None: Chapter 116

The defeat of Kritavarman

संजय उवाच ते किरन्तः शरवातान् सर्वे यत्ताः प्रहारिणः। त्वरमाणा महाराज युयुधानमयोधयन्॥
Sanjaya said Then, O mighty monarch, all those warriors accomplished in smiting down the foe and united together, began to fight with Yuyudhana quickly discharging numerous arrows.

तं द्रोणः सप्त सप्तत्या जघान निशितैः शरैः। दुर्मर्षणो द्वादशभिर्दुःसहो दशभिः शरैः॥
Then Drona pierced Satyaki with seven and seventy shafts of great sharpness; Durmursana pierced him with twelve and Dussaha with ten shafts.

विकर्णश्चापि निशितैस्त्रिंशद्भिः कङ्कपत्रिभिः। विव्याध सव्ये पार्श्वे तु स्तनाभ्यामन्तरे तथा॥
Vikarna pierced Satyaki with thirty whetted shafts furnished with wings of Kanka feather, on his lift side and on the centre of his chest.

दुर्मुखो दशभिर्बाणैस्तथा दुःशासनोऽष्टभिः। चित्रसेनश्च शैनेय द्वाभ्यां विव्याध मारिष॥
o sire, Durmukha then pierced Sini's grandson with ten shafts, Dushasana pierced him with eight and Chitrasena with a couple of arrows.

दुर्योधनश्च महता शरवर्षेण माधवम्। अपीडयद्रणे राजशूराश्चान्ये महारथाः॥
Then with a mighty shower of arrows Duryodhana, O king, afflicted that mighty carwarrior the descendant of Madhu's race. O king, other heroic warriors followed his example.

सर्वतः प्रतिविद्धस्तु तव पुत्रैर्महारथैः। तान् प्रत्यविध्यद्वाष्णैयः पृथक् पृथगजिह्मगैः॥
Thus opposed on all sides by your sons, all mighty car-warriors, he of the Vrishni race began to pierce them all in return with distinct groups of straight-going shafts.

भारद्वाजं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्दुःसहं नवभिः शरैः। विकर्णे पञ्चविंशत्या चित्रसेनं च सप्तभिः॥
Satyaki pierced the son of Bharadvaja with three arrows, Dussaha with nine, Vikarna with twenty-five, Chitrasena with seven.

दुर्मर्षणं द्वादशभिरष्टाभिश्च विविंशातेम। सत्यव्रतं च नवभिर्विजयं दशभिः शरैः॥
Durmarsena with twelve, Vivinsati with eight, Satyavrata with nine and Vijaya with ten shafts.

ततो रुक्मांगदं चारं विधुन्वानो महारथः। अभ्ययात् सात्यकिस्तूर्णं पुत्रं तव महारथम्॥
Then that mighty car-warrior Satyaki, having pierced Rukmangada, stretching his bow quickly assailed your son Duryodhana who also was a mighty car-warrior.

राजानं सर्वलोकस्य सर्वलोकमहारथम्। शरैरभ्याहनगढं ततो युद्धमभूत्तयोः॥
Then with his arrows Satyaki deeply pierced the king of all creatures who is regarded as he best car-warrior in all the worlds. Thereupon a battle commenced between them.

विमुञ्चन्तौ शरांस्तीक्ष्णान् संदधानौ च सायकान्। अदृश्यं समरेऽन्योन्यं चक्रतुस्तौ महारथौ॥
Then those two mighty car-warriors discharging sharp arrows and placing other arrows on the bow-string, rendered each other invisible in battle.

सात्यकिः कुरुराजने निर्विद्धो बह्वशोभत। अस्रवदुधिरं भूरि स्वरसं चन्दनो यथा॥
Satyaki then pierced sore by the king of the Kurus, appeared highly beautiful. He shed blood copiously like a sandal tree discharging its sap.

सात्वतेन च बाणौधैर्निर्विद्धस्तनयस्तव। शातकुंभमयापीडो बभौ यूप इवोच्छ्रितः॥
r'ierced with myriads of shafts by him of the Satvata race, your son appeared beautiful like a golden stake set up at a sacrifice.

माधवस्तु रणे राजन् कुरुराजस्य धन्विनः। धनुश्चिच्छेद समरे क्षुरप्रेण हसन्निव॥
Thereafter, Oking, that descendant of Madhu's race, with a razor-headed shaft, cutoff in battle the bow of the Kuru king that best wielder of the bow, smiling all the while.

अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं शरैर्बहुभिराचिनोत्। निर्भिन्नश्च शरैस्तेन द्विषता क्षिप्रकारिणा॥
Then he pierced the king whose bow had been severed, with numerous shafts. Thereat mangled with the arrows of his light-handed enemy.

नामृष्यत रणे राजा शत्रोविजयलक्षणम्। अथान्यद्धनुरादाय हेमपृष्ठं दुरासदम्॥-
m In that battle, he could not bear this sign of the success of his enemy. Then taking up another bow of great toughness and golden staff.

