The battle between Drona and Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच दुपदस्यात्मजान् दृष्ट्वा कुन्तिभोजसुतांस्तथा। द्रोणपुत्रेण निहतान् राक्षसांश्च सहस्रशः॥
Sanjaya said Seeing that the sons of Drupada and those of Kuntibhoja as well as thousands of Rakshasas were destroyed by the son of Drona.

युधिष्ठिरो भीमसेनो धृष्टद्युम्नश्च पार्षतः। युयुधानश्च संयत्ता युद्धायैव मनो दधुः॥
Yudhishthira, Bhimasena, Dhristadyumna, the son of Prishata and Yuyudhana (all) united together, re-engaged their attention to battle.

सोमदत्तः पुनः क्रुद्धो दृष्ट्वा सात्यकिमाहवे। महता शरवर्षेणच्छादयामास भारत॥
Growing angry again at seeing Satyaki in battle, O Bharata, Somadatta covered him with mighty discharge of arrows.

ततः समभवद् युद्धमतीव भयवर्धनम्। त्वदीयानां परेषां च धोरं विजयकाक्षिणाम्॥
Then the battle that took place between your army and that of the enemy was dreadful and highly marvellous to look at, (in which) both parties were desirous of gaining the victory.

तं दृष्ट्वा समुपायान्तं रुक्मपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः। दशभिः सात्वतस्यार्थे भीमो विव्याध सायकैः॥
Bhima, for the purpose of (helping) Sattavat, pierced the Kaurava (Somadatta) with ten (arrows). Somadatta too struck that hero in return with a hundred (darts).

सोमदत्तोऽपि तं वीरं शतेन प्रत्यविध्यता सात्वतस्त्वभिसंक्रुद्धः पुत्राधिभिरभिप्लुतम्॥ वृद्ध वृद्धगुणैयुक्तं ययातिमिव नाहुषम्। विव्याध दशभिस्तीक्ष्णैः शरैर्वज्रनिपातनैः॥
(Then) Sattavat, furious with wrath, struck that old one smitten with grief for the slaughter of his son (by Satyaki) and who was, like Yayati, the son of Nahusha, possessed of every noble quality, with ten sharpened arrows having the force of the thunder. After piercing him (with these ten arrows) with great mighty he (i.e. Sayiaki) struck him again with seven (more).

शक्त्या चैनं विनिर्भिद्य पुनर्विव्याध सप्तभिः। ततस्तु सात्यकेरर्थे भीमसेनो नवं दृढम्॥ मुमोच परिघं घोरं सोमदत्तस्य मूर्धनि।
Bhimasena, also for the purpose of (helping) Satyaki, hurled a new and formidable Parigha at the head of Somadatta.

सात्वतोऽप्यग्निसंकाशं मुमोच शरमुत्तमम्॥ सोमदत्तोरसि क्रुद्धः सुपत्रं निशितं युधि।
Sattvata too, in anger, discharged at the chest of Somadatta, in that encounter, a keen and excellent dart, furnished with beautiful wings and as (furious) as the fire itself.

युगपत् पेततुरि घोरौ परिघमार्गणौ॥ शरीरे सोमदत्तस्य स पपात महारथः।
Both the formidable Parigha and the arrow, having at one and the same time, fallen upon the body of the heroic Somadatta, that mighty car-warrior fell down.

व्यामोहिते तु तनये बाह्रीकस्तमुपाद्रवत्॥ विसृजञ्छरवर्षाणि कालवर्षीव तोयदः।
His son being deprived of consciousness, Valhika, discharging showers of arrows like the clouds (pouring) torrents of rain during (the rainy, season), rushed at him.

भीमोऽथ सात्वतस्यार्थे वाह्नीकं नवभिः शरैः॥ प्रपीडयन् महात्मानं विव्याण रणमूर्धनि।
Then Bhima, for the sake of Satyaki, tormented and pierced, in that encounter, the high-souled Balhika with nine arrows.

प्रातिपेयस्तु संक्रुद्धः शक्तिं भीमस्य वक्षसि॥ निचखान महाबाहुः पुरंदर इवाशनिम्।
Like Purandara hurling the thunder bolt, the mighty arrmed son of Partha. (i.e., Valhika), smitten with ire, struck Bhima on the chest with an arrow.

स तथाभिहतो भीमश्चकम्पे च मुमोह च॥ प्राप्य चेतश्च बलवान् गदामस्मै ससर्ज ह।
Thus struck (by Valhika) Bhima trembled and (then) fell into a swoon. Then that powerful one, recovering his senses, hurled a mace at him.

सा पाण्डवेन प्रहिता बाह्रीकस्य शिरोऽहरत्॥ स पपात हतः पृथ्व्यां वज्राहत इवाद्रिराट्।
That (mace) hurled by the Pandava (Bhimasena) smashed the head of Valhika. He (then) fell down dead on the earth like a tree struck by lightning.

