None: Chapter 125

The display of Drona's prowess

संजय उवाच अपराह्ने महाराज संग्रामः सुमहानभूत्। पर्जन्यसमनिर्घोषः पुनद्रोणस्य सोमकैः॥
Sanjaya said On the afternoon, O mighty monarch, a terrible battle was fought between Drona and the Somakas, battle whose din resembled the rumble of the rain cloud Parjannya itself.

शोणाश्वं रथमास्थाय नरवीरः समाहितः। समरेऽभ्यद्रवत् पाण्डूञ्जवमास्थाय मध्यमम्॥
That best of heroes among men, mounted on his chariot to which were yoked red steeds, viz., Drona then assailed the Pandavas, firmly resolved to fight with them.

तव प्रियहिते युक्तो महेष्वासो महाबलः। चित्रपुङ्खः शितैर्बाणैः कलशोत्तमसम्भवः॥ वरान् वरान् हि योधानां विचिन्वन्निव भारत। आक्रीडत रणे राजन् भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्॥
That fierce bowman, endued with great might and energy, that hero ever engaged in doing good to yourself, that one born in an excellent jar, that puissant son of Bharadvaja, slaying, O king, many best of heroes among the enemy, appeared O Bharata, to sport on the field of battle.

तमभ्ययाद् बृहत्क्षत्रः केकयानां महारथः। भ्रातृणां नृप पञ्चानां श्रेष्ठः समरकर्कशः॥
Him encountered Vrihadkshatra that mighty car-warrior among the Kekayas, the eldest of his five brothers and difficult of being resisted in battle.

विमुञ्चन् विशिखांस्तीक्ष्णानाचार्ये भृशमार्दयत्। महामेघो यथा वर्ष विमुञ्चन् गन्धमादने॥
Discharging sharp arrows incessantly, he afflicted the preceptor sorely, like a mighty cloud afflicting the mountain Gandhamadana by pouring its watery contents on it.

तस्य द्रोणो महाराज स्वर्णपुवाञ्छिलाशितान्। प्रेषयामास संकुद्धः सायकान् दश पञ्च च॥
At hin, O mighty monarch, excited with wrath Drona sped ten and five shafts, all whetted on stone and furnished with wings of gold.

तांस्तु द्रोणविनिर्मुक्तान् क्रुद्धाशीविषसंनिभान्। एकैकं पञ्चभिर्बाणैयुद्धि चिच्छेद हृष्टवत्॥
Then Vrihadkshatra cheerful cut-off each of those arrows shot by Drona and looking like so many enraged snakes of virulent poison, with five shafts of his own.

तदस्य लाघवं दृष्ट्वा प्रहस्य द्विजपुङ्गवः। प्रेषयामास विशिखानष्टौ संनतपर्वणः॥
Then seeing his lightness of hands, that foremost of the regenerate ones smiled and once more, sped at him eight shafts of depressed knots.

तान् दृष्ट्वापततस्तूर्ण द्रोणचापच्युताशरान्। अवारयच्छरैरेव तावद्भिर्निशितैर्मधे॥
Beholding those shafts shot from Drona's bow coursing swiftly towards himself, Vrihadkshatra baffled them in battle with an equal number of sharp arrows shot by himself.

ततोऽभवन्महाराज तव सैन्यस्य विस्मयः। कर्म कृतं दृष्ट्वा सुदुष्करम्॥
Then your troops, O mighty monarch were filled with surprise, beholding Vrihadkshatra achieve that very difficult feat.

ततो द्रोणे महाराज बृहत्क्षत्रं विशेषयन्। प्रादुश्चक्रे रणे दिव्यं ब्राह्ममस्रं सुदुर्जयम्॥
Thereupon, O king, applauding Vrihadkshatra, Drona invoked into existence the invincible Brahma-weapon of celestial make.

कैकेयोऽस्रं समालोक्य मुक्तं द्रोणेन संयुगे। ब्रह्मास्त्रेणैव राजेन्द्र ब्राह्ममस्रमशातयत्॥
Beholding that weapon discharged by Drona in battle, the Kekaya prince, O foremost of kings, cut down that weapon with his own Brahma weapon.

