्य तत्कुर्वतः कर्म नकुलस्य सुतो रणे। अर्धचन्द्रेण चिच्छेद चापं रत्नविभूषितम्॥
When he (i.e. Chitrasena) was achieving this feat, the of Nakula, in that engagement, cut-off, with a cresent-shaped arrow, his shaft furnished with gold.

स च्छिन्नधन्वा विरथो हताश्वो हतसारथिः। आरुरोहं रथं तूर्णं हार्दिक्यस्य महात्मनः॥
His bow cut-off and deprived of his car, steeds and charioteer, he (i.e. Chitrasena) quickly mounted on the car of the high-souled son of Hridika.

दुपदं तु सहानीकं द्रोणप्रेप्सुं महारथम्। वृषसेनोऽभ्ययात् तूर्णं किरशरशतैस्तदा॥
Then, O great king, Vrishasena, covered that great car-warrior Drupada, who, followed by his army, was advancing against Drona.

यज्ञसेनस्तु समरे कर्णपुत्रं महारथम्। षष्ट्या शराणां विव्याध बाह्वोरुरसि चानघ॥
Yajnasena also, O lord, pierced in that battle, that mighty car-warrior, the son of Karna, in the arm and the chest with six arrows.

वृषसेनस्तु संक्रुद्धो यज्ञसेनं रथे स्थितम्। बहुभिः सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैराजघान स्तनान्तरे॥
Thereupon inflamed with wrath, Vrishasena soon struck Yajnasena, stationed on his car, in the centre of his chest with numerous arrows.

तावुभौ शरनुन्नाङ्गो शरकण्टकितौ रणे। व्यभ्राजेतां महाराज श्वाविधौ शललैरिव॥
O great king, those two heroes mangled with shafts and their bodies looking prickly with the darts sticking io them, looked beautiful like a couple of hedgehogs with their quills erect on their bodies, in that encounter.

रुक्मपुजैः प्रसन्नाग्रैः शरैश्छिन्नतनुच्छदौ। रुधिरौघपरिकिनौ व्यभ्राजेतां महामृधे॥
Covered all over with blood flowing from the wounds caused by straight arrows furnished with golden wings and keen points, those two warriors in that great engagement, looked beautiful.

तपनीयनिभौ चित्रौ कल्पवृक्षाविवाद्धातौ। किंशुकाविव चोत्फुल्लौ व्यकाशेतां रणाजिरे॥
Like a pair of highly graceful and radiant Kalpa trees or a couple of Kinsuka trees rich with their burden of flowers.

वृषसेनस्ततो राजन् दुपदं नवभिः शरैः। विद्ध्वा विव्याध सप्तत्या पुनरन्यैस्रिभित्रिभिः॥
Vrishasena them, o king, having pierced Drupada with nine arrows, pierced him again with seventy and once more with another three shafts.

ततः शरसहस्राणि विमुञ्चन् विवभौ तदा। कर्णपुत्रो महाराज वर्षमाण इवाम्बुदः॥
Then, discharging thousands of arrows in that battle, the son of Karna, O mighty monarch, looked like cloud pouring torrents of rain.

दुपदस्तु ततः क्रुद्धो वृषसेनस्य कार्मुकम्। द्विधा चिच्छेद भल्लेन पीतेन निशितेन च॥
Thereupon, Drupada, excited with wrath, cut-off the bow of Vrishasena into fragments by means of a sharpened and well-tempered broad-headed arrow.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय रुक्मबद्धं नवं दृढम्। तूणादाकृष्य विमलं भल्लं पीतं शितं दृढम्॥
He (then) taking up another new and strong bow, plaited with gold and taking out of his quiver a shinning, well-tempered, strong, keen and broad-headed dart.

कार्मुके योजयित्वा तं दुपदं संनिरीक्ष्य च। आकर्णपूर्ण मुमुचे त्रासयन् सर्वसोमकान्॥
And adjusting it to the string and aiming at Drupada and drawing (his bow-string) up to the very ear, discharged it, striking terror into (the hearts of all the Somakas.

हृदयं तस्य भित्त्वा च जगाम वसुधातलम्। कश्मलं प्राविशद् राजा वृषसेनशराहतः॥
(That dart) riving his heart penetrated into the earth. The king (Drupada), thus wounded by Vrishasena, with dart, fell into a swoon.

सारथिस्तमपोवाह स्मरन् सारथिचेष्टितम्। तस्मिन् प्रभग्ने राजेन्द्र पञ्चालानां महारथे॥
Remembering the duty of (all) charioteers, his driver bore him away. O lord of kings, that great car-warrior among the Panchalas being (thus) defeated.

ततस्तु दुपदानीकं शरैश्छिन्नतानुच्छदम्। सम्प्राद्रवत् तदा राजन् निशीथे भैरवे सति॥
All the warriors (on your side), on that frightful night, rushed against the army of Drupada having their coats of mail cut to pieces with arrows (of the enemy).

प्रदीपैर्हि परित्यक्तैर्व्वलद्भिस्तैः समन्ततः। व्यराजत मही राजन् वीताभ्रा द्यौरिव ग्रहैः॥
In virtue of the (lustre of the) lamps abandoned (by the combatants) and which were burning all around, the field shone resplendent like the cloud-less firmament studded with planets and stars.

तथाङ्गदैर्नियतितैर्व्यराजत वसुंधरा। प्रावृट्काले महाराज विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः॥
Similarly, O great king, (strewn all over) with the fallen Angadas of the combatants, the field looked beautiful like a (mass of) clouds (enlivened) with flashes of lightning during the rainy season.

