None: Chapter 121

The defeat of the mountaineers

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच समप्रमृद्य महत् सैन्यं यान्तं शैनेयमर्जुनम्। निह्रींका मम ते पुत्राः किमकुर्वत संजय॥
Dhritarastra said What, O Sanjaya, did my shameless sons do when they beheld the grandson of Sini proceed towards Arjuna, crushing as he advanced my troops?

कथं वेषां तदा युद्धे धृतिरासीन्मुमूर्षताम्। शैनेयचरितं दृष्ट्वा यादृशं सव्यसाचिनः॥
How indeed did those dying wretches set their heart on fight, when Sini's grandson who is equal to Savyasachin himself appeared before them?

किं नु वक्ष्यन्ति ते क्षात्रं सैन्यमद्ये पराजिताः। कथं नु सात्यकिर्युद्धे व्यतिक्रान्तो महायशाः॥
What indeed, did the Kshatriyas defeated in battle do? How indeed did the illustrious Satyaki penetrate through their ranks?

कथं च मम पुत्राणां जीवतां तत्र संजय। शैनेयोऽभिययौ युद्धे तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय॥
O Sanjaya, tell me also, how could the grandson of Sini proceed to battle when all my sons were alive and fighting?

अत्यद्भुतमिदं तात त्वत्सकाशाच्छ्रणोम्यहम्। एकस्य बहुभिः सार्धे शत्रुबिस्तैर्महारथैः॥
What I have heard from you, O son, appears to be exceedingly wonderful viz., the battle between the one and the many the latter counting many mighty car-warrior among them.

विपरीतमहं मन्ये मन्दभाग्यं सुतं प्रति। यत्रावध्यन्त समरे सात्वतेन महारथाः॥
O Suta, I think Destiny is adverse to the interests of my sons, in as much as they are now being slaughtered by that mighty carwarrior of the Satvata race.

एकस्य हि न पर्याप्तं यत्सैन्यं तस्य संजय। क्रुद्धस्य ययुधानस्य सर्वे तिष्ठन्तु पाण्डवाः॥
Even all my troops united together were not competent enough to withstand the enraged Yuyudhana; not to speak of the sons of Pandu.

निर्जित्य समरे द्रोणं कृतिनं चित्रयोधिनम्। यथा पशुगणान् सिंहस्तद्धद्धन्ता सुतान् मम॥
Like a lion slaying other inferior beasts Satyaki is slaughtering my sons, having first vanquished in battle Drona that warrior accomplished in weapons and versed in all modes of warfare.

कृतवर्मादिभिः शूरैर्यत्तैर्बहुभिराहवे। युयुधानो न शकितो हन्तुं यत् पुरुषर्षभः॥
Countless heroes headed by Kirtavaiman himself, fighting heedfully, were not able to slay Satyaki in battle; so it is certain that the latter will vanquish my sons single-headed.

नैतदीदृशकं युद्धं कृतवांस्तत्र फाल्गुनः। यादृशं कृतवान् युद्धं शिनेर्नप्ता महायशाः॥
Even Phalguna himself did not fight in the manner in which the illustrious grandson of Sini has fought.

संजय उवाच तव दुर्मन्त्रिते राजन् दुर्योधनकृतेन च। शृणुष्वावहितोभूत्वा यत् ते वक्ष्यामि भारत॥
Sanjaya said All this has been brought about by your wicked policy and by the vile deeds of Duryodhana o king. O Bharata, now hear attentively what I am going to say to you.

पुनः संन्यवर्तन्त कृत्वा संशप्तकान् मिथः। परां युद्धे मतिं क्रूरां तव पुत्रस्य शासनात्॥
At the command of your son, all those warriors then taking tremendous vows to fight

to the last, rallied and resolved upon fighting fierce.

त्रीणि सादिसहस्राणि दुर्योधनपुरोगमाः। शककाम्बोजबाह्रीका यवनाः पारदास्तथा॥
Three thousand bowmen, commanded by Duryodhana himself and supported by a numerous body of Sakas, Kambojas, Valhikas, Yavanas, Paradas.

कुलिन्दास्तङ्गणाम्बष्ठा पैशाचाश्च सबर्बराः। पर्वतीयाश्च राजेन्द्र क्रुद्धा: पाषाणपाणयः॥
Kulindas, Tanganas, Amvartas, Pisachas, Barbaras and mountaineers, Oking, all inspired with rage and armed with stones.

