None: Chapter 126

The anxiety of Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच व्यूहेष्वालोड्यमानेषु पाण्डवानां ततस्ततः। सुदूरमन्वयुः पार्थाः पञ्चालाः सह सोमकैः॥
Sanjaya said When the armies of the Pandavas were thus being agitated on all sides, the Pandavas and the Panchalas, together with the Somakas retreated to a great distance.

वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे संग्रामे लोमहर्षणे। संक्षये जगतस्तीने युगान्त इव भारत॥
When, 0 Bharata, that fierce fierce and horripilating battle was raging furiously, it appeared that the hour of the world's dreadful dissolution had arrived.

द्रोणे युधि पराक्रान्ते नर्दमाने मुहुर्मुहुः। पञ्चालेषु च क्षीणेषु वध्यमानेषु पाण्डुषु॥
When Drona was displaying his prowess in battle and constantly roaring and when the Pandus, the Panchalas were being slaughtered and reduced in number.

नापश्यच्छरणं किञ्चिद् धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। चिन्तयामास राजेन्द्र कथमेतद् भविष्यति॥
King Yudhishthira the virtuous could not find any protector for himself. And O foremost of kings, he thought-'how will it end.'.

ततो वीक्ष्य दिशः सर्वाः सव्यसाचिदिदृक्षया। युधिष्ठिरो ददर्शाथ नैव पार्थ न माधवम्॥
Then longingly looking on all directions with the desire of having a sight of Partha, Yudhishthira was disappointed and saw neither Arjuna nor Madhava.

सोऽपश्यन् नरशार्दूलं वानरर्षभलक्षणम्। गाण्डीवस्य च नि?षमशृण्वन् व्यथितेन्द्रियः॥
He could not then find that foremost of men having the money-chief for the device on his banner; and could not also hear the twang of the Gandiva bow. He therefore became greatly depressed.

अपश्यन् सात्यकिं चापि वृष्णीनां प्रवरं रथम्। चिन्तयाभिपरिताङ्गो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Without finding also that foremost of the Vrishnis namely Satyaki, that great car-warrior, king Yudhishthira the virtuous became overwhelmed with anxious thought and his limbs became weak.

नाध्यगच्छत् तदा शान्ति तावपश्यन् नरोत्तमौ। लोकोपक्रोशभीरुत्वाद् धर्मराजो महामनाः॥
Then getting no information whatever of those two best of men, the very virtuous king Yudhishthira obtained no peace of mind. The high-souled king then afraid of the reproaches of the world.

अचिन्तयन्महाबाहुः शैनेयस्य रथं प्रति। पदवीं प्रेषितश्चैव फाल्गुनस्य मया रणे॥
Began to think of the car of Sini's grandson-"In the track of Phalguna, I have sent.

शैनेयः सात्यकिः सत्यो मित्राणामभयंकरः। तदिदं ह्येकमेवासीद् द्विधा जातं ममाद्य वै॥
Sini's grandson Satyaki, that one of true prowess, that giver of assurances to his friends. My anxiety that was for one only, is now for two, Satyaki and Arjuna.

सात्यकिश्च हि विज्ञेयः पाण्डवश्च धनंजयः। सात्यकिं प्रेषयित्वा तु पाण्डवस्य पदानुगम्॥
I should now get information both of Satyaki and of Dhananjaya. Having sent Satyaki in the track of Pandu's son Arjuna.

सात्वतस्यापि कं युद्धे प्रेषयिष्ये पदानुगम् करिष्यामि प्रयत्नेन भ्रातुरन्वेषणं यदि॥
me Whom shall I now sent in the track of that Satvata hero, If now I strive to get information of my brother only.

युयुधानमनन्विषय लोको मां गर्हयिष्यति। भ्रातुरन्वेषणं कृत्वा धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Not taking any care for Yuyudhana, the world will blame any say-"King Yudhishthira the virtuous enquiring after his brother.

परित्यजति वार्ष्णेयं सात्यकिं सत्यविक्रमम्। लोकापवादभीरुत्वात् सोऽहं पार्थ वृकोदरम्॥ पदवीं प्रेषयिष्यामि माधवस्य महात्मनः। यथैव च मम प्रीतिरर्जुने शत्रुसूदने॥
Neglects Satyaki of the Vrishni race, that hero of infallible prowess. Afraid as I am of the reproaches of men, I shall send Pritha's son Vrikodara in the track of the illustrious scion of Madhu's race. The affection I bear for that slayer of foes viz., Arjuna.

तथैव वृष्णिवीरेऽपि सात्वते युद्धदुर्मदे। अतिभारे नियुक्तश्च मया शैनेयनन्दनः॥
Is in no way greater than that I bear for that invincible hero of the Satvata race. That delighter of Sini's race, has been entrusted with a commission on my behalf.

स तु मित्रोपरोधने गौरवात्तु महाबलः। प्रविष्टो भारती सेनां मकरः सागरं यथा॥
That mighty-warrior has either for the sake of a friend's words or for the sake of his honor, has plunged into the Bharata host, like Makara entering into the ocean.

