, Continuous The fight between Karna and Bhima torrents arrows

संजय उवाच ततः कर्णोमहाराज भीमं विद्धवा त्रिभिः शरैः। मुमोच शरवर्षाणि विचित्राणि बहूनि च॥
Sanjaya said Thereafter, O mighty monarch, Karma piercing Bhima with three arrows, began to shower of of various description.

वध्यमानो महाबाहुः सुतपुत्रेण पाण्डवः। न विव्यथे भीमसेनो भिद्यमान इवाचलः॥
The mighty-armed son of Pandu viz., Bhimasena, though thus pierced by the son of Suta, felt no pain, like a mountain having no sensation when cleft open.

स कर्ण कर्णिना कर्णे पीतेन निशितेन च। विव्याध सुभृशं संख्ये तैलधौतेन मारिष॥
Then O sire, he pierced Karna on his car with a sharp arrows. Well-tempered and washed with oil.

स कुण्डलं महच्चारु कर्णस्यापातयद् भुवि। तपनीयं महाराज दीप्तं ज्योतिरिवाम्बरात्॥
That dart, O mighty monarch, cut down one of the charming golden ear-rings of great luster belonging to Karna and it dropped down like a luminary from the sky.

अथापरेण भल्लेन सूतपुत्रं स्तनान्तरे। आजघान भृशं क्रुद्धो हसन्निव वृकोदरः॥
Then excited to the highest pitch of anger, Vrikodara with the greatest ease struck Suta's son on the breast with a broad headed arrow,

पुनरस्य त्वरन् भीमो नाराचान् दश भारत। रणे प्रैषीन्महाबाहुर्निमुक्ताशीविषोपमान्॥
Then once more, O Bharata, the mighty armed Bhima sped at him with great quickness ten Narachas resembling snakes just first freed from the sloughs.

ते ललाटं विनिर्भिद्य सूतपुत्रस्य भारत। विविशुश्चोदितास्तेन वल्मीकमिव पन्नगाः॥
Shot by him, O sire, those arrows penetrating through the forehead of Suta's son entered it, like so many snakes entering their holes in the ant-hills.

ललाटस्थैस्ततो बाणैः सूतपुत्रो व्यरोचत। नीलोत्पलमयीं मालां धारयन् वै यथा पुरा॥
With those shafts struck upon his forehead, the son of Suta, looked beautiful, as he did before while his forehead was encircled with a chaplet of blue lotuses.

सोऽतिविद्धो भृशं कर्णः पाण्डवेन तरस्विना। रथकूबरमालम्ब्य न्यमीलयत लोचने॥
Thus deeply pierced by the son of Pandu endued with great agility, Karna held the Kuvara of his car for support and then shut his eyes.

स मुहूर्तात् पुनः संज्ञां लेभे कर्णः परंतपः। रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्ग क्रोधमाहारयत् परम्॥
But within a moment, that afflicter of foes Karna regaining his senses, found his body steeped in blood and became furious with rage.

ततः क्रुद्धो रणे कर्णः पीडितो दृढधन्वना। वेगं चक्रे मगवेगो भीमसेनस्थं प्रति॥
Inflamed with rage in consequence of his being pierced thus by the firm bowmen Bhima, Karna endued with great acitivy, dashed against the car of Bhimasena.

तस्मै कर्णः शतं राजनिघूणां गार्धवाससाम्। अमर्षी बलवान् क्रुद्धः प्रेषयामास भारत॥
Then, O king, the revengeful and enraged and mighty Karna, sped at Bhima a group of hundred arrows furnished with wings of the feathers of the vultures.

ततः प्रासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि पाण्डवः। समरे तमनादृत्य तस्य वीर्यमचिन्तयन्॥
Thereat Pandu's son, disregarding the display of Karna's prowess began to shower fierce arrows on him.

कर्णस्ततो महाराज पाण्डवं नवभिः शरैः। आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धः क्रुद्धरूपं परंतप॥
Then, O afflicter of foes, the enraged Karna, O monarch, struck the irate Bhima on the breast with nine shafts.

तावुभौ नरशार्दूलौ शार्दूलाविव दंष्ट्रिणौ। जीमूताविव चान्योन्यं प्रववर्षतुराहवे॥
Then both those tigers among men, resembling a couple of tigers with fierce teeth, showered upon each other, in that battle, their torrents of arrows like two mighty masses of clouds.

तलशब्दरवैश्चैव त्रासयेतां परस्परम्। शरजालैश्च विविधैस्रासयामासतुर्मधे॥
They tried to terrify one another in that battle, with the sound of their palms and with showers of arrows of diverse descriptions.

