None: Chapter 111

The words of Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच प्रीतियुक्तं च हृद्यं च मधुराक्षरमेव च। कालयुक्तं च चित्रं चन्याय्यं यचापि भाषितुम्॥ धर्मराजस्य तद् वाक्यं निशम्य शिनिपुङ्गवः। सात्यकिर्भरतश्रेष्ठ प्रत्युवाच युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Sanjaya said Then that foremost of the Sinis viz., Satyaki, hearing those words of the very virtuous king Yudhishthira, words that were agreeable, salutary, fraught with sweet sounds, opportune, delightful and equitable, replied, O

श्रुतं ते गदतो वाक्यं सर्वमेतन्मयाच्युत। न्याययुक्तं च चित्रं च फाल्गुनार्थे यशस्करम्॥
“O you of unfading glory, I have heard all the words you have spoken for Arjuna's sake-words that are delightful, equitable and conducive to fame.

एवंविधे तथा काले मादृशं प्रेक्ष्य सम्मतम्। वक्तमर्हसि राजेन्द्र यथा पार्थ तथैव माम्॥
At a time like the present, beholding one devoted to you like me, it behoves you, O mighty monarch, to command me as much as you can command Partha himself.

न मे धनंजयस्यार्थे प्राणा रक्ष्याः कथंचन। त्वत्प्रयुक्तः पुनरहं किं न कुर्यो महाहवे॥
For the sake of Dhananjaya, I am ever prepared to sacrifice my life. Commanded by you, what is there that I would not do in this great battle.

लोकत्रयं योधयेयं सदेवासुरमानुषम्। त्वत्प्रयुक्तो नरेन्द्रेह किमुतैतत् सुदुर्बलम्॥
O ruler of men, commanded by you, I am ready to fight even with the three worlds with the Gods. Asuras and mortals therein, what to speak of this weak host of the Kuru?

सुयोधनबलं त्वद्य योधयिष्ये समन्ततः। विजेष्ये च रणे राजन् सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
I will, this day, fight with the entire army of Suyodhana and vanquish it in battle, Oking. This I tell you for sooth.

कुशल्यहं कुशलिनं समासाद्य धनंजयम्। हते जयद्रथे राजन् पुनरेष्यामि तेऽन्तिकम्॥
Safely shall I reach Dhananjaya who is also safe and after the slaughter of Jayadratha, we both shall come back to you, O king.

अवश्यं तु मया सर्व विज्ञाप्यस्त्वं नराधिपा वासुदेवस्य यद् वाक्यं फाल्गुनस्य च धीमतः॥
But, O foremost of men, I think it a duty to remind you of the words which were spoken to me by Vasudeva and the highly intelligent Phalguna.

दृढं त्वभिपरीतोऽहमर्जुनेन पुनः पुनः। मध्ये सर्वस्य सैन्यस्य वासुदेवस्य शृण्वतः॥
I was repeatedly and strongly solicited by Arjuna in the very midst of all our troops and at the hearing of Vasudeva's son, in these words.

अद्य माधव राजानमप्रमत्तोऽनुपालय। आर्यो युद्धे मतिं कृत्वा यावद्धन्मि जयद्रथम्॥
: "O you of Madhu's race, today, with a cool understanding and resolving to fight nobly and resolutely, do you protect the king, till I succeed in slaying Jayadratha.

त्वयि चाहं महाबाहो प्रद्युम्ने वा महारथे। नृपं निक्षिप्य गच्छेयं निरपेक्षो जयद्रथम्॥
O nighty-arined hero, making over the inonarch to you or to the mighty car-warriors Pradyumna only, can I I go to slaughter Jayadratha, with an easy heart.

जानीषे हि रणे द्रोणं रभसं श्रे. पम्मतम्। प्रतिज्ञा चापि ते नित्यं श्रुता द्रोणस्य माधव॥
You know how formidable Drona is in battle, Drona who is regarded as the foremost of the Kuru warriors. You also know the vow he made before the eyes of all, O master.

