None: Chapter 129

The defeat of Karna

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच निनदन्तं तथा तं तु भीमसेनं महाबलम्। मेघस्तनितनिर्घोष के वीराः पर्यवारयन्॥
Dhritarashtra said What heroes of my army resisted the mighty Bhimasena when he was thus roaring like clouds surcharged with thunder?

न हि पश्याम्यहं तं वै त्रिषु लोकेषु कंचन। क्रुद्धस्य भीमसेनस्य यस्तिष्ठेदग्रतो रणे॥
O Sanjaya, I do not find that warrior in the three worlds, who can, stand before Bhimasena when he is excited with rage.

गदां युयुत्समानस्य कालस्येवेह संजय। न हि पश्याम्यहं युद्धे यस्तिष्ठेदग्रतः पुमान्॥
I do not, O son, find that warrior who can stand before Bhima when in battle with his mace uplifted, he stands like Death incarnate.

रथं रथेन यो हन्यात् कुञ्जरं कुञ्जरेण च। कस्तस्थ समरे स्थाता साक्षादपि पुरंदरः॥
He that slays elephants with elephants, destroys cars with cars, who will stand before that Bhima not excepting Indra of hundredsacrifices?

क्रुद्धस्य भीमसेनस्य मम पुत्रान् जिघांसतः। दुर्योधनहिते युक्ताः समतिष्ठन्त केऽग्रतः॥
Who amongst those devoted to the interests of Duryodhana, would withstand Bhimasena in battle, excited as he was with wrath and engaged in slaughtering my sons?

भीमसेनदवाग्नेस्तु मम पुत्रांस्तृणोपमान्। प्रधक्षतो रणमुखे केऽतिष्ठन्नग्रतो नराः॥
Or What persons, stood before the Bhimaconflagration when it was engaged in consuming the heaps of straw and grass constituted by my sons?

काल्यमानांस्तु पुत्रान् मे दृष्ट्वा भीमेन संयुगे। कालेनेव प्रजाः सर्वाः के भीमं पर्यवारयन्॥
Who were they that surrounded Bhima in battle, beholding him crush my sons one after another, like Death's self-destroying all creatures?

न मेऽर्जुनाद् भयं तादृक् कृष्णान्नापि च सात्वतात्। हुतभुग्जन्मनो नैव यादृग्मीमाद् भयं मम॥
I do not fear Arjuna or Krishna or Satyaki him born of the sacrificial fire (Dhrishtadyumna) so much as I do Bhimasena.

भीमवह्नेः प्रदीप्तस्य मम पुत्रान् दिधक्षतः। के शूराः पर्यवर्तन्त तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय॥
O Sanjaya relate to me, what heroes advanced against the blazing Bhima-fire which so greatly consumed by sons?

संजय उवाच तथा तु नर्दमानं तं भीमसेनं महाबलम्। तुमुलेनैव शब्देन कर्णोऽप्यभ्यद्रवद्बली॥
Sanjaya said When the mighty car-warrior Bhimasena was thus roaring, the mighty Karna rushed at him, himself uttering a loud shout (in response).

व्याक्षिपन् सुमहचातमतिमात्रममर्षणः। कर्णः सुयुद्धमाकाङ्क्षन् दर्शयिष्यन् बलं मृधे॥
Unable to bear the roar of Bhima, he began to twang his bow capable of withstanding a great strain. Then the mighty Karna, out of a । desire for battle displaying his strength.

रुरोध मार्ग भीमस्य वातस्येव महीरुहः। भीमोऽपि दृष्ट्वा सावेगं पुरो वैकर्तनं स्थितम्॥
Checked the career of Bhima; then beholding the son of Vikartana stand before him with hostile intentions, Vrikodara.

चुकोप बलवद्वीरश्चिक्षेपास्य शिलाशितान्। तान् प्रत्यगृह्णात् कर्णोऽपि प्रतीपं प्रापयच्छरान्॥
Became inflamed with wrath; and that mighty hero discharged at him numerous shafts whetted on stone. Karna received all those shafts and sped many in return.