अन्योन्यं समरे क्रुद्धौ कृतप्रतिकृतैषिणौ। ततो भीमो महाबाहुः सूतपुत्रस्य भारत॥ क्षुरप्रेण धनुश्छित्त्वा ननाद परवीरहा। तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं सूतपुत्रो महारथः॥ अन्यत् कार्मुकमादत्त भारघ्नं वेगवत्तरम्।
Inflamed with rage, each endeavoured to counteract the feats of the other in battle. Then that slayer of hostile heroes, viz., Bhima of mighty arms, O Bharata, cutting off with a razor-headed arrow the bow of Karna, uttered a loud war-cry. Then leaving aside that severed bow, the son of Suta that mighty car-warrior took up a tougher and stronger bow.

तदप्यथ निमेषार्धाचिच्छेदास्य वृकोदरः॥ तृतीयं च चतुर्थ च पञ्चमं षष्ठमेव हि। सप्तमं चाष्टमं चैव नवमं दशमं तथा॥ एकादशं द्वादशं च त्रयोदशमथापि च। चतुर्दशं पञ्चदशं षोडशं च वृकोदरः॥ तथा सप्तदशं वेगादष्टादशमथापि वा। बहूनि भीमश्चिच्छेद कर्णस्यैवं धनूंषि हि॥ निमेषार्धात् ततः कर्णो धनुर्हस्तो व्यतिष्ठत। दृष्ट्वा स कुरुसौवीरसिन्धुवीरबलक्षयम्॥ सवर्मध्वजशस्त्रैश्च पतितैः संवृतां महीम्। हस्त्यश्वरथदेहांश्च गतासून प्रेक्ष्य सर्वशः॥
He also cut off that within a moment. Then he cut off one by one upto eighteen number of arrows respectively. Thus he cut off many arrows of Karna. Then Karna took up the bow in very moment. Then beholding the slaughter of the Sindhus and Souviras and the Kurus. And marking that the Earth was covered over with armours and standards and weapons lying scattered about and seeing also the dead bodies of elephants, foot-soldiers and horsemen and car-warriors on all sides.

सूतपुत्रस्य संरम्भाद् दीप्तं वपुरजायत। स विस्फार्य महचापं कार्तस्वरविभूषितम्॥ भीमं प्रेक्षत राधेयो घोरं घोरेण चक्षुषा। ततः क्रुद्धः शरानस्यन् सूतपुत्रो व्यरोचत॥ मध्यंदिनगतोऽर्चिष्माशरदीव दिवाकरः।
T'he body of Suta's son blazed up with radiance, in consequence of wrath. Thereupon stretching his terrible bow decked with gold. The son of Radha. O monarch, looked at Bhima with eyes flashing rage. Inflamed with rage the son of Suta, while discharging his shafts, looked beautiful. Like the autumnal sun of burning rays at mid-day.

मरीचिविकचस्येव राजन् भानुमतो वपुः॥ आसीदाधिरथे।रं वपुः शरशताचितम्। कराभ्यामाददानस्य संदधानस्य चाशुगान्॥ कर्षतो मुञ्चतो बाणान् नान्तरं ददृशे रणे।
The body of the son of Adhiratha covered with various shafts, which appeared like a sun with its rays. While engaged in taking up an arrows, placing it on the bow-string, stretching the string and letting it off, no one could notice any interval between those acts of his.

अग्निचक्रोपमं घोरं मण्डलीकृतमायुधम्॥ कर्णस्यासीन्महीपाल सव्यदक्षिणमस्यतः। स्वर्णपुङ्खाः सुनिशिताः कर्णचापच्युताः शराः॥
While Karna was shooting his arrows right and left, his bow always appeared to be drawn to a circle like a dreadful circle of fire. Arrows of sharp heads, shot from the bow of Karna and furnished with wings of gold,

प्राच्छादयन्महाराज दिशः सूर्यस्य च प्रभाः। ततः कनकपुड्वानां शराणां नतपर्वणाम्॥ धनुश्च्युतानां वियति ददृशे बहुधा व्रजः। बाणासनादाधिरथेः प्रभवन्ति स्म सायकाः॥
Covered, () monarch, all the quarters, intercepting the very rays of the solar orb. In the skies then were seen numerous groups of shafts, furnished with golden wings and shot from the bow of Karna. The arrows discharged from Karna's bow.

श्रेणीकृता व्यरोचन्त राजन् क्रौञ्चा इवाम्बरे। गार्धपत्राशिलधौतान् कार्तस्वरविभूषितान्॥ महावेगान् प्रदीप्ताग्रान् मुमोचाधिरथिः शरान्। ते तु चापबलोद्धता: शातकुम्भविभूषिताः॥
Then looked beautiful like rowe of cranes ranging through the skies. All the arrows discharged by the son of Adiratha were winged with the feathers of vultures, whetted on stone, adorned with gold, endued with great impetuosity and furnished with exceedingly keen points. Thrown by the force of his bowstring, those gold-decked arrows.

