None: Chapter 118

The slaughter of Sudarshana

संजय उवाच स्तथैव हार्दिक्यमुखांस्त्वदीयान्। प्रहस्य सूतं वचनं बभाषे शिनिप्रवीरः कुरुपुङ्गवाय॥
Sanjaya said Having defeated in battle Drona and other warriors of your army headed by Hridika's son, that foremost of men, that best scion of the Sini race, addressing smilingly his charioteer, said, O best of the Kurus, these wordsनिमित्तमात्रं वयमद्य सूत दग्धारयः केशवफाल्गुनाभ्याम्

हतान् निहन्मेह नरर्षभेण वयं सुरेशात्मसमुद्भवेन॥
O charioteer, our opponents have already heen consumed by Keshava and Phalguna. In defeating them again, we have only been (secondarily) instrumental. Slaying them already slain by that foremost of men, viz., the son of the celestial chief, we have but slain the slain.

तमेवमुक्त्वा शिनिपुङ्गवस्तदा महामृधे सोऽग्र्यधनुर्धरोऽरिहा। किरन् समन्तात् सहसा शरान् बली समापतच्छ्येन इवामिषं यथा।॥
Saying these words to his driver, that best of the Sinis, that illustrious bowman, that slayer of hostile heroes, that highly puissant warrior, shooting vehemently his arrows in all directions pounced upon the Kaurava host like a hawk swooping down upon a piece of meat.

विगाह्य सैन्यं पुरुषप्रवीरम्। नाशक्नुवन् वारयितुं समन्ता दादित्यरश्मिप्रतिमं रथाग्र्यम्॥
The warriors of the Kaurava army, although they assailed him from all sides, were unable to resist that best of car-warriors resembling the thousand-rayed sun himself, that foremost of men, who having penetrated through the Kaurava array, was advancing, borne by his excellent steeds that were white like the moon or he conch-shell.

असह्यविक्रान्तमदीनसत्त्वं सर्वे गणा भारत ये त्वदीयाः। सहस्रनेत्रप्रतिमप्रभावं दिवीव सूर्यं जलदव्यपाये॥
O Bharata, none amongst your warriors was then able to resist Yuyudhana of prowess incapable of being withstood, of unmitigating energy, of heroism equal to that of the thousand-eyed deity, looking like the autumnal sun in the firmament.

अमर्षपूर्णस्त्वतिचित्रयोधी शरासनी काञ्चनवर्मधारी। सुदर्शनः सात्यकिमापतन्तं न्यवारयद् राजवरः प्रसह्य॥
Thereupon that foremost of kings, named Sudarsana, versed in all modes of warfare, clad in golden armour, armed with the bow and the arrows and inspired with wrath, proceeded against the dashing Satyaki and strove to check his career.

तयोरभूद् भारत सम्प्रहारः सुदारुणस्तं समतिप्रशंसन्। योधास्त्वदीयाश्च हि सोमकाश्च वृत्रेन्द्रयोयुद्धमिवामरौघाः॥
The encounter that then commenced between them was extremely awful. Both your warriors and the Somakas applauded it highly; and the immortals compared it to the one that took place in days gone by between Vritra and Indra.

शरैः सुतीक्ष्णैःशतशोऽभ्यविध्यत् सुदर्शन: सात्वतमुख्यमाजौ। श्चिच्छेद राजशिनिपुङ्गवोऽपि॥
Sudarsana striving hard sped at that foremost descendant of the Satvata race, hundreds of sharp arrows, but O king, that illustrious scion of the Sini race, cut down all those arrows, before they could ever reach him.

तथैव शक्रप्रतिमोऽपि सात्यकिः सुदर्शने यान् क्षिपति स्म सायकान्। द्विधा त्रिधा तानकरोत् सुदर्शन: शरोत्तमैः स्यन्दनवर्यमास्थितः॥
So also did, Sudarsana, riding on his own chariot of excellent make, severed, by means of his own arrows, in two or three parts, all the arrows sped at him by Satyaki who resembled Indra himself.

तान् वीक्ष्य बाणान् निहतांस्तदानीं सुदर्शन: सात्यकिबाणबेगैः। क्रोधाद् दिधक्षन्निव तिग्मतेजाः शरानमुञ्चत् तपनीयचित्रान्॥
Then beholding his own arrows repulsed by the force of those shot by Satyaki, Sudarsana of fierce energy in order to burn down his adversary, angrily shot some beautiful shafts equipped with wings of gold.

राकर्णपूर्णैर्निशितैः सुपुजैः। विव्याध देहावरण विभिद्य ते सात्यकेराविविशुः शरीरम्॥
Then he pierced his adversary with three beautiful arrows resembling fire itself and furnished with golden wings, discharged from the bowstring drawn back to the very ear. These arrows penetrating through Satyaki's armour mangled his body.

तथैव तस्यावनिपालपुत्रः संधाय बाणैरपरैवलद्भिः। श्चतुर्भिरश्वांश्चतुरः प्रसह्य॥
Once more that prince Sudarsana, fixing on his bowstring another four resplendent shafts, struck therewith the four steeds of Satyaki that were of argentine huc.

तथा तु तेनाभिहतस्तरस्वी नप्ता शिनेरिन्द्रसमानवीर्यः। हयान् निहत्याशु ननाद नादम्॥
Thus afflicted by him, Sini's grandson, possessed of great agility and endowed with might equal to that of Indra himself, quickly slew with his own arrows the steeds of Sudarsana and sent up (then) a loud war-cry.

अथास्य सूतस्य शिरो निकृत्य भल्लेन शक्राशनिसंनिभेन। सुदर्शनस्यापि शिनिप्रवीरः क्षुरेण कालानलसंनिभेन॥ सकुण्डलं पूर्णशशिप्रकाशं भ्राजिष्णु वक्त्रं विचकर्त देहात्। यथा पुरा वज्रधरः प्रसह्य बलस्य संख्येऽतिबलस्य राजन्॥
Then lopping off with a bhalla charged with the vehemence of Indra's thunder-bolt, the head of Sudarsana's charioteer, that best of the Sinis, with a razor-headed arrow resembling the fire that appears at the end of a Yuga, cutoff from Sudarsana's trunk his head graced with ear-rings, resembling the full moon and decked with an exceedingly charming face, like the wiclder of the thunder-bolt, 0 king, forcibly cutting off in day's gone by, the head of the Asura bala in battle.

निहत्य तं पार्थिवपुत्रपौत्रं रणे यदूनामृषभस्तरस्वी। मुदा समेतः परया महात्मा रराज राजन् सुरराजकल्पः॥
Thus having slain that grandson of a prince, that illustrious Scion of the Yadu race became inspired with joy and shone resplendent, O king, like the chief of the celestials himself.

ततो ययावर्जुन एव येन निबार्य सैन्य तव मार्गणौधैः। ल्लोकं विसिस्मापयिषुर्दैवीरः॥
Then that best hero among men viz., Yuyudhana proceeded along the track by which Arjuna had gone before him, resisting as he advanced, by means of his myriad shafts, all your warriors and riding on that excellent chariot of his, O king, to which were yoked those best steeds and filling every body with wonder.

तत् तस्य विस्मापयनीयमय मपूजयन् योधबराः समेताः। प्रवर्तमानानिषुगोचरेऽरीन् ददाह बाणैर्तुतभुग् यथैव॥
Then all the excellent warriors assembled on the field of battle, applauded that wonderful feat achieved by Satyaki, inasmuch as he consumed all opponents that came within the range of his arrows, like a blazing conflagration burning everything that falls in its way.