अभ्यद्रवन्त शैनेयं शलभाः पावकं यथा। युक्ताश्च पर्वतीयानां रथाः पाषाणयोधिनाम्॥
Rushed against Sini's grandson like flights of insects falling upon a blazing fire. Five hundred other warriors united together, O king, then also assailed Satyaki.

शूराः पञ्चशता राजन् शैनेयं समुपाद्रवन्। ततो रथसहस्रेण महारथशतेन च।॥ द्विरदानां सहस्रेण द्विसाहनैश्च वाजिभिः। शरवर्षाणि मुञ्चन्तो विविधानि महारथाः॥
Another large division consisting of a thousand chariots, a hundred mighty carwarriors, a thousand elephants, two thousand horses and innumerable foots soldiers, also assailed the grandson of Sini.

अभ्यद्रवन्त शैनेयमसंख्येयाश्च पत्तगः। तांश्च संचोदयन् सर्वान् नतैनमिति भारत॥
Then, O Bharata, Dushasana, urged those troops saying, slay him' and encompassed Satyaki there with.

दुःशासनो महाराज सात्यकिं पर्यवारयत्। तत्राद्भुतमपश्याम शैनेयचरितं महत्॥
Then we beheld the marvellous character of the prowess of Sini's grandson, in as much as single handed as he was he fearlessly fought on with the odds against him.

यदेको बहुभिः सार्धमसम्भ्रान्तमयुध्यत। अवधीच रथानीकं द्विरदानां च तद् बलम्॥
He then continually went on slaying the divisions of car-warriors elephants and horsemen and the robbers.

सादिनश्चैव तान् सर्वान् दस्यूनपि च सर्वशः। तत्र चक्रैर्विमथितैर्भग्नैश्च परमायुधैः॥ अक्षैश्च बहुधा भग्नैरीषादण्डकबन्धुरैः। कुञ्जरैर्मथितैश्चापि ध्वजैश्च विनिपातितः॥ वर्मभिश्च तथानीकैर्व्यवकीर्णा वसुंधरा। स्रग्भिराभरणैर्वस्त्रैरनुकपैश्च मारिष॥
Like the autumnal sky bespangled with stars, the field of battle then became covered with car wheels broken and smashed by means of his mighty weapons with innumerable Akshas and beautiful car-shafts crushed to pieces with mangled elephants and broken standards with coats of mail and bucklers scattered all about and O sire, with garlands and ornaments and attires and Anukarshas.

संछन्ना वसुधा तत्र द्यौर्यहैरिव भारत। गिरिरूपधराश्चापि पतिताः कुञ्जरोत्तमाः॥ अञ्जनस्य कुले जाता वामनस्य च भारत। सुप्रतीककुले ज्ञाता महापद्मकुले तथा॥ एरावतकुले चैव तथान्येषु कुलेषु च। जाता दन्तिवरा राजशेरते बहवो हताः॥ वनाजान् पर्वतीयान् काम्बोजान् बालिकानपि। तथा हयवरान् राजन् निजघ्ने तत्र सात्यकिः॥ नानादेशसमुत्थांश्च नानाजातींश्च दन्तिनः। निजम्ने तत्र शैनेयः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Many best elephants prodigious mountainous and of the Anjanors, of the Vamana breed, O Bharata or of the Supratika Mahapadmat or Airavata or other breeds, many excellent tuskers, O king, lay prostrate on the ground, deprived of life. Satyaki then slew, O king, many foremost of steeds of the Vanaya, the mountain, the Kamboja and the Valhika breeds. The grandson of Sini also slaughtered foot soldiers there, in hundreds and thousands, born in various realms and belonging to various nationalities. Whilst those troops were being thus carnaged, Dushasana addressing the or

तेषु प्रकाल्यमानेषु दस्यून् दुःशासनोऽब्ररीत्। निवर्तध्वमधर्मज्ञा युध्यध्वं किं सृतेन वः॥
'Ye heroes, ignorant of the rules of fighting, fight on.” Why do you retreat? But seeing them break away in spite of all his commands yo!'r son Dushasana.

तांश्चातिभग्नान् सम्प्रेक्ष्य पुत्रो दुःशासनस्तव। पाषाणयोधिनः शूरान् पर्वतीयानचोदयत्॥
Urged on the heroic mountaineers skilled in fighting with stones saying-"You are all skillful in fighting. The Kauravas also are all ignorant of this mode of war-fare.