अजस्रमपतन् बाणा भीमसेनस्थं प्रति। ते व्योम्नि रुक्मविकृता व्यकाशन्त सहस्रशः॥ शलभानामिव वाताः शराः कर्णसमीरिताः। चापादाधिरथेर्बाणा: प्रपतन्तश्चकाशिरे॥ एको दीर्घ इवात्यर्थमाकाशे संस्थितः शरः। पर्वतं वारिधाराभिश्छादयन्निव तोयदः॥
Coursed in continuous lines towards the chariot of Bhima; those gold-decked arrows hurled by Karna, while ranging through the skies in large numbers, looked beautiful like continuous fights of locusts. The shaAs shot from the bow of the son of Adhiratha, as they flew through the heavens, appeared like one long arrows poised in the sky. Like a cloud covering the mountain breast with torrents of rain.

कर्णः प्राच्छादयत् क्रुद्धो भीमं सायकवृष्टिभिः। तत्र भारत भीमस्य बलं वीर्ये पराक्रमम्॥ व्यवसायं च पुत्रास्ते ददृशुः सहसैनिकाः। तां समुद्रमिवोद्धतां शरवृष्टिं समुत्थिताम्॥ अचिन्तयित्वा भीमस्तु क्रुद्धः कर्णमुपाद्रवत्। रुक्मपृष्ठं महचापं भीमस्यासीद् विशाम्पते॥
Karna, excited to the highest pitch of fury, poured on Bhima his arrowy showers; then 0 Bharata, your sons and their soldiers all beheld the mighty energy, prowess and perseverance of Bhima inasmuch as the latter, unmindful of that shower of arrows resembling the furious ocean, dashed with wrath against Karna. O monarch, Bhima then wielded a bow that was formidable and the back of which was adorned with gold.

आकर्षान्मण्डलीभूतं शक्रचापमिवापरम्। तस्माच्छरा: प्रादुरासन् पूरयन्त इवाम्बरम्॥
In consequence of his repeated stretching, the bow looked like a circle and it resembled the bow of Indra himself. From it then were shot shafts that filled the entire welkin.

सुवर्णपुङ्खीमेन सायकैर्नतपर्वभिः। गगने रचिता माला काञ्चनीव व्यरोचत॥
Then with his gold-winged arrows of depressed knots, Bhima constructed a festoon in the welkin that looked like a veritable garland of gold.

ततो व्योम्नि विषक्तानि शरजालानि भागशः। आहतानि व्यशीर्यन्त भीमसेनस्य पत्रिभिः॥
Then the net-work of arrows spread in the skies by Kamna, began to be shattered and torn, being struck with the winged arrows of Bhimasena.

कर्णस्य शरजालौघैर्भीमसेनस्य चोभयोः। अग्निस्फुलिङ्गसंस्पर्शेरञ्जोगतिभिराहवे॥
Shot both by Bhima and Karna, myriads of arrows of the touch of fire-sparks and straightcoursing.

तैस्तैः कनकपुङ्खानां द्यौरासीत् संवृता व्रजैः। न स्म सूर्यस्तदा भाति न स्म वाति समीरणः॥
And furnished with golden wings, entirely covered the welkin over. The sun then did not shine, nor did the wind blow.

शरजालावृते व्योम्नि न प्राज्ञायत किंचन। स भीमं छादयन् बाणैः सूतपुत्रः पृथग्विधैः॥
The welkin being shrouded in that net-work of arrows, nothing could be then distinguished. Then the son of Suta covering Bhima with arrows of various descriptions.

उपारोहदनादृत्य तस्य वीर्य महात्मनः। तयोर्विसृजतोस्तत्र शरजालानि मारिष॥
And totally unmindful of the latter's prowess, strove to prevail over him. O sire, those myriads of arrows, discharged by both those warriors.

वायुभूतान्यदृश्यन्त संसक्तानीतरेतरम्। अन्योन्यशरसंस्पर्शात् तयोर्मनुजसिंहयोः॥
Appeared to clash against one another like two contrary currents of wind. Consequent on that clash of arrowy showers shot by those two foremost of men.

आकाशे भरतश्रेष्ठ पावकः समजायत। तथा कर्णः शितान् बाणान् कर्मारपरिमार्जितान्॥ सुवर्णविकृतान् क्रुद्धः प्राहिणोद् वधकाङ्क्षया। तातन्तरिक्षे विशिखैस्त्रिधैकैकमशातयत्॥
A fire, O foremost of the Bharatas, was engendered in the welkin. Desirous of slaying Bhima, Karna then, sped at the former numerous arrows, furnished with golden wings and cleansed by the forger himself. Bhima, however, with his own shafts, cut every one of Karna's arrows into three fragments.