विव्याध सात्यकिं तूर्णे सायकानां शतेन ह। सोऽतिविद्धो बलवता तव पुत्रेण धन्विना॥
He pierced Satyaki quickly with a group of hundred arrows. Pierced deeply by that great bowman endued with might, viz., your son, Satyaki.

अमर्षवशमापन्नस्तव पुत्रमपीडयत्। पीडितं नृपतिं दृष्ट्वा तव पुत्रा महारथाः॥
Under the influence of wrath began to afflict your son severely. Beholding the king thus afflicted, your other sons all mighty carwarriors.

सात्यकि शरवर्षेण छादयामासुरोजसा। स च्छाद्यमानो बहुभिस्तव पुत्रैर्महारथैः॥
Covered Satyaki with a shower of mighty arrows. Thus covered by your sons, all mighty car-warriors.

एकैकं पञ्चभिर्विद्ध्वा पुनर्विव्याध सप्तभिः। दुर्योधनं च त्वरितो विव्याधाष्टभिराशुगैः॥
Satyaki piercing each with five arrows, again pierced each with seven shafts. He then quickly pierced Duryodhana with eight swiftcoursing arrows.

प्रहसंश्चास्य चिच्छेद कार्मुकं रिपुभीषणम्। नागं मणिमयं चैव शरैर्ध्वजमपातयत्॥
Then smiling he cut-off Duryodhana's bow that used to inspire terror into the hearts of the enemy. Then with his arrows, he cut down the latter's standard and the elephant of pearls embossed thereon.

हत्वा तु चतुरो वाहांश्चतुर्भिनिशितैः शरैः। सारथिं पातयामास क्षुरप्रेण महायशाः॥
Then slaying with four sharp arrows the four horses of Duryodhana, that illusirious warrior felled the charioteer of the latter with a razor-headed arrow.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे चैव कुरुराजं महारथम्। अवाकिरच्छरैर्हष्टो बहुभिर्मर्मभेदिभिः॥
After this, filled with delight he began to cover the king of the Kurus, that mighty carwarrior, with numerous arrows, all capable of penetrating to the very vitals.

स वध्यमानः समरे शैनेयस्य शरोत्तमैः। प्राद्रवत् सहसा राजन् पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव॥
Thus pierced by the excellent shafts of the grandson of Sini, Oking, your son Duryodhana suddenly fled away from the field of battle.

आप्लुतश्च ततो यानं चित्रसेनस्य धन्विनः। हाहाभूतं जगश्चासीद् दृष्ट्वा राजानमाहवे॥
He then ascended the car of Chitrasena that great bowman. Then cries of Alas and Oh were uttered by your troops as they beheld the king in that battle.

ग्रस्यमानं सात्यकिना खे सोममिव राहुणा। तं तु शब्दमथ श्रुत्वा कृतवर्मा महारथः॥
Devoured by Satyaki, like Soma in the skies devoured by Rahu. Then hearing that woeful exclamation, the mighty car-warrior Kritavarman.

अभ्ययात् सहसा तत्र यत्रास्ते माधवः प्रभुः। विधुन्वानो धनुः श्रेष्ठं चोदयंश्चैव वाजिनः॥
Quickly proceeded to the spot where that mighty-descendant of Madhu's race, was fighting. He came stretching his bow and urging his steeds.

भर्त्सयन् सारथिं चाग्रे याहि याहीति सत्वरं। तमापतन्तं संप्रेक्ष्य व्यादितास्यमिवान्तकम्॥
And encouraging his charioteer with the words. Proceed in haste, Proceed in haste. Beholding him come like the Destroyer himself with mouth wide open.

युयुधानो महाराज यन्तारमिदमब्रवीत्। कृतवर्मा रथेनैष द्रुतमापतते शरी॥
O mighty Monarch, Yuyudhana addressed his charioteer saying-Yonder is the heroic Kritavarman rushing at me on his chariot.

प्रत्युद्याहि रथेनैनं प्रवरं सर्वधन्विनाम्। ततः प्रजविताश्वेन विधिवत् कल्पितेन च॥
Encounter this foremost all wielder of bow and drive your car before him.” Then urging to the top of their speed those horses duly equipped.

आससाद रणे भोज प्रतिमानं धनुष्मताम्। ततः परमसंक्रुद्धौ ज्वलिताविव पावकौ॥
The charioteer drove the car towards the king of the Bhojas held in high honor by all bowmen. Then highly excited and looking like two blazing fires.

समेयातां नरव्याघ्रौ व्याघ्राविव तरस्विनौ। कृतवर्मा तु शैनेयं षड्विशत्या समार्पमत्॥
Those two foremost of men encountered one another like two tigers endued with great agility. Then Kritavarman wounded the grandson of Sini with twenty-six.