अश्मयुद्धेषु कुशला नैतजानाति सात्यकिः। अश्मयुद्धमजानन्तं नतैनं युद्धकार्मुकम्॥
Do you slay then this hero who, desirous as he is of battle, is unacquainted with your manner of fighting. The Kauravas also are all ignorant of this mode of battle.

तथैव कुरवः सर्वे नाश्मयुद्धविशारदाः। अभिद्रवत माभैष्ट न वः प्राप्स्यति सात्यकिः॥
Rush upon Satyaki and fear not for he will not be able to reach you in battle. Thereupon all those mountain kings, all accomplished in fighting with stones.

ते पर्वतीया राजानः सर्वे पाषाणयोधिनः। अभ्यद्रवन्त शैनेयं राजानमिव मन्त्रिणः॥
Rushed upon the grandson of Sini like so many counsellors rushing in the train of a king. Then all those denizens of the mountains, armed with hollicks looking like the heads of the elephants.

ततो गजशिरःप्रख्यैरुपलैः शैलवासिनः। उद्यतैर्युयुधानस्य पुरतस्तस्थुराहवे॥
Stood before Yuyudhana in that battle ready to strike others desirous of compassing the slaughter of the Satvata hero with their missiles.

क्षेपणीयैस्तथाप्यन्ये सात्वतस्य वधैषिणः। चोदितास्तव पुत्रेण सर्वतो रुरुधुर्दिशः॥
They obstructed all the points of the compass, urged as they were by your son. Then as they rushed desirous of fighting with their stones.

तेषामापततामेव शिलायुद्धं चिकीर्षताम्। सात्यकिः प्रतिसंधाय निशितान् प्राहिणोच्छरान्॥
Satyaki sped at them sharp arrows fixing them on his bow string. That awful shower of stones then discharged by the Mountaineers.

तामश्मवृष्टिं तुमुलां पर्वतीयैः समीरिताम्। चिच्छेदोरगसंकाशैर्नाराचैः शिनिपुङ्गवः॥
The foremost scion of the Sini race baffled with his Narachas resembling venomous reptiles. Then with those lustrous fragments of stones looking like a flight of fire flies.

तैरश्मचूर्णैर्दीप्यद्भिः खद्योतानामिव व्रजैः। प्राय: सैन्यान्यहन्यन्त हाहाभूतानि मारिष॥
Many of our soldiers were slaughtered; and O sire, cries of alas and Oh were heard in all directions. Then with heavy stones uplifted, five hundred heroic warriors.

ततः पञ्चशतं शूराः समुद्यतमहाशिलाः। निकृत्तबाहवो राजन् निपेतुर्धरणीतले॥
Fell down, O king with their arms severed. Again a thousand warriors and other hundred thousand warriors.

पुनर्दशशताश्चान्ये शतसाहस्त्रिणस्तथा। सोपलैर्बाहुभिश्छिन्नैः पेतुरप्राप्य सात्यकिम्॥
Encounterirg Satyaki fell down with their arms bearing stones lopped off. Then many heroic warriors, accomplished in fighting with stones, began to fall down, with their purposes unsettled.

पाषाणयोधिनः शूरान् यतमानावस्थितान्। न्यवधीद् बहुसाहस्त्रांस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Stayaki then slew them by thousands and that appeared indeed wonderful. Then again many of them, returning to the charge, hurled at Satyaki showers of stones.

ततः पुनात्तमुखास्तेऽश्मवृष्टीः समन्ततः। अयोहस्ताः शूलहस्ता दरदास्तङ्गणाः खसाः॥
With swords and lances in their grasp, many Daradar, Tanjanas, Thasus, Lampakas and Pulindas, hurled their weapons at Satyaki.

लम्पाकाश्च कुलिन्दाश्च चिक्षिपुस्तांश्च सात्यकिः। नाराचैः प्रतिचिच्छेद प्रतिपत्तिविशारदः॥
But the latter well accomplished in the use of weapons cut all of them in pieces with his Narachns. Then as the stones were being broken in the air by sharp arrows.