तत: कर्णसुतात् त्रस्ताः सोमका विप्रदुद्रवुः। यथेन्द्रभयवित्रस्ता दानवास्तारकामये॥
Then, seized with the fear of the son of Karna, (the Panchalas troops) ran away in all directions as the Danavas agitated with the fear of Indra (had fled away) in the battle between the gods and the Asuras.

तेनार्यमानाः समरे द्रवमाणाश्च सोमकाः। व्यराजन्त महाराज प्रदीपैरवभासिताः॥
Crushed in that battle by him (i.e. Vrishasena) the Panchalas together with the Somakas, illuminated by lamps, shone resplendent.

तांस्तु निर्जित्य समरे कर्णपुत्रोऽप्यरोचत। मध्यंदिनमनुप्राप्तो धर्मांशुरिव भारत॥
Having, O Bharata, defeated them in battle, the son of Karna, looked like the sun of scorching rays when he reaches the meridian.

तेषु राजसहस्रेषु तावकेषु परेषु च। एक एव ज्वलंस्तस्थौ वृषसेनः प्रतापवान्॥
Amongst the thousands of kings belonging to your party and that of your enemy, the puissant Vrishasena alone stood (on the field) like the blazing fire.

स विजित्य रणे शूरान् सोमकानां महारथान्। जगाम त्वरितस्तत्र यत्र राजा युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having vanquished (innumerable) horses as well as those great car-warriors the Somakas, he (i.e. Vrishasena) hastened to the spot where king Yudhishthira was.

प्रतिविन्ध्यमथ क्रुद्धं प्रदहन्तं रणे रिपून्। दुःशासनस्तव सुतः प्रत्यगच्छनमहारथः॥
Your son Dushasana stood against that mighty car-warrior, the advancing Prativindhya, consuming his enemies in battle.

तयोः समागमो राजंश्चित्ररूपो बभूव ह। व्यपेतजलद व्योम्नि बुधभास्करयोरिव॥
O king, the clash between looked as marvellous as that between Mercury and Venus in the cloudless sky.

प्रतिविन्ध्यं तु समरे कुवार्णं कर्म दुष्करम्। दुःशासनसिभिर्बाणैर्ललाटे समविध्यत॥
In (that) battle, Prativindhya, who was achieving frightful feats, was pierced by Dushasana in the forehead with three arrows.

सोऽतिविद्धो बलवता तव पुत्रेण धन्विना। विरराज महाबाहुः सशृङ्ग इव पर्वतः॥
Pierced deeply by that powerful bcwman, that is, your son, Prativindhya, O mighty monarch, looked like a mountain furnished with a peak.

दुःशासनं तु समरे प्रतिविन्धयो महारथः। नवभिः सायकैर्विद्धवा पुनर्विव्याध सप्तभिः॥
The great car-warrior Prativindhya (also), in (that) battle, having pierced Dushasana with nine arrows, pierced him again with seven.

तत्र भारते पुत्रस्ते कृतवान् कर्म दुष्करम्। प्रतिविध्यहयानुप्रैः पातयामास सायकैः॥
There, O Bharata, your son performed a difficult feat in as much as he struck down the steeds of Prativindhya with fierce shafts.

सारथिं चास्य भल्लेन ध्वजं च सतपातयत्। रथं च तिलशो राजन् व्यधमत् तस्य धन्विनः॥
(He then), with a broad-headed shaft, O king, struck down the charioteer and the standard and cut-off into minute fragments the car of that bowman.

पताकाश्च सतूणीरा रश्मीन् योक्त्राणि च प्रभो। चिच्छेद तिलश: क्रुद्धः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥
(And), inflamed with rage (he) cut-off into very small fragments, with straight arrows, the flags, the quivers, the strings and the terraces, O lord, (of Prativindhya,s) car.

विरथः स तु धर्मात्मा धनुष्पाणिरवस्थितः। अयोधयत् तव सुतं किरशरशतान् बहून्॥
Made carless, the virtuous-souled (Prativindhya) stood, bow in hand and fought with your son by discharging many hundreds of shafts.

क्षुरप्रेण धनुस्तस्य चिच्छेद तनयस्तव। अथैनं दशभिर्बाणैश्छिन्नधन्वानमार्दयत्॥
Your son, then) with (great) nimbleness of hand cut-off his bow with a razor-shaped arrow and then smote that one whose bow was cutoff, with ten darts.

तं दृष्ट्वा विस्थं तत्र भ्रातरोऽस्य महारथाः। अन्ववर्तन्त वेगेन महत्या सेनया सह॥
Witnessing that (sad) plight that their brother was in, his brothers, who were great car-warriors, followed by a large army, rushed furiously to that place.

आप्लुतः स ततो यानं सुतसोमस्य भास्वरम्। धनुर्गृह्य महाराज विव्याध तनयं तव॥
He then mounted the resplendent car of Sutasoma and O great king, taking up a bow, pierced your son.

ततस्तु तावकाः सर्वे परिवार्य सुतं तव। अभ्यवर्तन्त संग्रामे महत्या सेनया वृताः॥
Thereupon, all your warriors surrounding your son (in order to protect him) and followed by a great force, rushed (against the Pandavas).

ततः प्रववृते युद्धं तव तेषां च भारत। निशीथे दारुणे काले यमराष्ट्रविवर्धनम्॥
Then, at that frightful hour of midnight, there commenced an encounter swelling (the population of) Yama's domains between your (army) and theirs.