बृहत्क्षत्रेण तत् ततोऽस्रे निहते ब्राह्मे बृहत्क्षवस्तु भारत। विव्याध ब्राह्मणं षष्ट्या स्वर्णपुजैः शिलाशितैः॥
Then O Bharata, when the Brahma weapon had been baffled, Vrihadkshatra pierced the Brahmana with sixty shafts, whetted on stones and furnished with wings of gold.

तं द्रोणो द्विपदां श्रेष्ठो नाराचेन समार्पयत्। स तस्य कवचं भित्त्वा प्राविशद् धरणीतलम्॥
Then that foremost of men Drona directed several Nacharas at him; these Naracharas penetrating through his armour entered the earth.

कृष्णसर्पो यथा मुक्तो वल्मीकं नृपसत्तम। तथात्यगान्महीं बाणो भित्त्वा कैकेयमाहवे॥
Like, O best of kings, black snakes freed from their sloughs, entering into their holes in anthills, those arrows penetrating through the Kekaya prince entered the earth.

सोऽतिविद्धो महाराज कैकेयो द्रोणसायकैः। क्रोधेन महताऽऽविष्टो व्यावृत्य नयने शुभे॥
Then, O mighty monarch, deeply pierced with the arrows of Drona, the Kaikaya prince excited to the highest pitch of fury began to roll his charming eyes.

द्रोणं विव्याध सप्तत्या स्वर्णपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः। सारथिं चास्य बाणेन भृशं मर्मस्वताडयत्॥
He then pierced Drona with seventy shafts whetted on stone and furnished with golden wings; he pierced the latter's charioteer in his vital parts with (fierce) darts.

द्रोणस्तु बहुभिर्विद्धो बृहत्क्षत्रेण मारिष। असृजद् विशिखांस्तीक्ष्णान् कैकेयस्य रथं प्रति॥
O sire, Drona then pierced with numerous arrows by the Kekaya prince Vrihatkshatra, sped at his car many arrows of extreme sharpness.

व्याकुलीकृत्य तं द्रोणो बृहत्क्षत्रं महारथम्। अश्वांश्चतुर्भिर्व्यवधीच्चतुरोऽस्य पतत्रिभिः॥
Then confounding that mighty car-warrior Vrihatkshatra, Drona slew his four steeds with four winged shafts.

सूतं चैकेन बाणेन रथनीडादपातयत्। द्वाभ्यां ध्वजं च च्छत्रं च च्छित्वा भूमावपातयत्॥
He then felled the former's charioteer from his niche of the car, with a single arrow. Cutting off his standard and umbrella with another two arrows, he felled them on the ground.

ततः साधुविसृष्टेन नाराचेन द्विजर्षभः। हृद्यविध्यद् बृहत्क्षत्रं स च्छिन्नहृदयोऽपतत्॥
Then that foremost among the regenerate ones, with a well directed Naracha pierced Vrihatkshatra on his breast, where-upon the latter then fell down, with his heart torn open.

बृहत्क्षत्रे हते राजन् केकयानां महारथे। शैशुपालिरभिक्रुद्धो यन्तारमिदमब्रवीत्॥
When Brihatkshatra that mighty car-warrior was thus slain, O king the son of Sisupala highly enraged addressing his charioteer said-

सारथे याहि यत्रैष द्रोणस्तिष्ठति दंशितः। विनिघ्नन् केकयान् सर्वान् पञ्चालानां च वाहिनीम्॥
"O charioteer, proceed to the spot where the cuirassed Drona stands, slaughtering the Kekaya, the Panchala divisions."

वचनं श्रुत्वा सारथी रथिनां वरम्! द्रोणाय प्रापयामास काम्बोजैर्जवनैर्हयैः॥
Hearing those words of that foremost of car-warriors, the charioteer took him to the spot where Drona was, by means of his fleei steeds of Kamboja breed.

धृष्टकेतुश्च चेदीनामृषभोऽतिबलोदितः। वधायाभ्यद्रवद् द्रोणं पतङ्ग इव पावकम्॥
Then swelling with his might, that foremost of the Chedis, viz., slaughtering him, like a fly falling upon fire.