असौ हि श्रूयते शब्दः शूराणामनिवर्तिनाम्। मिथः संयुध्यमानानां वृष्णिवीरेण धीमता॥
Hark the loud noise of the battle that the unretreating heroes are fighting with that intelligent champion of the Vrishni race!

प्राप्तकालं सुबलवनिश्चितं बहुधा हि मे। तत्रैव पाण्डवेयस्य भीमसेनस्य धन्विनः॥ गमनं रोचते मह्यं यत्र यातौ महारथौ। न चाप्यसह्यं भीमस्य विद्यते भुवि किंचन॥
Surely the odds are too many for him. It is therefore high time that I should think of rescuing him. It appears proper to me that armed with the bow, the son of Pandu viz., Bhimasena should proceed to the spot where those two mighty car-warriors are. There is scarcely anything on earth that Bhima cannot bear.

शक्तो ह्येष रणे यत्तः पृथिव्यां सर्वधन्विनाम्। त्वबाहुवलमास्थाय प्रतिव्यूहितुमासा॥
Exerting his best, he alone withstand all the bowmen of the world. Depending on the prowess of his own arms, he can make head against all enemies.

यस्य बाहुबलं सर्वे समाश्रित्य महात्मनः। वनवासानिवृत्ताः स्म न च युद्धेषु निर्जिताः॥
With the help of the strength of arms of that hero of illustrious soul, we have been able to come back from our exile and have never been defeated in battle.

इतो गते भीमसेने सात्वतं प्रति पाण्डवे। सनाथौ भवितारौ हि युधि सात्वतफाल्गुनौ॥
If now Bhimasena goes to their rescue, Satvata and Phalguna will find a competent protector in his self.

कामं त्वशोचनीयौ तौ रणे सात्वतफाल्गुनौ। रक्षितौ वासुदेवेन स्वयं शस्त्रविशारदौ॥
Surely I should not cherish any anxiety of those two heroes, as both of them are versed in the use of all weapons and are protected by the son of Vasudeva himself.

अवश्यं तु मया कार्यमात्मनः शोकनाशनम्। तस्माद् भीमं नियोक्ष्यामि सात्वतस्य पदानुगम्॥
However, it is my duty to make myself altogether unaxious on their account. Therefore should I engage Bhima to follow in the track of the Satvata hero.

ततः प्रतिकृतं मन्ये विधानं सात्यकिं प्रति। एवं निश्चित्य मनसा धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having done this, I should think my arrangements for the protection of Satyaki complete.” Thus resolving in his mind, king Yudhishthira the virtues.

यन्तारमब्रवीद् राजा भीमं प्रति नयस्व माम्। धर्मराजवचः श्रुत्वा सारथिर्हयकोविदः॥
Thus spoke to his charioteer-"Take me to the spot where Bhima is.” Hearing the words of the virtuous king Yudhishthira, the charioteer versed in the art of horse-driving.

रथं हेमपरिष्कारं भीमान्तिकमुपानयत्। भीमसेनमनुप्राप्य प्राप्तकालमचिन्तयत्॥
Drove that chariot adorned with gold, near where Bhimas was. Reaching Bhima, the king remembering the exigencies of the hour.

कश्मलं प्राविशद् राजा बहु तत्र समादिशन्। स कश्मलसमाविष्टो भीममाहूय पार्थिवः॥
Became totally overwhelmed with grief and entreated Bhima with numerous prayers. Then overwhelmed as he was with grief, the king summoned Bhima, near him.

अब्रवीद् वचनं राजन् कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। यः सदेवान् सगन्धर्वान् दैत्यांश्चैकरथोऽजयत्॥ तस्य लक्ष्म न पश्यामि भीमसेनानुजस्य ते। ततोऽब्रवीद् धर्मराजं भीमसेनस्तथागतम्॥
Then Yudhishthira the son of Kunti addressing him said-"O Bhima, I do not see the banner-device of that younger brother of mine, who on a single car vanquished the celestials, the Gandharvas and the Daityas in battle." Thereupon Bhima addressing the virtuous Yudhishthira who was in that pitiable plight said

नैवाद्राक्षं न चाश्रौषं तव कश्मलमीदृशम्। पुरातिदुःखदीर्णानां भवान् गतिरभूद्धि नः॥
“Never before did I seen you afflicted with such great grief. In days gone by, you were our only comforter when we were afflicted with extreme distress.

उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ राजेन्द्र शाधि किं करवाणि ते। न ह्यसाध्यमकार्य वा विद्यते मम मानद॥
Arise, arise, O foremost of king! Command me what act of yours shall I do? O giver of honours, there is nothing which I cannot accomplish.

