None: Chapter 143

Continuous The slaughter of Bhurisravas

संजय उवाच स बाहुय॑पतद् भमौ सखङ्ग सशुभाङ्गदः। आदधजीवलोकस्य दुःखमद्भुतमुत्तमः॥
Sanjaya said Then that arm with the sword in grasp and decked with beautiful Angadas, fell down on the earth, thereby inflicting great grief on the living creation.

प्रहरिष्यन् हृतो बाहुरदृश्येन किरीटिना। वेगेन न्यपतद् भूमौ पञ्चास्य इव पन्नगः॥
In the act of striking, that arm was lopped off by the diadem-decked Arjuna, who himself remained invisible to Bhruisravas; thus cut-off, it fell down vehemently on the earth, like a five-hooded snake.

स मोघं कृतमात्मानं दृष्ट्वा पार्थेन कौरवः। उत्सृज्य सात्यकि क्रोधाद् गर्हयामास पाण्डवम्॥
Then that descendant of the Kuru race, beholding himself incapacitated by Pritha's son, began, out of rage, to reprove the son of Pandu, having abandoned Satyaki.

भूरिश्रवा उवाच नृशंसं बत कौन्तेय कर्मेदं कृतवानसि। अपश्यतो विषक्तस्य यन्मे बाहुमचिच्छिदः॥
Bhurisravas said Alas, O son of Kunti, you have committed a cruel and heartless deed, in as much as, not being engaged with me and covertly, you have cut-off my arm.

किं नु वक्ष्यसि राजानं धर्मपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। किं कुर्वाणो मया संख्ये हतो भूरिश्रवा रणे॥
Shall you have not to say to king Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma-'Bhurisravas when engaged with another was slain by me in battle?"

इदमिन्द्रेण ते साक्षादुपदिष्टं महात्मना। अस्त्रं रुद्रेण वा पार्थ द्रोणेनाथ कृपेण वा॥
Was it for this that you learnt the use of weapons from the illustrious Indra or Rudra or Drona or Kripa. O son of Pritha!

ननु नामास्रधर्मज्ञस्त्वं लोकेऽभ्यधिकः परैः। सोऽयुध्यमानस्य कथं रणे प्रहृतवानसि॥
It is said that you are batter acquainted with the rules about the use of weapons then many others. Why then have you lopped off the arm of one who was not fighting with you?

न प्रमत्ताय भीताय विरथाय प्रयाचते। व्यसने वर्तमानाय प्रहरन्ति मनस्विनः॥
The righteous never strike him who is careless or who is frightened or who is made carless or who implores mercy or who is involved in a calamity.

इदं तु नीचाचरितमसत्पुरुषसेवितम्। कथमाचरितं पार्थ पापकर्म सुदुष्करम्॥
Why then, O son of Pritha, have you perpetrated this vile and difficult deed, that is only worthy of a mean fellow and is practised only by wicked people.

आर्येण सुकरं त्वाहुरार्यकर्म धनंजय। अनार्यकर्म त्वार्येण सुदुष्करतमं भुवि॥
O Dhananjaya, respectable people look upon respectable deeds to be very easy of being accomplished. But a disrespectable deed is difficult of being perpetrated by a respectable person.

येषु येषु नरव्याघ्र यत्र यत्र च वर्तते। आशु तच्छीलतामेति तदिदं त्वयि दृश्यते॥
Men quickly imbibe the behaviours of those among whom they live, O Bharata, the truth of this proposition is verified in you.

कथं हि राजवंश्यस्त्वं कौरवेया विशेषतः। क्षत्रधर्मादपक्रान्तः सुवृत्तश्चरितव्रतः॥
Of royal extraction and specially descendant as you are of the Kuru race, how could you transgress the duties of the Kshatriya race, although you were well-behaved and observant of vows.