सोऽविध्यत तदा द्रोणं षष्ट्या साश्वरथध्वजम्। पुनश्चान्यैः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैः सुप्तं व्याघ्रं तुदनिव॥
He then pierced Drona and his steeds. And once more he struck his adversary with sharp arrows, like a man rousing a sleeping tiger.

तस्य द्रोणो धनुर्मध्ये क्षुरप्रेण शितेन च। चकर्त गार्धपत्रेण यतमानस्य शुष्मिणः॥ तस्य तद्
Then Drona, with a sharp razor-faced arrow winged with feathers of vultures. cut-off in the middle, the bow of that mighty warrior striving in battle.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय शैशुपालिमहारथः। विव्याध सायकैलॊणं कङ्कबहिणवाजितैः॥
Thereupon that son of Sisupala, that mighty car-warrior, taking up another bow pierced Drona with numerous shafts equipped with wings of the feather of the peacock and the Kanka bird.

तस्य द्रोणो हयान् हत्वा चतुर्भिश्चतुरः शरैः। सारथेश्च शिरः कायाचकर्त प्रहसन्निव॥
Then Drona slaying with four arrows his four steeds, smilingly severed the head of his charioteer from his trunk.

अथैनं पञ्चविंशत्या सायकानां समार्पयत्। अवप्लुत्य रथाच्चैद्यो गदामादाय सत्वरः॥ भारद्वाजाय चिक्षेप रुषितामिव पन्नगीम्।
He then pierced Dhristaketu himself with twenty five arrows. The prince of the Chedis then leaping off from his chariot, grasped a mace.

तामापतन्तीमालोक्य कालरात्रिमिवोद्यताम्॥ अश्मसारमयीं गुर्वी तपनीयविभूषिताम्। शरैरनेकसाहस्रर्भारद्वाजोऽच्छिनच्छितैः॥
And hurled it at the son of Bharadvaja like an enraged she-snake. Beholding that heavy mace endued with the strength of adamant and adorned with gold, course towards himself like the last night of a man's existence, the son of Bharadvaja cut it off with many thousands of whetted arrows.

सा छिन्ना बहुभिर्बाणैर्धारद्वाजेन मारिष। गदा पपात कौरव्य नादयन्ती धरातलम्॥
Cut off by numerous shafts by the son of Bharadvaja that mace, O sire, fell down, ) Kaurava, filling the earth with the noise it created.

गदां विनिहतां दृष्ट्वा धृष्टकेतुरसर्षणः। तोमरं व्यसृजद् वीरः शक्तिं च कनकोज्ज्वलाम्॥
Beholding the mace repulsed, the valiant Dhristaketu hurled at Drona first a lance and then a javelin decked with gold.

तोमरं पञ्चभिर्भित्त्वा शक्तिं चिच्छेद पञ्चभिः। तौ जग्मतुर्महीं छिन्नौ सर्पाविव गरुत्पता॥
Drona then cutting off that lance with five shafts, cut-off the dart with another five. Then both those missiles cut-off, dropped on the ground like two snakes torn to pieces by Garuda.

ततोऽस्य विशिखं तीक्ष्णं विधाय वधकाङ्क्षिणः। प्रेषयामास समरे भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्॥
Thereafter the highly puissant son of Bharadvaja shot a shaft for the destruction of Dhristaketu who was striving to slay him.

स तस्य कवचं भित्त्वा हृदयं चाभितौजसः। अभ्यगाद् धरणीं बाणो हंसः पद्मवनं यथा॥
Penetrating through the breast plate and the breast of Dhristaketu of infinite energy, that dart entered the carth like a swan diving into a lake overgrown with lotuses.

पतङ्गं हि ग्रसेचाषो यथा क्षुद्रं बुभुक्षितः। तथा द्रोणोऽग्रसच्छूरो धृष्टकेतुं महाहवे॥
Like a hungry jay catching and devouring a little insect, Drona of great heroism devoured Dhristaketu in that battle.