ग्रहणे धर्मराजस्य भारद्वाजोऽपि गृध्यति। शक्तश्चापि रणे द्रोणो निग्रहीतुं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
The son of Bharadvaja, eagerly longs to capture the very virtuous king Yudhishthira. Drona also is competent enough to afflict Yudhishthira in battle.

एवं त्वयि समाधाय धर्मराजं नरोत्तमम्। अहमद्य गमिष्यामि सैन्धवस्य वधाय हि॥
Now, making over the charge of the very virtuous king Yudhishthira, that best of men to you, I am today going to slaughter the ruler of the Sindhus.

जयद्रथं च हत्वाहं द्रुतमेष्यामि माधव। धर्मराजं न चेद् द्रोणो निगृह्णीयाद् रणे बलात्॥
Slaying Jayadratha in battle, I will return as soon as possible; O descendant of Madhu's race, meanwhile see that Drona may not capture Yudhishthira.

निगृहीते नरश्रेष्ठे भारद्वाजेन माधव। सैन्धवस्य वधो न स्यान्ममाप्रीतिस्तथा भवेत्॥
Oscion of Madhu's race, if that foremost of men Yudhishthira be captured by the son of Bharadvaja, I shall not be able to accomplish the slaughter of the king of the Sindhus and my grief will be great.

एवंगते नरश्रेष्ठे पाण्डवे सत्यवादिनी। अस्माकं गमनं व्यक्तं वनं प्रति भवेत् पुनः॥
If the truthful son of Pandu, that foremost of the Pandavas (Yudhishthira) be captured by Drona, it is evident that we shall have to go the forest in exile once more.

सोऽयं मम जयो व्यक्तं व्यर्थ एव भविष्यति। यदि द्रोणो रणे क्रुद्धो निगृह्णीयाद् युधिष्ठिरम्॥
If Dróna inflamed with rage succeeds in capturing Yudhishthira, it is evident my victory over Jayadratha will be productive of no good.

स त्वमद्य महाबाहो प्रियार्थे मम माधव। जयार्थं च यशोऽर्थं च रक्ष राजानमाहवे॥
Thereupon, O scion of Madhu's race, o mighty-armed one, do you undertake to protect the king in battle, for my sake and for the sake of winning victory and fame.

स भवान् मयि निक्षेपो निक्षिप्तः सव्यसाचिना। भारद्वाजाद् भयं नित्यं मन्यमानेन वै प्रभो॥
Thus do you see, O king, that you have been made over to me as sacred trust by Savyasachin, afraid as he ever is of the son of Bharadvaja, on your account.

तस्यापि च महाबाहो नित्यं पश्यामि संयुगे। नान्यं हि प्रतियोद्धारं रौक्मिणेयादृते प्रभो॥
I see every day, O mighty-armed one that except Rukmini's son there is no one who can be a match for Drona in battle,Omaster.

मां चापि मन्यते युद्धे भारद्वाजस्य धीमतः। सोऽहं सम्भावनां चैतामाचार्यवचनं च तत्॥ पृष्ठतो नोत्सहे कर्तु त्वां वा त्युक्तं महीपते। आचार्यो लघुहस्तत्वादभेद्यकवचावृतः॥
I also am regarded to be a match for the intelligent son of Bharadvaja. So it is evident, I cannot falsify that reputation which I enjoy or disregard the behests of my preceptor Arjuna or leave you, O king, alone. The preceptor Drona, covered with impenetrable armour as he is and endued with great lightness of hands.

उपलभ्य रणे क्रीडेद् यथा शकुनिना शिशुः। यदि काष्णिर्धनुष्पाणिरिह स्यान्मकरध्वजः॥
Obtaining you in battle, will sport with you as boy with an innocent bird. If that son of Krishna bearing the Makara as a device on his banner, were here with his bow.