इदं तु यदतिक्षुद्रं वार्ष्णेयार्थे कृतं त्वया। वासुदेवमतं नूनं नैतत् त्वय्युपपद्यते॥
This vile act that you have today perpetrated for the sake of the Vrishni hero, is surely the result of Vasudeva's instigations. And it cannut possibly be reconciled to your nature.

को हि नाम प्रमत्ताय परेण सह युध्यते। ईदृशं व्यसनं दद्याद् यो न कृष्णसखो भवेत्॥
What man, except he that calls himself a friended of Krishna would inflict such an injury on another who is engaged deeply in fighting with his adversary?

व्रात्याः संक्लिष्टकर्माणः प्रकृत्यैव च गर्हिताः। वृष्ण्यन्धकाः कथं पार्थ प्रमाणं भवता कृताः॥
The Vrishnis and the Andhakas are vile Kshatriyas, ever engaged in perpetrating low deeds and are by nature wedded to shameful conduct. Why, O Partha, have you chosen them to be your model?” Being thus spoken to Partha then replied to Bhurisravas sayingएवमुक्तो रणे पार्थो भूरिश्रवसमब्रवीत्।

अर्जुन उवाच व्यक्तं हि जीर्यमाणोऽपि बुद्धिं जरयते नरः॥
Arjuna said “Now it is clear that with the decay of body, the intellect of men also suffer decay, since, O master, you have uselessly directed all these reproaches to me.

अनर्थकमिदं सर्व यत् त्वया व्याहृतं प्रभो। जानन्नेव हृषीकेशं गर्हसे मां च पाण्डवम्॥
Knowing myself and Hrishikesha perfectly well how is it that you reproach us both? I am conversant perfectly with the rules of fair combat and I am acquainted with the meaning of all moral precepts.

संग्रामाणां हि धर्मज्ञः सर्वशास्त्रार्थपारगः। न चाधर्ममहं कुर्या जानंश्चैव हि मुह्यसे॥
So, it is impossible that I should commit a sinful act. Knowing this also, fight with their foes, being supported by their own men.

युध्यन्ति क्षत्रियाः शत्रून् स्वैः स्वैः परिवृता नराः। भ्रातृभिः पितृभिः पुत्रैस्तथा सम्बन्धिबान्धवैः॥ वयस्यैरथ मित्रैश्च ते च बाहुं समाश्रिताः।
Such as their brothers, their fathers their sons and relatives and friends and kinsmen and companions and also relying on the strength of their arms.

स कथं सात्यकिं शिष्यं सुखसम्बन्धमेव च॥ अस्मदर्थे च युध्यन्तं त्यक्त्वा प्राणान् सुदुस्त्यजान्।
men Why then should I not protect, Satyaki my disciple and my dear relative who is fighting in this battle on our behave reckless of the very life that is so difficult of being laid down?

मम बाहुं रणे राजन् दक्षिणं युद्धदुर्मदम्॥ न चात्मा रक्षितव्यो वै राजन् रणगतेन हि।
Why should I not protect "Satyaki who is, O king, like my own right arm to me? In battle, one should not look after his own protection only.

यो यस्य युज्यतेऽर्थेषु स वे रक्ष्यो नराधिप॥ तै रक्ष्यमाणैः स नृपो रक्षितव्यो महामृधे।
O ruler of men, he that is engaged on behalf of another, should surely be protected by that other. When such are themselves protected they can look after the protection of the king (on whose behalf they fight).

यहहं सात्यकिं पश्ये वध्यमानं महारणे॥ ततस्तस्य वियोगेन पापं मेऽनर्थतो भवेत्।
If indeed I had passively beheld Satyaki's slaughter in this great encounter, then, at Satyaki's death, sin would have hanged on me for my negligence.