विशेषयन् सूतपुत्रं भीमस्तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्। पुनश्चासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि पाण्डवः॥ अमर्षी बलवान् क्रुद्धो दिधक्षन्निव पावकः। ततश्चटचटाशब्दो गोधाघातादभूत् तयोः॥
And then obtaining some advantage over the son of Suta, he cried out saying wait, wait, then the irate and powerful son of Pandu, like an all-destroying fire once more shot excitedly showers of arrows. Then a loud sound was produced there, in consequence of the leathern gloves of the combatants striking against their bow-strings.

तलशब्दश्च सुमहान् सिंहनादश्च भैरवः। स्थनेमिनिनादच ज्याशब्दश्चैव दारुणः॥
Then tremendous became the sound of their slapping palms, dreadful the sound of their war-cries and fierce the clash of their war-cries and fierce the clash of their cars and the twang of their bows.

विशेषयन् सूतपुत्रं भीमस्तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्। पुनश्चासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि पाण्डवः॥ योधा व्युपारमन् युद्धाद् दिदृक्षन्तः पराक्रमम्। कर्णपाण्डवयो राजन् परस्परवधैषिणोः॥
Then o king, desirous of beholding the prowess of Karna and that son of Pandu who were striving to slay each other, the other combatants giving up fighting became spectators.

देवर्षिसिद्धगन्धर्वाः साधु साध्वित्यपूजयन्। मुमुचुः पुष्पवर्ष च विद्याधरगणास्तथा॥
The celestial sages, the Siddhas and the Gandharvas, applauded them both saying 'Excellent, Excellent'; and hosts of Vidyadharas then showered flowers on those two heroes.

ततो भीमो महाबाहुः संरम्भी दृढविक्रमः। अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य शरैर्विव्याधय सूतजम्॥
Thereafter, the mighty-armed and wrathful Bhima of resolute prowess, repulsing the weapons of Karna by his own, began to pierce that son of Suta.

कर्णोऽपि भीमसेनस्य निवार्येषून् महाबलः। प्राहिणोन्नव नाराचानाशीविषसमान् रणे॥
Karna also, that mighty hero, baffling Bhima's darts, wounded Bhima with nine Narachas resembling snakes of virulent venom.

तावद्भिरथ तान् भीमो व्योम्नि चिच्छेद पत्रिभिः। नाराचान् सूतपुत्रस्य तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्॥
With as many winged shafts, Bhima then cut-off those Narachas sped by Suta's sons when they were coursing through the sky and said wait, wait.

ततो भीमो महाबाहुः शरं क्रुद्धान्तकोपमम्। मुमोचाधिरथर्वीरो यमदण्डमिवापरम्॥
Then the mighty armed Bhima possessed of great valour, shot at Adhiratha's son a shaft looking like the enraged god of Death and resembling a mace second to that wielded by Yama.

तमापतन्तं चिच्छेद राधेयः प्रहसन्निवा त्रिभिः शरैः शरं राजन् पाण्डवस्य प्रतापवान्॥
The son of Radha, however, O king, smilingly cut-off that dart of Pandu's son as it flew through the sky with three shafts of his Own.

पुनश्चासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि पाण्डवः। तस्य तान्याददे कर्णः सर्वाण्यस्राण्यभीतवत्॥
The son of Pandu then once more shot showers of dreadful arrows; and Karna also dauntlessly received all those weapons of his.

युध्यमानस्य भीमस्य सूतपुत्रोऽसमायया। तस्येषुधी धनुर्ध्या च बाणैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ रश्मीन् योक्त्राणि चाश्वानां क्रुद्धः कर्णोऽच्छिनन्मृधे। तस्याश्वांश्च पुनर्हत्वा सूतं विव्याध पञ्चभिः॥
Inflamed with wrath, Karna, the son of Suta by virtue of the illusion of his weapons, cut-off in that combat, with his straight arrows the pairs of quivers and the bow-string and the traces of the steeds of the fighting Bhima. Thereafter slaying his antagonist's steeds, Karna pierced the latter's charioteer with five shafts.

सोऽपसृत्य दुतं सूतो युधामन्यो रथं ययौ। विहसन्निव भीमस्य क्रुद्धः कालानलद्युतिः॥ ध्वज चिच्छेद राधेयः पताकां च व्यपातयत्। स विधन्वा महाबाहुरथ शक्तिं परामृशत्॥
Thereupon the charioteer running in haste, ascended the car of Yudhamyu. Burning with Wrath, Radha's son, whose effulgence then equaled the effulgence of the Yuga-fire, cut-off the standard of Bhima and felled his banner, smiling the while. Deprived of the use of his bow, Bhima then grasped a fearful lance.

