None: Chapter 120

The defeat of Duryodhana

संजय उवाच जित्वा यवन काम्बोजान् युयुधानस्ततोऽर्जुनम्। जगाम तव सैन्यस्य मध्येन रतिनां वरः॥
Sanjaya said Having defeated the Yavanas and the Kambojas that foremost of car-warriors Yuyudhana advanced after Arjuna right through the centre of your troops.

चारुदंष्ट्रो नरव्याघ्रो विचित्रकवचध्वजः। मृगं व्याघ्र इवाजिघ्रंस्तव सैन्यमभीषयत्॥
Then like a huntsman slaying dcer, that foremost of men, viz., Satyaki, graced with beautiful teeth, cased in exceilent armour and owning a beautiful standard, slew the Kaurava troops and struck terror into their hearts.

स रथेन चरन् मार्गान् धनुरभ्रामयद् भृशम्। रुक्मपृष्ठं महावेगं रुक्मचन्द्रकसंकुलम्॥
Advancing on his chariot, he began to shake his bow with force, bow the back of which was decked with gold, the toughness of which as great and which was beautified with golden moons.

रुक्माङ्गदशिस्त्राणो रुक्मवर्मसमावृतः। रुक्मध्वजधनुः शूरो मेरुशृङ्गमिवाबभौ॥
His arms adorned with golden Angadas, his turban decked with gold, his body covered with a golden armour, his standard and bow variegated with gold, that hero appeared resplendent like the crest of the Merumountain.

सधनुर्मण्डल: संख्ये तेजोभास्कररश्मिवान्। शरदीवोदितः सूर्यो नृसूर्यो नृसूर्यो विरराज ह॥
Himself emitting great effulgence and wielding that bow drawn to a circle in his hands, he appeared like another autumnal sum.

वृषभस्कन्धविक्रान्तो वृषभाक्षो नरर्षभः। तावकानां बभौ मध्ये गवां मध्ये यथा वृषः॥
That foremost of men graced with shoulders, tread and eyes, resembling those of the moon, appeared in the centre of your army, like a bull in the midst of a cowpen.

मत्तद्विरदसंकाशं मत्तद्विरदगामिनम्। प्रभिन्नमिव मातङ्गं यूथमदे व्यवशअथितम्॥
Him looking like and possessing the graceful tread of, an infuriate elephant and appearing like an elephant leader with open temples, standing in their midst.

व्याघ्रा इव जिघांसन्तस्त्वदीयाः समुपाद्रवन्। द्रोणानीकमतिक्रान्तं भोजानीकं च दुस्तरम्॥
Your troops desirous of slaying assailed with fury. After Satyaki had passed through Drona's division and the uncrossable oceanlike division of the Bhojas.

जलसंधार्णवं तीा काम्बोजानां च वाहिनीम्। हार्दिक्यमकरान्मुक्तं तीर्णे वै सैन्यसागरम्॥
After he had passed through the son of Jalasandha's troops, as also the host of the Kamboja, after had escaped the alligator constituted by Hridika's son, after he had forded through that ocean like host.

परिवठ्ठः सुसंक्रुद्धास्त्वदीयाः सात्यकिं रथाः। दुर्योधनश्चित्रसेनो दुःशासनविविंशती॥
Many car-warriors of your army inflamed with fury encompassed Satyaki on all sides. Duryodhana, Chitrasena, Dushasana, Vivnishati.

शकुनिर्दुःसहश्चैव युवा दुर्धर्षण: ऋथः। अन्ये च बहवः शूराः शस्त्रवन्तो दुरासदाः॥
Shakuni, Dussaha, the youthful Durmarsana, Kratha and many other brave warriors, all well-versed in the use of weapons and difficult of being defeated.

पृष्ठतः सात्यकिं यान्तमन्वधावन्नमर्षिणः। अथ शब्दो महानासीत् तव सैन्यस्य मारिष॥
Angrily followed Satyaki from behind as he proceeded onwards. Then, O sire, tremendous was the din that arose among your army.

मारुतोद्भूतवेगस्य सागरस्येव पर्वणि। तानभिद्रवतः सर्वान् समीक्ष्य शिनिपुङ्गवः॥
Resembling the roar of the ocean in a Parva-day when it is lashed into fury by the wind. Beholding them all rush towards himself, that foremost of then Sinis.

शनैर्याहीति यन्तारमब्रवीत् प्रहसन्निव। इदमेतत् समुद्भूतं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य यद् बलम्॥
Addressing his charioteer smilingly said "Proceed slowly" this army of the sons of Dhritarashtra, swelling with fury.

मामेवाभिमुखं तूर्णे गजाश्वरथपन्तिमत्। नादयन् वै दिशः सर्वा रथघोषेण सारथे॥
And abounding in elephants, horses, chariots and infantry, is rushing at me with vehemence, O charioteer, filling all the quarters with the clatter of its cars.