रक्षितश्च मया यस्मात् तस्मात् क्रुध्यसि किं मयि॥२४ यच्च मे गर्हसे राजन्नन्येन सह संगतम्। अहं त्वया विनिकृतस्तत्र मे बुद्धिविभ्रमः॥ कवचं धुन्वतस्तुभ्यं रथं चारोहतः स्वयम्। धनुर्ध्या कर्पतश्चैव युध्यतः सह शत्रुभिः॥ एवं रथगजाकीर्णे हयपत्तिसमाकुले। सिंहनादोद्धतरवे गम्भीरे सैन्यसागरे॥ स्वैः परैश्च समेतेभ्यः सात्वतेन च संगमे। एकस्यैकेन हि कथं संग्रामः सम्भविष्यति॥ बहुभिः सह संगम्य निर्जित्य च महारथान्।
Why do you wax wroth upon me for my having protected him, who is every way deserves my protection? You are reproaching me, O king, saying, 'When engaged with another, I have yet been incapacitated by you.' In respect to this, I submit that I committed an error in my judgment. Satyaki was shaking his armour against you and was riding on his own car, drawing his bow-string he was fighting with the foes, in the midst of his enemies abounding in steeds and foot-soldiers and teeming with cars and elephants and echoing with the war-cries of combatants. Amongst friends and foes engaged with one another, how could it be possible that the Satvata hero was engaged with one person only? Having encountered many warriors and vanquished many mighty car-warrior.

श्रान्तश्च श्रान्तवाहश्च विमनाः शस्त्रपीडितः॥ ईदृशं सात्यकि संख्ये निर्जित्य च महारथम्।
Satyaki was fatigued and afflicted with weapons-wounds and cheerless in mind; his horses also were exhausted. Having, under these circumstances, defeated the mighty carwarrior Satyaki.

ईदृशं सात्यकिं संख्ये निर्जित्य च महारथम्। अधिकत्वं विजानीषे स्ववीर्यवशमागतम्॥
And having thus obtained advantage over him, you seek to establish your superiority. You desired to cut-off with your sword the head of Satyaki.

यदिच्छसि शिरश्चास्य असिना हन्तुमाहवे। तथा कृच्छ्रगतं चैव सात्यकिं कः क्षमिष्यति॥ त्वं वै विगर्हयात्मानमात्मानं यो न रक्षसि। कथं करिष्यसे वीर यो वा त्वां संश्रयेज्जनः॥
I could not possibly behold passively Satyaki reduced to that plight. It is proper that you should reproach your own self in as much as you neglected to protect yourself (when trying to injure another). Indeed O hero, how would you yourself have behaved towards one who would be your dependent.

संजय उवाच एवमुक्तो महाबाहुपकेतुर्महायशाः। युयुधानं समुज्सृज्य रणे प्रायमुपाविशत्॥
Sanjaya said Thus spoken to (by Arjuna), the illustrious and mighty-armed Bhurisravas bearing the device of a sacrificial stake on his banner, let Yuyudhana go and desired to enter upon the performance of Praya-Yoga.

शरानास्तीर्य सव्येन पाणिना पुण्यलक्षणः। यियासुर्ब्रह्मलोकाय प्राणान् प्राणेष्वथाजुहोत्॥
Distinguished by many pious deeds, he then spread with his left hand a bed of arrows and out of a desire for going to the regions of Brahman, he committed his vital breaths to the care of the gods presiding over them.

सूर्ये चक्षुः समाधाय प्रसन्नं सलिले मनः। ध्यायन् महोपनिषदं योगयुक्तोऽभवन्मुनिः॥
Steadying his eyes on the sun, setting his mind on the purified water and meditating the Mantras contained in the Upanishads, Bhurisravas betaking himself to yoga, became reticent.

ततः स सर्वसेनायां जनः कृष्णधनंजयौ। गर्हयामास तं चापि शशंस पुरुषर्षभम्॥
Then all the men in the army began to rebuke Krishna and Dhananjaya and applaud that foremost of men viz., Bhurisravas.

निन्द्यमानौ तथा कृष्णौ नोचतुः किंचिदप्रियम्। ततः प्रशस्यमानश्च नाहृष्यद् यूपकेतनः॥
Though thus reproached by the general voice, the two Krishnas uttered not a single word, nor did the stake-bannered Bhurisravas feel any joy in consequence of those encomiums.