तां व्यवासृजदाविध्य क्रुद्धः कर्णरथं प्रति। तामाधिरथिरायस्तः शक्तिं काञ्चनभूषणाम्॥ आपतन्ती महोल्काभां चिच्छेद दशभिः शरैः। सापतद् दशधा छिन्ना कर्णस्य निशितैः शरैः॥ अस्यतः सूतपुत्रस्य मित्रार्थे चित्रयोधिनः। स चर्मादत्त कौन्तेयो जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्॥
Inflamed with rage, he balanced it in his hands and then hurled it vehemently at the chariot of Karna. Adhiratha's son then with ten shafts, cut-off that glad-decked dart hurled by Bhima, as it was flying swiftly towards him like a blazing meteor; that lance then fell down, severed into fragments by those sharp arrows of Suta's son Karna, that warrior versed in all modes of warfare, then engaged in the fight for the sake of friends. Then the son of Kunti grasped a buckler adorned with gold.

खङ्गं चान्यतरप्रेप्सुर्मृत्योरगे जयस्य वा। तदस्य तरसा क्रुद्धो व्यधमचर्म सुप्रभम्॥ शरैर्बहुभिरत्युग्रैः प्रहसन्निव भारत। स विचर्मा महाराज विरथः क्रोधमूर्छितः॥
And a resplendent sword, desirous of reaping either victory or death. But O Bharata, Karna again smilingly cut-off that effulgent buckler of Bhima with numerous dreadful arrows. Bhima then deprived of the use of his car and his shield, became infuriate in wrath.

असिं प्रासृजदाविध्य त्वरन् कर्णरथं प्रति। स धनुः सूतपुत्रस्य सज्यं छित्त्वा महानसिः॥
Then with great vehemence he hurled at Karna's chariot that sword; that mighty sword then cutting off the stringed bow of Suta's son.

पपात भुवि राजेन्द्र क्रुद्धः सर्प इवाम्बरात्। ततःप्रहस्याधिरथिन्यदादाय कार्मुकम्॥ शत्रुघ्नं समरे क्रुद्धो दृढज्यं वेगवत्तरम्। व्यायच्छत् स शरान् कर्णः कुन्तीपुत्रजिघांसया॥ सहस्रशो महाराज रुक्मपुङ्खान् सुतेजनान्। स वध्यमानो बलवान् कर्णचापच्युतैः शरैः॥
Dropped down on the earth like O king, an angry snake from the heavens. Then the son of Adhiratha, inflamed with rage in that battle, smilingly grasped another bow destructive of foes, having a tougher string and stronger than the one that had been cut-off. Desirous of slaying the son of Kunti, O king, Karna, then began to discharge by thousands, arrows furnished with golden wings and endued with great impetuously. Wounded with those shafts shot from Karna's bow, the puissant Bhima.

वैहायसं प्राक्रमद् वै कर्णस्य व्यथयन्मनः। स तस्य चरितं दृष्ट्वा संग्रामे विजयैषिणः॥
Bounded up into the air, thereby filling Karna's mind with great pain. Beholding that conduct of the victory-desiring Bhima, Karna.

लयमास्थाय राधेयो भीमसेनमवञ्चयत्। तं च दृष्ट्वा रथोपस्थे निलीनं व्यथितेन्द्रियम्॥
The son of Radha deceived Bhimasena by hiding himself inside his chariot. Beholding Karna hide himself in the terrace of his car with a frightened heart.

ध्वजमस्य समासाद्य तस्थौ भीमो महीतले। तदस्य कुरवः सर्वे चारणाश्चाभ्यपूजयन्॥
Bhima, catching hold of the former's flagstaff, remained on the ground. Then all the Kurus and the Charanas applauded that feat of his, viz.,

यदियेष रथात् कर्ण हतु तार्क्ष्य इवोरगम्। स च्छिन्नधन्वा विस्थः स्वधर्ममनुपालयन्॥
His attempt to snatch away Karna from his car, like Garuda snatching away a serpent (from its hole). Then Bhima, with his bow burst open and car useless but still observant of his duties.

स्वरथं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा युद्धायैव व्यवस्थितः। तद् विहत्यास्य राधेयस्तत एनं समभ्ययात्॥
Remained on the field, keeping his car behind him and firmly resolved to continue that battle. In that combat, the son of Radha once more rushed.

संरम्भात् पाण्डवं संख्ये युद्धाय समुपस्थितम्। तौ समेतौ महाराज स्पर्धमानौ महाबलौ॥
In rage, against that son of Pandu who stood before him in the attitude of fighting. O mighty monarch, those two highly puissant heroes, looking at their respective feats and encountering each other.