ततस्तु सवर्याधानां यततां प्रेक्षतां तदा। प्रावेपन्निव गात्राणि कर्णभीमसमागमे॥ रथिनां सादिनां चैन तयोः :श्रुत्वा तलखनम्। भीमसेनस्य निनदं श्रुत्वा घोरं रणाजिरे॥
In that battle between Bhima and Karna, hearing the sound of their Palm-strokes, the limbs of on-looking and fighting warriors and horsemen and elephants, began to tremble. Hearing the deafening roars uttered by Bhimasena on the field of battle.

खं च भूमिं च संरुद्धां मेनिरे क्षत्रियर्षभाः। पुनरिण नादेन पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः॥
The foremost of the Kshatriyas regarded the welkin and the earth to be filled completely by its echo. Then again at the dreadful cries uttered by the illustrious son of Pandu.

समरे सर्वयोधानां धनूंष्यभ्यपतन् क्षितौ। शस्त्राणि न्यपतन् दोर्थ्यः केषांचिचासवोऽद्रवन्॥ वित्रस्तानि च सर्वाणि शकृन्मूत्रं प्रसुस्रवुः। वाहनानि च सर्वाणि बभूवुर्विमनांसि च॥ प्रादुरासन् निमित्तानि घोराणि सुबहून्युत।
The bows of all the warriors fell down on the earth. Then, O mighty monarch, seized with, panic and dejected, the steeds and elephants, repeatedly discharged urine and excreta. Numerous dreadful omens of evil then appeared to view.

गृध्रकङ्कबलैश्चासीदन्तरिक्षं समावृतम्॥ तस्मिन् सुतुमले राजन् कर्णभीमसमागमे।
During that fierce fight between Karna and Bhimasena, the sky became covered with flights of vultures and Kankas.

ततः कर्णस्तु विंशत्या शराणां भीममार्दयत्।॥ विव्याध चास्य त्वरितः सूतं पञ्चभिराशुगैः।
Karna then pierced Bhima with twenty arrows and next swifty pierced the latter's charioteer with five arrows.

प्रहस्य भीमसेनोऽपि कर्ण प्रत्याद्रवद् रणे॥ सायकानां चतुःष्ट्या क्षिप्रकारी महायशाः।
Then the highly puissant Bhimasena endued with great activity smilingly sped at Karna in that battle a set of sixty-four arrows.

तस्य कर्णो महेष्वासः सायंकाश्चतुरोऽक्षिपत्॥ असम्प्राप्तांश्च तान् भीमः सायकैर्नप्तपर्वभिः।
Then at him, O mighty monarch, Karna shot four arrows. But before these arrows could reach him, with nine arrows of depressed knots, Bhima.

चिच्छेद बहुधा राजन् दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम्॥ तं कर्णश्छादयामास शरवातैरनेकशः।
Cut them in numerous parts, displaying at the same time his great lightness of hands. Karna then shrouded him in a net-work of numerous arrows.

संछाद्यमानः कर्णेन बहुधा पाण्डुनन्दनः॥ चिच्छेद चापं कर्णस्य मुष्टिदेशे महारथः।
Thus although shrouded by Karna on all sides, that mighty car-warrior that son of Pandu, cut-off the bow of Karna near his grasp.

विव्याध चैनं बहुभिः सायकैर्नतपर्वभिः॥ अथान्यद् धनुरादाय सज्यं कृत्वा च सूतजः।
He then pierced him with many arrows of close knots. Then taking up another bow and stringing it, the son of the charioteer.

विव्याध समरे भीमं भीमकर्मा महारथः॥ तस्य भीमो भृशं क्रुद्धस्त्रीशरान् नतपर्वणः।
That mighty car-warrior of dreadful deeds, pierced Bhima in battle (with many arrows). Thereat highly enraged, with three arrows of depressed knots, Bhima..