निहते चेदिराजे तु तत् खण्डं पित्र्यमाविशत्। अमर्षवशमापन्नः पुत्रोऽस्य परमास्रवित्॥
When the Chedi ruler was thus slain, his son versed in the use of excellent weapons became excited with wrath and sought to achieve the task his after left undone.

तमपि ग्रहसन् द्रोणः शरैर्निन्ये यमक्षयम्। महाव्याघ्रो महारण्ये मृगशावं यथा बली॥
Him also Diona smilingly dispatched to the mansion of Death by means of his shafts, like a large and ferocious tiger slaying a young deer in the deep forest.

तेषु प्रक्षीयमाणेषु पाण्डवेयेषु भारत। जरासंधसुतो वीरः स्वयं द्रोणमुपाद्रवत्॥
While the Pandava troops were being thus reduced in number, O Bharata, the brave son of Jarasandha rushed against, Drona.

स तु द्रोणं महाबाहुः शरधाराभिराहवे। अदृश्यमकरोत् तूर्ण जलदो भास्करं यथः॥
Then with his arrowy showers he quickly rendered Drona in visible, like the clouds rendering the sun invisible.

तस्य तल्लाघवं दृष्ट्वा द्रोणः क्षत्रियमर्दनः। व्यसृजत् सायकांस्तूर्ण शतथोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Beholding that lightness of hands displayed by him, Drona, that crusher of Kshatriyas, began to discharge arrows by hundreds and thousands.

छादयित्वा रणे द्रोणो रथस्थं रथिनां वरम्। जारासंधि जघानाशु मिषतां सर्वधन्विनाम्॥
Then Drona completely covering that foremost of car-warrior name. Jarasadha's son riding on a golden chariot, quickly slew him, before the very eyes of all the warriors.

यो यः स्म नीयते तत्र तं द्रोणो द्वन्तकोपमः। आदत्त सर्वभूतानि प्राप्ते काले यथान्तकः॥
Whoever was carried before Drona, he became his destroyer. And like Death at the time of the dissolution, he wrested the lives out of all creatures.

ततो द्रोणो महाराज नाम विश्राव्य संयुगे। शरैरनेकसाहौः पाण्डवेयान् समावृणोत्॥
Thereupon, 0 mighty monarch, proclaiming his name in the battle, Drona began to cover the Pandava troops with his thousands of shafts.

ते तु नामाङ्किता बाणा द्रोणेनास्ताः शिलाशिताः। नरान् नागान् हयांश्चैवनिजघ्नुः शतशो मृधे॥
Shot by Drona, those arrows with his name engraved on them and whetted on stone, began to dispatch men, elephants and horses by hundreds in that battle.

ते वध्यमाना द्रोणेन शक्रेणेव महासुराः। समकम्पन्त पञ्चाला गावः शीतार्दिता इव॥
Then like mighty Asuras slain by Takra, they were being slaughtered by Drona. The Panchalas then began to tremble like kine afflicted with the chill of winter,

ततो निष्ठानको घोरः पाण्डवानामजायत। द्रोणेन वध्यमानेषु सैन्येषु भरतर्षभ।॥
Who, O foremost of the Bharatas, the Pandava troops were thus being slaughtered by Drona, a loud wail of agony was uttered them.

प्रताप्यमानाः सूर्येण हन्यमानाश्च सायकैः। अन्वपद्यन्त पञ्चालास्तदा संत्रस्तचेतसः॥
Scorched with the rays of the sun and wounded with the arrows of Drona, the Panchalas, panic struck as they were, became seized with anxiety.

मोहिता बाणजालेन भारद्वाजेन संयुगे। ऊरुग्राहगृहीतानां पञ्चालानां महारथाः॥
Confounded by the net-work of arrows shot by Bharadvaja's son, the Panchala warriors then thought themselves to be seized by the thighs by alligators.

चेदयश्च महाराज सृञ्जयाः काशिकोसलाः। अभ्यद्रवन्त संहृष्टा भारद्वाजं युयुत्सया॥
But after a while, O mighty monarch, the Chedis, the Srinjayas, the Kasis and the Kosalas, cheerfully rushed against the son of Bharadvaja from a desire for battle.