जीमूताविव धर्मान्ते गर्जमानौ नरर्षभौ। तयोरासीत् सम्प्रहारः क्रुद्धयोर्नरसिंहयोः॥
Began to roar at each other like two rain clouds at the end of the summer season. The combat between those two foremost of men who were excited to the highest pitch of fury.

अमृष्यमाणयोः संख्ये देवदानवयोरिव। क्षीणशस्त्रस्तु कौन्तेयः कर्णेन समभिद्रुतः॥
And who would not brook each other's feat, looked like that between the gods and the Danavas. His stock of weapons exhausted, Kunti's son (Bhima) was assailed by Karna.

दृष्ट्वार्जुनहतान् नागान् पतितान् पर्वतोपमान्। रथमार्गविघातार्थ व्यायुधः प्रविवेश ह॥
Then deprived as he was of his weapons, beholding the huge mountain-like elephant slain by Arjuna lying on the field, he entered into their midst for impeding the progress of the car of Karna.

हस्तिनां व्रजमासाद्य रथदुर्ग प्रविश्य च। पाण्डवो जीविताकाङ्क्षी राधेयं नाभ्यहारयत्॥
Entering into that host of elephants, that was inaccessible to a chariot, the son of Pandu desirous of saving his life, did no longer strike the son of Radha.

व्यवस्थानमथाकासन् धनंजयशरैर्हतम्। उद्यम्य कुञ्जरं पार्थस्तस्थौ परपुरंजयः॥
Then searching eagerly for protection, that subjugator of hostile cities, that son of Pritha, uplifting an elephant slain by the arrows of Arjuna, stayed on the field of battle.

महौषधिसमायुक्तं हनूपानिव पर्वतम्। तमस्य विशिखैः कर्णो व्यधमत् कुञ्जरं पुनः॥
Looking like Hanumat holding the (Gandhamadana) mountain over-grown with Oshadhis. But Karna, then cut that elephant, to pieces with his sharp arrows.

हस्त्यङ्गान्यथ कर्णाय प्राहिणोत् पाण्डुनन्दनः। चक्राण्यश्वांस्तथा चान्यद् यत् यत् पश्यति भूतले॥८७
Then the son of Pandu began to throw at Barna, limbs of slain elephants and horses and car-wheels and everything he saw lying on the field.

तत् तदादाय चिक्षेप क्रुद्धः कर्णाय पाण्डवः। तदस्य सर्व चिच्छेद क्षिप्त क्षिप्तं शितैः शरैः॥
The son of Pandu then inflamed with rage, threw at Karna, everything that then came within his reach. But all those things hurled at him, Karna cut-off with sharp arrows.

भीमोऽपि मुष्टिमुद्यम्य वज्रगर्मी सुदारुणाम्। हन्तुमैच्छत् सूतपुत्रं संस्मरन्नर्जुनं क्षणात्॥
Bhima also raising his clenched fists endued with the force of thunder and terrible desired to kill Suta's son. But he then came to recollect the vow of Arjuna (for slaying Karna).

शक्तोऽपि नावधीत् कर्ण समर्थः पाण्डुनन्दनः। रक्षमाणः प्रतिज्ञां तां या कृता सव्यसाचिना॥
Thus the son of Pandu, though competent, did not slay Karna, desirous of keeping inviolate the vow that Arjuna had made.

तमेवं व्याकुलं भीमं भूयो भूयः शितैः शरैः। मूर्च्छयाभिपरीताङ्गमकरोत् सूतनन्दनः॥
But the son of Suta then repeatedly caused the already afflicted Bhima, to lose his senses by striking him with his sharp arrows.

धनुषा स्पृष्टमात्रेण व्यायुधं नावधीच्चैनं कर्णः कुन्त्या वचः स्मरन्। धनुषोऽग्रेण तं कर्ण सोऽभिद्रुत्य परामृशत्॥
Recollecting the words of Kunti, Karna then did not slay Bhima who was then weaponless but with the handle of his bow he poked and pierced him.

क्रुद्धः सर्प इव वसन्। आच्छिद्य स धनुस्तस्य कर्ण मूर्धन्यताडयत्॥
Soon as he was struck with the end of Karna's bow, Bhima was inflamed with rage and breathing like a snake and snatching away Karna's bow, he began to strike him on the head.

ताडितो भीमसेनेन क्रोधादारक्तलोचनः। विहसन्निव राधेयो वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
Stuck by Bhimasena, the son of Radha with his eyes red in rage smilingly spoke these words to the former.