तस्मै त्वं विसृजेयं वै स त्वां रक्षेद् यथार्जुनः। कुरु त्वमात्मनो गुप्ति कस्ते गोप्ता गते मयि॥
I could have made you over to his protection and he could have protected, you like Arjuna himself. You should look after your own protection. Who shall protect you when I am gone?

यः प्रतीयाद् रणेद्रोणं यावद् गच्छामि पाण्डवम्। मा च ते भयमद्यास्तु राजन्नर्जुनसम्भवम्॥
Who will advance against Drona for protecting you, when I shall proceed towards Arjuna? Let no fear, O king, assail your heart today on Arjuna's account.

न स जातु महाबाहुर्भारमुद्यम्य सीदति। ये च सौवीरका योधास्तथा सैन्धपौरवाः॥
That mighty-armed one will never succumb under the heaviest of burdens. Those warriors that are ranged against him viz., the Souvirakas, the Sindhus, the Pauravas.

उदीच्या दाक्षिात्याश्च ये चान्येऽपि महारथाः। ये च कर्णमुखा राजन् रथोदाराः प्रकीर्तिताः॥
The Northerners, the Southerners and all cther mighty car-warriors and O king, they that are headed by Karna and are regarded to be most excellent warriors.

एतेऽर्जुनस्य क्रुद्धस्य कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम्। उद्युक्ता पृथिवी सर्वा ससुरासुरमानुषा॥
All these warriors, taken together, cannot equal the sixteenth part of Arjuna, when he becomes angry. The whole earta rising against him, with her gods, Asuras and men.

सराक्षसगणा राजन् सकिन्नरमहोरगा। जङ्गमाः स्थावराः सर्वे नालं पार्थस्य संयुगे॥
And the Rakshasas, the Kinnaras and the reptiles, O king, in fact, with all the mobile and immobile creatures, cannot withstand Pritha's son Arjuna in battle.

एवं ज्ञात्वा महाराज व्येतु ते भीर्धनंजये। यत्र वीरौ महेष्वासौ कृष्णौ सत्यपराक्रमौ॥
Knowing this, 0 king, let your apprehension on Dhananjaya's account be discarded, O mighty-monarch. Where the two heroic Krishnas, both fierce bowmen and both of prowess incapable of being baffled are present.

न तत्र कर्मणो व्यापत् कथञ्चिदपि विद्यते। दैवं कृतास्रतां योगममर्षमपि चाहवे॥ कृतज्ञतां दयां चैव भ्रातुस्त्वमनुचिन्तय। मयि चापि सहाये ते गच्छमानेऽर्जुनं प्रति॥
There cannot happen slightest impediment to their prowess incapable of being the baffled are present. There cannot happen the slightest impediment to their purpose. Think of the celestial prowess, the accomplishment in the use of weapons, the vast resources, the fierceness, the gratefulness and the kingheartedness of your brother in battle. When I shall leave this place for proceeding towards Arjuna.

द्रोणे चित्रास्रता संख्ये राजंस्तवमनुचिन्तय। आचार्यो हि भृशं राजन् निग्रहे तव गृध्यति॥
Think also of Drona, of the wonderful knowledge of weapons he will display in battle; O king, the preceptor earnestly longs to capture you in battle.

प्रतिज्ञामात्मनो रक्षन् सत्यां कर्तु च भारत। कुरुष्वाद्यत्मनो गुप्ति कस्ते गोप्ता गते मयि॥
And, O Bharata, he endeavours to keep his vow inviolate and true. Would you be able to protect yourself? Who shall protect you when I am gone?

यस्याहं प्रत्ययात् पार्थ गच्छेयं फाल्गुनं प्रति। न ह्यहं त्वां महाराज अनिक्षिप्य महाहवे॥
Who is he, whom I may entrust with your protection and then go towards Arjuna, O king? O mighty monarch, without making over the charge of protecting you in this battle, to somebody else.

