The close fight

संजय उवाच प्रकाशिते तदा लोके रजसा तमसाऽऽवृते। समाजग्मुरथो वीराः परस्परवधैषिणः॥
Sanjaya said The field of battle, which had been before buried in darkness and dust, being thus lighted up (by the lustre of those lamps, heroic combatants, desirous of slay-ingone another, encountered one another (in battle).

ते समेत्य रणे राजज्छस्रप्रासासिधारिणः। परस्परमुदैक्षन्त परस्परकृतागसः॥
Taking up their lances, swords and (other) weapons and encountering one another, they looked wrathfully at one another in battle, o king.

प्रदीपानां सहस्रैश्च दीप्यमानैः समन्ततः। रत्नाचितैः स्वर्णदण्डैर्गन्धतैलावसिञ्चितैः॥
With thousands of lamps shedding their lustre all around and placed upon golden steeds adorned with gems and fed with fragrant oil.

देवगन्धर्वदीपाद्यैः प्रभाभिरधिकोज्वलैः। विरराज तदा भूमिहैद्यौरिव भारत॥
And with the lamps sent down by the celestials and the Gandharvas which were more lustrous and brilliant, the field of battle, O Bharata, looked as beautiful as the firmament studded with planets and stars.

उल्काशतैः प्रज्वलितै रणभूमिळराजत। दह्यमानेव लोकानामभावे च वसुंधरा॥
The field of battle, lighted up by hundreds of blazing brands, looked resplendent. Indeed, the earth seemed to be on fire like what happens at the time of universal destruction.

व्यदीप्यन्त दिशः सर्वाः प्रदीपैस्तैः समन्ततः। वर्षाप्रदोषे खद्योतैर्वृता वृक्षा इवाबभुः॥
All the points illuminated by the light of) those lamps all around, looked (beautiful) like trees teeming with glow-worms on an evening of the rainy season.

असज्जन्त ततो वीरा वीरेष्वेव पृथक् पृथक्। नागा नागैः समाजग्मुस्तुरगा हयसादिभिः॥
The, O monarch, brave warriors engaged with brave warriors. Elephants encountered elephants, horsemen (encountered) horsemen.

रथा रथवरैरेव समाजग्मुर्मुदा युताः। तस्मिन् रात्रिमुखे घोरे तव पुत्रस्य शासनात्॥
and car-warriors joyfully engaged with one another, during the dreadful night at the command of your son.

चतुरङ्गस्य सैन्यस्य सम्पातश्च महानभूत्। ततोऽर्जुनो महाराज कौरवाणामनीकिनीम्॥ व्यधमत् त्वरया युक्तः क्षपयन् सर्वपार्थिवान्।
Terrific, (indeed) was the clash of the two armies, (each) consisting of four (kinds of) forces. Then, 0 great king, Arjuna, vanquishing all the kings (on your son's side), began quickly to destroy the army of the Kauravas.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तस्मिन् प्रविष्टे संरब्धे मम पुत्रस्य वाहिनीम्॥ अमृष्यमाणे दुर्धर्षे कथमासीन्मनो हि वः।
Dhritarastra said What, (O Sanjaya) became the state of your minds when, filled with rage, the invincible one (i.e. Arjuna) entered into my son's army?

किमकुर्वत सन्यानि प्रविष्ट परपीडने॥ दुर्योधनश्च किं कृत्यं प्राप्तकालममन्यत।
What did (my) forces do then when that sorcher of foes penetrated into them? (And) what course, (best) suited to that occasion, did Duryodhana think to adopt?

के चैनं समरे वीरं प्रत्युद्ययुररिंदमाः॥ द्रोणं च के व्यरक्षन्त प्रविष्टे श्वेतवाहने।
What chastisers of foes opposed (the career of) that hero? Who were they that protected Drona when Shetavahana entered into our army)?

के रक्षन् दक्षिणं चक्र के च द्रोणस्य सव्यतः॥ के पृष्ठतश्चाप्यभवन् वीरा वीरान् विनिघ्नतः।
Who were they that protected the right and the left car-wheels of Drona? Who were those heroes that protected the rear of that hero when he was engaged in fighting?

के पुरस्तादगच्छन्त निघ्नन्तः शात्रवान् रणे॥ यत् प्राविशन्महेष्वासः पञ्चालानपराजितः। नृत्यन्निव नरव्याघ्रो रथमार्गेषु वीर्यवान्॥ यो ददाह शरैर्दोणः पञ्चालानां रथव्रजान्।
Indeed, when that invincible, puissant and mighty bowman, endued with the valour of a tiger, penetrated into the midst of the Panchalas, dancing as it were along the track of his car and destroying his enemies in battle, who were they that came to his front? How did Drona who consumed large troops of cars of the Panchalas.

धूमकेतुरिव क्रुद्धः कथं मृत्युमुपेयिवान्॥ अव्यग्रानेव हि परान् कथयस्यपराजितान्।
Like a wrathful meteor, meet with his death? You always describe my enemies as cool, unvanquished.

हृष्टानुदीर्णान् संग्रामे न तथा सूत मामकान्॥ हतांश्चैव विदीर्णाश्च विप्रकीर्णाश्च शंससि। रथिनो विरथांश्चैव कृतान् युद्धेषु मामकान्॥
Cheerful and impetuous in battle. But, O Sanjaya, you do not speak so of my warriors. You speak of them as slain, pale and routed and of my car-warriors as (always) made carless in the battle?