पुनः पुनस्तूबरक मूढ औदरिकेति च। अकृतास्रक मा योत्सीर्बाल संग्रामकातर॥
Over and over again, Beardless eunuch, ignorant fool, glutton, without any skill in the use of weapons, do you never again venture to fight (with any one)? You are but a boy, a laggard in battle!

यत्र भोज्यं बहुविधं भक्ष्यं पेयं च पाण्डव। तत्र त्वं दुर्मते योग्यो न युद्धेषु कदाचन॥
O son of Pandu where there are various kinds of food and drink and edibles, that is really the place fit for you and not the field of battle, O wicked-souled one!

मूलपुष्पफलाहारो व्रतेषु नियमेषु च। उचितस्त्वं वने भीम न त्वं युद्धविशारदः॥
Devouring esculent roots, fruits fruits and flowers, it is proper that you should engage yourself in the observance of vows and rites, in the woods. O Bhima, you know not how to fight!

क्व युद्धं व मुनित्वं च वनं गच्छ वृकोदर। न त्वं युद्धोचितस्तात वनवासरतिर्भवान्॥
Vast is the difference, O Vrikodara, between fighting and the occupation of a hermit. So, do you repair to the forest O master; you are not capable of fighting and have an inclination for dwelling in the wood.

सूदान् भृत्यजनान् दासांस्त्वं गृहे त्वरयन् भृशम्। योग्यस्ताडयितुं क्रोधाद् भोजनार्थ वृकोदर॥
Urging cooks and servants and orderlies to make haste in making your dinner ready, O Vrikodara, you are capable of striking and reproving them.

मुनिर्भूत्वाथवा भीम फलान्यादत्ख दुर्मते। वनाय व्रज कौन्तेय न त्वं युद्धविशारदः॥
Becoming a hermit, O Bhima, do you began eating fruits, O wicked-minded wretch. O son of Kunti, betake to the forest, for you are incapable of fighting.

फलमूलाशने शक्तस्त्वं तथातिथिपूजने। न त्वां शत्रसमुद्योगे योग्यं मन्ये वृकोदर॥
You are fit, O Vrikodara, for eating large quantities of esculent roots and for receiving and welcoming guests, O Vrikodara, I do not consider you fit for wielding weapons.”

कौमारे यानि वृत्तानि विप्रियाणि विशाम्पते। तानि सर्वाणि चाप्येव रूक्षाण्यश्रावयद् भृशम्॥
O monarch, he was also reminded by Karna in harsh language, of all the wrongs done to him in his days of childhood.

अथैनं तत्र संलीनमस्पृशद् धनुषा पुनः। प्रहसंश्च पुनर्वाक्यं भीममाह वृषस्तदा॥
And once more as Bhima greatly weakened stood there, Vrishasena poked him with horn of his bow and smilingly addressed these words to him.

योद्धव्यं मारिषान्यत्र न योद्धव्यं च मादृशैः। मादृशैर्युध्यमानानामेतचान्यच विद्यते॥
O child, you should fight with others and not with men like myself. Those who fight with men like myself, have to undergo this and many things else.

गच्छ वा यत्र तौ कृष्णौ तौ त्वां रक्षिष्यतो रणे। गृहं वा गच्छ कौन्तेय किं ते युद्धेन बालक॥
Hie yourself to the spot where the Krishnas are and they will then protect you in battle. Or, O son of Kunti, return to your home, O child what is the good of fighting?"

कर्णस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा भीमसेनोऽतिदारुणम्। उवाच कर्ण प्रहसन् सर्वेषां शृण्वतां वचः॥
Then hearing those very harsh words of Karna, Bhima smilingly spoke these words to him at the presence of every body.

जितस्त्वमसकृद् दुष्ट कत्थसे किं वृथाऽऽत्मना। जयाजयौ महेन्द्रस्य लोके दृष्टौ पुरातनैः॥
"O wicked fool! Your have been repeatedly defeated by me, how then can you indulge in this vain brag? The ancients have seen the victory and defeat of the mighty Indra himself!

मल्लयुद्धं मया सार्ध कुरु दुष्कुलसम्भव। महाबलो महाभोगी कीचको निहतो यथा॥
O scion of a mean family, come and wrestle with me. Then even as I have slain the mighty and luxurious Kichaka.

तथा त्वां घातयिष्यामि पश्यत्सु सर्वराजसु। भीमस्य मतमाज्ञाया कर्णो बुद्धिमतां वरः॥
I will slay you before the very eyes of all the kings. “But knowing Bhima's intention, that foremost of intelligent beings Karna.

विररामरणात् तस्मात् पश्यतां सर्वधन्विनाम्। एवं तं विरथं कृत्वा कर्णो राजन् व्यकत्थयत्॥
Refrained from that fight before they very eyes of the bowmen present. Thus o king, making Bhima carless, Karna reproved him in such harsh language.