तांस्तथावादिनो राजन् पुत्रांस्तव धनंजयः। अमृष्यमाणो मनसा तेषां तस्य च भाषितम्॥ असंक्रुद्धमना वाचः स्मारयन्निव भारत। उवाच पाण्डुतनयः साक्षेपमिव फाल्गुनः॥
Then Dhananjaya otherwise called Phalguna, that son of Pandu unable to tolerate your sons speaking in that strain as also to put up with their words and the words of Bhurisravas, O Bharata, in sorrows and not at all angry, spoke these words, as if for remaining them all.

मम सर्वेऽपि राजानो जानन्त्येव महाव्रतम्। न शक्यो मामको हन्तुं यो मे स्याद् बाणगोचरे॥
All kings know of this my great vow, that no one shall slay any body of our party so long as the latter is with in the range of my arrows.

यूपकेतो निरीक्ष्यैतन्न मामर्हसि गर्हितुम्। न हि धर्ममविज्ञाय युक्तं गर्हयितुं परम्॥
Knowing this, O stake-bannered, one it befits you not to reproach me; without yourself knowing the rules of morality, you should not censure others.

आत्तशस्त्रस्य हि रणे वृष्णिवीरं जिघांसतः। यदहं बाहुमच्छत्सं न स धर्मो विगर्हितः॥
That I have lopped off your arm while you, armed to the teeth, were on the point of slaying the unarmed Satyaki, is not at all against the rules of fair combat.

न्यस्तशस्त्रस्य बालस्य विरथस्य विवर्मणः। अभिमन्योर्वधं तात धार्मिकः को नु पूजयेत्॥
But what righteous man is there who will not condemn the slaughter of the body Abhimanyu specially when he was deprived of his weapons, his car and his armour?

एवमुक्तः स पार्थेन शिरसा भूमिमस्पृशत्। पाणिना चैव सव्येन प्राहिणोदस्य दक्षिणम्॥
Thus addressed by Pritha's son, Bhurisravas touched the ground with his head and offered with his left arm the right one that had been severed.

एतत् पार्थस्य तु वचस्ततः श्रुत्वा महाद्युतिः। यूपकेतुर्महाराज तूष्णीमासीदवाङ्मुखः॥
Then the stake-bannered Bhurisravas of great effulgence O king having heard those words of Partha, become silent with his face turned towards the earth.

या प्रीतिधर्मराजे मे भीमे च बलिनां वरे। नकुले सहदेवे च सा मे त्वयि शलाग्रज॥
Arjuna said O eldest brother of Shalya, the love I bear for you is equal even to that I bear for king Yudhishthira the virtuous or Bhima that foremost of all mighty persons or Nakula or Sahadeva.

मया त्वं समनुज्ञातः कृष्णेन च महात्मना। गच्छ पुण्यकृताल्लोकाञ्छिबिरौशीनरो यथा॥
With my permission as also with that of the high-souled Krishna do you go to the regions of the righteous where Sivi the son of Usinara is.

वासुदेव उवाच ये लोका मम विमला: सकृद् विभाता ब्रह्माद्यैः सुरवृषभैरपीष्यमाणाः। तान् क्षिप्रं व्रज सतताग्निहोत्रयाजिन् मत्तुल्यो भव गरुडोत्तमाङ्गयानः॥
Vasudeva said You are ever devoted to the performance of sacrifices and Agnihotras; therefore repair quickly to those holy regions of mine that constantly burn with effulgence and that are coveted by the foremost of gods withi Brahman as their head and becoming equal to myself by you carried on the back of Garuda.

संजय उवाच उत्थितः स तु शैनेया विमुक्तः सौमदत्तिना। खङ्गमादाय चिच्छित्सुः शिरस्तस्य महात्मनः॥
Sanjaya said Liberated from the grasp of Somadatta's son, the grandson of Sini rose and with a view to cut-off the head of that illustrious hero, drew his sword.