निशितैः सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्यन्तारं चास्य पञ्चभिः। चतुरश्चतुरो वाहांश्चतुर्भिः परमेषुभिः॥ अविध्यत् साधुदान्तान् वै सैन्धवान् सात्वतस्य हि। रुक्मध्वजो रुक्मपृष्ठं महद् विस्फार्य कार्मुकम्॥
Sharp arrows all well-whetted; and his charioteer with five shafts. With four excellent shafts he pierced the four steeds of the Satvata hero, steeds whose teeth were graceful and that were of the Sindhu breed. Then stretching his mighty-bow of golden back, that one of golden standards.

रुक्माङ्गदी रुक्मवर्मा रुक्मपुङ्खरवारयत्। ततोऽशीतिं शिनेः पौत्रः सायकान् कृतवर्मणे॥ प्राहिणोत् त्वरया युक्तो द्रष्टकामो धनंजयम्। सोऽतिविद्धो बलवता शत्रुणा शत्रुतापनः॥
Decked with golden Angadas and clad in a golden mail, covered Satyaki with arrow of golden wings. Thereafter the grandson of Sini quickly sped numerous shafts at Kritavarman, as he was longing to have a sight of Dhananjaya. Pierced deeply by his powerful adversary, that scorcher of foes.

समकम्पत दुर्घर्षः क्षितिकम्पे यथाचलः। त्रिषष्ट्या चतुरोऽस्याश्वान् सप्तभिः सारथिं तथा॥ विव्याध निशितैस्तूर्णं सात्यकिः सत्यविक्रमः। सुवर्णपुङ्ख विशिखं समाधाय च सात्यकिः॥
Began to tremble like a mountain during an earth-quake. Then Stayaki of prowess incapable of being baffled quickly pierced his four steeds with sixty-three and his charioteer with seven sharp arrows. Then Satyaki placed on his bow string a shaft furnished with golden wings.

व्यसृजत् तं महाज्वालं संक्रुद्धमिव पन्नगम्। सोऽविध्यत् कृतवर्माणं यमदण्डोपमः शरः॥
That emitted great effulgence and looked like an enraged snake; that arrow that resembled the the dart of Death, wounded Kritavarman sorely.

जाम्बूनदविचित्रं च वर्म निर्भिद्य भानुमत्। अभ्यगाद धरणीमुनो रुधिरेण समुक्षितः॥
Then that fierce arrow, penetrating through the effulgent and gold-decked armour of Kritavarman, fell down on the ground, steeped completely in blood.

संजातरुधिरश्चाजौ सात्वतेषुभिरर्दितः। सशरं धनुरुत्सृज्य न्यपतत् स्यन्दनोत्तमात्॥
Covered all over with blood and afflicted with the arrows of the of the Satvata hero, Kritavarman, throwing aside his bow and arrow, feil upon his niche on the chariot.

स सिंहदंष्ट्रो जानुभ्यां पतितोऽमितविक्रमः। शरादितः सात्यकिना रथोपस्थे नरर्षभः॥
That one of infinite prowess and of teeth resembling those of the lion, that foremost of men, then fell on his knees on the terrace of his car, being afflicted by arrows of Satyaki.

सहस्रबाहुसदृशमक्षोभ्यमिव सागरम्। निवार्य कृतवर्माणं सात्यकिः प्रययौ ततः॥
Thereafter Satyaki having successfully checked Kritavarman who reseinbled the thousand-armed Arjuna or the unagitable ocean itself, quickly advanced onwards.

खङ्गशक्तिधनुःकीर्णो गजाश्वरथसंकुलाम्। प्रवर्तितोग्ररुधिरां शतशः क्षत्रियर्षभैः॥ प्रेक्षतां सर्वसैन्यानां मध्येन शिनिपुङ्गवः। अभ्यगाद्वाहिनीं हित्वावृत्रहेवासुरींचमूम्॥
Then passing through the division of Kritavarman, bristling with swords, lances and javelins and teeming with elephants, steeds and cars and shedding blood copiously, before the very eyes of all the troops that foremost of the descendants of Sini moved forwards like the slayer of Vritra passing through the Asura host.

समाश्वस्य च हार्दिक्यो गृह्य चान्यन्महद् धनुः। तस्थौ स तत्र बलवान् वारयन् युधि पाण्डवान्॥
Meanwhile the son of Hridika regaining his composure and grasping another mighty bow, stood on the field of battle checking the mighty Pandava hosts. cars and shedding blood copiously, before the very eyes of all the troops that foremost of the descendants of Sini moved forwards like the slayer of Vritra passing through the Asura host.

समाश्वस्य च हार्दिक्यो गृह्य चान्यन्महद् धनुः। तस्थौ स तत्र बलवान् वारयन् युधि पाण्डवान्॥
Meanwhile the son of Hridika regaining his composure and grasping another mighty bow, stood on the field of battle checking the mighty Pandava hosts.