ब्रुवन्तश्च रणेऽन्योन्यं चेदिपञ्चालसृञ्जयाः। घ्रत द्रोणं मत द्रोणमिति ते द्रोणमभ्ययुः॥
The Chedis, the Pandavas and the Panchalas then addressed another saying-Drona is slain, Drona is slain. Thus speaking they assailed Drona.

यतन्तः पुरुषव्याघ्राः सर्वशत्तया महाद्युतिम्। निनीषवो रणे द्रोणं यमस्य सदनं प्रति॥
Then those foremost of men fell upon Drona of great effulgence in that battle, desirous of dispatching the latter to the abodes of Death.

यतमानांस्तुतान् वीरान् भारद्वाजः शिलीमुखैः। यमाय प्रेषयामास चेदिमुख्यान् विशेषतः॥
As those heroes were struggling against him, the son of Bharadvaja with his arrows, dispatched them to the regions of Death, specially those foremost among the Chedis. one

तेषु प्रक्षीयमाणेषु चेदिमुख्येषु सर्वशः। पञ्चाला: समकम्पन्त द्रोणसायकपीडिताः॥
When the best warrior of the Chedis were becoming reduced in number, the Panchalas began to tremble, being afflicted by the shafts of Drona.

प्राक्रोशन् भीमसेनं ते धृष्टद्युम्नं च भारत। दृष्ट्वा द्रोणस्य कर्माणि तथारूपाणि मारिष॥
Beholding those terrible feats of Drona, 0) sire they began to exclaim aloud saying, 'O Bharata,' 'Oh Bhimasena,; 'O Dhrishtadyumna.'

ब्राह्मणेन तपो नूनं चरितं दुश्चरं महत्। तथा हि युधि संक्रुद्धो दहति क्षत्रियर्षभान्॥
They said-Surely this Brahmana has practised mighty ascetic austerities, by virtue of which enraged in battle he is consuming these foremost of Kshatriyas.

धर्मो युद्धं क्षत्रियस्य ब्राह्मणस्य परं तपः। तपस्वी कृतविद्यश्च प्रेक्षितेनापि निर्दहेत्॥
The duty of a Kshatriya is to fight and that of a Brahmana to practise severe austerities. He nas practised austerities and is skilled in the use of weapons and so he burns down by his very glance.

द्रोणाग्निमस्रसंस्पर्श प्रविष्टाः क्षत्रियर्षभाः। बहवो दुस्तरं घोरं यत्राह्यन्तं भारत॥
The foremost of Kshatriyas entering into the blazing fire of Drona, dreadful and unquenchable, are being brunt down, O Bharata.

यथाबलं यथोत्साहं यथासत्त्वं महाद्युतिः। मोहयन् सर्वभूतानि द्रोणो हन्ति बलानि नः॥
The highly effulgence Drona putting forth his prowess and his strength, is confounding all creatures and is slaying all our troops.'

तेषां श्रुत्वा क्षत्रधर्मा व्यवस्थितः। अर्धचन्द्रेण चिच्छेद क्षत्रधर्मा महाबलः॥ क्रोधसंविग्नमनसो द्रोणस्य सशरं धनुः। स संरब्धतरो भूत्वा द्रोणः क्षत्रियमर्दनः॥ तद् वचनं
Hearing those words of the Panchalas, Kshatradharma withstood Drona. Then the mighty Kshatradharma filled with rage, cut-off with a crescent-shaped arrow Drona's bow with shafts fixed on its string. Thereat excited to the highest pitch of fury that crusher of Kshatriyas viz., Drona.

अन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय भास्वरं वेगवत्तरम्। तत्राधाय शरं तीक्ष्णं परानीकविशातनम्॥
Took up another bow, resplendent and capable of bearing great strain. Placing on its string a sharp arrow fatal to the foe.

आकर्णपूर्णमाचार्यो बलवानभ्यवासृजत्। स हत्वा क्षत्रधर्माणं जगाम धरणीतलम्॥
The puissant Preceptor let it go drawing the bow-string back to the very ears. That arrow then killing Kshatradharman fell down on the Earth's surface.