तस्मिन् विनिहते वीरे बाह्लीके पुरुषर्षभ॥ पुत्रास्तेऽभ्यर्दयन् भीमं दश दशरथेः समाः। नागदत्तो दृढरथो महाबाहुरयोभुजः॥ दृढः सुहस्तो विरजाः प्रमाथ्युग्रोऽनुयाय्यपि।
That foremost of men, the heroic Valhika being (thus) slain, your ten sons, viz., Nagadatta, Dhridaratha, Viravahu, Ayobhuja, Dridha, Suhasta, Viraja, Pramatha and Ugrayayin; (each of whom) resembled the son of Dasharatha (i.e. Rama) began to torment Bhima.

तान् दृष्ट्वा चुक्रुधे भीमो जगृहे भारसाधनान्॥ एकमेकं समुद्दिश्य पातयामास मर्मसु।
Filled with ire on beholding them, Bhima, aiming at each of them one after the other, struck each of them in the vital parts with arrows capable of bearing much strain.

ते विद्धा व्यसव: पेतुः स्यन्दनेभ्यो हतौजसः॥ चण्डवातप्रभग्नास्तु पर्वताग्रान्महीरुहाः।
Pierced (with those arrows) they fell down from their cars deprived of life and energy as trees broken by a furious hurricane (fall down) from the mountain summits.

नाराचैर्दशभिर्भीमस्तान् निहत्य तवात्मजान्॥ कर्णस्य दयितं पुत्रं वृषसेनमवाकिरत्।
Having destroyed those (ten) sons of your with ten arrows Bhima covered Vrishasena, the beloved son of Karna (with downpours of shafts).

ततो वृकरथो नाम भ्राता कर्णस्य विश्रुतः॥ जधान भीमं नाराचैस्तमप्यभ्यद्रवद् बली।
Then the renowned brother of Karna, Vrikaratha by name, pierced Bhima with arrows. (But) that hero (i.e., Bhima) soon slew him.

ततः सप्त स्थान् वीरः स्यालानां तव भारत॥ निहत्य भीमौ नाराचैः शतचन्द्रमपोथयत्।
Then the heroic Bhima, having killed seven car-warriors among your brothers-in-law, with arrows, buried Satachandra into the earth (by main force), O Bharata.

अमर्षयन्तो निहतं शतचन्द्रं महारथम्॥ शकुने_तरो वीरा गवाक्षः शरभो विभुः।
Unable to put up with the destruction of that great car-warrior Satachandra, the brothers of Shakuni viz., the heroic Gavaksha, Sarava, Vibhu (and two others).

सुभगो भानुदत्तश्च शूराः पञ्च महारथाः॥ अभिद्रुत्य शरैस्तीक्षणैर्भीमसेनमताडयन्।
Rushing against Bhimasena, oppressed him with keen darts. Afflicted with those shafts like a mountain with torrents of rain, he.

स ताड्यमानो नाराचैर्वृष्टिवेगैरिवाचलः॥ जघान पञ्चभिर्बाणैः पञ्चैवातिरथान् बली।
Destroyed those five kings endued with great prowess, with five arrows. Those foremost of kings (who were present in that battle) seeing the destruction of those five heroes began to waver.

तान् दृष्ट्वा निहतान् वीरान् विचेलुनृपसत्तमाः॥ ततो युधिष्ठिरः क्रुद्धस्तवानीकमशातयत्। मिषत: कुम्भयोनेस्तु पुत्राणां तव चानघ॥
Then Yudhishthira began angrily to crush borm (Drona) and in that of your sons, O sinless one.

अम्बष्ठान् मालवाञ्छूरांस्रिगर्तान् स शिबीनापि। प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय क्रुद्धो युद्धे युधिष्ठिरः॥
(And) in that battle Yudhishthira sent to the region of Death, the Ambhastas, the Malavas, the heroic Trigartas and the Sivis.

अभीषाहाञ्छूरसेनान् बाह्रीकान् सवसातिकान्। निकृत्य पृथिवीं राजा चक्रे शोणितकर्दमाम्॥
Chopping off the Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Valhikas and the Vashatikas, he made the earth muddy with (their) flesh and blood.

यौधेयान् मालवान् राजन् मद्रकाणां गणान् युधि। प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय शूरान् बाणैर्युधिष्ठिरः॥
(And), O king, in a moment he sent to the region of Yama, with a number of darts, the heroic Youdheyas, the Malavas and hosts of the Madrakas in battle.

हताहरत गृह्णीत विध्यत व्यवकृन्तत। इत्यासीत् तुमुलः शब्दो युधिष्ठिररथं प्रति॥
Then a tumultuous uproar (such as) “Slay, seize, capture, pierce and cut to pieces”-arose in the direction of Yudhishthira's car.

सैन्यानि द्रावयन्तं तं द्रोणो दृष्ट्वा युधिष्ठिरम्। चोदितस्तव पुत्रेण सायकैरभ्यवाकिरत्॥
Seeing Yudhishthira afflict your troops Drona, urged on by your son surrounded him (i.e. Yudhishthira) with arrows.

द्रोणस्तु परमक्रुद्धो वायव्यास्रेण पार्थिवम्। विव्याध सोऽपि तद् दिव्यमस्रमस्रेण जनिवान्॥
Drona also, exceedingly enraged, discharged at that Pandava the weapon presided over by Vayu. over by Vayu. But he (i.e., Yudhishthira) destroyed that celestial weapon with (another) weapon.