संजय उवाच द्रोणस्य मतमाज्ञाय योद्धुकामस्य तां निशाम्। दुर्योधनो महाराज वश्यान् भ्रातूनुवाच ह॥
Sanjaya said Aware of the intentions of Drona as desirous of fighting during that night, Duryodhana, O mighty monarch, addressed his obedient brothers.

कर्णं च वृषसेनं च मद्रराजं च कौरव। दुर्धर्षं दीर्घबाहुं च ये च तेषां पदानुगाः॥
(Namely) Vikarna, Chitrasena, Suparsa, Durdharsha and Dirghabahu and all their followers sayingद्रोणं यत्ताः परक्रान्ताः सर्वे रक्षन्तु पृष्ठतः।

हार्दिक्यो दक्षिणं चक्रं शल्यश्चैवोत्तरं तथा॥
O powerful (heroes), all of your carefully protect Drona from the rear. Let the son of Hridika (protect) his right car-wheel and Shalya the left.

ये त्रिगर्तानां च शूरा हतशिष्टा महारथाः। तांश्चैव पुरतः सर्वान् पुत्रसते समचोदयत्॥
Then your son commanded all the survivors of the heroic Trigarta warriors to place themselves in the van (saying).

आचार्यो हि सुसंयत्तो भृशं यत्ताश्च पाण्डवाः। तं रक्षत सुसंयत्ता निघ्नतं शात्रवान् रणे॥
The preceptor is of benevolent disposition and the Pandavas are trying their utmost (to slay him). United together you will protect him while he will be engaged in destroying his enemies in battle.

द्रोणो हि बलवान् युद्धे क्षिप्रहस्तः प्रतापवान्। निर्जयेत् त्रिदशान् युद्धे किमु पार्थान् ससोमकान्॥२४
Drona is powerful in battle, is endued with nimbleness of hand and is puissant. Not to speak of Pandavas united with the Somakas, he is competent to vanquish even the very gods in battle.

ते यूयं सहिताः सर्वे भृशं यत्ता महारथाः। द्रोणं रक्षत पाञ्चालाद् धृष्टद्युम्नान्महारथात्॥
United together and exerting your very best in (this) dreadful engagement, all of you protect Drona from that invincible and mighty car-warrior Dhristadyumna.

पाण्डवीयेषु सैन्येषु न तं पश्याम कञ्चन। यो योधयेद् रणे द्रोणं धृष्टद्युम्नाहृते नृपः॥
I do not find any one among the warriors of the Pandavas except Dhristadyumna, that is capable of defeating Drona in battle.

तस्मात् सर्वात्मना मन्ये भारद्वाजस्य रक्षणम्। सुगुप्तः पाण्डवान् हन्यात् संजयांश्च ससोमकान्॥
I therefore think we should apply our whole heart and soul to protection of the son of Bharadvaja. (If) protected (by us) he will gradually destroy the Somakas as well as the Srinjayas.

संजयेष्वथ सर्वेषु निहतेषु चमूमुखे। धृष्टद्युम्नं रणे द्रौणिर्हनिष्यति न संशयः॥
When all the Srinjayas, (placed) in the van of the (Pandava) army will be destroyed, the son of Drona will undoubtedly slay Dhristadyumna in battle.

तथार्जुनं च राधेयो हनिष्यति महारथः। भीमसेनमहं चापि युद्धे जेष्यामि दीक्षितः॥
Similarly the great car-warrior Karna will vanquish Arjuna in battle. (And) I will myself destroy Bhimasena and others clad in mail in battle.

शेषांश्च पाण्डवान् योधाः प्रसभं हीनतेजसः। सोऽयं मम जयो व्यक्तो दीर्घकालं भविष्यति।
The remaining Pandavas, destitute of energy, will be easily subjugated by (my) warriors. My success, then, will last for a long time.

तस्माद् रक्षत संग्रामे द्रोणमेव महारथम्॥ इत्युक्त्वा भरतश्रेष्ठ पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव।
Therefore protect (carefully) the mighty car-warrior Drona in battle." Thus addressing (his soldiers), your son Duryodhana, 0 foremost of the descendants of Bharata.

व्यादिदेश तथा सैन्यं तस्मिंस्तमसि दारुणे॥ ततः प्रववृते युद्धं रात्रौ भरतसत्तम।
Then cominanded his army (to act in obedience to his orders) during that dreadfully dark night. Then, O most exalted of Bharatas, took place a battle.

उभयोः सेनयो?रं परस्परजिगीषया॥ अर्जुनः कौरवं सैन्यमर्जुनं चापि कौरवाः। नानाशस्त्रसमावायैरन्योयं समपीडयन्॥ द्रौणिः पाञ्चालराजं च भारद्वाजश्च सुंजयान्। छादयांचक्रतुः संख्ये शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ पाण्डुपाञ्चालसैन्यानां कौरवाणां च भारत। आसीनिष्टानको घोरो निजतामितरेतरम्॥
Between the two armies, both desirous of victory, O king, Arjuna, (then), began to sorely assailed the army of the Kauravas and Arjuna, with numerous (sorts of) weapons. (And) in that engagement the son of Drona began to cover the Panchala king and the son of Bharadvaja, the Srinjayas, with straight arrows. (And) O Bharata, as the armies of the Pandavas and the Panchalas (on one side) and that of the Kauravas (on the other).

नैवास्माभिस्तथा पूर्वैर्दृष्टपूर्वं तथाविधम्। श्रुतं वा यादृशं युद्धमासीद् रौद्रं भयानकम्॥
Fell to destroying one another there arose a dreadful uproar. Neither ourselves nor those who preceded us, had (previously) witnessed such a furious and dreadful battle as took place during that night.