स भिन्नहृदयो वाहान्नयपतन्मेदिनीतले। ततः सैन्यान्यकम्पन्त धृष्टद्युम्नसुते हते॥
With his heart cleft oper, he fell down on the ground from his vehicle. Upon the Death of Dhristadyumna's son, the troops to tremble (in fear).

अथ द्रोणं समारोहचेकितानो महाबलः। स द्रोणंदशभिर्विद्धवा प्रत्यविद्धयत् स्तनान्तरे॥
Thereafter the mighty Chekitana-countered Drona and piercing the latter with ten arrows, once more wounded him on the breast.

चतुर्भिः सारथिं चास्य चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्। तमाचार्यसिभिर्बाणैर्बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
He wounded Drona's charioteer with four and his four steeds with another four arrows. The preceptor then pierced the right arm of his adversary with sixteen arrows.

ध्वजं सप्तभिरुन्मथ्य यन्तारमवधीत् त्रिभिः। तस्य सूते हते तेऽश्वा रथमादाय विद्रुताः॥
He pierced his standard with sixteen and his charioteer with seven shafts. When Chekitana's charioteer was killed, the horses ran wildly dragging the car along with them.

समरे शरसंवीता भारद्वाजेन मारिष। चेकितानरथं दृष्ट्वा हताश्वं हतसारथिम्॥
Then, O sire, beholding the horseless and the driverless chariot of Chekitana covered with Drona's arrow in battle.

तान् समेतान् रणे शूरांश्चेदिपञ्चालसृञ्जयान्। समन्ताद् द्रावयन् द्रोणो वह्वशोभत मारिष॥ आकर्णपलितः श्यामो वयसाशीतिपञ्चकः। रणे पर्यचरद् द्रोणो वृद्धः षोडशवर्षवत्॥
The Pandavas and the Panchalas were seized with a great panic; then routing completely those assembled host of heroes consisting of Chedis, Panchalas and the Srinjayas, Drona appeared highly beautiful, O sire. With his hoary locks flowing down to the ear, blue in complexion, full eighty-five years of age.

अथ द्रोणं महाराज विचरन्तमभीतवत्। वज्रहस्तममन्यन्त शत्रवः शत्रुसूदनम्॥
The venerable Drona, though burdened with the weight of years then moved on the field like a youth of sixteen. Then O mighty monarch, as Drona careered fearlessly on the field of battle.

ततोऽब्रवीन्महाबाहुपदो बुद्धिमान् नृप। लुब्धोऽयं क्षत्रियान् हन्ति व्याघ्रः क्षुद्रमृगानिव॥
His adversaries considered him to be none other than Indra himself armed with the thunder. Then, O king, the intelligent, Drupada

कृच्छ्रान् दुर्योधनो लोकान् पापः प्राप्स्यति दुर्मतिः। यस्य लोभाद् विनिहताः समरे क्षत्रियर्षभाः॥
‘Like a hungry tiger slaying inferior animals, Drona is slaying these Kshatriyas. Surely the wicked Duryodhana will obtain very miserable regions after Death.

शतशः शेरते भूमौ निकृत्ता गोवृषा इव। रुधिरेण परीताङ्गाः श्वशृगालदनीकृताः॥
It is through his covetousness that these foremost of the Kshatriyas are lying prostrate on the field of battle being slain by hundreds, like so many quartered bovine bulls.

एवमुक्त्वा महाराज दुपदोऽक्षौहिणीपतिः। पुरस्कृत्य रणेपार्थान् द्रोणमभ्यद्रवद् दुतम्॥
Weltering in blood and being the food of the jackals and the dogs.” O mighty monarch, thus speaking, that commander of Aukshauhini, Drupada, placing the Parthas before him, quickly rushed against Drona. a

एवमुक्त्वा महाराज दुपदोऽक्षौहिणीपतिः। पुरस्कृत्य रणेपार्थान् द्रोणमभ्यद्रवद् दुतम्॥
Weltering in blood and being the food of the jackals and the dogs.” O mighty monarch, thus speaking, that commander of Aukshauhini, Drupada, placing the Parthas before him, quickly rushed against Drona. a