निहतं पाण्डुपुत्रेण प्रसक्तं भूरिदक्षिणम्। इयेष सात्यकिर्हन्तुं शलाग्रजमकल्मषम्॥
Satyaki then desired to slay the sinless Bhurisravas, the eldest brother of Saila that giver of profuse presents at sacrifices, who was staying with his senses drawn back from the battle and who had already been slain by Arjuna the son of Pandu;

निकृत्तभुजमासीनं छिन्नहस्तमिव द्विपम्। क्रोशतां सर्वसैन्यानां निन्द्यमानः सुदुर्मनाः॥
Who was sitting with his arm lopped off, like an elephant with his trunk cut-off. Then all the warriors reproached him loudly for his intention. But destitute of reason.

गीर्यमाणः च कृष्णेन पार्थेन च महात्मना। भीमेन चक्ररक्षाभ्यामश्वत्थाम्ना कृपेण च॥
And although forbidden by the high-souled Partha and Krishna and Bhima and the two wheel protectors of of Arjuna's car and Ashvattharnan and Kripa.

कर्णेन वृषसेनेन सैन्धवेन तथैव च। विक्रोशतां च सैन्यानामवधीत् तं धृतव्रतम्॥
And Karna and Vrishasena and the king of the Sindhus and while the soldiers were still uttering loud shouts of denunciation, Satyaki flew Bhurisravas while engaged in the observance of the vow.

प्रायोपविष्टाय रणे पार्थेन छिन्नबाहवे। सात्यकिः कौरवेयाय खड्ड्रेनापाहरच्छिरः॥
Indeed with his sword Satyaki lopped off the head of the Kuru warrior who had been deprived of his arm by Partha and who was then engaged in the Praya for liberating his soul from the body.

नाभ्यनन्दन्त सैन्यानि सात्यकिं तेन कर्मणा। अर्जुनेन हतं पूर्व यजघान कुरूद्वहम्॥
The soldiers then did not praise Satyaki for that act of his, viz., the slaughter of the perpetuator of the Kuru race, who already been slain by Pritha's son.

सहस्राक्षसमं चैव सिद्धचारणमानवाः। भूरिश्रवसमालोक्य युद्धे प्रायगतं हतम्॥ अपूजयन्त तं देवा विस्मितास्तेऽस्य कर्मभिः। पक्षवादांश्च सुबहून् प्रावदंस्तव सैनिकाः॥
Then the Siddhas, the Charanas and the men present, as also the celestials, seeing the Indra-like Bhurisravas slain in battle when sitting in the observance of the vow Praya, began to praise him, struck with wonder at the feats achieved by him. Your troops also argued

न वार्ष्णेयस्यापराधो भवितव्यं हि तत् यथा। तस्मान्मन्युर्न वः कार्यः क्रोधो दुःखतरो नृणाम्॥
In this matter no blame should be attributed to the Vrishni hero. What has been ordained must happen. Therefore we should not cherish wrath; since again wrath is the cause of a man's grief.

हन्तव्यश्चैव वीरेण नात्र कार्या विचारणा। विहितो ह्यस्य धात्रैव मृत्युः सात्यकिराहवे॥
It was doomed that Bhurisravas would be slain by the heroic Satyaki. We need not judge of its propriety or otherwise. Satyaki has been made the instrument of Bhurisrava's death by the Creator himself.

सात्यकिरुवाच न हन्तव्यो न हन्तव्यो इति यन्मां प्रभाषत। धर्मवादैरधर्मिष्ठा धर्मकञ्चकमास्थिताः॥
Satyaki said You, sinful Kauravas, vested in outward garments of virtue, you are telling me in words of virtue, that Bhurisravas should not have been slain.