निचखानोरसि क्रुद्धः सूतपुत्रस्य वेगतः॥ तैः कर्णोऽराजत शरैरुरोर्मध्यगतैस्तदा।
Struck with force on the breast of the son of the charioteer. With those arrows struck on the centre of his breast, Karna appeared beautiful like.

महीधर इवोदग्रस्त्रिशृङ्गो भरतर्षभ।॥ सुस्राव चास्य रुधिरं विद्धस्य परमेषुभिः।
A mighty mountain with its three peaks towering high. Pierced as he was with those excellent arrows, streams of blood began to flow down his person.

धातुप्रस्यन्दिनः शैलाद् यथा गैरिकधातवः॥ किंचिद् विचलितः कर्णः सुप्रहाराभिपीडितः।
Like streams of liquefied red chalk flowing down the sides of a mountain. Afflicted with that might wound inflicted by Bhima, Karna was a little flurried.

आकर्णपूर्णमाकृष्य भीमं विव्याध सायकैः॥ चिक्षेप च पुनर्बाणाशतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
Then fixing an arrow on his bow, O sire, he pierced Bhima therewith; and then shot arrows by hundreds and thousands.

स शरैरर्दितस्तेन कर्णेन दृढधन्विना। धनुर्ध्यामच्छिनत् तूर्ण भीमस्तस्य क्षुरेण ह॥
Thus through then quickly covered with arrows by that resolute bowman namely Karna, yet that son of Pandu smilingly cut-off the bow-string of the former.

सारथिं चास्य भल्लेन रथनीडादपातयत्। वाहांश्च चतुरस्तस्य व्यंसूश्चक्रे महारथः॥
Then with a broad-headed shaft, Bhima dispatched Karna's charioteer to the abode of Death; then that mighty car-warrior deprived the latter's steeds of their lives.

हताश्वात् तु रथात् कर्णः समाप्लुत्य विशाम्पते। स्यन्दनं वृषसेनस्य तूर्णमापुप्लुवे भयात्॥
Jumping down from the car of which the steeds were slain, O ruler of men, the mighty car-warrior Karna ascended the chariot of Vrisasena.

निर्जित्य त रणे कर्ण भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्। ननाद बलवान् नादं पर्जन्यनिनदोपमम्॥
Then the valiant Bhima, having defeated Karna uttered a loud war-cry, that resembled the roar of the rain-cloud Parjannya.

तस्य तं निन्दं श्रुत्वा प्रहृष्टोऽभूद् युधिष्ठिरः। कर्ण पराजितं मत्वा भीमसेनेन संयुगे॥
Hearing that roar of his, Yudhishthira became filled with delight, as he thought that Karna had been defeated, O Bharata by Bhimasena.

समन्ताच्छङ्कुनिनदं पाण्डुसेनाकरोत् तदा। शत्रुसेनाध्वनि श्रुत्वा तावका ह्यनदन् भृशम्॥
Then the Pandava troops simultaneously blew their conchs. Hearing that sound of challenge emitted by the enemy, your own troops shouted aloud.

स शङ्खबाणनिनदैर्हर्षाद् राजा स्ववाहिनीम्। चक्रे युधिष्ठिरः संख्ये हर्षनादैश्च संकुलाम्॥ गाण्डीवं व्याक्षिपत् पार्थः कृष्णोऽप्यन्जमवादयत्। तमन्तर्धाय निनदं भीमस्य नदतो ध्वनिः। अश्रूयत तदा राजन् सर्वसैन्येषु दारुणः॥
Pritha's son, (Arjuna) then twanged his bow and Krishna blew his water-born conch. But drowning all those sounds, the shout of Bhima rose and

ततो व्यायच्छतामस्त्रैः पृथक् पृथगजिह्मगैः। मृदुपूर्व तु राधेयो दृढपूर्व तु पाण्डवः॥
Was heard by all your troops, O sire. Then those two combatants, viz., Karma and Bhima each struck the other with straight-flying arrows. The son of Radha shot his shaft mildly, but the son of Pandu shot those of his with great vehemence.