आज्ञापय कुरुश्रेष्ठ मा च शोके मनः कृथाः। तमब्रवीदश्रुपूर्णः कृष्णसर्प इव श्वसन्॥ भीमसेनमिदं वाक्यं प्रम्लानवदनो नृपः। यथा शङ्खस्य निर्घोषः पाञ्चजन्यस्य श्रूयते॥
O foremost of the Kurus, command me! Let not your heart give way to grief.” Then king Yudhishthira, with a cheerless countenance and tearful eyes, said these words to Bhimasena sighing like a snake. 'In as much as I do hear the blast of the conch Panchajanya.

पूरितो वासुदेवेन संरब्धेन यशखिना। नूनमद्य हतः शेते तव भ्राता धनंजयः॥
Filled with the breath of the illustrious and highly courageous son of Vasudeva, I infer that your brother Dhananjaya today is slain on the field of battle.

तस्मिन् विनिहते नूनं युध्यतेऽसौ जनार्दनः। यस्य सत्त्ववतो वीर्य ह्युपजीवन्ति पाण्डवाः॥
Upon the slaughter of Arjuna, surely Janardana is fighting. That hero on whose indomitable prowess the Pandavas rely.

यं भयेष्वभिगच्छन्ति सहस्राक्षमिवामराः। स शूरः सैन्धवप्रेप्सुरन्वयाद् भारती चमूम्॥
He to whom we turn for help, like the celestials turning to the thousand-eyed deity at the times of our sorest calamities, surely that hero is now agitating the Bharata hosts in search of the ruler of the Sindhus.

तस्य वै गमनं विद्मो भीम नावर्तनं पुनः। श्यामो युवा गुडाकेशो दर्शनीयो महारथः॥
O Bhima, we have seen him (Arjuna) gone, but we shall never seen him return! Alas for Arjuna of dark-blue complexion, who is youthful in years, possessed of curling locks exceedingly charming, handsome and a mighty car-warrior.

व्यूढोरस्को महाबाहुर्मत्तद्विरदविक्रमः। चकोरनेत्रस्ताम्रास्यो द्विषतां भयवर्धनः॥
Of broad breast, mighty arms, possessed of the tread of an infuriate elephant, of eyes like those of the Chakara, that inspirer of terror into the heart of the foes!

तदिदं मम भद्रं ते शोकस्थानमरिंदम। अर्जुनार्थे महाबाहो सात्वतस्य च कारणात्॥
Good betide you! O slayer of foes, this indeed is the cause of my grief, O mighty armed one, for the sake of Arjuna and for that of the Satvata hero.

वर्धते हविषेवाग्निरिध्यमानः पुनः पुनः। तस्य लक्ष्म न पश्यामि तेन विन्दामि कश्मलम्॥
My grief is ever increasing, like fire increasing when libation of clarified batter is poured on it. I do not see the device on his banner and this adds to my grief and anxiety all the more.

तं विद्धि पुरुषव्याघ्रं सात्वतं च महारथम्। स तं महारथं पश्चादनुयातस्तवानुजम्॥ तमपश्यन्महाबाहुमहं विन्दामि कश्मलम्।
Know him a great car-warrior and lion among the men of Sattvata race, Your younger brother followed him. I do not see him and this adds to my grief and anxiety all the more.

पार्थे तस्मिन् हते चैव युध्यते नूनमग्रणीः॥ सहायो नास्य वै कश्चित् तेन विन्दामि कश्मलम्। तस्मिन् कृष्णे हते नूनं युध्यते युद्धकोविदः॥ न हि मे शुध्यते भावस्तयोरेव परंतप।
Upon the slaughter to your brother, surely Krishna conversant with all modes of warfare, is battling with the Kurus. Bring me the intelligence of that foremost of men and of that mighty car-warrior of the Vrishni race. Who has ere now followed in the track of your brother that mighty car-warrior. I am also overwhelmed with distress on account of this last-mentioned mighty arm-hered.

स तत्र गच्छ कौन्तेय यत्र यातो धनंजयः॥ सात्यकिश्च महावीर्यः कर्तव्यं यदि मन्यसे।
O son of Kunti! do you hie yourself to the spot where Dhananjaya and Satyaki of great energy, have gone! This indeed is your duty.

वचनं मम धर्मज्ञ भ्राता ज्येष्ठो भवामि ते॥ न तेऽर्जुनस्तथा ज्ञेयो ज्ञातव्यः सात्यकिर्यथा।
O my most dutiful brother, carry out my behests as I am your elder brother. Think that Satyaki is dearer to you than your brother Arjuna (so try to help Satyaki the more).

चिकीर्षुर्मत्प्रियं पार्थ स यातः सव्यसाचिनः। पदवी दुर्गमां घोरामगम्यामकृतात्मभिः॥
O son of Pritha, desirous of doing me good, he has gone in search of Dhananjaya in an impossible track dreadful and in capable of being followed upon by warriors of inferior skill.

दृष्ट्वा कुशलिनौ कृष्णौ सात्वतं चैव सात्यकिम्। संविदं चैव कुर्यास्त्वं सिंहनादेन पाण्डव॥
Beholding Krishna and Arjuna and the Satvata hero Satyaki sound and alive, inform me of the fact, O son of Pandu, by uttering your war-cry aloud.