पृथवीं चान्तरिक्षं च कम्पयन् सागरानपि। एतद् बलार्णवं सूत वारयिष्ये महारणे॥
And causing the earth, the conclave dome and occans to tremble. O Suta, this ocean like host I shall resist in battle.

पौर्णमास्यामिवोद्भूतं वेलेव मकरालयम्। पश्य मे सूत तविक्रान्तमिन्द्रस्येव महामृधे॥
Like the banks resisting the mighty main when it swells in the day of the full moon. Behold charioteer, my prowess in battle witch resembles that of Indra himself.

एष सैन्यानि शत्रूणां विधमामि शितैः शरै। निहतानाहवे पश्य पदात्यश्वरथाद्विपान्॥
Behold me crush these hostile forces with my own sharp arrows. Behold these footsoldiers, horses, car-warriors and elephants of the hostile force slain.

मच्छरैरग्निसंकाशैविद्धदेहान् सहस्रशः। इत्येवं ब्रुवतस्तस्य सात्यकेरमितौजसः॥
And mangled, by my sharp shafts whose touch resemble that of fire itself.” When Satyaki of immeasurable prowess was thus speaking.

समीपे सैनिकास्ते तु शीघ्रमीयुर्युयुत्सवः। जह्याद्रवस्व तिष्ठेति पश्य पस्येति वादिनः॥
You warriors quickly approached him desirous of battling with him, saying, 'Slay'. 'Rush,' “Wait" 'Look look'.

तानेवं ब्रुवतो वीरान् सात्यकिनिशितैः शरैः। जधान त्रिशतानश्वान् कुञ्जरांश्च चतुःशतान्॥
Satyaki then fell to slaughter those heroes even when they were thus speaking, with his sharp arrows. He slew three hundred steeds and four hundred elephants.

स समप्रहारस्तुमुलस्तस्य तेषां च धन्विनाम्। देवासुररणप्रख्यः प्रावर्तत जनक्षयः॥
That battle between Satyaki on the one hand and your warriors of the others, became awful like that between the gods and the Asuras fought in the days of yore. The carnage that attended it, was fierce in the extreme.

मेघजालनिमं सैन्यं तव पुत्रस्य मारिष। प्रत्यगृह्णाच्छिने: पौत्रः शरैराशीविषोपमैः॥
O sire, the grandson of Sini received the assault of your son's divisions resembling thick masses of clouds, with his shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison.

प्रच्छाद्यमानः समरे शरजालैः स वीर्यवान्। असम्भ्रमन् महाराज तावकानवधीद् बहून्॥
That valorous hero then covered over with net-work of arrows, O king, began to slay your troops by hundreds, nothing daunted.

आश्चर्ये तत्र राजेन्द्र सुमहद् दृष्टवानहम्। न मोघः सायकः कश्चित् सात्यकेरभवत् प्रभो॥
0 king, I then beheld an extremcly wonderful sight there, inasmuch as, O lord, I saw not one shaft of Satyaki fail in striking its aim.

रथनागाश्वकलिल: पदात्यूर्मिसमाकुलः। शैनेयवेलामासाद्य स्थितः सैन्यमहार्णवः॥
That ocean constituted by the troops of Duryodhana, teening with cars, elephants and steeds and surging with waves constituted by cars, as soon as it came in contact with the bank formed by Sinis grandson.

सम्भ्रान्तनरनागाश्वमावर्तत मुहुर्मुहुः। तत् सैन्चमिषुभिस्तेन वध्यमानं समन्ततः॥
That host consisting of terrified warriors, clephants and horses, carnaged on all sides by the arrows of Satyaki, began to turn round repeatedly.

बभ्राम तत्र तत्रैव गावः शीतार्दिता इव। पदातिनं रथं मागं सादिनं तुरगं तथा॥
And wandered hither and thither like kine afflicted with the chill of winter. Among footsoliers, car-warriors, clephants and horsc-men and horses.

अविद्धं तत्र नाद्राक्षं युयुधानस्य सायकः। न तादृक् कदनं राजन् कृतवांस्तत्र फाल्गुनः॥
We then beheld none who was not pierced will the arrows of Yuyudhana. Even Phaiguna himselt () king, spread not such carnage in your rooms.

यादृक् क्षयमनीकानामकरोत् सात्यकिर्नृप। अत्यर्जुनं शिनेः पौत्रो युध्यते पुरुषर्षभः॥
As was done by Satyaki in your ranks. O foremost of men, Sini's grandson then fought, surpassing even Arjuna himself.

वीतभीाघवोपेतः कृतित्वं सम्प्रदर्शयन्। ततो दुर्योधनो राजा सात्वतस्य त्रिभिः शरैः॥
Completely fearless and displaying his Tightness of hands and skill in the use of weapons. Thereafter king Duryodhana, with three arrows.