प्रमुखे वृष्णिसिंहस्य पार्थस्य च महात्मनः। ततो राजशिलाधौताशराशाखामृगध्वजः॥ प्राहिणोत् सूतपुत्राय केशवेन प्रचोदितः। ततः पार्थभुजोत्सृष्टाः शराः कनकभूषणाः॥
In the presence of that best of the Vrishnis and the son of Pritha. Then O king, the apebannered Arjuna, being urged on by Keshava, sped a the son of Suta numerous arrows whetted on stone. Then those gold-decked arrows hurled by the force Partha's arm.

गाण्डीवप्रभवाः कर्ण हंसाः क्रौञ्चमिवाविशन्। स भुजङ्गैरिवाविष्टैर्गाण्डीवप्रेषितैः शरैः॥
And issuing out of the Gandiva, penetrated into Karna's body like so many cranes entering into the Krouncha mountains. Wounding Karna with those arrows shot from the Gandiva, that entered his body like so many snakes.

भीमसेनादपासेधत् सूतपुत्रं धनंजयः। स च्छिन्नधन्वा भीमेन धनंजयशराहतः॥
Dhananjaya, drove away the son of Suta from the vicinity of Bhimasena. Then with his bow burst open by Bhima and pierced sore with the arrows of Dhananjaya.

कर्णो भीमदपासासीद् रथेन महता दुतम्। भीमोऽपि सात्यकेहिं समारुह्य नरर्षभः॥
Karna fled away from Bhima being borne hastily on his swift-coursing car. Bhima also, O foremost of men, ascending Satyaki's Vehicle.

अन्यवयाद् भ्रातरं संख्ये पाण्डवं सव्यसाचिनम्। ततः कर्णे समुद्दिश्य त्वरमाणो धनंजयः॥ नाराचं क्रोधताम्राक्षः प्रैषीन्मृत्युमिवान्तकः। स गरुत्मानिवाकाशे प्रार्थयन् भुजगोत्तमम्॥
Followed his brother Savyasachin the son of Pandu in battle. Then Dhananjaya with his eyes red in rage and with great celerity sped at Karna a Naracha like the Destroyer urging death forward. Then like. Garuda ranging through the welkin in quest of a mighty snake.

नाराचोऽभ्यपतत् कर्ण तूर्ण गाण्डीवचोदितः। तमन्तरिक्षे नाराचं द्रौणिश्चिच्छेद पत्रिणा॥
That Naracha shot form the Gandiva, flew through the sky towards Karna in all quickness. Then the son of Drona cut-off that Naracha as it coursed through the sky, with a singed arrows.

धनंजय भयात् कर्णमुजिहीर्षन् महारथः ततो द्रौणिं चतुःषष्ट्या विव्याध कुपितोऽर्जुनः॥
Desirous as he was of freeing Karna from his fear of Dhananjaya. Thereupon Arjuna inflamed with rage, pierced Drona's son with sixty-four arrows.

शिलीमुखैमहाराज् मा गास्तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्। स तु मत्तगजाकीर्णमानकं रथसंकुलम्।। १२० तूर्णमभ्याविशद् द्रौणिर्धनंजयशरादितः। ततः सुवर्णपृष्ठानां चापानां कूजतां रणे॥१२१ शब्दं गाण्डीवघोषेण कौन्तेयोऽभ्यभवद् बली। धनंजयस्तथा यान्तं पृष्ठतौ द्रौणिमभ्यगात्॥ नातिदीर्घमिवाध्वानं शरैः संत्रासयन् बलम्। विदार्य देहान् नाराचैर्नरवारणवाजिनाम्॥१२३
Whetted on stone and O monarch addressed the latter saying 'Fly not'. But afflicted with the arrows of Dhananjaya, Drona's son quickly entered into the army teeming with infuriated elephants and numerous chariots. Then the puissant son of Kunti drowned the sound of the other twangs of bows decked with gold, with the tremendous twang of his own bow Gandiva. Then the mighty Dhananjaya pursued Drona's son from behind who was thus flying and who had not then proceeded to a long way, frightening him all the way with his shafts. Tearing open the body of men, elephants and steeds with his Narachas.

कङ्कबर्हिणवासोभिर्बलं व्यधमदर्जुनः। तद् बलं भरतश्रेष्ठ सवाजिद्विपमानवम्॥ पाकशासनिरायत्तः पार्थः स निजघान ह॥
Furnished with wings made of the feathers of the peacock and the Kanka, Arjuna began to agitate that army of yours. O foremost of the Bharatas, Partha, the son of Pakasasani (Indra) then began to carnage that host of yours, consisting of horses elephants and men.