तस्मिन् विनिहते चास्रे भारद्वाजो युधिष्ठिरे। वारुणं याम्यमाग्नेयं त्वाष्ट्र सावित्रमेव च॥ चिक्षेप परमाद्धो जिघांसुः पाण्डुनन्दनम्। क्षिप्तानि क्षिप्यमाणानि तानि चास्त्राणि धर्मजः॥ जघानास्त्रैर्महाबाहुः कुम्भयोनेरवित्रसन्। सत्यां चिकीर्षमाणस्तु प्रतिज्ञां कुम्भसम्भवः॥
That weapon being baffled by Yudhishthira, the son of Bharadvaja, in great rage, hurled at the Pandu the Varuna and Agneya,. The Teshra and the Savitra weapon, with desire of destroying him. All those weapons that were (either) hurled (or) being hurled by the Pot-born, were dauntlessly baffled by that mighty-armed and righteous one. Desirous of accomplishing his vow the Pat-born.

प्रादुश्चक्रेऽस्रमैन्द्रं वै प्राजापत्यं च भारत। जिघांसुर्धर्ततनयं तव पुत्रहिते रतः॥
Devoted to the welfare of your son, called into existence the weapons presided over by Varuna or Prajapati, in order to slay the son of Dharma, O Bharata.

पतिः कुरूणां गजसिंहगामी विशालवक्षाः पृथुलोहिताक्षः। प्रादुचकारास्रमहीनतेजा। माहेन्द्रमन्यत् स जघान तेन॥
(Then) the lord of the Kurus (i.e. Yudhishthira) walking like a lion or elephant endued with a broad chest and large red eyes and possessed of an energy not less (then that of Drona) called into existence the Mahendra weapon, by means of which he baffled the weapon of Drona.

विहन्यमानेष्वस्त्रेषु द्रोणः क्रोधसमन्वितः। युधिष्ठिरवधं प्रेप्सुाह्यमस्रमुदैरयत्॥
All those weapons of his being baffled, Drona was filled with ire; and desirous of slaying Yudhishthira, he called into existence the weapon presided over by Brahma.

ततो नाज्ञासिषं किंचिद् घोरेण तमसाऽऽवृते। सर्वभूतानि च परं त्रासं जग्मुर्महीपते॥
Being enveloped in a dismal darkness, we could not, then, discern anything. And, O lord of the earth, all the creatures experienced a terrible horror.

ब्रह्मास्रमुद्यतं दृष्ट्वा कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। ब्रह्मास्रेणैव राजेन्द्र तदत्रं प्रत्यवारयत्॥
Seeing that the Brahma weapon was uplifted, Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, baffled that weapon by means of Brahma weapon, O king of kings.

ततः सैनिकमुख्यास्ते प्रशशंसुर्नरर्षभौ। द्रोणपार्थो महेष्वासौ सर्वयुद्धविशारदौ॥
Then the principal warriors (of the two armies) praised those two most exalted of men, those two great bowmen, viz., Drona and the son of Pritha, who were conversant with all the (arts of) warfare.

ततः प्रमुच्य कौन्तेयं द्रोणो दुपदवाहिनीम्। व्यधमत् क्रोधताम्राक्षो वायव्यास्रेण भारत॥
Leaving the son of Kunti, Drona, then, whose eyes became as red as copper in rage, began to destroy, by means of weapons, the army of Drupada.

ते हन्यमाना द्रोणेन पञ्चालाः प्राद्रवन् भयात्। पश्यतो भीमसेनस्य पार्थस्य च महात्मनः॥
The Panchalas, (thus) destroyed by Drona fled away in terror in the very presence of Bhimasena and in that of the high-souled Pritha.

ततः किरीटी भीमश्च सहसा संन्यवर्तताम्। महद्भयां रथवंशाभ्यां परिगृह्य बलं तदा॥
Then Kiriti and Bhima, rallying their own ariny, all on a sudden attacked, with a great car-force, your army.

बीभत्सुदक्षिणं पार्श्वमुत्तरं च वृकोदरः। भारद्वाजं शरौघाभ्यां महद्भयामभ्यवर्षताम्॥
Vibhatsu attacking the right and Vrikodara the left flank (of your army), discharged at the son of Bharadvaja mighty downpours of shafts.

केकयाः सृञ्जयाश्चैव पञ्चालाश्च महौजसः। अन्वगच्छन् महाराज मत्स्याश्च सह सात्वतैः॥
The Kakeyas, the Srinjayas and the highly energetic Panchalas, O great king, together with the Matsyas and the Sattvata followed suit.

ततः सा भारती सेवा वध्यमाना किरीटिना। तमसा निद्रया चैव पुनरेव व्यदीर्यत॥
Then the Bharata army, butchered by Kiriti and (overpowered) with sleep and darkness, dispersed again.

द्रोणेन वार्यमाणास्ते स्वयं तव सुतेन च। नाशक्यन्त महाराज योधा वारयितुं तदा॥
Although, O great king, Drona himself and your son tried to rally them, yet they were not capable of reducing the warriors to order.