अद्रीणां भिद्यमानानामन्तरिक्षे शितैः शरैः। शब्देन प्राद्वन् संख्ये रक्षाश्वगजपत्तयः॥
The sound, that was created, caused many car-warriors, horses, elephants and footsoldiers to fly away. Pelted in all directions by fragments of stones, men, elephants and horses.

अश्मचूर्णैरवाकीर्णा मनुष्यगजवाजिनः। नाशक्नुवन्नस्थातुं भ्रमरैरिव दंशिताः॥
Were unable to stand in the field of battle, in as much as they felt as if bit by bees. The survivors, bathed in blood and with their heads and frontal globes shattered.

हतशिष्टाः सरुधिरा भिन्नमस्तकपिण्डिकाः। कुञ्जरा वर्जयामासुसुयुधानरथं तथा॥
Of the elephant hosts, then began to break away leaning the car of Yuyudhana. Then the noise that your troops created, O sire.

ततः शब्दः समभवत् तव सैन्यस्य मारिष। माधवेनार्धमानस्य सागरस्येव पर्वणि॥
Afflicted as they were with the shafts of that descendent of Madhu's race, was tremendous like that of the Ocean in a Parvadayi. Then hearing the cry and that tremendous din, Drona, addressing his charioteer, said

तं शब्दं तुमुलं श्रुत्वा द्रोणो यन्तारमब्रवीत्। क्रुद्धः सात्वतानां महारथः॥
"O charioteer this mighty car-warrior, of the Satvata race inflamed with wrath, has shattered the host in many places and is now careering like the Destroyer in the field of battle.

दारयन् बहुधा सैन्यं रणे चरति कालवत्। यत्रैष शब्दस्तुमुलस्तत्र सूत रथं नय॥
O charioteer, drive my car to the spot whence this noise is coming. Surely Yuyudhana has now encountered these heroes that fight with the stones.

एष सूते रणे पाषाणयोधिभिर्नूनं युयुधानः समागतः। तथा हि रथिनः सर्वे ह्रियन्ते विद्रुतैर्हयैः॥
Yonder the car-warriors are leaving Satyaki being borne away by their flying steeds. Behold some are falling down on the spot with their bodies mangled.

विशस्त्रकवचा रुग्णास्तत्र तत्र पतन्ति च। न शक्नुवन्ति यन्तारः संयन्तुं तुमुले हयान्॥
Their drivers are not able to restrain their wild horses.” The charioteer hearing these words of Bharadvaja's son.

इत्येतद् वचनं श्रुत्वा भारद्वाजस्य सारथिः। प्रत्युवाच ततो द्रोणं सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरम्॥
Replied unto Drona that foremost of all wielders of weapons saying-"O long-lived one, behold the army of the Kauravas routed in all directions.

सैन्यं द्रवति चायुष्मन् कौरवेयं समन्ततः। पश्य रोधान् रणेभग्नान् धावतो वै ततस्ततः॥
Behold the warriors rush in all directions deserting their ranks! But in fact you behold those heroic Panchalas and Pandavas.

इमे च संहताः शूराः पञ्चाला: पाण्डवैः सह। त्वामेव हि जिघांसन्त आद्रवन्ति समन्ततः॥
Advance desirous of encountering yourself. O subduer of foes, now behave yourself in the manner one should behave on such occasions.

अत्र कार्य समाधत्स्व प्राप्तकालमरिंदम। स्थाने वा गमने वापि दूरं यातश्च सात्यकिः॥
Shall we proceed or stay here? Satyaki has gone far ahead of us." While the charioteer was thus speaking to the son of Bharadvaja, O sire.

तथैवं वदतस्तस्य भारद्वाजस्य सारथेः। प्रत्यदृश्यत शैनेयो निघ्नन् बहुविधान् रथान्॥
The grandson of Sini suddenly came to view, engaged in siaughtering a large number of car-warriors. Those soldiers of yours while being thus slaughtered by Yuyudhana in battle.

ते वध्यमानाः समरे युयुधानेन तावकाः। युयुधानरथं त्यक्त्वा द्रोणानकाय दुद्रुवुः॥ यैस्तु दुःशासनः सार्ध रथैः पूर्व न्यवर्तत। ते भीतास्त्वभ्यधावन्त सर्वे द्रोणरथं प्रति॥
They fled away from Yuyudhana's chariot towards the spot where Drona's division was placed. Those other car-warriors accompanied by Dushasana, all struck with panic, also rushed to the place where Drona's chariot was seen.