यदा बाल: सुभद्रायाः सुतः शस्त्रविना कृतः। युष्माभिनिहतो युद्धे तदा धर्मः क वो गतः॥
Where did this righteousness of yours fly when you ruthlessly slew in battle that child viz., Subhadra's son when he was deprived to the use of his weapons;

मया त्वेतत् प्रतिज्ञातं क्षेपे कस्मिंश्चिदेव हि। यो मां निष्पिष्य संग्रामे जीवन् हन्यात् पदा रुषा॥६२
In a certain fit of haughtiness I had vowed that he who would throw me down in battle alive and strike me in wrath with his knees.

स मे वध्यो भवेच्छत्रुर्यद्यपि स्यान्मुनिव्रतः। चेष्टमानं प्रतीघाते सभुजं भां सचक्षुषः॥
Would be slain by me even though that antagonist of mine should adopt the vow of asceticism. Though I was fighting in battle with my arins and cyes in tact.

मन्यध्वं मृत इत्येवमेतद् वो बुद्धिलाघवम्। युक्तो ह्यस्य प्रतीघातः कृतो मे कुरुपुङ्गचाः॥
Yet you had taken me as already slain. It is indeed a great foolishness on your part. You foremost of the Kurus, the slaughter of Bhurisravas achieved by me, in indeed very proper.

यत् तु पार्थेन मां दृष्ट्वा प्रतिज्ञामभिरक्षता। सखङ्गोऽस्य हृतो बाहुरेतेनैवास्मि वञ्चितः॥
Partha by lopping off the arm of this one, with sword in grasp, had fulfiled his vow of protecting his own partisans and has thereby robbed me of my glory!

भवितव्यं हि यद् भावि दैवं चेष्टयतीव च। सोऽयं हतो विमर्देऽस्मिन् किमत्राधर्मचेष्टितम्॥
What is ordained must come to pass. It is the hand of fate that works. Bhurisravas has been slain in the course of this battle. What sin have I perpetrated?

अपि चायं पुरा गीतः श्लोको वाल्मीकिना भुवि। न हन्तव्याः स्त्रिय इति यद् ब्रवीषि प्लवङ्गम॥
In days gone by, Valmiki sang this verse on earth viz., "You say, Oape, that women should not be slain!

सर्वकालं मनुष्येण व्यवसायवता सदा। पीडाकरममित्राणां यत् स्यात् कर्तव्यमवे तत्॥
In all times however men should always with resolute care do that which would give pain to this foes."

संजय उवाच एवमुक्त महाराज सर्वे कौरवपुङ्गवाः। न स्म किंचिदभाषन्त मनसा समपूजयन्॥
Sanjaya said After Satyaki had said these words, none amongst the Pandavas and the Kauravas, o king, said anything; on the other hand they praised Bhurisravas in their mind.

मन्त्राभिपूतस्य महाध्वरेषु। यशखिनो भूरिसहस्रदस्य चा मुनेरिवारण्यगतस्य तस्या न तत्र कश्चिद् वधमभ्यनन्दत॥
Nobody present there countenanced the slaughter of Somadatta's illustrious son, who resembled an hermit of the woods and who had given away thousands of golden coins.

सुनीलकेशं वरदस्य तस्य शूरस्य पारावतलोहिताक्षम्। अश्वस्य मेध्यस्य शिरो निकृत्तं न्यस्तं हविर्धानमिवान्तरेण॥
The head of that brave hero graced with beautiful blue locks and eyes red like those of pegions looked like the head of a horse cut-off in a horse sacrifice and placed on the sacrificial altar.

स तेजसा शस्त्रकृतेन पूतो महाहवे देहवरं विसृज्य। आक्रामदूर्ध्व वरदो वरा) व्यावृत्त्य धर्मेण परेण रोदसी॥
Purified through his prowess and death by the edge of weapons and in consequence of the boon accorded to him, Bhurisravas worthy of every boon went to the regions on high, shuffling off his mortal coil and filling the heavens with his illustrious fame.