क्वचिद् यास्यामि कौरव्य सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते। एतद्विचार्य बहुशो बुद्ध्या बुद्धिमतां चर॥ दृष्ट्वाश्रेयः परं बुद्ध्या ततो राजन् प्रशाधिमाम्॥
I cannot go away, O you of Kuru's race. This I tell you truly; O foremost of persons gifted with intelligence, considering view with the help of your understanding and ascertaining your highest good, do you command me, O king.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच एवमेतन्महाबाहो यथा वदसि माधव। न तु मे शुद्ध्यते भावः श्वेताश्वं प्रति मारिष॥
Yudhishthira said O descendant of Madhu's race O mightyarmed one, it is even so as you say. But inspite

of all this, my mind is not very sanguine regarding Arjuna that owner of white horses, O sire.

करिष्ये परमं यत्नमात्मनो रक्षणे ह्यहम्। गच्छ त्वं समनुज्ञातो यत्र यातो धनंजयः॥
I shall try my best to protect myself. Do you go, commanded by me, to the spot where : Dhananjaya has gone.

आत्मसंरक्षणं संख्ये गमनं चार्जुनं प्रति। विचार्यैतत् स्वयं बुद्ध्या गमनं तत्र
The protection of myself in battle and the necessity of rendering aid to Dhananjaya, weighting these two propositions in the balance of my understanding, I prefer that you should do the latter.

स त्वमातिष्ठ यानाय यत्र यातो धनंजयः। ममापि रक्षणं भीमः करिष्यति महाबलः॥
Therefore prepare yourself for proceeding to the spot where Dhananjaya has gone. The highly powerful Bhima will look after my protection.

पार्वतश्च ससोदर्यः पार्थिवाश्च महाबलाः। द्रौपदेयाश्च मां तात रक्षिष्यन्ति न संशयः॥
The son of Prisata with his uterine brothers, these mighty kings and the sons of Draupadi, O sire, will certainly, protect me.

केकया भ्रातरः पञ्च राक्षसश्च घटोत्कचः। विराटो दुपदश्चैव शिखण्डी च महारथः॥
The five Kekaya brothers, the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha and Virata, Drupada and the mighty car-warrior Sikhandin.

धृष्टकेतुश्च बलवान् कुन्तिभोजश्च मातुलः। नकुल-सहदेवश्च पञ्चालाः सृञ्जयास्तथा॥
Dhristaketu, the puissant Kuntibhoja and O sire, Nakula, Sahadeva and the Srinjayas.

एते समाहितास्तात रक्षियन्ति न संशयः। न द्रोणः सह सैन्येन कृतवर्मा च संयुगे॥
These warriors all, with great care, will surely exert themselves for protecting me. Neither Drona at the head of his troops, nor Kritavarman.

समासादयितुं शतो न च मां धर्षयिष्यति। धृष्टद्युम्नश्च समरे द्रोणं क्रुद्धं परंतपः॥ वारयिष्यति विक्रम्य वेलेव मकरालयम्। यत्र स्थास्यति संग्रामे पार्षतः परवीरहा॥
Will be able to defeat or afflict us. Dhrishtadyumna also that scorcher of foes, putting forth all his prowess in battle will hold the enraged Drona in check like the banks resisting the mighty main. In battle, where that slayer of foes viz., the son of Prisata will present him.

द्रोणो न सैनयं बलवत् कामेत् तत्र कथंचन। एष द्रोणविनाशाय समुत्पन्नो हुताशनात्॥
There Drona will not be able to pierce with force, our troops. For the destruction of Drona, Dhrishtadyumna has come out of fire.

कवची स शरी खड्गी धन्वी च वरभूषणः। विश्रब्धं गच्छ शैनेय मा कार्षीर्मयि सम्भ्रमम्। धृष्टद्युम्नो रणे क्रुद्धं द्रोणमावारयिष्यति॥
Cased in mail, armed with shafts, swords, bow and decked with many ornaments. Therefore, O grandson of Sini, go with an easy heart and entertain no anxiety on my account. Dhrishtadyumna himself will resist the enraged Drona in battle.