विव्याध सूतं निशितैश्चतुर्भिश्चतुरो हयान्। मात्यकिं च त्रिभिविद्ध्वा पुनरष्टाभिरेव च॥
Pierced the charioteer of that Satvata hero; and then with another four sharp shafts, he pierced the latter's four steeds. Next piercing Satyaki himself with three arrows, he pierced him with a set of another cight shafts.

दुःशासनः षोडशभिर्विव्याध शिनिपुङ्गवम्। शकुनिः पञ्चविंशत्या चित्रसेनश्च पञ्चभिः॥
Then Dushasana pierced that foremost scion of the Sini dynasty with sixteen shafts, Shakuni pierced him with twenty-five and Chitrasena with five arrows.

दुःसहः पञ्चदशभिर्विव्याधोरसि सात्यकिम्। उत्स्मयन् वृष्णिशार्दूलस्तथा बाणैः समाहतः॥
Dussaha then pierced Satyaki on the centre of his chest with fifteen arrows. Then thus struck with those numerous shafts, that foremosi hero among the Vrishnis, smiled.

तानविध्यन्महाराज सर्वानेव त्रिभिस्त्रिभिः। गाढविद्वानरीन् कृत्वा मार्गणैःसोऽतितेजनैः॥
And, O mighty monarch, pierced each of his assailers with three shafts. Thus piercing his foes with darts of fierce energy.

शैनेयः श्येनवत् संख्ये व्यचरल्लघुविक्रमः। सौबलस्य धनुश्छित्त्वाहस्तावापं निकृत्य च॥
That grandson of Sini endued with great celerity, began to move about the field of battle, even like a hawk. Cutting off the bow of Suvalas son and severing his gloves.

दुर्योधनं त्रिभिर्बाणैरभ्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे। चित्रसेनं शतेनैव दशभिर्दुःसहं तथा॥
He pierced Duryodhana on the centre of his chest with three arrows; he pierce Chitrasena with hundred and Dussaha with ten arrows.

दुःशासनं तु विंशत्या विव्याध शिनिपुङ्गवः। अथान्यद् धनुरादाय श्यालस्तव विशाम्पते॥
That illustrious grandson of Sini next pierced Dushasana with twenty arrows. Thereafter O ruler of men, your brother-in-law, taking up another bow.

अष्टाभिःसात्यकि विद्ध्वा पुनर्विव्याध पञ्चभिः। दुःशासनश्च दशभिर्दुःसहश्च त्रिभिः शरैः॥ दुर्मुखश्च द्वादशमी राजन् विव्याध सात्यकिम्। दुर्योधनस्त्रिसप्तत्या विद्ध्वा भारत माधवम्॥
Pierced Satyaki first with eight and then with another five arrows. Then o king, Dushasana pierced Satyaki with ten, Dussaha with three and Durmukha with twelve shafts. O Bharata, then Duryodhana, pierced that scion of Madhu's race with seventy-three arrows.

ततोऽस्यनिशितैर्वाणैस्त्रिभिर्विव्याध सारथिम्। तान् सर्वान् सहिताशूरान् यतमानान् महारथान्॥
Next he pierced the latter's charioteer with three sharp arrows. Then all those mighty carwarriors who were fighting unitedly and heedfully.

पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिर्बाणैः पुनर्विव्याध सात्यकिः। ततः स रथिनां श्रेष्ठस्तव पुत्रस्य सारथिम्॥ आजघानाशु भल्लेन स हतो न्यपतद् भुवि। पतिते सारथौ तस्मिंस्तव पुत्ररथः प्रभो॥
Were pierced each with five arrows by Satyaki. Then that foremost of warriors struck the driver of your son with a broad-headed shaft. The latter then fell down on the ground slain. When his charioteer had been laid low, O master, that car-warrior, your son.

वातायमानैस्तैरश्वैरपानीयत संगरात्। ततस्तव सुता राजन् सैनिकाच विशाम्पते॥
Was borne away from the field of battle by his steeds of the fleetness of the wind. Thereupon, your other sons and the troops, () king.

राज्ञो रथमभिप्रेक्ष्य विद्रुताः शतशोऽभरन्। विद्रुतं तत्र तत् सैन्यं दृष्ट्वा भारत सात्यकिः॥
Looking at the chariot of the king, began to break away by hundreds. Then O Bharata, beholding the divisions routed, Satyaki.

अवाकिरच्छरैस्तीक्ष्णै रुक्मपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः। विद्राव्य सर्वसैन्यानि तावकानि सहस्रशः॥
Covered them with keen pointed arrows furnished with golden wings and whetted on stone. Thus, o king, crushing all the warriors of your army by thousands.

तं शरानाददानं च रक्षमाणं च सारथिम्। आत्मानं पालयानं स तावकाः समपूजयन्॥
Satyaki flew towards the chariot of Arjuna owning cream-colored steeds. Even your troops then applauded him as they beheld him proceed shooting arrows and protecting himself and his charioteer.